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The Rockford Pack [Wolves of Climax 8] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 9

by Stacey Espino

  “Have things changed now?” asked Shade. “Are we still killing the other humans?”

  “Everything’s changed. I’d rather Corbin obsess over Nova than go bat-shit crazy over every little threat to the pack.” He wasn’t sure what they were going to do with the other two humans, but they couldn’t be allowed to leave. Maybe they were already dead.

  “I still can’t believe Corbin changed his tune so fast. Do you think Nova will be able to handle the whole pack?”

  “She’s got strong hips,” Ryder said. “Besides, this is fate. The mating call is never wrong. You’ve felt it, so you know.”

  He stopped dead in his tracks when he scented trespassers. Shade bared his fangs, a low growl coming from his chest. It was those fucking Arctic wolves. What would it take before they realized the Rockford Pack meant business? Corbin might overreact in most situations, but these wolves were proving to be real assholes. Now they had a mate to consider.

  “They have to die,” said Shade. “They’ve been warned more than once.”

  “Let’s find the rest of the pack first. Then we’ll fuck them up.”

  They continued to head back in the direction of the river. As they neared, Ryder could hear Scott in his head, and they met up.

  Shade shifted first, stretching out his shoulders after taking his human form. “Where’s Bray?”

  Ryder and Scott shifted into their skin.

  “We were finishing off those humans as ordered. I don’t even know where the hell Corbin went. He’s more obsessed with the female who got away—”

  “Our mate,” said Ryder.

  “What are you talking about?” asked Scott.

  “He doesn’t even know,” said Shade. “He hasn’t had a chance to feel the pull.”

  Ryder pushed his hair off his forehead. “Our alpha’s chosen a mate for the pack. The girl that got away turned out to be a lot more than a random hiker.”

  Scott shook his head and scoffed. “He was ready to mate with my sister for status. What’s he trying to prove this time? Is this just because the Gregor Pack has a mate?”

  “No, this is the real deal. All three of us felt the mating call. That leaves just you and Bray. Considering the Arctic wolves have crossed into our territory again, it’s not safe leaving her unmarked.”

  Scott didn’t appear convinced. “I was a rogue wolf all my life before I joined Rockford. I didn’t need a mate then, and I doubt this hiker will prove any different.”

  Ryder scoffed. He’d thought the same thing, until he picked up her scent. Shade was a hard-core shifter, and he’d also fallen victim. “Tell me that bullshit after you have a taste of that girl. She’s fucking addicting.”

  “We need Bray,” said Shade.

  “Find him. We need to meet back at the house. The girl’s there, and we’ll be able to figure things out once the pack’s together,” Ryder said.

  Scott shifted without another word, disappearing into the forest.

  Shade rested against an oak. “Shit, all I can think about is fucking her.”

  “It’ll only get worse until you mark her. I feel the same way,” said Ryder.

  For the past year the Rockford Pack had been in a downward spiral. Corbin was obsessed with beating their rivals at Gregor mining. He was sure their new mate was the reason for their sudden good fortune, but Corbin had no personal desire for a permanent female of his own.

  Now that Nova had shown up, everything changed overnight. His brother hadn’t mentioned Garret Gregor once since entering that cave. His focus was on their new mate and keeping her safe. Ryder hoped their pack would be able to achieve some unity again. He missed how things used to be. Not only would a mate bring some peace to the pack, but Corbin needed a woman, needed to let down his guards long enough to fall in love. Ryder didn’t think it was possible for his brother to change, but he had.

  Ever since Ryder had scented her in the tent, something had awoken inside him. Then when he’d touched her, he was lost, his wolf determined to claim her no matter the cost.

  “We should scout the northern border before heading back,” said Shade.

  Ryder nodded. They could meet back at the house once they were done, and hopefully Bray and Scott were back by then.

  They scoured the forest until they nearly reached the edge of Rockford territory. There were wolves ahead, so they slowed down, moving with stealth.

  “Their fur’s not white,” said Shade.

  “Shit, it’s Gregor wolves.”

