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Grandmother Elsie

Page 7

by Martha Finley


  "Therein he them fall fair did entertain, Not with such forged shows as fitter been For courting fools, that courtesies would faine, But with entire affection plain." --_Spenser's "Fairy Queen."_

  One bright morning in November the Ion family were gathered about thebreakfast-table. Rosie and Walter were there for the first time sincetheir severe illness, a trifle pale and thin still, but nearly in usualhealth, and very glad to be permitted to take their old places at thetable.

  Mrs. Dinsmore had returned from her sojourn at the Laurels, the home ofher daughter Rose; the grandchildren there, whom she had been nursing,having also recovered their health; and so the places of the eldest sonand daughter of the house were the only vacant ones.

  Both Elsie and Edward were sorely missed, especially by the mother andViolet.

  "It seems time we had letters again from our absentees, papa," Mrs.Travilla remarked as she poured the coffee. "We have had none since thetelegram giving the hour for the wedding."

  "No, but perhaps we may hear this morning--the mail has not come yet."

  "Yes, grandpa; here comes Solon with it," said Harold, glancing from thewindow.

  In a few moments the man came in bringing the mail-bag, which he handed toMr. Dinsmore.

  All looked on with interest, the younger ones in eager expectation, whiletheir grandfather opened it and examined the contents.

  "Yes, daughter, there is a letter from each of them, both directed toyou," he said, glancing over the addresses on several letters which he nowheld in his hand. "Here, Tom," to the servant in waiting, "take these toyour mistress. Don't read them to the neglecting of your breakfast," headded with a smile, again addressing Mrs. Travilla.

  "No, sir; they will keep," she answered, returning the smile; "and youshall all share the pleasure of their perusal with me after prayers.Doubtless they give the particulars we all want so much to learn."

  They all gathered round her at the appointed time. She held the lettersopen in her hand, having already given them a cursory examination lestthere should be some little confidence intended for none but "mother's"eye.

  "Papa," she said, looking up half tearfully, half smilingly at him as hestood at her side, "the deed is indeed done, and another claims myfirst-born darling as his own."

  "You have not lost her, Elsie dearest, but have gained a son; and I trustwe shall have them both with us ere long," he responded, bending down totouch his lips to the brow still as smooth and fair as in the days of hergirlhood.

  "Poor dear Elsie! how she must have missed and longed for you, dearestmamma!" Violet sighed, kneeling close to her mother's chair and puttingher arms around her.

  "What is it? all about Elsie's wedding?" asked Herbert. "Please let ushear it, mamma. The telegram told nothing but the hour when it was to be,and I was so surprised, for I never understood that that was what she wentaway for."

  "Nor I," said Harold; "though I suppose it was very stupid in us not tounderstand."

  "Who did get married with my sister Elsie, mamma?" asked little Walter.

  "Mr. Leland, my son."

  "But I thought he was most dead," remarked Rosie in surprise.

  "He has been very ill," her mother said, "but is improving fast, thoughnot yet able to sit up."

  Rosie, opening her eyes wide in astonishment, was beginning anotherquestion when Harold stopped her.

  "Wait, Rosie, don't you see mamma is going to read the letters? They willtell us all about it, I presume."

  "I shall read Edward's first, it gives a very minute account of what theyhave done since he wrote us last, just after their arrival in Rome," themother said. "He is a good boy to take the trouble to tell us everythingin detail; is he not, papa?"

  "Yes," Mr. Dinsmore assented, seating himself by her side and taking Rosieupon one knee, Walter on the other; "and so good a mother richly deservesgood, thoughtful sons and daughters, ever ready to do all in their powerto promote her happiness, or afford her pleasure. Does she not, children?"

  "Yes, grandpa, indeed she does!" they replied in chorus.

  Her sweet soft eyes glistened with happy tears as she sent a loving glanceround the little circle; then all becoming perfectly quiet and attentive,she began to read.

  Edward's first item of news was that the marriage had just taken place;the next that Lester's health was steadily improving. Then came adescription of the rooms they were occupying; both as they were when firstseen by Elsie and himself and as they had become under his renovating andimproving hands.

  After that he drew a vivid picture of Elsie's appearance in her bridalrobes, told who were present at the ceremony, who performed it, how theseveral actors acquitted themselves, and what refreshments were servedafter it was over.

  He said he thought happiness was working a rapid cure with Lester, andthat from all he could see and hear, his success as both painter andsculptor was already assured.

