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Treasured by the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 13)

Page 11

by Jessie Donovan

  His crash course in fatherhood was going better than he'd ever thought possible. Maybe by the time his baby was born, he'd be ready for it.

  His dragon snorted. Babies are different. Even I know that.

  Ignoring his dragon, Blake focused on the positive and helped Daisy with whatever she needed.

  Dawn watched Blake and Daisy from the doorway for a few minutes, loving how Blake was patient with all of Daisy's stories.

  In her experience, most adults tried to find excuses to get away from her daughter. But Blake was making an effort, and that meant the world to her.

  However, once Daisy spotted her and asked if her room was already done, Dawn went into her old bedroom and sat on the bed a second to look around her now old life.

  It was mostly drawings from Daisy, pictures of them together, and a few paintings she'd done years ago.

  Even though it had been only her and Daisy for so long, she could easily see more pictures of Blake with the three of them. And as she placed her hand over her lower abdomen, she smiled. It'd be four of them soon enough.

  With the whirlwind of activities from the frenzy to the DDA paperwork to her mating ceremony, Dawn had rarely had a moment to think about her life changing. And yet, she didn't mind. Despite having lived in a city her entire life, she already missed Stonefire and the surrounding lakes and hills.

  Which reminded her that she needed to start packing or who knew when they'd be able to go back to their new home.

  Dawn didn't know how long she worked on packing up her things when Blake entered the room and immediately pulled her back against his front. He kissed her neck and murmured, "You should take a break."

  Leaning into his solid chest, she smiled. "You worry too much. As I've told you before, the pregnancy and carrying to term itself was never the problem for me, just the conceiving."

  He nuzzled her cheek. "Still, I don't want to risk it."

  She turned in his arms until she could loop hers around his neck. "I can't sit on a pillow for nine months, Blake. If Dr. Sid tells me to, then I'll listen. But you dragonmen have a reputation for being overprotective, and according to Evie, it's my job as your mate to keep you grounded."

  He grunted. "Ask Evie how well that's worked for her with Bram."

  She raised an eyebrow. "Well, this is a new side to you."

  He cupped her cheek, and she barely resisted leaning into his touch. "You, Daisy, and the baby already mean so much to me, Dawn. I will always want to protect you."

  As she stared into Blake's hazel eyes, it did something to her heart. He was such a contrast to her first husband's reluctance to help her out, so much so she still had trouble believing she'd snagged such a loving, kind man.

  While deep down she already loved him, she was afraid to say so and jinx everything. Even if it seemed unfair since she knew Blake already loved her, Dawn just needed a little longer to convince herself it wasn't all a dream that would be snatched away at the first opportunity.

  She kissed him gently and said, "How about we protect each other and our family together? That sounds like a much better idea, don't you think?"

  His pupils flashed—an endearing sight to her now—before he replied, "I guess. My dragon doesn't like it, but he's willing to try."

  She bit her lip to keep from laughing at the image of Blake's dragon sulking. The dragons of myth were always so majestic, selfish, and arrogant. But in reality, they weren't all that different from humans. A bit more instinctual and protective, yes. But multi-faceted as well. "Good. Then I promise to be honest about my health as long as you don't treat me like a fragile piece of porcelain. Deal?"

  He grunted. "Mostly. Just remember I can hear when your stomach rumbles, even a little, so I'm going to pester you about eating. Carrying a dragon-shifter child isn't quite the same as a human one."

  A fact Dawn was learning all too quickly. "Given how I eat three times as much, I'm surprised I haven't gained a stone by now."

  "You could gain ten and I wouldn't care. You'd still be my mate, and only mine."

  She was about to kiss him for that when Daisy's voice filled the air. "I thought we didn't have time to play? Because if we do, then Blake is supposed to teach me that dragon-shifter card game. The one about battling dragon-shifters."

  Since Dawn was facing away from Daisy, she grinned and raised her brows, telling Blake to handle that one.

