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Page 12

by Evans, Gabrielle

  “Did he put my brother in the well?”

  All heads turned and every set of eyes in the room landed on Lynk. He didn’t flinch or cower under their scrutiny, though. The look of anger and determination that shone on his face was sexy and provocative. It wasn’t often that he asserted himself, but when he did, it always left Kieran in a state of high arousal.

  “Thane is in a well?”

  Lynk spared him a glance, his eyes softening just a bit at the corners before the mask fell over his face once more, and he faced down the rest of the room. “Thane said he’s being imprisoned inside a well, but he doesn’t know who’s holding him. He also said that he Flawless 117

  was abducted while in Belgium then brought here to Wyoming about two years ago.”

  “What else did he say?” Torren looked anxious for the information, an expression not common to the elder’s visage.

  Lynk dropped his chin to his chest and sighed. “He thinks we should try to get Zasha on our side. If we can convince Zasha that it is really Thane who is his mate, then he’ll want to do whatever he can to find him. That is Thane’s theory anyway.” He finally lifted his head and stared across the distance at Torren. “I don’t know what to think or who to trust.”

  “We don’t trust anyone until they prove otherwise.” Kieran wasn’t about to gamble Lynk’s safety on a hunch. Unless someone had some solid evidence to persuade him otherwise, Zasha was still the enemy.

  Torren studied him for a moment and dipped in his head in what Kieran assumed was agreement. Then he clasped his hands behind his back and turned to Raven. “What did Gideon say?”

  “Not much. He did apologize about the whole fiasco with Lynk and Zasha, though. It makes me think that if something is going on in Snake River, Gideon isn’t in on it. I’ve known him for a long time, and I’m confident that I could tell if he was lying.” It was still hearsay and not nearly good enough for Kieran.

  Settling against the wall at his back, he wound his arm around Lynk’s shoulders and pulled him closer to his side. It wasn’t sexual in nature, but he needed the physical contact with his mate. Maybe if he held on tight enough, he could shield the man from the entire world.

  “What about Zasha?” Galen asked while everyone’s focus turned to Varik. “Did you get anything out of him?”

  “He insists that Lynk is his mate.” Varik huffed out a sigh and shook his head. “He was pretty fucking adamant about it, too. If he’s acting, he’s damn good at it. So good, in fact, that he should probably pack his bags and head to Hollywood.” The vampire looked exhausted. His normally pale skin was almost gray. The dark circles under his eyes stood out in sharp relief, and he 118 Gabrielle


  looked to be having trouble holding his head up. Raven didn’t look in any better shape, and Kieran realized that being up during the day was taking its toll on the men.

  “So, we’re still exactly where we started.” Torren’s growl rolled up from his chest and bounced off the walls in the room. “Basically, we have dick.”

  “Well, we have a more precise location of where Thane is,” Lynk responded reasonably. “I wouldn’t say that it was a total waste.” No, but Kieran wouldn’t call their excursion a success, either.

  While they continued to discuss the events of the dream and analyze different conversations, a shiver worked up his spine, signaling the descent of the sun toward the western horizon. He might only be forced to shift on the full moon, but he was still connected to the lunar goddess during the rest of the month.

  Maybe it was time to face their troubles head-on. What was the worst that could happen by openly accusing Leader Tuesday of kidnapping and imprisoning a fellow paranormal?

  Kieran frowned and hugged Lynk even tighter. Knowing his luck, the sky would fall or something equally as horrible would happen.

  Still, it wasn’t like they were getting anywhere by beating around the bush and playing it cool.

  If Leader Tuesday knew nothing about Thane’s capture, he could prove to be a powerful ally. If he was behind it all…well, things couldn’t get much worse than they already were. Right?

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  Chapter Fourteen

  “You have to calm down,” Kieran whispered out of the corner of his mouth. Lynk was vibrating so violently with his nerves that it shook Kieran’s thigh where their legs were pressed together on the wooden bench inside The Council meeting hall.

  “I’m trying,” Lynk shot back.

