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Intuition Page 6

by Jennis Slaughter

  “Yess...Del please,” the witch stuttered. The blonde had learned all about her body and could now play her like a finely strung instrument, and then there are times when just a look could leave her gasping for air. Their combined love and their link had magnified their emotions like volcano’s erupting.

  “Think you’ve waited long enough then?” she asked slyly, sinking three fingers deep into her wife’s core. Moaning at the arousal that reverberated through their link, Del pressed her thighs together, trying to ease some of the ache.

  “We’ve both waited....take me Delaney...give me...” Raelin couldn’t finish the thought as the blonde curled her fingers briefly before resuming her thrust.

  “It’s okay Darlin’, let go for me,” Del purred, sucking hard as she twisted her fingers. She wanted to watch as Raelin crashed over, but had to close her eyes as she felt Raelin’s pleasure on top of her own.

  Bucking hard and shouting Delaney’s name Raelin tightened herself around Delaney while her nerves were shattering into shards. Nothing that she had ever experienced was anything at all like this. She felt like she and Delaney were creating a new emotion as they shared her release.

  The blonde felt her body give way as Raelin’s did and she groaned into Raelin’s flesh as she let it roll over her. She held Raelin there, enjoying the sensations that coursed through her and reveled in the tremors of the woman beneath her.

  Her eyes rolling back into her head the witch blacked out for a moment before she came to her senses with Delaney hovering over her. Reaching up, she drew down the blonde’s face, moaning at the taste of herself on her lips and tongue.

  Grinning, the blonde kissed her wife languidly, her own body still sensitive after their shared release. “You’re amazing,” Del whispered.

  Drawing the blonde up for a kiss, Raelin murmured against Del’s lips. “That wasn’t just me Darlin’...that was us,” she swiped her tongue across her wife’s bottom lip before sucking it into her mouth.

  Pulling away only slightly, Del settled her weight across her wife and lavished in the attention she was receiving. “I love you.”

  “And I love you Delaney,” the brunette smiled up at her wife. She placed her hands against the blonde’s lower back and held the woman close.

  Tucking her head underneath Raelin’s chin, she relished the moment. The warmth of the evening sun fell across them as they lay together, the steady beat of Raelin’s heart soothing her nerves and letting her decompress after a long day. “Did you spend a lot of time out here as a kid?” she asked her witch.

  Rubbing her thumbs on silky skin, Raelin whispered, “I didn’t have any friends growing up so I spent a lot of time here gathering herbs and learning about the woods and learning more about my religion.” She grew quiet. “You know that this is the spring that Dad arranged to meet Momma?”

  “I figured it might have been when you said it was on your land.” She sighed, melting under Raelin’s hands. “You seem like a good swimmer.”

  “Oh, I am. I can hold my breath a very long time...and my favorite stroke is the breast stroke.” The brunette grinned wickedly at the blonde.

  “I’ve noticed.” Del grinned, pressing down on her hips just slightly. “So you must have swum a lot as a kid then?”

  Rolling her hips, the witch chuckled. “Yeah, I swam here a lot. At that time, the Kingsley’s owned the land and they could have kicked me off, but now I know why they didn’t.”

  “Yeah, I guess we do,” Del breathed, rising to her hands to hover over her wife. “I’m not a fan of swimming myself. I prefer camping out in the bush.”

  “A gardener...really! Do you prefer a trimmed bush, a naked one, or one that is wild?” Raelin couldn’t help but continue the playful banter.

  “Hmm depends on my mood. I’m not too fussy really. I noticed you keep your garden pretty immaculate. Nicely trimmed all around,” Del smirked, wiggling a little against Raelin.

  “As I see that you do also...” Still holding the blonde close, Raelin giggled. “We’re being so silly...It feels good.”

  “It does. I’m so glad I have you,” the blonde whispered against Raelin’s lips.

  “And you can have me again. I love you Delaney.” The witch smiled.

  “Oh Darlin’, I love you too.” Closing the scant distance between them, Del captured Raelin in a long slow kiss, pouring everything she had into the contact before pulling away a few long moments later. “You want to head back? I picked up dinner. It’s going to need to be warmed up again by now,” the Chief chuckled.