  They approached the borderlands, an area both packs used on occasion. Ryder really wasn’t in the mood for a conflict. His focus was on the northern threat and getting back to Nova.

  The two Gregor wolves shifted. It was Travis, the blond with the Texan accent, and Matthew, one of the best heavy equipment drivers in Climax.

  “Howdy,” said Travis.

  “Just out for a little run?” Ryder cocked an eyebrow.

  Matthew jutted his chin to the north. “We found an Arctic wolf sniffing around our mine. Luckily Cassidy wasn’t there or Garret would have lost his shit.”

  “You know anything about them?” asked Travis.

  “That’s what we were trying to find out,” said Ryder. “We’ve been tracking their scent. Those assholes are trying to steal women and land.”

  “I don’t like it,” said Travis. “It’s bad enough we have to deal with your fucked-up brother.”

  “Watch how you talk about our alpha,’ Shade warned.

  “Look, you don’t have to worry about Corbin,” said Ryder. “Things are different now that we’ve found our mate.”

  The two Gregor men glanced at each other. Considering Corbin had no interest in settling down for decades, Ryder knew it would be hard for anyone to believe he’d claimed a mate. He could hardly believe it himself.

  “Rockford has a mate? Since when?” asked Matthew.

  “Since now,” said Shade. “She’s of no concern to either of you.”

  Travis ran a hand through his blond hair. “What game’s he playing now?”

  Ryder supposed he could understand where they were coming from. His brother had been hell-bent on bringing the Gregor pack down, trying just about everything to bring them to ruin. But this wasn’t another game. It was a miracle, the change Rockford needed in their pack.

  “Look, you don’t have to worry about Corbin anymore,” said Ryder. “What you need to worry about are those Arctic wolves. If they have a chance, they’ll take Cassidy and drag her up north.”

  Travis nodded thoughtfully. “That’ll be the fucking day. Seems it’ll be mutually beneficial to eradicate the trespassers.”

  “For once, yeah. Tonight we’ll be patrolling the northern border. If our packs team up, we’ll be twice as effective,” said Ryder.

  They all shifted back into their wolves and went in their own directions. It was odd talking with their enemies so civilly, but what had been normal lately?

  Chapter Twelve

  Corbin watched Nova sleep, the gentle rise and fall of her chest an odd comfort. He ensured she’d been well fed last night. Now she’d been asleep for almost twelve hours.

  “You sure she’s okay?” asked Scott.

  Corbin only nodded, not taking his eyes off his mate. “She’s been through a lot. Let her rest.”

  The entire pack was back at the house. Bray had ensured there was no evidence of the other human hikers. The fewer complications, the better. Ryder and Shade had tried to catch the Arctic wolves trespassing again, but they’d stayed away last night. Corbin still wanted them dealt with, but completing the bond with Nova had to take priority. He wasn’t a fool like Garret Gregor, postponing the claiming so any male could steal their unmarked mate. Corbin wanted Nova bitten and mated as soon as possible. There was no doubt in his mind she was the right woman. It seemed the gods hadn’t forsaken him after all.

  “I never thought this day would come,” said Scott. “When I signed on with Rockford, I expected all of us to die alone.”

sp; “So you do sense the call?” asked Ryder.

  Scott leaned over the bed again, taking a deep breath. “Shit, that’s crazy.”

  Corbin had been a fool, nearly tearing apart his own pack because his men were following their natural instincts. “Bray, you like her too?”

  He sat in a chair across the room, keeping to himself. “I can smell her from here. I don’t want to get any closer.”

  Corbin could sense his packmate’s mixed emotions. They were powerful enough to distract him. Bray was having trouble maintaining his humanity, his wolven instincts attempting to dominate. It was no easy task keeping it in check when their fated mate was only feet away. Her scent was addicting, and Corbin could only focus on fucking her, marking her, and protecting her.

  “Man up, because when she wakes up, we need to claim her properly, and I won’t have you hurt her,” said Corbin.

  “It’s better if you leave me out of it,” Bray said.

