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Broken Bonds (Valerian's Cove Book 2)

Page 11

by H. C. de Cossy

“I do feel lighter, somehow,” Theo said. “I am exhausted right now, but I imagine that is from the healing.”

  Ciaran inclined his head in agreement.

  “I am certain that we have removed all traces of what has been done to you both,” Ciaran informed Marissa and Theo. “I also made sure that it cannot happen again. I would suggest that you both practice deeper levels of mental shielding, however, as an extra safeguard. The children should begin training in shielding as soon as we have ensured that they are free of influence as well.”

  Marissa and Theo agreed.

  “Would you be willing to help us teach the children?” Marissa asked. “I keep fairly decent shields up as a matter of course because of the work I do, but obviously my shields were not strong enough to keep Clarice out. I think we could all do with learning how to create and maintain stronger shields.”

  “I think that is an excellent idea. We would be happy to assist you with that. Perhaps the entire family would benefit from the learning of it. We will begin lessons with each family member as soon as we have examined them. I think we will examine everyone, just to make sure. The initial examining doesn’t take long, unless we find anything we need to remove,” Ciaran paused for a sip of tea.

  “Why don’t you two go have a rest, and ask Theo’s grandparents to come out for their session in about ten minutes, please?”

  They agreed and stood. After watching them go inside, Ciaran turned to Nathaniel.

  “I am deeply disturbed by the parasitic energy that I found in Theo’s mind,” he said. “Clarice was still a fairly young Mind Mage when she had Theo. And though it seems her uncle was controlling her, he does not appear to have been a Mind Mage himself. She had to be getting training from somewhere. I really do think that there is a Fae involved in this situation. I think we really need to know what is in that vault. I think there must be something that this Fae considers very important, so important that they are willing to play the long game if it means ensuring that they get their hands on it in the end.”

  “I agree. And maybe knowing what it is will give us a better idea of what the endgame is as well. We need to know that, so we can prepare against it.”

  “Agreed. We will talk with the Thorndikes after their session this morning and make sure that they see the importance of this.”

  Lucille and John Thorndike had arrived towards the end of Marissa and Theo’s healing session. At the appointed time, they joined Ciaran and Nathaniel on the patio.

  “We are going to examine your minds and energies to make sure that there are no hooks or parasites, no way for Clarice or anyone else to control you or enter your mind without your permission,” Ciaran informed them. The Thorndikes settled on the loveseat Theo and Marissa had vacated and pulled the blankets across their laps.

  Ciaran led them into a trance, then he and Nathaniel began. Ciaran had Lucille while Nathaniel was working with John. Nathaniel found nothing on the top layer of John’s mind. On the second layer, he found what appeared to be slight scars in his energy, as if something had tried to set hooks in and failed. He healed the scars, then continued searching. Finding nothing else at any level, he pulled out of John’s mind. A moment later Ciaran removed himself from Lucille’s.

  “Well, first of all, I would like to say that your shields are very impressive,” Ciaran said. “Secondly, I found evidence that someone had scarred your energy in attempts to get a hook in, but no hooks or inclusions themselves, and no parasites. We will switch partners, for second opinions just to make sure, but I think that you are both in the clear. I healed the energetic scarring I found, Lucille.”

  “I found something similar in John,” Nathaniel said. “I healed it as well. And I agree, your shields are formidable.”

  “Our shielding is partly natural due to our natures as Guardians,” John said, "And partly due to how we are taught to strengthen them in our training.”

  “Can you teach anyone these techniques?” Ciaran asked.

  “I am not sure. We are taught in ways that enforce our natural shielding abilities. We could teach Teddy, as he is part Guardian. He should be able to use the techniques. I have never tried with anyone who is not a Guardian. I suppose we could and see what happens.”

  “Due to what we found in Theo and Marissa, we were going to suggest that the entire family learn advanced shielding techniques once everyone has been examined and cleared. Would you be willing to help teach those classes?”

