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Intuition Page 5

by Jennis Slaughter

  “You had never really talked about your father. Every time that I tried to bring him up, you would change the subject. So when he showed up, I understood, and when Grace and your grandmother contacted me, everything else became clear,” Raelin explained.

  “Everything else?” Del asked suspiciously. “You’re making it sound like some grand conspiracy. What aren’t you telling me exactly?”

  Raelin closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. When she opened them back up, she asked, “What did your grandmother tell you about your birth?”

  “Just that it was a hard labor and that she fought as hard as she could, but didn’t make it. That I was breech and it put too much strain on her,” Del answered, her spine going straight. She had a sneaking suspicion she wasn’t going to like what the answer was. “Why?”

  Muttering beneath her breath, “Goddess help me.” Raelin motioned towards a chair. “Your mother was warned that she shouldn’t have children. That there was a possibility that either she or her child wouldn’t survive, but your father wanted a son. And your mother loved your father very much, so she decided to take the chance.”

  “What?” Del asked flatly. “No wonder my father resents me so damn much. He lost his wife and didn’t even get the kid he wanted out of it,” she scowled. “I wasn’t wanted from the start.”

  Raelin went over to stand in front of her wife. “You most definitely were wanted. Your mother wanted you more than she wanted to live. She had always dream of being a mother, and she wanted to give your father a child. Grace loved you Delaney, and she always wanted you.”

  “That’s always good to know, but it doesn’t make me feel much better about my father. At least before, I thought I had a chance to maybe someday please him. I can’t exactly fix the fact that I’m a woman now can I?” Del muttered. She rubbed her face with her good hand, trying to sort out her head. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I don’t know what the right thing to do about him is. He’s gone off to get help, but if it had been up to me I would have just left him to his own devices.” She leaned forward a bit to rest her forehead against Raelin’s hip.

  Leaning down Raelin kissed Del’s head while she rubbed her back. “Then leave him alone. What he does now is up to him, as he’s been given the chance to change his way of thinking. You don’t need to prove yourself to anyone Darlin’. You never have.”

  She nodded against Raelin, taking in the comforting touch before she pulled away. “We’ll see what he does with this chance then, won’t we. I should probably let you get back to work. Sorry for barging in here the way I did.” The blonde stood and finished the last of her tea. “Thanks for the snack. It really hit the spot.”

  Wanting to hug her wife, Raelin reached out to caress her face. “You don’t have to apologize. You have the right to be upset at me. I love you Delaney. I have since the moment I first saw you.”

  Del shook her head slightly leaning into her wife’s touch. “Upset or not, I should have waited until we were home. Not come into your work and reamed you out the way I did. It was wrong of me to do that.”

  Not caring if the blonde would let her, Raelin pulled her into her embrace and kissed her forehead. “I don’t care where I am, you can talk to me about anything. If it’s a reaming out, and I think I deserve it, I’ll take it, but if I don’t think I deserve it, we’ll have one hell of a discussion.”

  Melting into the contact, Del burrowed into Rae’s neck. “I’ll be sure to remember that,” she paused, hesitating, “Did my father say anything last night? About me, I mean.”

  “He’s glad that you successful and happy, and he’s proud that you’re a Chief.” Raelin knew she wasn’t lying, just not exactly telling the whole truth. “I truly believe that he loves you Del, he just doesn’t know how to show it.”

  “I’d have taken anything as a kid,” she mumbled into the warmth of Raelin’s skin. “I should probably get back, I think I’m going to finish up the paperwork the boys dumped on me, and then I think I’ll just call it a day. Do you want me to make something for dinner for you?”

  “What time do you think that you’ll be finished?” Closing her eyes the witch tried carefully to send calming thoughts to her wife.

  “I’d say it shouldn’t take me much more than an hour,” she took a deep breath, letting it and the feel of Raelin so close calm her. She felt much more at ease now and smiled knowing Raelin had probably been cheating just a bit.

  “Why don’t you swing by here before you leave town, and pick me up? That way we can go home together and just snuggle,” Raelin murmured into golden hair.