  Corbin growled. “We’re a pack, one unit. That means the girl is for all of us. You won’t ruin this.”

  He turned his attention back to Nova, now stretching out in his king-sized bed. His cabin in the woods had every modern luxury. It was his sanctuary, and he liked the finer things in life. He worked hard and, until now, his material rewards were his main source of pleasure.

  “Where am I?” she whispered as she pushed herself up.

  “Don’t you remember last night?” asked Corbin. He sat on the edge of the bed, brushing her hair from her face.

  She smiled. “I thought it had all been a dream.”

  “Are you disappointed it’s not?”

  Nova shook her head, suddenly noticing they weren’t alone in the room. She pulled the blankets up to her chest, her eyes darting to the other four men.

  “Shhh, don’t be afraid. No one will ever hurt you,” said Corbin. “You remember Ryder and Shade?” He pointed out Scott and Bray to introduce them. It wouldn’t be easy convincing a human she was expected to have five mates, when she likely had grown up to expect one. He needed to complete the bond soon but never anticipated dealing with Nova’s hesitation. She’d responded beautifully with him, like they were made for each other, and he wanted that to extend to the rest of the Rockford men. Tonight would be the full moon, the perfect time to make things official.

  “Are you sending me home?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “I’ve already told you, this was a one-way trip.”

  “What does that mean?”

  He felt a new range of emotions, fear of rejection and a deep-seated need to own Nova. If he didn’t do things right, she’d never love him. Corbin was at a loss. He’d never known gentleness or been offered affection growing up. His life had been hard, a cruel game of survival. The only person who affected him was Ryder, his blood brother. Even his connection to his own pack was lacking, and he knew it was his own damn fault.

  “It means the gods have spoken. They’ve chosen you as our mate. You belong here, Nova.” He waited for her response, hoping she didn’t fight this because he knew he couldn’t let her leave.

  “You want me to live here? And you’re all werewolf men? What are you going to do to me?”

  “You’ll be ours, but we’ll be yours. There will never be another woman for any of us. We’ll protect you, make sure all your needs are met.”

  She frowned. “That sounds like a recipe for divorce.”

  “How? What more do you need?” asked Corbin.

  “Well, I was hoping for love, not just sex. No relationship can last based on convenience.”

  Ryder sat on the opposite side of the bed, the mattress dipping. His brother was going to save him from drowning, and he wouldn’t refuse that lifeline. “He does love you. We all do, Nova.”

  “You don’t even know me. I’ve just met some of you. That’s not love.”

  Ryder chuckled. “As you’ve noticed, we’re not all human.” He leaned over and cupped her chin. “Wolves live by instinct. It’s how we know you’re the one. We’ll be nothing without you. Don’t leave,” he said. Then he kissed her, crawling up onto the bed until Nova leaned back on her pillows. It was starting already, and the full moon hadn’t made its appearance.

  Nova kissed him back, her eyes closing as her desire perfumed the air. Bray and Shade bolted from the room. Corbin was alpha, so it was up to him to teach his men how to harness their power, to rein in their wolves. He never expected to take a mate, and he also never anticipated being the one in control.

  * * * *

  Bray opened the back door and immediately took a deep breath of air. His fangs began to recede, and his heart began to calm.

  “You okay?” asked Shade. He sat on a stump at the back of their cabin.

  He shook his head. “You were right about the girl. She’s driving me crazy, and I haven’t even touched her.”

  “At least we know it’s the mating call. I mean, what are the odds that it would affect all of us?” said Shade. “It’s surreal. I gave up thoughts of Corbin taking a woman years ago.”

  He paced back and forth. “She’s human. She’s soft. I don’t think it’ll work. Not for me anyway.”

  “Don’t you want her?”

  Bray scoffed. “I want to fuck her, but what I want to give, she won’t be able to take. I can’t even keep my claws and fangs in check when I’m around her.”

  “Just take a breath and get your shit together. If Corbin can keep his cool, so can you,” said Shade.

  “Why’d you leave?” asked Bray.