  John and Lucille looked at each other. John tuned back to Ciaran and inclined his head. “We will be happy to,” he said.

  “Good. Now, there is something else we need to ask of you. We found something deeply disturbing in Theo, a parasitic energy that has been draining off part of his energy for years, most likely since he was an infant. As a young Mind Mage with no formal training, Clarice should not have been able to set that energy herself. Since her uncle, who controlled her, was not a Mind Mage himself, we suspect that there is a Fae Mind Mage involved. There must be something in the vault that you guard that this Fae wants. It must be very important to them, that they are willing to play the long game to make sure that they get it. This is more than Clarice wanting money and power. We need to know what is in that vault, so that we can figure out what is really going on here.”

  John glanced at Lucille again.

  “We are not at liberty to tell you, or anyone, what it in that vault,” Lucille began. “The oaths we took at our initiations forbid it. I will speak with the Guardian Council and ask if there is a way around those oaths. I will explain what has been happening, and what we are figuring out. We will have to wait and see what they say. Unfortunately, this is the best I can do at this time. I apologize. I see the importance of this. I will make sure that the Council does as well.”

  “So be it. I would ask that you contact them as soon as possible. I have a grave sense of urgency about this. It only grows with each fresh piece of information that we discover.”

  “I can contact them now,” Lucille replied. She stood and walked off in to the field aways. The three men continued to sit, drinking tea and eating the sandwiches that Celine had brought out for them. After a few minutes, Lucille returned.

  “There is not a way to circumvent our oaths. We cannot tell you what is in the vault. However, the Council is aware of what has been happening and agrees that you need to know, especially as it is becoming clear that there is a Fae Mage involved. A representative form the Guardian Council will be here tomorrow. They will have several other Guardians with them, including one who teaches shielding to young Guardians. She will help train everyone in appropriate shielding techniques.”

  “Will they be staying?” Nathaniel asked.

  “I think it would be wise to prepare rooms for them,” Lucille said. “At the very least, for the teacher and her two Guardians. I am not sure if the representative will stay. I think it depends on what we decide to do with the information that they bring.”

  “I will inform Celine,” Nathaniel declared. He stood and headed for the kitchen. Not finding her there, he called out. Hearing no response, Nathaniel made his way out to the garden center. Celine was at the register, ringing up a customer with several flats of winter greens. Nathaniel waited until she was finished before speaking.

  “Well, that would give me a chance to try a spell on the house that I have been wanting to do for ages,” Celine declared, a wicked gleam in her eyes. “Brendan always thought that it would create more trouble than it was worth, but I think it will be extremely useful. Come with me, and we will tell him.”

  Celine led the way to the greenhouse where Siofra and Brendan had been potting some of the Fae plants they wanted to develop for this realm. Classical music was playing quietly over the speakers Brendan had had installed in the greenhouse. Both gardeners had smudges of dirt on their faces and dirty hands. Both looked delighted with what they were doing, expressions of peace and happiness on their faces.

  Brendan looked up as Celine and Nathaniel enter
ed the greenhouse.

  “Well, my love,” he said. “To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?”

  “We have several more Guardians coming to visit tomorrow,” Celine informed him, grinning wickedly at him. Brendan gave her a hard look.

  “Celine,” he began.

  “Oh come now, you big grump,” she said. “You know this would help. Besides, with Malia and her children, Marissa and her children, and Shari-Beth all living with us, the house is almost full as it is. And the children will want to have their friends stay over. And we need to keep guest rooms for when family visit from out of town. Come on now. I even know who to ask. Your Grandmother Niamh would be the perfect spirit for the job. You know she loved a full house.”

  Brendan took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. “Oh, fine, then. Go ahead.”

  “You need to be a part of the working, you know that,” Celine reminded him. “You are the oldest Casey currently living in the house.”

  Brendan sighed again.

  “Fine. When do you want to do this?”

  “After lunch,” Celine declared.

  Brendan shook his head and sighed again.


