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Grandmother Elsie

Page 18

by Martha Finley


  "My cake is dough." --_Shakespeare_.

  It was a warm afternoon late in June.

  "There! I'm done with lessons for a while anyway, and glad of it too!"exclaimed Lulu Raymond, coming into Mrs. Scrimp's sitting-room anddepositing her satchel of school-books upon the table.

  "So am I, Lu, for now you'll have time to make that new dress for mydollie, won't you?" Gracie said languidly, from the sofa where she lay.

  "Yes, little pet, and ever so many other things. But oh dear! holidaysaren't much after all when you can't go anywhere or have any fun. I dowonder when we'll see papa again."

  "Pretty soon, Lu," cried a boyish voice in tones of delight, and turningquickly she found Max at the window, wearing a brighter face than he hadshown her for many a day, and holding up a bulky letter.

  "O Max!" she cried, "is it from papa?"

  "Yes; and I'm coming in to read it to you if you and Gracie are alone."

  "Yes, we are; Aunt Beulah's gone out calling and Ann's busy in thekitchen."

  "Then here I am!" he said, vaulting lightly in through the window.

  Lulu laughed admiringly. "I'd like to try that myself," she said.

  "Oh, don't, Lu!" said Gracie, "Aunt Beulah would scold you like anything."

  "Let her scold! who cares!" returned Lulu with a scornful toss of thehead, while Max, who had gone to the side of Gracie's sofa, stooped overher, and softly patting the thin pale cheek, asked how she felt to-day.

  "'Bout the same as usual, Maxie," she said, with a languid smile.

  "O Max, hurry and tell us what papa says in the letter!" cried Luluimpatiently. "Is it good news?"

  "First-rate, girls! couldn't be better! He's coming here next week andgoing to take us all away with him!"

  "Oh! oh! oh! how delightful!" cried Lulu, clapping her hands and dancingabout the room, while Grace clasped her hands in ecstasy, saying, "Oh, Iam so glad!"

  "Come, Lu, sit down here beside us and be quiet," said Max, seatinghimself beside Grace on the sofa, and motioning toward a low rocking-chairnear at hand. "I'm going to read the letter aloud, and then I havesomething to show you."

  Lulu took possession of the rocking-chair, folded her hands in her lap,and Max began.

  The letter was written from Saratoga, where the captain and his bride hadpaused for a few days on their wedding tour, and was addressed to allthree of his children.

  He told them of his marriage, described Violet, her mother, and the lifeat Ion in glowing terms, spoke very highly of Mr. and Mrs. Dinsmore andthe younger members of the family, then told of their kind offer to sharetheir happy home with his children if they should prove themselves goodand obedient.

  But here Lulu interrupted the reading with a passionate outburst. "Astep-mother! I won't have her! Papa had no business to go and give her tous!"

  "Why, Lu!" exclaimed Max, "of course he had a right to get married if hewanted to! And I'm very glad he did, for I'm sure they must be much nicerfolks to live with than Mr. Fox and Mrs. Scrimp."

  "Just like a silly boy to talk so!" returned Lulu, with a mixture of angerand scorn in her tones. "Step-mothers are always hateful and cross andabuse the children and won't let their father love them any more,and----"

  "Now who's been telling you such lies, sis?" interrupted Max. "There arebad ones and good ones among them, the same as among other classes ofpeople. And papa says his new wife is sweet and kind and good toeverybody. And if she loves him won't she want to be good to his children?I should think so, I'm sure. Now let me read the rest of his letter."

  In that the captain went on to tell of the cottages by the sea engaged forthe summer, and that thither he and Violet purposed to go the next week,taking his children with them. He wound up with some words of fatherlyaffection and hope that brighter days than they had known for a long timewere now in store for them.

  There was a postscript from Violet: "I am longing to see the dear childrenof my husband, especially poor, little sick Gracie. I am sure we shalllove each other very much for his dear sake."

  "There now, Lu, you see she means to be kind to us," was Max's satisfiedcomment, as he refolded the missive and put it back into the envelope.

  Lulu was one who never liked to retreat from a position she had oncetaken. "Oh, it's easy to talk," she said, "acting's another thing. I'm notgoing to be caught with chaff."

  "See here!" said Max, showing a photograph.