  “If we must...I’m comfortable though,” the witch wiggled against the blonde.

  Pressing her hips down, Del nipped at the full bottom lip of her lover, sucking it lightly as she drew away again. “You know, I’m awfully comfortable myself.”

  “Mmm, I do have to admit that it is tempting to think that there is an awfully soft bed waiting for us at the house.” Raelin reached up to caress a peaches and cream cheek.

  “True, this rock must be wrecking your back. Me being on top of you like this probably isn’t helping,” the blonde smiled, leaning into the soft touch of her lover.

  Smiling at the blonde, Raelin admitted. “It’s not the most comfortable place I’ve ever been, but you feel delicious on top of me.” Her eyes grew lighter as she rolled her hips against the blondes.

  “Oh, I know those eyes. Those eyes mean good things are coming my way.” She grinned, shifting her weight to one hand so she could run the fingers of the other lightly down the space between Raelin’s breasts.

  “I thought that something had already cum both our ways...” Raelin’s hand slipped between their bodies to run her nails lightly over damp curls. “However, we can try or later, it’s your choice.”

  “You stop now and I’ll conveniently forget to buy bacon for the next week,” Del growled, shifting to try to get more contact.

  Hitching up her eyebrows, Raelin let her fingers slowly slide into the throbbing wetness as her thumb grazed against the tiny bundle of nerves hidden in Del’s trimmed curls. “I love the way you feel against me.”

  Del could only moan at the feel of Raelin manipulating her body, rolling her hips to take in more of her wife. She felt her arms shaking with the effort to hold herself above Raelin and she closed her eyes to let the sensations shooting through her take over.

  “Can you hold yourself there?” Raelin whispered as she thrust in and out. She flicked at the blonde’s clit.

  Whimpering, Del dropped to her elbows, squirming against the fingers teasing her. “Roll over?”

  “What would you do if I say no?” The witch withdrew before slowly sliding in again with an extra digit, filling her wife even more. Bringing up her head, she placed her mouth over a thundering pulse point and sucked in the warm flesh.

  “Please Raelin, let me feel you above me,” Del begged, her body coiling tight as the sensations started to build.

  Faster than the blonde thought that the witch could move, Raelin was above her Chief and thrusting hard. “Is this what you wanted Darlin’?” She put her hips behind her hand, rolling against her.

  “Yesss,” Del breathed, meeting Raelin’s thrusts with her hips. She reached up and wrapped her arms around the witch’s neck, tangling her fingers in still damp hair as they moved, her body arching against the heated skin of her lover.

  Her dark hair hanging down like a curtain blocking out the rest of the world, Raelin held herself above her wife, watching as she came undone. “Mrs. Delacroix, I’m in love with you.”

  Hearing those words was all Del needed for her body to let go and she threw her head back in pleasure. She let the strangled cry break free from her chest and her fingers dug into Raelin’s shoulders. Feeling her muscles contracting around Raelin’s fingers she closed her eyes as stars danced across her vision.

  Raelin watched as the blonde’s eyes rolled back and her body trembled beneath her. Leaning down, the witch ran her tongue over Del’s bottom lip before she sucked
it between her own lips. Biting it lightly, she murmured, “I take that you liked that?”

  “Oh God yes. You’ve never been one to disappoint.” Del laughed, her eyes finally opening lazily. “I love you too.”

  Smiling down into sparkling green eyes, Raelin honestly responded, “I never want to disappoint you Delaney...never.”

  “I don’t think you ever could.”

  Leaning down to brush her lips against Del’s, the witch murmured, “Let’s go home.”

  “Yes let’s,” Del agreed, kissing her wife gently before patting her hip to get her moving. “We’ll go home, warm up some dinner, I have a little treat for desert and then how about a movie and wine?”

  “That sounds like heaven to me, but anything with you sounds like heaven.” Raelin got to her feet and held out her hand to her wife.

  “Sweet talker.” The blonde grinned, taking the witch’s hand and letting the woman pull her up. Del gathered the discarded pieces of clothing and put herself together watching as Raelin did the same, with the exception of her shirt and bra, which were still somewhere in the woods.