  After lunch, Celine gathered the adult Caseys in the sitting room. They pulled back the furniture and the area rug to make room for a circle. Inlaid into the wooden floor of the room was a large circle in a darker wood. Celine swept the room to clear any negative energy. She turned to Brendan, Marissa, and Malia.

  “This working is High Magic and requires a formal circle to hold it. It’s a spell, rather than working with the elements as we usually do. Everyone take a corner, please.”

  Celine laid a circle of salt over the dark wooden circle in the floor. Each Casey Witch called a corner, Brendan North as Earth, Celine East as Air, Malia South as Fire and Marissa West as Water. Together they called on Above and Below, then Spirit, the Center, the Goddess. A sphere of powerful energy rose around them, shimmering like a child’s soap bubble in the air.

  Celine passed around a photo of Brendan’s Granny Niamh.

  “Fix her face in your mind. Brendan, think of her as you knew her best. Her good qualities and her quirks. Everything that you can remember about her.” She paused, waiting till they all nodded, indicating that they had her well in mind.

  “Niamh O’Brien Casey, we call you. We have a boon to ask of you. Will you speak with us?”

  In the center of the circle, a woman’s form took shape. She was slightly translucent. She looked around at her gathered descendants.

  “Well, Brendan lad, why have you called me?” Niamh asked.

  “My wife here has a daft question she wants to ask of you,” Brendan said.

  Niamh turned to Celine.

  “We find ourselves in need of making the house itself magical,” Celine informed her. “I remember you as having loved this house, and your family. Would you consent to becoming the Spirit of the House? To take care of ourselves and future Caseys, as long as the family shall own the house or live here?”

  Niamh thought about it for a moment.

  “Why not? I could use a bit of fun. I’ll do it.”

  “Thank you. We appreciate your gift to us.” Celine looked at her husband and daughters. “See the house surrounded in a sphere of white light, above, below and all around. Inside as well. Niamh, see yourself becoming one with the house. The house is your body now. Infuse it with your light, your Being, your will. The house responds to you, without limit of time or space, doing whatever you ask of it at your command.”

  Niamh nodded at Celine.

  “It is done.” Niamh was a bit more translucent now. “Thank you for this fresh chance at life and family, my children.”

  “Thank you, Granny Niamh,” they chorused back to her as she faded from sight.

  Celine gave thanks to the Goddess for the working, then they released the corners and closed the circle. Celine had Malia sweep up the salt. They replaced the rug and the furniture.

  “Granny Niamh was a powerful Witch in her day,” Celine said. “I am hoping that it will only take her only a short while to get used to having the house for a body. By this evening, I think she will be able to create rooms as needed. By tomorrow, she should have full control. She will be able to furnish rooms, expand or contract the house, provide food from what we already have on hand by replication if needed. Perhaps even keep everything clean.”

  “Granny Niamh was a bit of a terror, if I remember rightly,” Brendan said a bit doubtfully.

  “She was, but she was always fair. She may play a few tricks now and again, but it’s worth it to have a magical house. And you know she was happiest with her family around her. I think she is the perfect Witch for the job.”

  “Will she be able to manifest herself, and talk to us?” Malia asked.

  “She might, if she feels up to it,” Celine replied. “I think this is going to be an amazing partnership for all of us.” She paused. “It will also ensure the safety of our family and all we invite in friendship and love within these walls. Niamh was very protective of her family. She will do what she can to keep us all safe, the children especially.”

  Marissa and Malia looked at each other.

  “That was a really great idea, Mom,” Marissa said.

  “I thought so,” Celine said smuggly. Brendan just shook his head.

  Brendan picked up the children after school. When they reached home, he stopped them before they got out of the car.