  "Oh, what a pretty lady!" cried Gracie, holding out an eager hand for it.

  Max gave it to her, and Lulu sprang up and bent over her to get a goodview of it also.

  "Who is it?" she asked.

  "Isn't she pretty? isn't she perfectly beautiful, and sweet-looking as shecan be?" said Max, ignoring the question.

  "Yes, she's just lovely; but why don't you say who she is, if you know?"

  "She's papa's new wife, the new mamma you are determined to believe isgoing to be so hateful."

  "I'm sure she won't. She does look so sweet, I just love her already!"Gracie said.

  Lulu, too proud to retract, yet strongly drawn toward the possessor of sosweet and lovely a countenance as was pictured there, kept silence, gazingintently upon the photograph which Gracie still held.

  "Whose is it, Max?" asked the latter.

  "Mine I suppose, though papa doesn't say; but we'll find out when hecomes."

  "Oh, I'm so glad, so glad he's coming soon! Aren't you, Maxie?"

  "I never was gladder in my life!" cried Max. "And just think how nice togo and live by the sea all summer! There'll be lots of fun boating andbathing and fishing!"

  "Oh, yes!" chimed in Lulu, "and papa is always so kind about taking us toplaces and giving us a good time."

  "But I can't have any!" sighed Gracie from her couch.

  "Yes, papa will manage it somehow," said Max; "and the sea air and plentyto eat will soon make you ever so much stronger."

  They chatted on for some time, growing more and more delighted with theprospect before them; then Max said he must go.

  He wanted to take the photograph with him, but generously yielded toGracie's entreaties that it might be left with her till he came again.

  She and Lulu were still gazing upon it and talking together of theoriginal--Max having gone--when Mrs. Scrimp came in, looking greatly vexedand perturbed.

  She too had received a letter from Capt. Raymond that day, telling of hismarriage and his intentions in regard to his children; directing also thatthey and their luggage should be in waiting at a hotel near the depot ofthe town at the hour of a certain day of the coming week when he and hisbride expected to arrive by a train from the West.

  There would be a two hours' detention there while they waited for thetrain that was to carry them to their final destination, which would allowtime for an interview between the captain and herself.

  The news was entirely unexpected and very unwelcome to Mrs. Scrimp. Shewould have much preferred to keep the little girls, for the sake of thegain they were to her and a real affection for Gracie; also because ofhaving neglected to follow out the captain's directions in regard tothem--Gracie in particular--she felt no small perturbation at the prospectof meeting and being questioned by him.

  As was not unusual she vented her displeasure upon Lulu, scolding becauseher school-books and hat had not been put in their proper places, her hairand dress made neat.

  "I'll put them away presently, Aunt Beulah. You'll not be bothered with memuch longer," remarked the delinquent nonchalantly, her eyes still uponthe photograph Gracie was holding.

  "What's that?" asked Mrs. Scrimp, catching sight of it for the first time.

  "Our new mamma," the children answered in a breath, Gracie's tones full ofgentle joyousness, Lulu's of a sort of defiant exultation, especially asshe added, "Papa's coming next week to take us away to live at home withhim."

  "On shipboard?"

  "No, in a cottage by the sea."

  "Humph! he'll soon sail away again and leave you with
your step-mother,just as I told you."

  "Well, I don't care, she looks enough kinder and sweeter than you do."

  "Indeed! I pity her, poor young thing!" sighed Mrs. Scrimp, scanning thephotograph with keen curiosity. "She's very young--a mere child I shouldsay--and to think of the trouble she'll have with you and Max!"

  "We're not going to be a trouble to her," said Lulu, "we're never atrouble to people that treat us decently."

  "I think your father might have given me an earlier warning of thesechanges," grumbled Mrs. Scrimp. "I'll have to work myself sick to get youtwo ready in time."

  "Oh, no, Aunt Beulah, you needn't," said little Gracie, "the new mamma canget somebody to make our clothes for us. Papa will pay for it."

  "Of course he will," said Lulu. "You needn't do anything but have those wehave now all washed and ironed and packed up ready to go."

  "That's all you know about it!" returned Mrs. Scrimp sharply. "You haven'teither of you a suitable dress for travelling in, especially in companywith your father's rich wife. I'll have to go right out now to the storesand buy material, get a dress-maker to come in to-morrow bright and early,and help her myself all I can. There'll be no rest for me now till you'reoff."