  Backtracking to the Jeep, Raelin found her clothing and put on her shirt after stuffing her bra into her jean’s pockets. Buttoning up her shirt as she got to the Jeep she waited as Del unlocked the doors and smiled. “I forgot to tell you that the spring is almost pure power. It’s a place that I can come to recharge, but I never felt comfortable in coming here since Momma died. With you, I can start coming here again.”

  Reaching over Del ran her fingertips over Raelin’s jaw, smiling as she leaned in for a quick kiss. “I’m glad I could help. I want you to have everything you need for your magic, and to know that I support you in your magic one hundred percent.”

  “I know you do. I still find it amazing that I found someone that supports me like you do.” She tugged the blonde’s shirt so she could have another kiss.

  Letting the kiss come to its natural conclusion, Del flashed her lover a wide smile. “I’m hardly one to judge other people. I’m no saint. Besides, my grandmother made sure to raise me with an open mind. I didn’t understand what she was doing at the time, but I guess paying attention to her came in handy.”

  Raelin thought as they headed home. “I wonder if you grandmother could see flashes of the future. It would explain the way that she raised you.”

  “Good question. A shame I’ll never get to find out,” Del said thoughtfully, pulling into the yard. The sun was starting to set but the breeze was still warm as they grabbed the bags out of the back. They headed onto the porch, but Del stopped dead as she reached out to gently grab Raelin’s arm.

  Rori was in his usual spot on the porch curled up in his favorite lounge chair, but it was the sight of the second cat that surprised the blonde. She was a striking cat; beautiful long haired calico coat could be seen as she lay with Rori curled around her. “Who’s the other cat?” Del asked quietly.

  “That must be Tasha. She’s a new field cat from Canal City.” Raelin smiled. “Would you two care for some dinner?” she asked her familiar.

  Del laughed at how quickly both feline’s heads popped up. “I can whip up some tuna pretty quickly.”

  She watched as Rori looked to Tasha and then back at his humans. “Yes, dinner would be nice thanks.”

  “No problem, give us a few minutes and I’ll call you when everything is ready. I bought some fresh tuna yesterday.” Raelin tugged on her wife’s hand, leading her into the house. “This is the first time that he has brought someone home. I sort of feel like I should grill her about her intentions.” The brunette laughed at the thought.

  “God help her if you’re anything like Rori is,” she replied with a laugh, putting away the groceries and chilling the wine in the fridge.

  Reaching in the open fridge to grab the tuna, Raelin nudged her wife with her hip. “We got together alright. Besides, I don’t think that she can hear me, and I know for a fact that Rori won’t translate for me.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. I saw one heck of a brain ticking behind those green eyes and she watched you intently the entire time you spoke. When I’m on a case with a language barrier; that was always the one thing that gave people away. If they looked at me and not the translator,” Del answered, popping the potato salad into a bowl before popping the roasted chicken in the oven to warm.

  “Hmm, well I’ll see if she can. Is there anything that I do to help with dinner after I fix their tuna?” Raelin unwrapped the fish and divided it up into two bowls.

  Spooning the last of the macaroni salad into a bowl and popping it onto the table next to the other bowl, Del shook her head as she grabbed a couple plates and silverware. “Nope, I’m good. You just sit and relax,” she answered pulling out a chair for her wife.

  Putting the bowls on Rori’s bench, the witch sent a thought to the calico and sat down in the chair.

  Del smiled as she saw the pair walk into the room, Tasha with all her feline grace and Rori obviously trying to act casual. “She’s a very pretty girl Rori,” Del thought to him. She turned and picked up his water bowl rinsing it out and pouring them fresh water from the cooler. Next, she pulled the wine out of the fridge and retrieved two glasses out of the china cabinet. “You want to open this while I get the chicken out?” Del asked, setting everything on the table and handing her wife the corkscrew.

  Opening the wine, Raelin glanced as the two cats as they lightly jumped up on Rori’s bench. The calico leaned down to smell the food and glanced at the brunette. She tilted her head, and twitched her whiskers before she looked at the blonde.