  Elsie's themes were the same, but she had much to say of Edward's kindthoughtfulness, his energy and helpfulness; "the best and kindest ofbrothers," she called him, and as she read the words the mother's eyesshone with love and pride in her eldest son.

  But her voice trembled, and the tears had to be wiped away once and againwhen she came to that part of the letter in which Elsie told of herfeelings as she robed herself for her bridal with none to assist butDinah; how sad was her heart, dearly as she loved Lester, and how full oflonging for home and mother and all the dear ones so far away; then of thecomfort she found in the idea that possibly the dear departed father mightbe near her in spirit.

  "Was it wrong, mamma," she asked, "to think he might perhaps be allowed tobe a ministering spirit to me in my loneliness? and to find pleasure inthe thought?"

  "Mamma, what do you think about it?" asked Herbert.

  "I do not know that we have any warrant for the idea in the Scriptures,"she answered; "it seems to be one of the things that is not revealed; yetI see no harm in taking comfort in the thought that it may be so. My poorlonely darling! I am glad she had that consolation. Ah, papa, what adifferent wedding from mine!"

  "Yes," he said, "and from what we thought hers would be. But I trust shewill never see cause to regret the step she has taken. Lester is worthsaving even at the sacrifice she has made."

  His daughter looked at him with glistening eyes. "Thank you, papa, that isa good thought, and consoles me greatly for both our darling andourselves."

  She went on with the reading of the letter; there were but a few moresentences; then, while the others discussed its contents, Violet stolequietly from the room, unobserved as she thought. But in that she wasmistaken. Her mother's eyes followed her with a look of love and sympathy.

  "Dear child!" she said in a low aside to her father, "she misses Elsiesorely; I sometimes think almost more than I do, they were so inseparableand so strongly attached."

  Vi's heart was very full, for Elsie's marriage, though far, far from beingso great a sorrow as the death of their father, seemed in some respectseven more the breaking up of a life that had been very sweet.

  She sought the studio she and Elsie had shared together (how lonely anddeserted it seemed!) and there gave vent to her feelings in a burst oftears.

  "O Elsie, darling! we were so happy together! such dear friends! withnever a disagreement, hardly a thought unshared! And now I am alone! allalone!"

  She had unconsciously spoken aloud. A soft sweet voice echoed the lastword.

  "Alone! ah, my darling, no! not while your mother lives. You and I mustcling the closer together, Vi dearest," the voice went on, while twoloving arms enfolded her and a gentle kiss was imprinted upon cheek andbrow.

  "Dearest mamma!" cried Violet, returning the caress, "forgive me that Ishould indulge in such grief while you are left me--you and your dearlove, the greatest of earthly treasures."

  "Yes, dear child, your grief is very natural. These changes, though notunmixed calamities, are one of the hard conditions of life in this lowerw
orld, dear daughter; but we must not let them mar our peace andhappiness; let us rejoice over the blessings that are left, rather thanweep for those that are gone."

  "I will, mamma," Violet said, wiping away her tears. "Ah, how much I stillhave to rejoice in and be thankful for!"

  "Yes, dear, we both have! and not the least the love of Him who has said,'Lo, _I_ am with you _alway_.' Oh the joy, the bliss of knowing that_nothing_ can ever part us from _Him_! And then to know, too, that someday we shall all be together in His immediate presence, beholding His faceand bearing His image!"

  Neither spoke again for some moments, then the mother said, "Vi, dearest,there is nothing more conducive to cheerfulness at such a time as thisthan being fully employed. So I ask you to take charge of Rosie and Walterfor a few hours. They are not yet well enough for tasks or for out doorsports, but need to be amused. And your grandpa and grandma want me todrive with them to the Laurels and Roselands."

  "Yes, do go, mamma, and try to enjoy yourself. You have seen so little ofAunt Adelaide since she came, or of Aunt Rosie, since the sickness beganwith her children and ours. Thank you for your trust, I shall do my best,"Violet said with cheerful alacrity. "Ah, the recovery of the darlings isone of the many mercies we have to be thankful for!"

  "Yes, Vi, and my heart is full of joy and gratitude to the GreatPhysician."

  At Roselands Mrs. Conly still lay helpless on her couch, her conditionhaving changed very slightly for the better; she could now at times, withgreat effort, speak a word or two, but friends and physicians had scarcelya hope of any further improvement; she might live on thus for years, oranother stroke might at any moment bring the end.

  Cut off from all other means of communicating her thoughts and feelings,she could show them only by the expression of her countenance, which wassullen, fierce, despairing, piteous by turns.

