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The Rockford Pack [Wolves of Climax 8] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 4

by Stacey Espino

  He bent down on one knee in front of her and rubbed his face against her crotch like an animal. She gasped, nearly losing the strength in her knees. The pressure and naughtiness of his behavior made her clit pulse strong and demanding. Her heart began to race, her breathing labored enough to make her pant.

  “Interesting,” Corbin said, still holding her hips firmly in his hands. And damn did his touch do wild things to her body. Every movement of his fingers felt intentionally intimate. Did he feel the same connection between them?

  “What is it?” asked Ryder. She’d forgotten he’d been standing there watching them, which nearly pushed her over the edge. There was so much testosterone in the air it was nearly palpable.

  “A virgin.”

  Okay, he couldn’t know that. Or was she so dowdy that he’d just made the assumption?

  “Am not!” She realized she sounded like a sullen child, but she wanted to appear sexy and experienced, especially at her age. It was embarrassing.

  Corbin rose to his full height, making her feel petite and more feminine than she’d ever felt. “Don’t try and lie to me, Nova. I know much more about you than you realize.” His voice was deep and gruff, the sound reverberating all the way to her cunt.

  She forced herself to keep her wits, probing for more information. “Are you keeping us prisoners? Is it money you’re after?”

  He laughed, a hauntingly dark sound. “I have more money than I’ll ever be able to spend. It means nothing to me.”

  “Then why? Why are you doing this?”

  “Because I can.” He ran his fingers into her hair, securing her head so she couldn’t move. Corbin licked along the shell of her ear, making her eyes loll back in her head. Oh God, that feels so good. “Trespassers should be prosecuted, no?” He gently nipped her earlobe, making her gasp.

  “I’m innocent.” She barely managed to speak with her body heating from the inside out. She was shocked by how much she craved to be dominated. She’d been chosen over Bethany, and she’d been spared from the wolves—it gave her a sense of power and security. Waves of raw sexual energy washed through her, growing in intensity with every passing moment.

  “We’ll see.” Corbin slid his hand under the hem of her shirt, his roughness grazing her sensitive skin. The closer he moved to her breasts, the more her nipples tingled in anticipation. She wanted him to keep going, to see how far he’d take this. But she was also terrified about the situation and confused about her own desires.

  “I’m scared…”

  He chuckled. “Hush now. I’ll keep you safe from the world.”

  Oh, how she wanted to believe those words, but despite her inexperience, she wasn’t born yesterday. Should she give him full access to her body while closing off her heart? Was that even possible? Nova wanted it all, the complete happily ever after.

  Bethany’s shrill scream stole the perfect moment. Corbin pulled away so fast it was as if he was never there. She was left feeling bereft and realized she was suddenly very alone in the pitch-black forest. Her fantasy was doused like a bucket of icy water had been poured over her heated flesh, all her faculties rushing back at once. What had even been real?

  “Corbin? Ryder?” Her fear spiked when she received no answer, panic immediately welling up inside her.

  She could only hear the terrified cries in the distance. Was it another wolf attack? She crouched down and covered her ears, wishing she were far, far away from Climax.

  Chapter Five

  Corbin whirled around when he heard the calls of his pack roaring in his head. There was trouble—Shade was in pursuit of a threat. Almost at once, the brutal sound of a wolf battle filled the night air. A shifter from another pack dared to cross onto Rockford territory? As alpha he’d ensure any enemy paid for such disrespect. If they wanted to make a play for his land, they’d pay with their lives.

  As soon as he pulled away from the human girl, he shifted into his fur. Power and adrenaline rushed through his veins as he raced to the edge of the river. He could see two white wolves, a rarity this far south. Scott and Shade didn’t hesitate, taking the offensive against the trespassers. Their fearlessness and brutality made him proud to call them Rockford wolves. The fight was vicious, the sounds of battle music to his ears. Bray and Ryder waited eagerly on the sidelines.

  “Why the fuck are Arctic wolves this far south?” Corbin asked.

  “The hell if I know.”

