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Topaz: Book 8 of the Steel MC Montana Charter

Page 10

by Michel Prince

  Glen lay flat on the floor with blood pooling from the base of his skull and a large gash down to the white meat.

  Stimpy struggled, pulling himself up with whatever possible life that was left in him. His shirt completely blood soaked and he wasn’t moving too fast. Finishing him would be less of a task and more of an inconvenience.

  One step and an upper cut to the solar plexus doubled him over.

  His hand raised in surrender. “Son of a bitch.” The man groaned, coughing up blood on to the floor with a splash.

  Onyx had one final bash to the man’s nose and again in the mouth, finally knocking him to the floor next to his bestie.

  Snagging Topaz by one hand and the poker with the other, he opened the door and they ran to freedom. “Come on, now’s our chance. Let’s go.” Once they stepped out—the vastness of the surrounding pines overtook him. They had a truck and when he pulled open the door, he tossed the fireplace poker on the seat then flipped down the visor. No keys fell, he checked the seat and then saw Topaz by the door, her fingers messing with the prima cord.

  “What the fuck? Topaz?” he asked as he stood on the other side of the pick-up’s door.

  “Shut up,” she said waving him off.

  “You know I could have just bowled them over and ran, the point was to not die in the process,” he called as she finished her messing with the cord and came to the truck.

  “What? It was a simple pad trigger. Nothing fancy.”

  “Brick get bored in between dances?” he questioned, a ting of jealousy eating at him from a place unknown. “Start breaking down specks.”

  “We’re not there yet,” she said rounding the truck and climbing in the passenger side.

  “You wouldn’t have happened to snag the keys from old Glen and Stimpy in there would you?”

  Her eyes instantly shot to the newly reengaged trigger she’d set up, then she scooted across the bench seat in the old pick up and popped the casing on the steering wheel. “I can hotwire,” she said, grabbing an empty can of beer from the floorboard and using the sharp edge of the opening to strip the wires.

  “This part of Brick’s five easy steps to end your life early?”

  Topaz’s blue eyes were darker, only having the interior truck lights to illuminate them as she narrowed them, then quirked her lips into a sexy, sweet smile.

  “How about you drive?” Onyx ran around the truck and got in on the passenger side, still searching for the illusive keys and wishing the men hadn’t taken them inside.

  The smell of electricity burning filled the cab of the pick-up as a few sparks arched below the dash. Movement in the cabin had him gripping the poker with one hand and bracing his other on the dashboard.

  “Topaz,” he said, a warning tone coming from his voice as the pixie car thief groaned below.

  “Give me a sec, I’ve been legit too damn long.”

  “Don’t care, how good are your detonation skills?”

  Topaz poked her head up over the dashboard right as the handle to the cabin moved.

  Onyx’s heart stopped. His eyes bracing for the explosion, praying in a way it would never come. The boom instantly made his ears ring as fire shot up in the air and he leaned down, covering Topaz with his body as they both were now tucked practically to the floorboards. The sound of bits of wood and metal bouncing off the truck. The shower from the cabin coming back to earth had him squeezing the best he could to her.

  Damn, she was tiny. Curled up under the steering wheel, the cab of the truck warming as the flames wrapped around for a quick flash, then disappeared. A heavy thud on the bed of the truck caused it to bounce as they both sat, motionless until the only debris were small bits dinging on the outside of the truck.

  “So, you wanna see if the keys are out there?” she joked.

  He let out a roar of laughter then sitting up in the truck, he buried his head in his hands. Pressed his palms to his face and allowed the emotions, the stress of it all go like a sheet broke free of a drying line on a windy day. Floating as the immediate threat disappeared and the two of them sat side by side in the cab of the truck while staring at their former prison. Charred wood outlined the base of the cabin with only the tilted over fireplace to mark that anyone had been there.

  Glen and Stimpy were gone, parts littering the grass, no longer able to see who belonged to what as Topaz and Onyx were froze. Taking in the sight of the demolished cabin. For Onyx, the vision was one he’d seen before in a way. The narrow escape. A little damage, but so much worse could have happened. Twice now, he’d escaped death at the hands of men who hated him for existing. The reality of this made him sober and recognize they needed to go. “Topaz,” he said right as the engine turned over.