  She had the best of care and nursing from her sisters, her sons, and herold mammy, assisted occasionally by other friends and relatives, and couldnot fail to read in their faces and the tones of their voices tender pityand sympathy for her in her sore affliction.

  They could not tell whether she understood all that was said to her, buthoping that she did, spoke often to her of the loving Saviour and tried tolead her to Him.

  Hitherto the Ion friends had not been able to be with her a great deal,but it had not been necessary, as Adelaide was still at Roselands.

  She, however, expected soon to return to her own home, and there wouldthen be greater need of their services; therefore there was double reasonfor thankfulness for the restoration to health of the little ones at Ionand the Laurels; releasing, as it did, both Mrs. Dinsmore and Mrs.Travilla from the cares and labors which had occupied them for some weekspast.

  The latter gave expression to that thought while driving to the Laurelswith her father and his wife, adding, "I can now hold myself in readinessto take Aunt Adelaide's place at any moment."

  "Not with my consent," said Mr. Dinsmore emphatically; "if you consideryourself at all under my authority you will take a week at least of entirerest and relaxation."

  She looked at him with her own sweet smile, full of filial love andreverence, and putting her hand in his, said, "Yes, my dear father, thatis still one of my great happinesses, as it has been almost ever since Ican remember. Ah, it is often very restful to me just to resign myself toyour wise, loving guidance and control!"

  His fingers closed over the small, daintily gloved hand, holding it in awarm and tender clasp.

  "Then do not forget that you are not to undertake anything that can taxyour strength, without my knowledge and permission. Nor must you, Rose,"he added with playful authority, turning an affectionate, smiling glanceupon her; "you too are worn out and must have rest."

  "Well, my dear," she said laughingly, "I make no rash promises. You know Inever have equalled Elsie in submissiveness."

  "No; and yet you have usually shown yourself amenable to authority."

  "Perhaps because it has so seldom been exerted," she saucily returned. "Mydear, we have not yet had our first quarrel."

  "And have lived together for thirty odd years. I think it would hardly beworth while to begin after so long a delay."

  "Nor do I," she said, "therefore shall probably yield to your wishes inthis matter--or commands, call them what you will; especially as they arein full accord with my own inclinations."

  "Elsie," he said, turning to his daughter again, "I have taken the libertyof inviting some guests to Ion this morning."

  "Liberty, papa!" she exclaimed. "It would be impossible for you to takeliberties with me or mine; I consider your rights and authority in anyhouse of mine fully equal, if not superior to my own. If the mistress ofthe mansion be subject to your control," she added, with a bright look upinto his face, and much of the old time archness in her smile, "surely allelse must be."

  "Thank you, daughter; then I have not taken a liberty, but I have invitedthe guests all the same. You do not ask how it happened or who they are,but I proceed to explain.

  "In glancing over the morning paper, while you and Rose were attiringyourselves for the drive, I saw among the items of news that Donald Keithis in our city. So I dispatched Solon with a carriage and a hastilywritten note, asking Donald to come out to see us, bringing with him anyfriend or friends he might choose."

  "I am glad you did, papa; they shall have a warm welcome. But will it notmake it necessary for us to return home earlier than we intended?"

  "No, not at all, it is not likely they will arrive until near our dinnerhour--if they come at all to-day, and if they should be there earlier,Violet is quite capable of entertaining them."

  "Yes," said Mrs. Dinsmore, "I know of no one more competent to minister tothe enjoyment of either grown people or children. As regards talent,sweetness of disposition, and utter unselfishness combined, our Vi is onein a thousand."

  "Thank you, mamma, for saying it," Elsie said, her eyes shining withpleasure. "She seems all that to me; but I thought it might be thatmother love magnified her good qualities and made me blind to herimperfections."

  Violet, in the nursery at home, was showing herself worthy of theseencomiums by her efforts to amuse the little ones and keep them frommissing the dear mother who had been so constantly with them of late. Sheplayed quiet little games with them, told them beautiful stories, showedthem pictures and drew others for them, dressed dolls for Rosie and cutpaper horses for Walter.

  Several hours were passed thus, then seeing them begin to look weary--forthey were still weak from their recent illness--she coaxed them to liedown while she sang them to sleep.

  The closed eyes and soft breathing telling that they slept, she rose andbent over them a moment, gazing tenderly into each little face, thendrawing out her watch and turning to the old nurse, whispered, "It is timefor me to dress for dinner, mammy. I'll go now, but if they wake and wantme let me know at once."