  Did Ryder even care? He continually kept tabs on Nova, looking back to where they’d left her. He was more interested in the human than the pack trying to claim their land. They stood at the ready, but Corbin still needed concrete answers from his brother. He refused to allow more complications or distractions in their lives, and a female would do both.

  “There’s another female in the group. Why her?” It was a legitimate question, especially when the other was young and attractive.

  Ryder kept silent for a moment too long. “I want her, Corbin. I want to own her.”

  “You can own her. For one night,” he jeered.

  Ryder growled before dashing toward the melee, his frustration tangible. He wrenched the wolf off Shade, tearing into flesh and fur without sympathy. They rolled on the ground, smashing into trees, and stirring up old leaf litter. The earth shook beneath his paws as the two powerhouses battled for supremacy. Part of him lived for this—the chaos, bloodshed, and power play. The other part wasn’t so sure what the fuck he wanted.

  Within minutes Ryder had the foreign wolf at his mercy, his teeth firmly latched on its neck. Scott forced the second wolf to submit by making it shift into its delicate human skin. Corbin might not mention it, but he had been impressed with Scott’s transformation over the past year. He’d come to him skinny, weak, and lost. Now he’d doubled in size, packed on muscle, and learned the ways of the pack.

  Corbin shifted back into his human form, coming to stand over the soft-skinned trespasser. “Do you not realize this is Rockford territory?” He cracked his knuckles, glaring at the blond man.

  “Our alpha sent us to scout out new land, and a female. We’re running low on both up north. And you seem to have more than enough.”

  Corbin chuckled with pure malice. “How much we have isn’t your concern. Tell your alpha I don’t share. The next wolf he sends over our borders will pay with his life.”

  Ryder took a bite out of the wolf’s hide to punctuate Corbin’s sentiment. Both trespassers raced away once given the chance, their white fur quickly blending into the darkness. His brother shifted out of his fur, his body in top form despite the punishment he’d just subjected himself to.

  “I want extra perimeter patrols out every night! Do you understand?”

  “Done,” said Ryder.

  “It’s bad enough I have to worry about the Gregor pack, and now this shit?” He paced the area, agitated and torn. “Scott, our plan needs to take action.”

  He knew Ryder would attempt to spare Nova from being killed, but there were lessons that needed to be learned: there was no deviating from pack law, and love was for the weak.

  “Gather the humans by the river so we can get this done,” he said.

  Corbin made his way through the rough forest to where the two humans were waiting with their lone lantern. He’d ensure Scott made things quick and painless, no need to drag out their suffering. He wanted to get this night over with so he could focus his energy on not only one but two rival packs giving him a headache.

  He hadn’t even made it down to the river when Bray shifted in front of him, his breathing labored. “Problem, boss.”

  “Why am I not surprised?”

  “They’re gone.”

  Corbin frowned. “What do you mean? Who’s gone?”

  “The humans escaped. We’re trying to track them.”

  He ground his teeth together. “Trying? Are you telling me four werewolves are incapable of finding three humans in a forest at night?”

  * * * *

  The humans scattered through the woo
ds, making rounding them up more time-consuming. Shade knew exactly where he was heading. He found Ryder’s female only minutes from where he’d left her. She was crouching next to some thick briars, her gentle sobbing easily picked up by his wolf senses.

  He shifted into his human form once behind her. Shade still remembered how it felt when she ran her fingers through his fur. Normally his wolf would rip off any hand daring to touch him, but not hers, and not just because Ryder wanted him on good behavior.

  “Hiding from someone?”

  She gasped, nearly toppling over before righting herself. “Who’s there?”

  He chuckled, reaching down to help her to her feet.

  “What’s going on? Who are you?”

  “Don’t worry. I don’t bite.”

  She blindly reached out, running both her palms down his chest as if trying to decipher who or what he was. And fuck did it ever feel good. He knew precisely why Ryder was interested in the little thing because all he could think about was claiming her. Shade was a born bad boy, raised in one of the most lethal wolf packs in existence. Corbin didn’t do pity, hardening him from a young age. But that didn’t stop him from feeling like a lovesick pup just from her scent.

