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Grandmother Elsie

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by Martha Finley


  "Within her heart was his image, Cloth'd in the beauty of love and youth, as last she beheld him, Only more beautiful made by his deathlike silence and absence." --_Longfellow_.

  The sick ones ware sleeping quietly when the mother entered; the doctorhad already breakfasted, and would assist Aunt Chloe and Dinah in watchingbeside them for the next hour, so the two Elsies--mother anddaughter--went down together to the breakfast parlor.

  They were a more silent party than usual at meal-time, for no one couldforget the two absent members of the family, or that they were sufferingupon beds of sickness; yet there was no gloom in any face or voice: theirfew words were spoken in cheerful tones, and each seemed unselfishlyintent upon promoting the comfort and happiness of all the others; on thepart of the children, especially of their grandfather and mother; eachyoung heart was evidently full to overflowing of tenderest sympathy andlove for her.

  She had been closely confined to the sick-room for several days, so thatit was a treat to have her with them at breakfast and at family worship,which followed directly upon the conclusion of the meal.

  It surprised them a little that when the short service came to an end, shedid not even then return at once to her sick little ones, but putting on agarden hat invited her eldest daughter to do likewise and come with herfor a short stroll in the grounds.

  "It will do us both good," she said as they stepped from the veranda uponthe broad, gravelled walk, "the air is so sweet and pure at this earlyhour; and you have not been out in it at all, have you?"

  "No, mamma; and what a treat it is to take it in your dear company," Elsieresponded, gathering a lovely, sweet-scented flower and placing it in thebosom of her mother's dress.

  "Thank you, love," Mrs. Travilla said; then went on to speak feelingly ofthe beauty and fragrance that surrounded them, and the unnumberedblessings of their lot in life.

  "Mamma, you seem to have a heart always filled with love and gratitude toGod, and never to be troubled with the least rebellious feeling, or anydoubts or fears for the future," remarked Elsie, sighing slightly as shespoke.

  "Have we any right or reason to indulge repining, doubts, or fears, whenwe know that all is ordered for us by One who loves us with aneverlasting and infinite love, and who is all-wise and all-powerful? O mydarling, no! Well may we say with the Psalmist, 'I will fear no evil, forthou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Surely goodnessand mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in thehouse of the Lord forever.' Oh what a blessed assurance! goodness andmercy while here in this world of trial--all things working together forour good, that so we may be brought at last safely to our desiredhaven--and then to be forever with the Lord!"

  "Mamma, I have been so anxious and troubled about my little brother andsister, and about Lester, I needed the lesson you have just given me, andhope I shall profit by it."

  "My dearest child, have faith in God; try to believe with all your heartthat he will never send you or any of his children one unneeded pang. I amsure you could never think I--your tender mother--would give you theslightest pain except for your certain good; and what is my love for youcompared to that of your Saviour? who died that you might live!"

  "Mamma," cried the young girl, pausing in her walk, laying her hand on hermother's arm and looking searchingly into the sweet, compassionate face,while her own grew deathly pale, "what is it you are trying to prepare mefor? O mamma!"

  A rustic seat stood close at hand.

  "Let us sit down here for a moment, dear daughter," Mrs. Travilla said,drawing Elsie to it with an arm about her waist. "You are right, mychild--I have news for you. Oh, not the worst, dearest!" as Elsie seemedto gasp for breath. "Lester lives, but is very ill with typhoid fever."

  "Mamma!" cried Elsie, starting to her feet, "I must go to him! go at once.O dearest mother, do not hinder me!" and she clasped her hands in piteousentreaty, the big tears rapidly chasing each other down her pale cheeks.

  "If I could go with you," faltered the mother, "or your grandfather; but Ican neither leave nor take my little ones, and he would never consent toleave me, or his poor old father, who seems just tottering on the verge ofthe grave."

  "I know! I see! but, O mother, mother! how can I let him die all alone ina stranger land? Think if it had been you and my father!"

  "What is your entreaty, daughter?" Mr. Dinsmore asked, coming up andlaying his hand affectionately upon his grandchild's shoulder.

  "To go to him--to Lester, grandpa. Oh, how can I stay away and leave himto die alone? to die for lack of the good nursing I could give him,perhaps to the saving of his life!"