  Shade smiled, using a stick to push around the gravel. “I’m not perfect.”

  “Corbin expects us to claim her tonight under the full moon. Is that even possible? Can five of us behave, or will we hurt her—or worse?”

  “Garret Gregor and his pack didn’t kill their woman. From what I’ve heard, their sex life is overly active,” said Shade.

  “Don’t go there. The thought of our rivals doing the deed makes me sick.”

  The screen door slapped shut, and their alpha stepped out to join them. “What’s going on here?”

  “Just taking a break,” said Bray. He was used to his alpha pushing them hard, not accepting any weakness. There was no way he could reveal the fact that Nova’s scent made his wolf turn feral.

  Corbin crossed his arms over his chest. “I think you forget that, as alpha, I can sense your emotions.”

  “You wouldn’t understand,” said Bray.

  “If you’re worried about hurting her, don’t. She’s our mate, so your wolf won’t let you harm her,” said Corbin.

  Bray looked at his alpha. For the past year, Corbin had been unbearable, busy competing with the Gregor Pack. Now he seemed almost personable, a new calmness erasing that volatile energy that used to surround him. But how could he know things would be safe? Bray didn’t want to risk killing the woman that suddenly had become his whole world.

  “I’ve never felt this with other women,” he said.

  “She’s not just any woman,” said Corbin. “Stop hiding from your fears. You and Scott need to get to know her. Why don’t you take her for a quick trip into Climax? Get her some clothes and food before it gets dark.”

  He wasn’t about to argue. And he knew it meant a lot for Corbin to trust Nova alone with them, and he wasn’t going to fuck it up. His alpha might have been rough on him, but he’d taken him into the pack when he was young and outcast. Bray owned him everything.

  He got one of their pickup trucks ready for the trip into town. Bray double-checked the gas, tire pressure, and even took a look under the hood. Stalling wouldn’t change anything, but the thought of being trapped in the truck with Nova made him anxious. At least he’d have Scott to help keep him in check.

  When she came out from the house, his cock instantly tented his pants. He jumped into the driver’s seat, needing space between them. Scott joined her, both of them nearing the truck together. When Scott opened the passenger door for her, Bray told them to take the backseat. No way could he s
tand having her mere inches from him.

  Once the doors were closed, awkward silence settled in. This woman was their life mate, and he couldn’t even talk to her.

  “I’m sorry, but are you two in agreement with this whole mating thing? Obviously I don’t know anything about werewolf men, but it’s hard to believe you’d want to spend the rest of your lives with someone you don’t even know.”

  “It’s the mating call, Nova,” said Scott. “It’s perfect. And it chose well.”

  Bray hit the gas, taking them through the narrowly carved road that curved through the forest toward Climax. Scott was dead-on, of course. Even Bray knew Nova was the real deal. He couldn’t count the number of women he’d fucked around with over the years, but not one of them meant a thing. This little human was invading his mind.

  “I still can’t believe this is happening,” she said. “How can I just forget about my life back in the mainland?”

  “This is your life now, Nova. Anything you need, we’ll provide it,” said Scott. “Last year I was new to the pack, but now it’s my family. Hopefully we’ll grow on you in the same way.”

  She giggled. “I think you already are.”

  Bray slammed on the brakes just before hitting the main road of Climax. His heart was racing, beads of sweat tracing down his temples. Corbin was a fool to trust him with the girl. The sounds she made, her scent, every detail about Nova was having an overload on his self-control.

  He turned sideways in his seat, staring directly at her. He clenched his teeth but couldn’t stop the low growl coming from his chest.

  “Come here,” he said, using a crooked finger to beckon her.

  She swallowed hard and looked at Scott. He was smart and kept his mouth shut. She leaned forward, uncertainty in her eyes. When he reached for her, she climbed over the bench seat into the front.

  He tried to take a cleansing breath when all he wanted to do was fuck her, but he was too far-gone to calm himself now. Bray cupped the side of her face, memorizing every detail about her. He licked his lips.


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