  “Yeah sure. I think snuggles sound like a pretty good idea. I can pick some wine up on the way over here, unless we’ve got some left at the house,” Del suggested, giving her witch’s waist a little squeeze.

  “Why don’t you pick up some along with something already made from the deli? That was we can just relax and not worry about cleaning up,” the brunette smiled down into cool green eyes.

  “I’d say you’ve got yourself a date.” She grinned, swaying them back and forth gently.

  “Maybe one night, we can take off and go up to New Orleans and stay in your apartment and go dancing? How does that sound to you?” The thought of dancing with her wife, brought all sort if images to Raelin’s mind.

  Del ran her hands up Raelin’s sides and then let her arms rest over the taller woman’s shoulders. “That sounds like a mighty fine time. I can think of a lot of things I’d like to do to you on a dance floor.”

  “Ooo, I can’t wait. Once the Foundation is up and running, maybe we can make a weekend out of it. I also need to head over to the casino soon. So give me call once you leave the grocery store and I’ll be ready to go once you get here.” Raelin leaned down to brush her lips against her Chief’s.

  Del moaned into the contact, rising to her toes to press closer. She ran her hands into Raelin’s hair, holding her close as they kissed.

  The bell over the door rang lightly as a customer came in, so Raelin reluctantly pulled away, her eyes on Delaney’s lips. “Call me,” she whispered as she backed out of the room.

  Del took a few minutes to gather herself before she left the office. She gave a smile and nod to her witch before she headed out to her office, looking forward to what the night promised.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Del meandered around the grocery store looking for something to treat Raelin with. She’d already picked up a bottle of their favorite wine, but wanted a little something to surprise her wife. Wandering into the produce section, Del grinned mischievously. She picked up a selection of Raelin’s favorites, strawberries, kiwis, and a bunch of bananas. Finally, she grabbed a bar of milk chocolate from the candy isle and headed to the check out.

  She placed the bags into the backseat of her Jeep and leaned against the driver’s side door, popping her phone opening and dialing Rae’s number.

  “Hey...are you on your way?” Raelin’s voice smoothly purred in the phone.

  “Yeah just finished up at the store. You ready to close up?” Del asked, grinning at her wife’s sultry tone.

  Chuckling softly, the witch answered, “The store is closed, however...I’m still open for you.”

  “Why Mrs. Delacroix, are you coming on to me?” the blonde asked, hopping into the driver’s seat and starting it up.

  “Not at this moment, but I may cum later.”

  Del felt heat flood through her at the low words and she took an audible breath, holding it a few seconds before letting it out again. “No maybe about it. I’ll be out front in a few, meet you there?” she asked playfully, throwing the Jeep into drive and heading for Raelin’s shop.

  Raelin was sitting on the bench outside her store watching for her wife’s Jeep and looking at the second hand on her watch. As the Jeep came to a stop in the spot in front of the store she stood up with a smile. Walking over and opening the passenger side door, she stated. “Forty-five seconds since you hung up and you got here. What to
ok you so long?”

  “I needed a second or two to get the images of what I plan to do to you out of my head so I could drive without killing us all.” Del chuckled, leaning over to greet Raelin with a kiss as she settled into her seat.

  Reaching out to keep Del’s lips right where they were, Raelin murmured, “Ooo, pray tell, give a girl a preview.”

  She lingered over Raelin’s lips a few seconds more before moving across the witch’s jaw and down her throat. She sucked the skin softly marking her wife as her fingers teased a breast through the fabric of her shirt. “You’re going to want to wear a shirt with a collar tomorrow,” Del purred into Raelin’s skin.

  “No ring around the collar Darlin’. The opening is in two days and I can make most of them disappear by then, but you can make all you want lower down,” Raelin admonished even as she was exposing more of her neck to her wife.

  “I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not,” the blonde purred, using the hand not sneaking between the buttons on Raelin’s shirt to tug away the fabric of her collar, leaving a second mark where she knew it would be hidden. “Better?”