  Turning to his mate, Kieran grasped the witch’s chin and squeezed, forcing Lynk’s head up so that their eyes met. “Quiet,” he ordered, though not harshly. “Everything will be fine. I’ve already told you that I’m not letting anyone take you away from me.” He leaned closer until their noses almost touched and let the authority drip from his tone. “Quiet, sugar.”

  Lynk calmed at once, the trembling subsided, and his muscles relaxed until he was sagging against Kieran’s side. “Thank you,” he mumbled.

  Wrapping his lover up close to him, Kieran kissed the top of his head and sighed. “We’re going to be fine,” he responded for what felt like the millionth time. He still wasn’t sure if he believed it, but he had to hang on to that little bit of hope.

  “Please state your name for The Council.” Torren spoke casually, but his eyes glinted with malice and anger as he stared down from the dais at Zasha.

  The vampire moved to the center of the small area just beyond the benches, halfway between the elders and those gathered behind him.

  “Zasha Aleric Gershwin, member of the Snake River Coven.” 120 Gabrielle


  “Mr. Gershwin,” Elder Cortez began with his faintly accented voice, “can you please inform the members of this gathering why you are here?”

  Zasha stood straight and proud, his hands linked in front of him and his shoulders pushed back. “The werewolf Enforcer, Kieran Delaney, has claimed what is rightfully mine. Lynk Braddock is my true mate, and as such, I wish to file a formal complaint against Mr.

  Delaney for being in violation of one of our most sacred laws. If he refuses to relinquish his claim to Lynk, I ask permission from The Council to challenge him—as is my right.” There were several hisses and snarls that rolled through the crowd at his longwinded declaration. It was damn nice to see so many people on their side. Hell, he’d treated the new Moonlighter, Xander, like a freaking leper, and still the man was there to support him.

  Surprisingly, it was his sister, Raina, who he felt most sorry for. It was her job as elder representative of the werewolves to be impartial and fair. When one of the members on trial happened to be her big brother, he imagined it wasn’t an easy task for her.

  She looked resolute, though, and Kieran’s chest swelled with pride. Whatever happened, even if she ruled against him, he wouldn’t feel any differently toward her. He knew without a doubt that she would do what she felt was in the best interest of all parties involved, and he couldn’t ask for more than that.

  Well, he could, but it wouldn’t be right of him. She might be his little sister, he might have practically raised her, but it wasn’t like he would bend her over his knee if she messed this up. The shrewd little she-were would never allow something so undignified. Just the thought of it had him fighting back his chuckles.

  Unfortunately, he also realized that he was at a distinct disadvantage. While he knew every member on The Council and was friendly with most, it could actually hinder him in this situation.

  Probably they would want to rule in his favor, but he wondered how Flawless 121

  many would go against him, just to prove that they weren’t playing favorites or letting loyalties influence their decisions.

  “Why a challenge?” Cortez asked. “Have you tried proving your right to Mr. Braddock?”

  “No, sir. I was not given the chance.”

  “Well, you have it now.” Elder Cortez looked out over the room and right to Lynk. “Mr. Braddock, come forward if you will.” Lynk started shaking
again, but there wasn’t anything Kieran could do about it this time. “It’s okay, baby. Just let him have his test, and then everyone will know that you don’t belong to him. It’s the fastest way to get this over with.”

  “Right. Okay. Sure. Got it,” Lynk babbled, his head bobbing up and down like it was on springs as he eased past Kieran and shuffled toward the front of the meeting hall.

  It took every sliver of willpower that Kieran possessed not to fly across the room, snatch Lynk up, and rip out Zasha’s throat when Lynk stopped just beside the vampire. This was wrong. Lynk belonged to him, and everyone knew it. Why did they have to play these fucking games to prove it?

  “State your name for the record,” Torren said quietly. It was beyond obvious that he wasn’t any more a fan of what was happening than Kieran. Still, they had to follow protocol, put on their shoes and tap dance so that everyone could see they were playing nice.

  “Lynk Corrigan Braddock.”