  He cleared his throat. "It's true, we don't have time to play right now. I was just making sure your mother wasn't too tired."

  "How? I didn't think hugs or kisses would help you figure that out. Is there a secret trick no one has taught me? Because I might need it one day."

  Dawn bit her lip harder. Blake's pupils flashed a few times before he answered, "A hug can often make someone feel good, which helps even if you're tired. There's no trick to it."

  "Then let me help her, too!"

  Daisy raced up to them and weaseled her way to their side. Both Blake and Dawn wrapped Daisy into their three-person hug. Daisy closed her eyes and squeezed both of them.

  Dawn met Blake's gaze, and they smiled at one another. In that moment, her gut said they would make a good family, one that Daisy had deserved for so long.

  As soon as she could manage it—after enduring one of the longest group hugs of her life—Dawn got everyone back to work. The sooner they packed up their old life, the sooner they could truly begin their new one.

  Chapter Fifteen

  A week later, Blake stood at the cooker, absently stirring his sauce while Daisy did her homework at the table.

  Dawn was working a little late at her new job as an assistant office manager for the Protectors, but Blake didn't mind watching Daisy. She'd received a lot of extra homework in the last few days since the teachers were trying to catch her up to the other dragon students. And Blake had secretly learned to love teaching his new daughter all about his kind.

  While Daisy was far ahead of everyone else in human studies, she still had a lot to do before she could match dragon-shifter history, inner dragon studies, and dragon traditions such as dancing and ceremonies.

  His dragon spoke up. I still don't understand why she's learning about inner dragons. I wish she could have her own, but she can't.

  She may not have her own, but she needs to understand how inner dragons work or she'll never truly fit in here.


  Daisy's voice prevented Blake from replying to his beast. "I need your help, Blake. This inner dragon cave thing is confusing. How can your dragon hide from you inside your own mind for years? I don't get it."

  Setting the cooker temperature to a low simmer, he covered the pot and sat next to Daisy. Just as he was about to ask which part she was having trouble with, Dawn burst into the room. One glance at her widened eyes and he instantly knew something was wrong.

  Going to her side, he stated, "Tell me what happened, Dawn."

  She handed him a piece of paper. When he saw the Department of Dragon Affairs letterhead, a sense of foreboding settled over him. Since it would be faster, he read the first paragraph:

  This is your official notice to appear before a DDA judge to discuss the custody of your daughter, Daisy Chadwick. A blood relative has put in a claim to take over her care. You will find a more detailed explanation as well as a copy of the filed statement from the relative enclosed in this envelope.

  Someone had filed a claim to take Daisy away? He muttered, "Who the bloody hell would do that?"

  Before he could shuffle through the paperwork, Dawn squeezed his bicep but looked at Daisy. "Can you go upstairs to finish your homework, love? I need to discuss something with Blake."

  Daisy looked between them. Even Blake could tell she wanted to know what was going on, but they'd been working with her on the issue of privacy. Not just for them, but her, too.

  With a sigh, she scooped up her book and binder. "Fine, I'll be upstairs. But only for a little while. I really do need Blake's help with my homework."

  He nodded. "
I'll help you as soon as I can, Daisy. I promise."

  With another much more overdramatic sigh, Daisy left and trudged up the stairs. Only when he heard her walk into her room and shut the door did he focus back on Dawn. "I only read the beginning bit. But who is trying to claim Daisy? I thought her father was in Australia."

  "He is. It's not him trying to claim Daisy but his sister, Susan."

  Right, Susan Miller—the aunt who lived in Liverpool.

  His dragon growled. She can't have Daisy. She belongs with us. She is part of our family now.

  I know, dragon. But we have to be careful and do this the human way. Otherwise, the DDA could take her away.

  His beast grumbled and curled up inside his mind, a sign for Blake to handle whatever human things needed to be done.

  Guiding Dawn to a chair, he made sure she sat down before he did. "I didn't think Daisy and her aunt were that close, though?"