  “Aw, fuck...yes, and if you don’t want your deputies to arrest you for indecent exposure, you may want to head on home before I throw you in the back of this Jeep and have my way with you,” Raelin growled.

  “You know, I know a pretty nice place on the edge of town that’s out of the way if you ever want to follow through on that threat?” The Chief grinned, pulling away to drive them out to the house.

  “Deal...and what’s taking you so long?” The brunette looked at her wife.

  “You’re distracting me,” Del said, throwing the Jeep into drive and starting them on their way. “So, my lady. The house or seedy back road?” Del laughed as she drove.

  Leaning over to run her finger up the seam between the blonde’s legs, Raelin purred, “You tell me.”

  “Fuck,” the blonde breathed. Looking around, Del decided they were far enough out of town and pulled onto a nearby back road knowing that it wouldn’t be used this time of day. Parking around a bend out of sight of the main road she tore off her seat belt and caught Raelin in a demanding kiss.

  Moaning at the onslaught Raelin managed to get her hands between their bodies and to start unbuttoning Delaney’s shirt. In no time, she had it opened and untucked so that she could remove the bulletproof vest and palm the blonde’s breasts.

  Del arched into the eager hands of her wife, sucking on Raelin’s lower lip as she pulled away to breathe. Reaching past Raelin she popped open the door as she dove back in for another fierce kiss, her tongue demanding entrance.

  Pulling back when she had to breathe, Raelin unbuckled her seat belt and slid out the open door. Reaching up she began unbuttoning her shirt until it was hanging open exposing her breasts that were barely covered in a lacey white bra. “See something you like Chief?”

  Del’s jaw near about hit the floor as she saw the skimpy lace covering her witch. It only took about three seconds for her to scramble over the center console and out the door, her tongue running along the edges of the barely there fabric. “I see many things I like,” she growled into bronze skin.

  Moaning, Raelin could barely force out, “You know that we’re on our land don’t you, and the spring is about three minutes from here?”

  “You want to go skinny dipping in a spring?” Del grinned, her hands wandering over bronze skin.

  “That’s one thing that we can do,” the brunette wiggled her eyebrows. “If you can catch me, you can have me.” Raelin turned and took off running.

  Cursing, Del swung the Jeep door closed and pressed the lock button as she started after her wife. “Damn it Raelin, you run for miles every day, not to mention your longer legs.” Del laughed as she raced after the taller woman.

  Laughing, Raelin called back to her wife. “I just gave you good incentive. Do you need something more?” She pulled off her shirt and dropped it as she ran, and about thirty seconds later, her bra followed.

  Seeing the articles hitting the ground, Del picked up her pace, grinning roguishly when she noticed she was gaining ground. “I think this qualifies as evading police,” she joked.

  “Ooo, do you have your cuffs Chief?” the witch shouted back.

  “Yes, and if you don’t stop this running and let me ravage you, I’m going to use ‘em,” Del panted, now only a few feet from her wife’s back.

  Skidding to a stop a few feet away from the spring, Raelin turned to watch the blonde catch up. “I guess that it’s true about law enforcement and doughnuts. You’re outta shape Darlin’.”

  “You know as well as anybody that I don’t eat doughnuts and I for one am offended,” Del huffed, grinning. “Besides, I don’t have legs that go on for days. You have an advantage with your longer stride.” The blonde grinned untucking the tank top she wore underneath her uniform shirt.

  Sitting down on a nearby log the witch pulled off her boots before she stood back up to unbutton her pants and pull them and her underwear off in one movement. “Well, whatever. You’re slow and I’m getting wetter than I already am.” Turning, she dove into the spring, and swam a little ways underwater.

  Following her wife Del stripped her uniform off, making sure to keep her gun well away from the water. She jumped off a ledge into the spring, spluttering as she surfaced. “This thing is deeper in the middle than it looks.”

  Paddling around the blonde, Raelin smiled. “Yeah, it’s about thirty feet roughly, and this is pure spring water. How do you like it?”