  There was no rest for anybody else in the interim except Gracie. As Annremarked rather indignantly to Lulu, adding, "She's as cross as twosticks."

  "What makes her so cross?" asked Lulu. "I should think she'd be so gladshe's going to be rid of me that she'd feel uncommonly good-natured."

  "Not she!" laughed Ann, "she counted on the money your father pays foryears to come; but he's gone and got married and her cake is dough sureenough."

  "I'm glad he did," returned Lulu emphatically. "I've made up my mind thatsuch a sweet-looking lady as our new mamma must be a great deal nicer andkinder than Aunt Beulah, if she is a step-mother."

  "She _is_ sweet-lookin', that's a fact," said Ann. "I only wish I wasgoin' to make the change as well as you."

  The eventful day came at last to the children; all too soon to Mr. Fox andMrs. Scrimp, neither of whom relished the task of giving account of paststewardship; for conscience accused both of unfaithfulness to thecaptain's trust.

  The three children were gathered in the hotel parlor, impatiently awaitingthe arrival of the train. Mrs. Scrimp sat a little apart, fidgety and illat ease, though ensconced in a most comfortable, cushioned arm-chair; andMr. Fox paced the veranda outside, wondering if Max had dared or woulddare to inform his father of the cruel treatment received at his hands,and if so, whether the captain would credit the story.

  Violet and the captain had thus far had a delightful honeymoon, findingtheir mutual love deepening every hour, yet were not so engrossed witheach other as to quite forget his children; they had talked of themfrequently, and were now looking forward to the coming interview withscarcely less eagerness than the young people themselves.

  "We are almost there; it's the next station," said the captain withsatisfaction, beginning to collect satchels and parcels.

  "Oh, I am glad!" exclaimed Violet. "I long to see the dear children and towitness their delight in being taken into--their father's arms." Theconcluding words were spoken tremulously and with starting tears as a gushof tender memories came over her.

  Her husband understood it, and clasping her hand fondly in his bent overher with a whispered, "My darling! my own sweet precious little wife!"

  She answered him with a look of love and joy. Then after a moment'ssilence, "Do you think, Levis, that they will be pleased that--that youhave given them a step-mother?" she asked timidly and with a sigh.

  "If they don't fall in love with your sweet face at first sight I shall beexceedingly surprised," he said, gazing upon her with the fondestadmiration.

  "Ah, I cannot hope so much as that!" she sighed; "children are so apt tohear and treasure up unkind remarks about stepmothers; but I shall hope towin their hearts in time. It seems to me we cannot fail to love each otherwith such a bond of union as our common love to you."

  "No, I trust not," he said, with a bright, happy smile. "I think they arewarm-hearted children; I'm sure they love their father; and it does seemto me utterly impossible that they should fail to love the dearest,loveliest, sweetest little lady in the world merely because she has becomethat father's wife."

  The whistle blew loudly, the train rushed on with redoubled speed,slackened, came to a stand-still, and in another minute the captain hadalighted and was handing out Violet.

  "Papa! oh, I'm so glad you're come at last!" cried a boyish voice at hisside.

  "Max, my dear boy!"

  There was a hasty, hearty embrace, Violet standing smiling by, then thecaptain said, "Violet, my love, this is my son," and Max, moved by asudden impulse, threw his arms about her neck and kissed her in a raptureof delight, so sweet and beautiful did she appear in his eyes.

  "Oh, I beg your pardon!" he stammered, releasing her and stepping back alittle, afraid he had taken too great a liberty. But venturing a secondglance into her face, he saw that she was smiling sweetly through herblushes.

  "No apology is needed, Max," she said cheerily. "My brothers are alwaysready with a kiss for mamma and sisters. And, since I am not old enough tobe your mother, you will let me be your older sister; won't you?"

  "Oh, thank you, yes!" said Max. "Papa, let me carry the parcels. Mysisters are waiting for us there in the hotel on the other side of thestreet. Gracie couldn't run across as I did, and Lu stayed with her."

  "That was quite right," said his father. "I am in great haste to see mydarlings, but would rather not do so in a crowd."