  She shook her head. "They aren't. They usually only see each other at major holidays. But I think I've mentioned how Susan distrusts dragons, right?" He nodded, recalling a vague late-night conversation. She continued, "Well, apparently she believes Daisy living here is detrimental to her well-being. Or so her letter tries to claim." She searched his gaze. "With everything going on, I haven't really had a chance to look into it all. But it's happened before, right, a human child moving onto a dragon clan?"

  What he wouldn't give to have the answers she wanted to hear. "I honestly don't know. I suspect so, but we need to talk with Evie and her friend Alice." He quickly explained how Alice Darby knew more than just about anyone when it came to dragon-shifters and everything about them. He continued, "But even without talking to them, just know that we'll fight this and win, Dawn. Daisy belongs here with you."

  She laid a hand on his cheek. "With us, and all of Stonefire, too. She's never done so well, Blake. She's less distracted, she focuses longer than normal, and she hasn't even been in much trouble." He noticed tears welling in Dawn's eyes. "I can't lose her, Blake. I just can't."

  He drew her close against his chest and held his mate. "You won't lose her, love. I promise I'm going to do whatever it takes to win this battle."

  And for a few long moments, they remained that way—silent and embracing each other as if it was the only thing keeping the world together.

  Then Blake finally forced himself to release his mate long enough to call Bram and set everything up with Evie and Alice.

  It seemed his life with Dawn and Daisy had been too easy so far. If he wanted a future with them, he'd have to fight for it. And Blake was more than up for the challenge.

  Nearly two hours after sharing her news with Blake, Dawn sat with him inside a meeting room on the ground floor of the Protector's main security building, waiting for Bram and the others to arrive.

  Since she'd had a quick cry earlier when alone with Blake, it'd helped to clear her head a bit. The shock of the news had made Dawn forget the fact that she'd raised and taken care of Daisy all on her own for years. Daisy was Dawn's daughter, and no one else's. No one would take Daisy away from her, even if it took everything she had to keep her.

  Blake squeezed her hand and she met his gaze. His reassuring, loving look helped her further push aside her fears.

  Her dragonman was kind, smart, and better with Daisy than she'd hoped. Add in his sexy looks and how good he was at wringing out orgasms, and it was no wonder Dawn loved the man.

  Not that she'd had a chance to tell him. However, once the custody matter was settled, she would.

  The door opened and in walked Bram, Evie, and a woman with dark hair dyed blue on the ends that must be Alice Darby, Evie's friend.

  They all sat across from her and Blake. It was Bram who spoke up first. "Sorry we're late. We had a few things to find out before getting here." He motioned toward the dark-haired woman. "Alice can explain it better than me. So quickly, Alice, this is Dawn and Blake. Dawn and Blake, this is Alice. Okay, now let's get down to business."

  Alice leaned her arms on the table and spoke, her southern English accent similar to Evie Marshall's. "So let me get a few things out in the open. Your case isn't the first, Dawn. There have been other humans moving onto a dragon's land with their human child. However, it has been more than three decades since the last time it's happened in England."

  She willed her voice to be strong as she asked, "And what happened?"

  Alice answered, "The woman and her son were allowed to stay on Skyhunter. But I believe in complete honesty, so I'll tell you that the DDA was much less put together back then. Remember, the sacrifice program only really started in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The woman's case was right before that. The DDA is much stricter now since dragon-shifters are more visible in both the news and in the UK in general."

  She didn't think the woman was trying to depress her, only give her honest answers. So Dawn pushed aside her sadness at how this might be much more difficult than she'd thought. She looked at each of the three people across from her in turn. "So, what do we do?"

  Evie replied, "We already submitted all the necessary forms for you and Daisy to move here, and they were approved before the Susan woman filed her complaint. That works in our favor. But you'll still have to attend a hearing with you, Susan Miller, a DDA panel, and Daisy. The human social services side of things wants to leave this to the DDA, probably to avoid any association with dragons in general. You'll each state your case, and they'll talk to Daisy in private. Given how Daisy loves it here, I think she'll be your greatest asset."