  “Are you with Ryder and Corbin?”

  “You can say that.”

  “I heard wolves. Is everything okay? Will you help me?”

  He smiled. Her nervous energy was completely unfounded. There was no way Ryder would let their alpha kill her. And every protective instinct in his body sang her name.

  “Bray and Scott are looking for your friends. You’ll be safe if you stay with me.”

  “Bray and Scott?”

  “There’re five in our pack. There used to be more, but not many can meet Corbin’s expectations.”

  When her fingers met the ridges of his upper abdominals, she pulled her hands away as if burned. “Okay.”

  “You don’t sound too confident. Do you not think I can protect you?” He resisted the urge to touch her face. And other urges he needed to get better control of in a hurry.

  “I just want to go home.”

  Her innocence appealed to his wolf. She was different from the usual women they messed with. Shade wanted her for more than one night.

  A faint light broke through the trees, coming from the direction of the river. The other humans would no doubt have been rounded up by now. He could hear his packmates arguing in his head even though he attempted to block them out. Bray was pissed off the trespassers had made him look incompetent in front of the alpha. Ryder was coming for the girl.

  The artificial light was strong enough to give a faint glow to the area surrounding them. Nova looked up at him for the first time, biting her lower lip hard. He wasn’t sure if she was going to bolt, hit him, or scream—then he scented her arousal. She stared, breathing deeply, not moving an inch from where she stood.


  “Aren’t you cold?”

  He shook his head, mesmerized by her scent. It was soft and delicate, a calming vanilla that pulled down his hackles. Werewolf libidos were immeasurably stronger than that of human males. He was used to taking what he wanted when he wanted it, rarely being denied. It was a herculean challenge to behave for the little female. He took her hand and pressed it to his chest. “Do I feel cold to you?”

  Her eyes met his. “How can you be so warm with no shirt?” Good thing the shadows hid most of his naked body. And the fact that his cock was harder than oak.

  “I’m a male.”

  “I can see that.”

  He removed his hand, but hers stayed in place. She was playing a dangerous game. When his incisors began to prick his gum line, his humanity slipping away, Ryder appeared behind her. Shade wasn’t sure if his arrival was an inconvenience or his saving grace. Did Shade really want to challenge a member of his pack for a female? He was fucking considering it.

  “Nova, are you okay?” Ryder set his hand on her shoulder, a possessive glint in his eyes. He might be the beta, but he was still a pack member the same as Shade. And the girl didn’t bear his mark.

  Nova flinched as she turned around. “I’m fine. Where did you go?”

  “Just keeping things safe,” he said. “I wasn’t expecting to find you here, Shade.”

  “We were ordered to round them up, no?”

  “Not her.” Ryder’s voice carried a distinct threat.

  “Did Corbin okay that?”

  “Corbin doesn’t always think before he acts,” Ryder said. It was true that Ryder was often the voice behind Corbin’s orders. The alpha was a loose cannon, frequently acting from passion rather than reason. Corbin trusted Ryder…but maybe that would change in a hurry.

  “The others are already at the river. What do you plan on doing with her?”

  Ryder tilted Nova’s chin up, looking down at her with a unique longing in his eyes. Shade could feel Ryder’s torment, the war playing within him—to obey pack law or go rogue. For one female. What the fuck did it all mean?

  “He’ll send Bray or Scott for her,” Ryder said matter-of-factly.

  “And you’ll let Corbin have his way?” Shade was ready to fight for a woman he’d known less than an hour. It was ridiculous, but also the most undeniable fact he’d ever known.

  * * * *

  Nova was losing her ever-loving mind. As soon as she reached out and felt Shade, she knew he was built like a god. Every ridge of muscle was hard and defined like a gladiator, his skin firm and warm. And she was freezing to death in her many layers. Once she regained her sight, the bare-chested powerhouse in front of her made her knees weak. Some sort of spell stole her civility, her base needs making themselves painfully clear again. All she could think about was exploring every inch of Shade’s strong body, from his broad shoulders to sculpted pecs. The fact that she could practically feel his raw desire for her was more than flattering. It was as powerful as magic.