  “Your Granny Celine has made a change to the house,” he told them. “She had the idea of protecting us all and making the house more… useful. She’s gone and invited your Great Great Granny Niamh to become the spirit of the house. Niamh accepted this afternoon. So, just be careful in the house for a few days. Niamh was a wonderful woman, and an extremely powerful Witch. Still, there are bound to be a few kinks for her to work out as she gets used to being the house. She has no limits in time or space to what she can do, so I would do your best to stay on her good side, if I were you. Granny Niamh liked to tease her children and play tricks on them, sometimes. She was also fiercely protective. Make sure you always ask nicely if you want something from her and say thank you and mean it when she does something for you.” He glanced around, looking each one in the eyes. They all nodded.

  “When we go into the house, make sure you introduce yourselves. She may or may not have the strength back yet to manifest herself after the bonding. Just talk to her as if she were in the room with you. Trust me, she will hear you.”

  Brendan let them out of the car. At the front door, he had them go in, one at a time, introducing themselves once they were in the doorway. Shari-Beth, as the oldest, went first.

  “Hello, Granny Niamh,” she began. “I am Shari-Beth Meyer-Casey, adopted daughter of Brendan and Celine, sister to Marissa and Malia Casey.” A warm feeling, like a gentle hug, enfolded her. “Thank you,” Shari-Beth said, and stepped inside.

  Allie and Mikey both stepped forward next. Allie slipped around her cousin and went next.

  “Hi Granny Niamh! My name is Allison Casey-O’Sullivan. I am Malia’s daughter. I think you taking over the house is totally cool. We are going to have so much fun! I’m glad you’re here.” Allie shrieked as something tickled her ribs. A kiss was placed on the end of her nose. Allie grinned and ran for the kitchen.

  Mikey stepped into the doorway.

  “Hello, Granny Niamh. I am Michael Casey-Leonard, Marissa’s son. I am glad you are here.” Mikey got a hug too, before he also headed for the kitchen and after-school snacks.

  Milena was next up.

  “Hi Granny Niamh,” she said quietly. “My name is Milena Casey-Leonard. I am Marissa’s daughter. I am glad you are here too. I have nightmares sometimes. I think having you in the house will make me feel safer. Welcome.” Milena felt arms go around her and a kiss was placed on the top of her head. After a moment, the feeling withdrew, laying another kiss on her forehead as it went.

  Ian was last.

ello, Granny Niamh. I am Ian Casey-O’Sullivan, Malia’s son. I hope we can be friends. I want to know how this all works, you taking over the house. It’s not really a haunting, because Granda Brendan said you could move things in time and space, sort of like using other dimensions. That is so cool. I am really excited to see how it all works.” Ian got a kiss on the forehead and a hair tussle. He grinned and joined his cousins and aunt in the kitchen.

  Brendan stepped through the door and closed it after him. “Thank you, Granny Niamh. I wasn’t sure what to think of all this before. Celine’s been wanting to do this for years. But I will say, with everything that has been going on lately, I am very glad you are here.” Brendan got a kiss on the forehead as well, followed by a swift swat in the pants as he followed the children to the kitchen.

  I guess Niamh would have liked to be here sooner, after all. He smiled and took a cookie from Celine.

  After their snack, the twins joined Ciaran and Nathaniel on the patio.

  “We’ll start with Allison and Ian, as they are less likely to have been affected,” Ciaran said. It only took a few moments to determine that Allie and Ian were free from compulsion. They ran off to the treehouse to start their homework.

  Nathaniel worked with Mickey while Ciaran worked with Milena. Ciaran found the beginnings of the same parasitic energy that had infected her parents in Milena’s mind. It was small and undeveloped. Ciaran wondered if it were just there as a ‘just in case’, to be used if Clarice’s plans for Teddy fell through. Ciaran unravelled the parasite, and with the help of the Goddess, burned it out completely and healed the site where it had been attached. He warded Milena’s mind against further intrusion. Pulling out of her mind, he looked over at Nathaniel, who was still at work.

  Several moments late, Nathaniel was finished.

  “I found the beginnings of that parasitic energy again,” he said.

  “As did I,” Ciaran replied. “I think she was planning on using the children as a back-up plan if she couldn’t get what she wanted from Theo.”


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