  “Lynk, you understand that you are not allowed to use any form of magic to resist Mr. Gershwin’s compulsion, correct?” Elder Layke Winters was probably the most softly spoken, benevolent man Kieran had ever met. Yet, there was something about him—an air of power and great wisdom that afforded him respect for nothing more than breathing.

  “Yes, Layke…er, sir.” Lynk bit his lip and blushed at the slip of the tongue. Kieran found it endearing. According to the smile on Elder Winters’ face, he did as well.

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  “Okay, Mr. Gershwin, you may proceed.” Kieran’s hands fisted on the top of his thighs, the short nails biting into his palms as he fought to remain in his seat when Zasha rested a hand on the side of Lynk’s neck, right over Kieran’s claiming mark.

  He could do this. He could get through this. It would all be over in a minute.

  Zasha leaned forward, staring into Lynk’s eyes, his lips only a breath away from Kieran’s mate’s. The tips of his fangs glistened in the overhead lights where they peeked out just below his upper lip.

  Kieran sprang up out of his seat and growled viciously. “Stop!” No one looked startled at his outburst. It was almost as if they had been expecting it. “Yes, Mr. Delaney?” his sister asked with a smirk on her painted lips.

  Feeling less than stable and unable to shake it off, it took Kieran a while before he felt he could speak without snarling at her. “Does he have to touch him?”

  “No, I suppose not,” Elder Cortez answered instead. “Mr.

  Gershwin, you will refrain from touching Mr. Braddock throughout the remainder of this hearing.”

  Zasha didn’t look happy about it, but he let his hand fall away, and Kieran finally felt a little more in control of himself. He refused to sit down, though. If Zasha broke his word, Kieran was ready. He’d be across the room and on top of the asshole before he could even blink.

  “Kiss me,” Zasha commanded Lynk, but loud enough for the whole room to hear him.

  Lynk leaned away and snarled. It was a very human sound, but Kieran approved, and a satisfied rumble vibrated his chest.

  Rubbing at the side of his neck, Zasha was actually grinning as he turned back to the elders. “I just needed to know his reaction without compulsion, so that I can tell if he’s faking it or not.” Then he refocused on Lynk, staring deep into his eyes.

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  Kieran knew the exact moment that it worked because his bond with Lynk faded until it was just barely a whisper between them. He didn’t like it, didn’t appreciate being disconnected from his mate, but he did realize that it proved one very vital point. Lynk was not Zasha’s true mate.

  “Undress,” Zasha ordered.

  In a trance, Lynk’s fingers began fumbling with the buttons on his shirt. He looked straight ahead, though it was unclear if he was actually seeing anything. When he’d undone half of the buttons, though, Kieran had seen enough. “Lynk,” he called. “Stop.” Lynk’s fingers instantly stilled, though he didn’t look around at him.

  “Come here, now.”

  The entire audience watched as Lynk turned on his heels and glided across the room, moving quickly but gracefully until he stood directly in front of Kieran.

  Cupping his lover’s face in both hands, Kieran dipped his head and pressed their lips together, inhaling the sweet scent that was uniquely Lynk. “Snap out of it, sugar. You belong to me, not that idiot.”

  A little shudder worked its way through Lynk’s body, he blinked several times, and then his eyebrows drew together in confusion.

  “How did I get back here? Did it work?”

  “He’s faking of course!” Zasha shouted. “They planned the entire thing! I demand a challenge.”

  “Enough!” To Kieran’s surprise it was Leader Tuesday who spoke, rising from his seat in the front of the room and stepping forward to address the elders. “I apologize.” He gave a little bow of respect. “I only supported Zasha because I believed his claim to be true. It is what a good leader does, and as someone who has lost his own mate, I did not want to see a member of my coven endure that. I can see now that Zasha is mistaken, and so was I.” 124 Gabrielle


  “What?” Zasha gasped. “No! I can feel him. I can feel his soul tugging at mine.”

  “Perhaps we should conduct the rest of this meeting in private,” Elder Camdin Maywater suggested in his musical voice.