  "My poor child! my poor dear child!" he said, caressing her; "we will seewhat can be done in the way of finding a suitable escort, and if that canbe obtained your mother will not, I think, withhold her consent."

  He had been telling the news to the others, and Edward had followed him,anxious to express the sympathy for his sister with which his heart wasfull.

  "An escort, grandpa?" he said. "Would mine be sufficient? Mamma, if youwill permit me, I shall gladly go to Lester, either with or withoutElsie."

  "My dear boy!" was all his mother said, her tones tremulous with emotion,while his grandfather turned and regarded him with doubtful scrutiny.

  "Oh, thank you, brother!" cried Elsie. "Mamma, surely you can trust me tohim! Who loves me better? except yourself--and who would take such tendercare of me?"

  "Mamma, I would guard her with my life!" exclaimed Edward earnestly.

  "My dear son, I do not doubt it," Mrs. Travilla answered, turning upon herfather a half-inquiring, half-entreating look.

  "If no older or more experienced person can be found."

  He paused, and Elsie burst out: "O grandpa, dear grandpa, don't say that!There is no time to lose! no time to look for other escort!"

  "That is true, my child; and we will not waste any time. Make yourpreparations as rapidly as you can, and if nothing better offers in themean while, and your mother consents to Edward's proposition, you shall gowith him--and Ben who travelled all over Europe with your father andmyself--as your protectors."

  She thanked him fervently through her tears, while her mother said, "Ahyes, that is a good thought, papa! Ben shall go with them."

  "Better go now and at once select whatever you wish to take with you, andset some one to packing your trunks," he said. "Edward, do you dolikewise, and I will examine the morning papers for information in regardto trains and the sailing of the next steamer. Daughter dear," to Mrs.Travilla, "you need give yourself no concern about any of these matters."

  "No, I shall trust everything to you, my best of fathers, and go back atonce to my sick darlings," she said, giving him a look of grateful love.

  Then passing her arm affectionately about her daughter's waist, she drewher on toward the house, her father and son accompanying them.

  She parted with Elsie at the door of the sick-room, embracing her tenderlyand bidding her "'Be strong and of a good courage,' my darling, for 'theeternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.'"

  "Dearest mamma, what sweet words!" said the weeping girl. "Oh, how glad Iam that God reigns! and that I know he will send to each of his childrenjust what is best."

  She turned away as the door closed upon her mother, and found Violet closeat her side.

  There was a silent affectionate embrace, and with their arms about eachother they sought Elsie's dressing-room.

  "Grandpa and Edward have told me," Violet said, "and you will let me helpyou, my poor dear sister? help in thinking and selecting what you willwant to carry with you."

  "Gladly, thankfully, for oh, I seem scarcely able to collect my thoughts!How can I leave mamma and all of you? and the darling little brother andsister so ill! and yet how can I stay away from Lester when he is sick andalone in a strange land, with not a friend to speak a cheering word,smooth his pillow, give h
is medicine, or see that he has proper food? OVi, can I help going to him, even at the sacrifice of leaving all othernear and dear ones?"

  "I think our mother would have done it for papa," Violet answered, kissingElsie's cheek.

  Mr. Dinsmore having first seen Ben, and found him more than willing to gowith the children of the master he had loved as his own soul, went to thelibrary, looked over the papers, and had just found the information hesought, when the sound of horses' hoofs on the avenue drew his attention,and glancing from the window he saw the Roselands carriage drive up withhis sister, Mrs. Conly, inside.

  He hastened out to assist her to alight.

  "Good-morning, Horace," she said. "Is my son Arthur here?"

  "Yes, Louise, he has spent the last hour or more in attendance upon oursick little ones. Ah, here he is to speak for himself!" as the youngdoctor stepped from the open doorway. "But won't you come in?"

  She demurred. "Is there any danger, Arthur?"

  "Danger of what, mother?"

  "You certainly understood me," she said half angrily; "danger ofcontagion, of course."

  "None for you, surely, mother, and none you could carry home unless youcame in personal contact with the sick children."

  "I shall sit here for a moment, then," she said, stepping from thecarriage and taking a chair upon the veranda. "How are they to-day?"

  "The sick little ones? The disease has not yet reached its crisis."