  There was a very strong affection between the captain and his children.The hearts of the little girls beat fast, and their eyes filled withtears of joy as they saw him cross the street and come into the room wherethey were. With a cry of joy they threw themselves into his arms, and heclasped both together to his heart, caressing them over and over again,Violet looking on with eyes brimful of sympathetic tears.

  The next moment the captain remembered her, and releasing the children,introduced her. "This, my darlings, is the sweet lady whose picture I sentyou the other day, I am sure you will love her for papa's sake and her owntoo."

  "Will you not, dears?" Vi said, kissing them in turn. "I love you alreadybecause you are his."

  "I think I shall," Lulu said emphatically, after one long, searching lookinto the sweet azure eyes; then turned to her father again.

  But Gracie, putting both arms round Violet's neck, held up her face foranother kiss, saying in joyous tones, "Oh, I do love you now! my sweet,pretty new mamma!"

  "You darling!" responded Violet, holding her close. "I've wanted to haveyou and nurse you well again ever since I heard how weak and sick youwere."

  The words, reaching the ear of Mrs. Scrimp, as she hovered in thebackground, brought a scowl to her brow. "As if she--an ignorant youngthing--could do better for the child than I!" she said to herself.

  "Ah, Mrs. Scrimp!" the captain said, suddenly becoming aware of herpresence, and turning toward her with outstretched hand, "how d'ye do?Allow me to introduce you to Mrs. Raymond." Violet offered her hand andwas given two fingers, while a pair of sharp black eyes looked coldly andfixedly into hers.

  Violet dropped the fingers, seated herself, and drew Gracie into her lap.

  "Am I not too heavy for you to hold?" the child asked, nestlingcontentedly in the arms that held her.

  "Heavy!" exclaimed Violet, tears starting to her eyes as they rested uponthe little thin, pale face. "You are extremely light, you poor darling!but I hope soon to see you grow fat and rosy in the sea air your papa willtake you to."

  The captain had just left the room in search of Mr. Fox, taking Max withhim.

  "You will have to be very careful not to overfeed that child, or you willhave her down sick," remarked Mrs. Scrimp with asperity, addressingViolet. "She ought never to eat anything at all after three o'clock in theafternoon."

  Vi's heart swelled with indignation. "No wonder she is lit
tle more thanskin and bone, if that is the way she has been served!" she said, givingMrs. Scrimp as severe a look as her sweet, gentle countenance was capableof expressing.

  "She'd have been in her grave long ago if she hadn't been served so!"snapped Mrs. Scrimp. "I'm old enough to be your mother, Mrs. Raymond, andhaving had that child in charge for over two years--ever since her ownmother died--I ought to know what's good for her and what isn't. She isnaturally delicate, and to be allowed to overload her stomach would be thedeath of her. I can't eat after three o'clock, and neither can she."

  "A grown person is no rule for a child," observed Violet, gently smoothingGracie's hair; "children need to eat enough to supply material for growthin addition to the waste of the system. Was it by the advice of acompetent physician you subjected her to such a regimen?"

  "I've always had medical advice for her when it was needed," snapped Mrs.Scrimp.

  The captain re-entered the room at that moment. He had made short workwith Mr. Fox, paying his bill, and sending him away with his ears tinglingfrom a well-merited rebuke for his savage treatment of a defencelesschild.

  It was Mrs. Scrimp's turn now; there was no evading the direct, pointedquestions of the captain, and she was compelled to acknowledge that shehad followed out her own theories in the treatment of Gracie, instead ofconsulting a physician, even after he had directed her to seek medicaladvice and treat the child in careful accordance with it.

  "Well, madam," he remarked with much sternness and indignation, "if mylittle girl is an invalid for life, I shall always feel that you areresponsible for it."

  "I've been a mother to your children, Capt. Raymond," she exclaimed,growing white with anger, "and this is your gratitude!"

  "A mother!" he said, glancing from her to Vi, "I hope there are few suchmothers in the world. My poor starved baby! papa's heart aches to think ofwhat you have had to endure," he added in moved tones, the big tearsshining in his eyes, as he lifted Gracie on his knees and fondled hertenderly.

  Mrs. Scrimp rose and took an abrupt and indignant leave, her bill havingbeen already settled.


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