  Her toilet was scarcely completed when the sound of wheels caught herears.

  "There! mamma has come! Dear, dear mamma!" she said half aloud, andpresently hastened from the room to meet and welcome her.

  But instead a servant was coming leisurely up the broad stairway.

  "Where is mamma, Prilla?" the young girl asked in a slightly disappointedtone.

  "Miss Elsie not come yet, Miss Wilet. De gentlemen is in de drawin'-room,"Prilla answered, handing two visiting-cards to her young mistress.

  "'Donald Keith, U.S.A.,'" read Violet with a brightening countenance, asshe glanced at the first.

  On the other was inscribed, "L. Raymond, U.S.N."

  Violet hastening to the drawing-room, met her cousin with outstretchedhand and cordial greeting.

  "I am so glad you have come, Cousin Donald! We have all wanted you to seeIon."

  "Thank you, Cousin Violet; you can't have wished it more than I, I amsure," he said, with a look of delight. "Allow me to introduce my friend,Captain Raymond, of the navy. You see I took your grandfather at his wordand brought a friend with m

  Violet had already given her hand to her cousin's friend--as such he musthave no doubtful welcome--but at Donald's concluding sentence she turnedto him again with a look of surprised inquiry, which he was about toanswer, when the door opened and Mr. Dinsmore, his wife and daughter camein.

  There were fresh greetings and introductions, Mr. Dinsmore saying, as heshook hands with the guests, "So you received my hasty note, Donald, andaccepted for yourself and friend? That was right. You are both mostwelcome, and we hope will find Ion pleasant enough to be willing toprolong your stay and to desire to visit us again."

  "Thank you, I was certain of that before I came," said Donald.

  "And I surely am now that I am here," remarked the captain gallantly, andwith an admiring glance from Mrs. Dinsmore's still fresh, bright, andcomely face to the more beautiful ones of Elsie and her daughter.

  Elsie's beauty had not faded, she was still young and fair in appearance,with the same sweetly pure and innocent expression which old Mrs. Dinsmorehad been wont to stigmatize as "that babyish look." And Violet's face waspeerless in its fresh young beauty.

  As for the captain himself, he was a man of commanding presence, noblecountenance, and magnificent physique, with fine dark eyes and anabundance of dark brown curling hair and beard; evidently Donald's seniorby some years, yet not looking much, if at all, over thirty.

  The two older ladies presently left the room to reappear shortly in dinnerdress.

  While they were gone Mr. Dinsmore engaged the captain in conversation,and Donald and Violet talked together in a low aside.

  "Your sister is well, I hope?" he remarked interrogatively.

  "Elsie? We had letters from her and Edward this morning. They were well atthe time of writing."

  "They are not at home then?" he said in a tone of surprise anddisappointment.

  "Oh, no! had you not heard?" and Violet's eyes filled. "It is veryfoolish, I'm afraid," she went on in half tremulous tones, in answer tohis inquiring look, "but I can't help feeling that Lester Leland hasrobbed me of my sister."

  "She is married? and has gone to a home of her own?"

  Violet answered by telling the story as succinctly as possible.

  "He was in Italy pursuing his art studies," she said. "They had becomeengaged shortly before he went, and a few weeks ago we heard he was veryill with typhoid fever. Elsie at once said she must go to him, she couldnot let him die for lack of good nursing. So grandpa and mamma consentedto her going with Edward and our faithful old Ben--papa's foster-brotherand body-servant, who travelled for years with him in Europe--forprotectors.

  "Of course she took a maid too, and Aunt Louise offered to go with them,but was taken sick in New York, so had to be left behind.

  "They found Lester very but not hopelessly ill, and the joy of seeing themhad an excellent effect. So they were married, Cousin Donald. Just thinkhow sad for poor Elsie! away from mamma and all of us except Edward!"

  "It was sad for her, I am sure!" he said with warm sympathy, "and very,very noble and unselfish in her to leave all for him."

  "Yes; and yet not more, I think, than any right-minded woman would do forthe man she loved well enough to marry."

  Harold and Herbert came in at that moment full of boyish enthusiasm anddelight over the arrival of "Cousin Donald," whom they liked and admiredextremely; in especial for his fine figure, soldierly bearing, andpleasant, kindly manner.

  They had hardly done shaking hands with him and Captain Raymond, to whomtheir grandfather introduced them with a look of paternal pride, whentheir mother and "Grandma Rose" returned to the drawing-room, and dinnerwas announced.


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