  “It’s nice, deep, but nice. Perfect for a hot summer day,” Del answered, treading water carefully. “Is there a shallower part?”

  Floating on her back, Raelin crooked her finger to her wife. “Follow me said the spider to the fly,” she moved back the way that they had come to a sand bar that made the water only about three feet deep. Rising out of the water, she smoothed back her hair. “Is this alright with you?”

  Eyes wide at the site of clear spring water falling over her wife’s toned body, Del nodded, joining her, pushing her own hair back from her face as she stood. “It’s perfect,” she replied reaching out to follow a drop of water with her fingertip.

  Stepping forward to press her body against her wife, the brunette muttered, “Yes you are.” Leaning down, she captured Del’s lips in a hard kiss.

  Returning the kiss, Del whimpered as she felt both the gentle breeze dance over her damp skin and Raelin’s hands wandering over her back and sides. Lifting to her tiptoes, she pressed into the contact, deepening the kiss as her fingers tangled in Raelin’s dark hair.

  Moving her mouth along Delaney’s jaw line, Raelin murmured, “There’s a nice flat rock over there in the sun that’s perfect for lying on. You wanna try it out?”

  “Oh hell yes,” the Chief breathed, feeling the heat and urgency from earlier in the Jeep returning, now that she had Raelin’s skin pressed against hers.

  Taking her wife by the hand, Raelin led the blonde to the rock and lay down. The sun cast a deep bronze glow over the witch’s body while her eyes were slowly turning to the color of honey. “I want you Delaney.”

  “You have me, all of me. Always.” Del smiled, cupping Raelin’s cheek with her hand. She leaned in to kiss her wife, running her tongue teasingly over a full bottom lip before pulling away with a grin.

  “You’re gonna make me wait, aren’t you?” the brunette whimpered.

  “Well, you did make me run through the woods like a heathen.” Del chuckled low in her throat. She ran her fingers, cupping a bronze cheek down over an elegant throat, to tease over the swell of perfect breasts, never lingering in any one place.

  “Ahh...yes, well I wanted you to get a move on. You were taking too long.” Raelin arched up against her wife’s touch.

  “Taking too long? I’d barely gotten out of the Jeep before you raced off,” Del retorted, pinching one sensitive nipple, dropping her head to nibble the other.

  “Ngh...too long,” the brunette hissed.
She kept her hands by her side, but fisted. As much as she wanted to push Delaney down where she wanted her, she knew by her wife’s voice that she would not be rushed.

  “Well, you can’t rush a good thing babe,” the blonde grinned, blazing a hot trail over Raelin’s skin with her lips, taking her time as she moved slowly over damp skin, licking up drops of water as she went. “Also, you know that good things come to those who wait.”

  “Grrr, yesss, but I don’t want to wait.” Raelin raised up her head to watch her wife.

  Slowly licking up the moisture around Raelin’s navel, Del watched her wife’s eyes, grinning as she worked. “Well, doesn’t look like you have much choice though, does it?”

  “I could flip this around...and do the same thing to you,” the brunette reached out to place her hand on the blonde’s head.

  “You could,” the blonde agreed, nipping teasingly at the skin a few inches lower, “But then you’d miss out on this,” she finished taking a slow swipe over Raelin’s center, moaning slightly at the taste. God, she could never get enough.

  Raelin arched up off the rock as she kept her hand on Delaney’s head. “Fuucck…” the witch swore as Delaney’s tongue ran up her center again, and she started trembling. She closed her eyes, and tried something new. Focusing, she tried to push what she was feeling back at Del, wanting to share.

  Del whimpered as a flash of arousal shot through her, settling low into her stomach. She gasped and looked up at her wife. “Was that you?”

  Biting her lip, all Raelin could do was nod her head as she almost lost her concentration.

  “Amazing,” Del breathed, going back to her work, this time adding teasing fingers as she once again settled between toned thighs. She kissed and nibbled before she settled into a slow rhythm, sucking gently to counter the teasing swipes of her tongue.


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