  Del turned quickly from where she was carving the chicken and looked wide eyed at the cat. Looking to Raelin, she gave her a confused expression. “She says, thank you for the hospitality and that tuna is one of her favorites.”

  “You can hear her?” Raelin turned to look at the cat and thought, “How do you like Leroy so far?”

  “She thinks it’s great and she’s enjoying her time here. She joked about the tour guide having something to do with it.” Del translated for Raelin. “Can’t you hear her?”

  Shaking her head, Raelin looked at Rori. “You picked a cat that Del can hear, but I can’t. Good job.”

  “Don’t get mad at me. I was hoping neither one of you could, last thing I need is for either of you grilling her,” Rori replied smartly, looking up from his meal.

  Del just laughed as she plated up some chicken for her wife, kissing her head as she took her seat. “Oh come on, you have no right to say anything. You are just as bad and I have the faint scars on my back to prove it.” Del laughed.

  Tasha turned to look at the gray cat. “What exactly did you do to the blonde? And aren’t you going to introduce me?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry that was very rude of me. The brunette is my witch Raelin. The blonde is her wife and my other human Delaney Delacroix. She’s the town Chief,” he said, his fluster clear over the link he shared with both women. “Raelin, Delaney, this is Tasha a field cat from Canal City.”

  “Hello Tasha...welcome to our home.” Raelin thought to the cat.

  The calico nodded her head. “Thank you for having me. You have a beautiful home.”

  When the witch didn’t answer, the cat once more turned to the blonde. “How is it that you can hear me when she can’t?”

  “I’m not sure although, I don’t know much about any of this. Rori and Rae are the ones to ask about that kind of thing. It is very nice to meet you though. I’m glad Rori brought you for dinner.” Del smiled taking a sip of her wine.

  “Once again, thank you for having me. Please pass that on to your wife.” The female cat turned back to her bowl and finished eating her meal.

  “She says thank you for having her again.” Del smiled enjoying a bite of her chicken.

  Taking a bite of chicken, Raelin shook her head. “Well, it seems that we both have our familiars. I hope that I will soon be able to hear her.” Chewing for a few moments, she looked over at the blonde. “Umm, I got
a call from the Rehab, and they said that your father got settled in. I won’t bring it up again, but I thought that you should know.”

  “Why would I need a familiar?” Del asked, shaking her head. “I’m glad he got settled in. Hopefully, he actually makes something of the chance you gave him. It’s more than I was willing to give,” Del said quietly, almost to herself.

  “I don’t know Darlin’, maybe the lines thought that you needed one. I don’t know everything about the history here. I’m still reading through my family’s journals so maybe I’ll find something in there to explain it,” the brunette took another bite of her meal.

  “Who knows, seems like as soon as I start thinking I’ve got a handle on all this magic your Goddess has a good chuckle at my expense and throws something else my way.” Del laughed, spearing a piece of macaroni salad and popping it into her mouth.

  Taking a sip of wine, Raelin smiled. “She wouldn’t give you anything that she didn’t think that you could handle. There has to be a reason for Tasha being able to talk with you right off the bat, but no matter what, I’m glad that Rori found someone.”

  “Yes, maybe now he will stop interrupting our happy fun time in the mornings with his squawks for breakfast,” Del growled playfully, making it clear she was joking.

  The grey cat lifted his head and glared at his witch and her wife. “I can still hear you.”

  “Rori, you know that she was kidding, and Tasha, you are welcome to call this home if you wish.” Turning back to her wife, Raelin asked, “Have you got the schedule ready for the grand opening the day after tomorrow? I don’t have a definite count on how many people are going to be here, but we’re guessing at about a couple hundred.”

  “I do, but it’s in my filing cabinet at the office. I didn’t think to grab it. I can drop it off at the Nook tomorrow for you to look over if you want. I’ve made sure that the boys will be keeping a close eye on things while Kasey and I are busy with the ceremony in case anyone tries to cause some trouble,” Del answered, rising to clear her plate. “You done with that?” she asked, pointing to Raelin’s plate.


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