  She pressed the gas with her hand then sliding back in the seat, she reached underneath and lifted the adjustment bar. With a hard yank, she pulled the seat forward and his knees slammed into the glovebox. Her eyes wide she turned to him.

  Onyx bit his lips to tamp down the hot poker of pain shooting up his left thigh to his hip. Setting off nerves that constricted the muscles in his back as he slammed his head into the headrest and stared at the roof of the cab, not wanting to complain.

  “Here you drive,” she said adjusting the bench seat all the way to the back and jumping out.

  An ash snowfall still falling from the sky softened his rage as she made her way to the passenger side and he slid across the seat. The glow of the headlights creating an almost fairylike scene in front of him.

  Meekly, she got in the cab of the truck and turned to him. “I could have drove,” she said. “But you clearly have had enough stimulus as a sub today.”

  “That mean you’re gonna do my after care,” he replied, putting the truck in drive and turning it around, so it was on the grass path like road leading away from the place.

  In the rearview, the smoldering cabin was already showing signs of going out when the clouds opened up and rain fell as if God himself had tipped over a bucket. Flipping on the wipers, Onyx made his way to a dirt road and prayed he’d made the right choice when turning left.


  Topaz didn’t know dirt roads could go so long without finding a paved one. Growing up in a small farming community, she knew no matter what if you’re lost you could find a main road eventually. Montana wasn’t like Arkansas in that way. Rural yes, but not spread out a hundred miles rural.

  Relieved they got out of there in one piece, Topaz rested her head on the glass, but the worry about Onyx crept over her. Clearly, he was hurt because he kept holding his side with his hand. “Where are you hurt?”

  “My ribs might be cracked a bit, but I’m doing okay.”

  “Are you sure. Do you want me to drive?”

  The moment the words left her lips his hand went to his knee. The poor man had been beaten and brutalized and she had to go slam his knee into the glovebox. Serves him right for being a damn mutant, making it hard on all the normal sized folks. Onyx had fought his way out of there. If it hadn’t been for him, they would never have escaped. Guilt washed over her, if it hadn’t been for her stupid insecurities around him, they wouldn’t have been out back, alone, fighting. All because she wanted him so badly and feared the feeling at the same time.

  “You sure know how to fight Topaz,” Onyx said breaking her free from her thoughts as he grinned.

  “Yeah, I learned how to fight after I joined the Steels. A little too late.”

  “There’s no such thing,” he said instantly cutting her off and not allowing her to go down the path of blame and shame. “Trust me, all things come when they are supposed to.”

  “That how you got here?” she asked and he pulled in on his dry lips. It had to have been a day at least since he’d drank anything. How much longer could he go… No food, no water? They needed to find a town or at least a wayside store. But the darkness outside told her even if they did, it wouldn’t be open.

  “You don’t know my story do you?” he asked.

king her head, she admitted her truths to him. “I was too scared to know. I was having enough of a problem keeping myself away from you, the last thing I needed was to hear some heroic story.”

  “Really?” he asked, his eyebrow raising from her confession.

  “What can I say, a man in uniform who rescues kitties,” she swooned a bit. “Only thing worse would have been you bringing me a baby goat in pajamas.”

  “Superman pajamas with a cape and everything.” He chuckled.

  She faked swooned in the seat next to him. “Did you really howl kneel before Zod?”

  “Can I pretend I blacked out?” he asked leaning down a bit as if that would somehow clear the rain and let him see better. “Damn, this is like I got onto the road to nowhere.”

  “You need water,” she said snagging the beer can from the floor.

  “Even with a concussion I know that’s empty.”

  “Beggars can’t be choosers,” she said then put her hand over his on the wheel. “Pull over, this down pour can easily rinse this and fill it a few times.”

  The truck slowed as the wipers cleared the sheets of rain from the windshield.

  “This is the most country ass shit—”

  “Not all water comes from a bottle LA,” she cut him off. “Come on, you can’t get filtered better than straight from a cloud.” Bracing herself, she opened the door and stepped into the downpour. Icy cold, the night air mixed with rain to drop the temperature more than she expected.

  Onyx opened his door and leaned his head out. Letting the water fall into his open mouth, he only paused to swallow.

  Topaz let the water do its thing to clean the can and fill it up. “You’ll probably prefer this,” she said passing him the empty can.