  When Ryder suddenly returned, her need for him hadn’t diminished. She was sandwiched between two massive men, both looking at her like she was the only woman in the world. They were so rugged and untamed, the need in their eyes making her feel eager to submit.

  And something more…she felt safe with them even when she had no reason to be. She should be terrified, expecting the worst as she usually did. But for whatever reason, these bad men felt like her knights in shining armor rather than the villains.

  “Where’s Corbin?” she asked. He’d touched her in new and wondrous ways. Flew past second base, in her opinion. She’d never experienced passion like that in her life.

  “Don’t worry, you’re safe from him,” said Ryder.

  She frowned, more confused than ever. “You heard him. He said he’d protect me from the world.”

  Both men actually laughed as if she’d told them the best joke.

  “She definitely needs protection,” said Shade. “She’s too innocent for her own damn good.”

  Nova wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Even though part of her knew Corbin was a playboy, another small part hoped and believed he saw something special in her. God, she was such an idiot.

  “I’m not innocent. I knew he was lying.” Would they believe the crap coming out of her mouth?

  “Wrong on both counts,” said Ryder.

  She wanted to stomp her feet, but to what end? Nova just needed to get out of this cold, dark forest. She wanted her fluffy socks, a mug of hot chocolate, and the heat cranked up to the max. This reality check was way too sobering for her taste. Maybe a white lie would help her save face. “I have a boyfriend, you know. I need to get home to him before he worries.”

  Shade narrowed his eyes.

  “A boyfriend?” Ryder asked. He leaned in close, taking a deep breath at her neck. Shade’s hands rested on her hips from behind. It felt like she was being swallowed whole by a sexual tsunami, and she quickly forgot her embarrassment. And maybe her own name.

  “I’ll kill him,” said Shade.

  She believed him. It was the way
he said it, like a matter of fact rather than playful teasing. It sent a chill up her spine. And a rush of heat to her pussy.

  “No, there’s no boyfriend,” said Ryder. “Corbin was right about her. She’s untouched.”

  “He’s very jealous. And dangerous,” she added, trying to maintain her ruse even though she knew they probably saw right through her lies.

  Ryder scoffed. “You have no idea who we are, Nova. No idea how far we’d go to keep you. And I do plan on keeping you.”

  “You don’t even know me,” she muttered. His intensity did wicked things to her libido. She wanted to wrap herself in his words, refusing to acknowledge the fact that they couldn’t be true. These were strangers. And she was nothing to covet.

  “In our world, instinct is valued above ritual. I don’t need time or months of courting to know you’re mine.”

  Mine? She was going to protest, feign being insulted, but both men became stiff, a sense of urgency in the air. “He’s coming for her,” said Shade.

  “Get her out of here. Take her to the cabin and wait for me there. No mistakes.”

  Without another word, Shade took her hand in his, pulling her along impossibly fast through the forest. They were moving deeper into the darkness, away from the river and away from her group.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “Far from Corbin Rockford.”

  Chapter Six

  Corbin’s temper was being tested. He steepled his fingers against his face, trying to give his men the benefit of the doubt, but within minutes, he knew Nova wasn’t going to be delivered. What pissed him off more than the plan not following through was the lack of loyalty and complete disregard for pack law. He didn’t want to make an example of his brother, but he would if necessary.

  “Watch them,” he ordered.

  Bray and Scott kept silent, not daring to speak to him when his blood was close to boiling.

  He tested the air, determining what direction to follow. It was time to handle things himself, once and for all. The human’s scent was impossible not to notice, potent and distinctive, requiring no effort in tracking her. He started walking along the beaten paths, savoring the silence, the calm of the forest. Corbin had been alpha as long as he could remember, ever since returning to claim his rightful place in the pack as a teenager—the place left for him by his father. Although he’d never known the man, he’d spent his life trying to impress a ghost, to live up to the renowned reputation. Not an easy task for a young man scarred from a childhood of abuse and neglect at the hands of human beings.


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