  “No.” Leader Tuesday moved closer to the platform. “We have nothing to hide.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Kieran mumbled, taking Lynk’s hand and marching to the front of the hall to stand beside Leader Tuesday. He’d had enough. He wanted answers, and if no one was going to ask the pertinent questions, then he sure as hell would. “Where is Thane Braddock?”

  “Excuse me?” The coven leader appeared genuinely perplexed by the question. “Thane Braddock?”

  Kieran gave Lynk a little nudge between the shoulders, offering support but encouraging him to speak up with what he knew. “My brother, Thane, is being held in a well on your lands. He’s been there for several months now, being starved and fed from while he wastes away.”

  There was no shock, no contempt written in Tuesday’s expression.

  There was, however, a cold, hard calculation that chilled Kieran’s blood. Turning to the gatherers, Tuesday pointed one long, slim finger at his guards, Gideon and Axton. “You know the well?”

  “Yes, sir,” Gideon answered at once, while Axton simply dipped his head in agreement.

  “I want you to check it out personally. Do not tell anyone else what you’re doing or why you are going there. If you meet with resistance, back off and inform me immediately. Do you understand?” One thing was for certain. Whether he was behind Thane’s abduction or not, Leader October Tuesday— what a ridiculous name—was born to lead. Hell, even Kieran wanted to jump to attention and do as the man bid when he used that confident tone.

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  “Yes, sir,” both guards answered in stereo before marching down the aisle between the bench seats and disappearing through the double doors at the back of the room.

  Kieran wasn’t completely convinced that it hadn’t all been just for show, but the vampire’s actions must have swayed Lynk in some way.

  “Thank you,” he said with respect. Tuesday arched one sculpted eyebrow and bowed his head in acknowledgement. Then Lynk turned to Zasha. “I think there is something that you need to know.”

  “Does it have to do with why you are pretending that you cannot feel the connection between us?” Each word was forced through gritted teeth, and Zasha looked mad enough to spit nails.

  “Yes, actually,” Lynk answered, and Kieran could hear the smile in his voice. “I am not pretending anything, however. I do not feel a connection between us because one simply does not exist. Kieran is my mate—my destined mate.”

  Zasha growled and took a step forward, but his leader stopped him with a hand to his chest. “You will calm down and listen to what the boy has to say.”r />
  Lynk didn’t look very happy about being referred to as a boy. He didn’t comment, though, choosing instead to address Zasha with his next words. “Thane is my twin. We share an energy, which means our magic is twinned and more powerful when we’re together. We can even speak telepathically if we’re close enough to one another.” Maybe Zasha was still too angry to follow Lynk’s train of thought to its conclusion, but Kieran could see the dawning enlightenment in Tuesday’s eyes. Instead of interrupting, however, the vampire smiled reassuringly, encouraging Lynk to continue.

  “I think you are feeling Thane’s energy flowing from me. I don’t know for sure, but I believe that is why you think I’m your mate while it is really Thane who you should be concentrating on.”

  “Thane?” The look on Zasha’s face was priceless and almost comical. “The man you just said was being held captive in a well?

  He’s been this close to me for months now?” Then his features 126 Gabrielle


  darkened, his fangs elongated, and the veins around his eyes stood out in sharp relief against his pale skin. “Someone I trusted is hurting him, and that someone will pay for it.” Proving once again why he was leader of their coven, Tuesday didn’t wait to be asked. He patted Zasha on the shoulder, giving him a little push toward the door. “Go get your mate, Zasha, but be smart about it. If you are blinded by your rage, you could do more damage than good.”

  Zasha appeared to calm a bit, and he jerked his head in what Kieran thought might have been understanding. “Thank you, sir.”

  “I should go with you.”

  Lynk had lost his goddamn mind if he thought that Kieran was going to allow him to go traipsing into enemy territory without him.

  “No, you’re not.”

  “I need to do this, Kieran. If someone realizes what’s going on and moves Thane, I’m the only one who can find him.” It was logical and practical, but Kieran still didn’t like it. “Then I’m coming with you.”


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