  She nodded. "When will it take place?"

  Bram spoke up. "In a week. You'll be allowed a solicitor to help present your case. Whilst there aren't many that will represent dragon-shifters, there are a few. I have the best one coming to help you, and she should arrive tomorrow morning. Her name is Hayley Beckett. You'll meet with her at 8:00 a.m."

  The last time Dawn had dealt with a solicitor had been her divorce. Why did it seem as if they were only necessary under the worst of times?

  Blake spoke up. "What can I do to help? Or do I have to wait until Miss Beckett arrives?"

  Bram replied, "She'll have the best advice of what you can do, but you have to prove you'll be a good father to Daisy. So it couldn't hurt to start putting everything together to prove that—finances, your job, and even references from clan members."

  Blake nodded. "I'll start right after we finish here."

  As Dawn looked from Blake and then to the others across the table, she felt the urge to cry again. She was barely an official clan member and they were all so willing to help her. "Thank you," she croaked.

  Blake pulled her against his side as Bram waved a hand in dismissal. "Stonefire takes care of its own, which includes you. It's nothing special."

  Oh, but it was, and Dawn knew it. However, she merely nodded since she didn't have enough energy to argue about something so trivial when she could possibly lose Daisy forever in the coming weeks.

  No. She wouldn't let her go. With everyone at her back, they had to win. They just had to.

  And as Bram, Evie, and Alice explained a few things she needed to know ahead of the custody hearing, she merely took strength from Blake's touch and did her best to keep it together. Because when she talked to Daisy about all this, she needed to be strong.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The next morning, Blake took Dawn and Daisy to the Protector's building for their meeting with the solicitor and tried his best not to let his mixture of anger and uneasiness show. Both of the females in his family needed strength, and he would show it.

  His dragon spoke up. Of course we'll be strong for them. Anyone who tries to take them away will have to face me.

  As much as I wish you could just shift and eat the horrible aunt, it doesn't work that way anymore.

  His beast grunted. There were some good points to the old times. Although I do prefer better hygiene and the fact people aren't constantly trying to hunt us as trophy kills. But eating our enemies was a nice t
ouch hundreds of years ago.

  Blake resisted a sigh and focused on ushering Dawn and Daisy into the building and down the hallway.

  Once they reached the correct room, he looked at Dawn and murmured, "Ready?" She nodded weakly, and he quickly kissed her forehead. "We'll win, Dawn. I know we will."

  Daisy must've heard him because she asked, "What happens if we lose?"

  He replied, "We're going to focus on winning. That's more important."

  "Okay." Daisy stood taller. "Then let's find a way to win."

  She'd taken the news the night before better than he'd expected. But Dawn had explained that Daisy was used to challenges thanks to her problems at school, and even more recently, with her former best friend.

  If she was this resilient at eleven, he could only imagine what she'd be like as an adult.

  Dawn turned the doorknob, and they entered the room, only to find the brown-haired, pale-skinned Hayley Beckett already sitting at the table with various piles of paper in front of her.

  Her messy bun, glasses, and mismatched buttoned cardigan didn't exactly scream a high-powered solicitor, but Blake wasn't going to judge by appearance. He knew better than anyone that focusing on the way someone looked could make people focus on the wrong thing.

  She smiled and stood, reaching out her hand to shake. "You must be Blake, Dawn, and Daisy. I'm Hayley Beckett, but please call me Hayley. I'd like to say nice to meet you, but it's not quite the time. So take a seat and let's get started."

  Hayley shook Dawn's hand, then Blake’s, and she even shook with Daisy, too.

  Once they were all seated, Hayley continued. "The case is unique in that it hasn't happened in England for quite a while. However, if everything Bram told me is true, there are several points in your favor. So let's start with the basics and build up the case, okay? I need you to tell me everything about this woman who filed the complaint as well as what you've done to help Daisy adjust here."


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