  "I hope they'll get safely over it: it's a good thing to have over. Howsoon can you be spared from here, Arthur?"

  "Now, mother, if I am needed elsewhere, I shall not be needed here--atleast am not likely to be--for some hours."

  "Then I wish you'd come home directly to see what you can do for yourgrandfather. He doesn't seem at all well to-day."

  "My father ill?" Mr. Dinsmore exclaimed in a tone of alarm and concern.

  "It hardly amounts to that, I presume," Mrs. Conly answered coldly; "buthe is not well; didn't eat a mouthful of breakfast."

  "Grandpa, did you find what you wanted in the morning paper?" queriedEdward, joining them at this moment. "Ah, Aunt Louise, how d'ye do?"

  She nodded indifferently, listening with some curiosity for her brother'sreply.

  "Yes," he said; "and I think you should leave to-night; for by so doingyou will reach New York in time to take the next steamer, if you meet withno great detention on the way. Do you think you can both be ready?"

  "I certainly can, sir, and have no doubt Elsie will also."

  "What is it? off to Europe?" asked Mrs. Conly in surprise. "What shouldcall you two children there at this time?"

  Mr. Dinsmore briefly stated the facts, giving the news of the morning,Elsie's wish, and Edward's offer to be her escort to Italy.

  "If she were a daughter of mine, I should consider a female companion anabsolute necessity," was Mrs. Conly's comment.

  "She will take her maid of course," said Mr. Dinsmore and Edward, bothspeaking at once.

  "Pooh! a maid! I mean a lady relative or friend. I said a companion, andthat a maid could not be."

  "I should be extremely glad if such could be found in the few hours thatwe have for our preparations," said her brother, "but I know of none; theFairview family are absent, Violet is too young----"

  "Of course," interrupted Mrs. Conly; "but there are other relatives. Iwould go myself if my means would warrant the expense."

  "If you are in earnest, Louise, you need not hesitate for a moment on thatscore; it shall not cost you a penny," her brother said, looking at her inpleased but half-incredulous surprise.

  "I was never more in earnest," she answered. "I don't think you give memuch credit for affection for your grandchildren, yet I certainly care toomuch for the one in question to willingly see her undertake such a journeywithout the support of female companionship. And I can be spared fromhome if you and Arthur will look after father; I have no young child now,and Aunt Maria is fully capable of taking charge of all household matters.If you wish me to go you have only to say so and guarantee my expenses,and I shall go home, oversee the packing of my trunks, and be ready assoon as the young people are."

  "Your offer is a most kind one, Louise, and I accept it even withoutwaiting to consult with my daughter," Mr. Dinsmore said.

  "Then I must go home at once, and set about my preparations immediately,"she said, rising to take leave.

  Arthur Conly as well as Edward Travilla had been a surprised but silentlistener to the short dialogue.

  "Can you spare your mother, Arthur?" his uncle asked.

  "We must, sir, if it pleases her to go, and for the sake of my two sweetcousins--Elsie senior and Elsie junior--I willingly consent. You take thenight train I understand?" turning to Edward.

  "Yes; to-night."

  "I shall see that my mother is at the depot in season;" and with that theytook their departure, Mr. Dinsmore saying, as he bade them adieu, that heshould ride over presently to see his father.

  Turning toward Edward, he saw that the lad's eyes were following theRoselands' carriage down the avenue, his face wearing a rueful look.

  "Grandpa," he said with a sigh, "I see no necessity for Aunt Louise'scompany, and, indeed, should very much prefer to be without it."

  "You forget that you are speaking to your grandfather of his sister," Mr.Dinsmore answered, with a touch of sternness in his tone.

  "I beg your pardon, sir," returned Edward. "She is so unlike you that I amapt to forget the relationship."

  "I know you do not always find your aunt's company agreeable," remarkedMr. Dinsmore, "and I do not blame you on that account, yet I think it willbe an advantage to you, and especially to your sister, to have with you awoman of her age and knowledge of the world. I wish I could go with youmyself, but I cannot think of leaving either my old father or your motherin this time of trial."

  "No, sir, oh no! Delightful as it would be to both of us for you to makeone of our little party, we would not for the world deprive dear mamma ofthe support and comfort of your presence here; nor our dear oldgrandfather either."


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