  “I do prefer my water with a hint of hops and barley,” he said.

  His naturally deep bass hit all sorts of wet and cold parts of her body.

  He chugged the can then held it out himself for a few minutes before getting behind the wheel again.

  Topaz had found another can and filled it for him, but he shook it off. “I wasn’t the only one who barely got a sip in that cabin.”


  “No buts, I’m good. That rain was a godsend,” he said. “In more ways than one.”

  Her body trembled as they sat in the truck, resting a bit on the empty road with nothing in sight. Not even cattle milling around. Stripping off her wet shirt, she laid it over the vent and blasted the heater before toeing off her shoes, turning around and peeling off her jeans to place on the other vent. Her body no longer a brick of ice, she sat in a bra and panties as heat blasted her bare toes. She turned to see Onyx staring at her.

  “They didn’t violate you right?” he asked, with a sincerity she hadn’t expected. Even if they had the men were scattered in the wind and what little was left of them now was being feasted on by the wildlife of Montana.

  “No,” she said, the warmth of the men of the Steel MC covering her in a way she respected. Her place was on a pole or in a bed most time, but that was her choice. One made. “What can I say, they must have saw me as spoiled meat.”

  “You’re far from that Topaz,” he replied, his eyes becoming hooded.

  Her hand drifted over her belly as if he were sitting at a table in the Roadside and she was trying to draw him into her web.

  “If I promise I have a ones back at the house can you finish your striptease?”

  Flipping on the radio, she found a station playing a soft contemporary love song. The type people send out to their lovers thousands of miles away. Shifting her back to the door, she looped the straps of her bra in her thumbs and lowered them down her arms.

  Onyx might be bruised and beaten, but he was still a man willing to push through pain for a bit of pleasure. His hand hit the lever to move the steering wheel up as the two of them were in a stare down. The overhead light off and only the dashboard illuminating the two of them in an orange glow.

  Curling her knees underneath her brought her to his eye level. The smell of wet leather and fresh summer rain filling the small place as his eyes scanned her body. A mist of wetness from the rain coating her flesh as she reached behind and released her bra. He pulled in on his bottom lip and she let the fabric drop down and placed it before him.

  Flipping around, she played the game like she did on stage, only this time she brought herself to the conclusion. This wasn’t a tease this was a guarantee, a promise to the man watching her lowering the thong down her thighs. The cramped space limited her range, but when a warm hand stroked her bare ass with a loving caress warmth pooled in her core.

  “Topaz,” he breathed wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her to his lap. The thong lost in his swift motion as her hand found his cheek and she kissed him.

  Her skin alive with gooseflesh, Onyx’s hand explored with reckless abandon. First cupping her breast then gliding over her belly, setting off a shiver of anticipation. When his hand slid between the juncture of her thighs, she moaned into his mouth. His fingers teasing the sensitive folds before invading her core. “Damn you’re wet,” he said when they broke from the kiss, his fingers continuing to stroke, deeper inside, making her long for more. For him to be inside.

  “That’s because I want to fuck you, Onyx,” she breathed against his lips. “I have for so long.”

  “Me? Or him?” he questioned, slipping now a third finger, stretching her body in preparation of him.

  “You,” she replied. “I’ve watched you. Wanting you to—”

  His rhythm increased as he curled the tip of his finger and found her G-spot. “What have you wanted from me?” he questioned as his thumb rotated on her clit confusing every belief she had when it came to sex and what a man could do to a woman.

  “To fuck up, be an asshole.” An orgasm crested her body, making her head fall back as she panted trying to hold on as long as she could until the scream made her pull herself flush to him. Clawing at the back of his neck as his assault on her body found a new level of pleasure and she screamed in ecstasy. Her body coming hard around his fingers to the point his stilled.

  “Why?” he growled into her chest now pressed to his mouth.

  “Because I wanted to hate you.”

  His fingers started again and she wondering if he used this method often to get a confession. Right now, nuclear codes might be up for trading as his lips surrounded her perked nipples. “I needed to hate you.”

  “And now?”

  “And now if you don’t fuck me, I might be set back about three weeks.”

  His fingers slipped from her body and she lifted her ass. The horn honked into the empty abyss outside the truck as she straddled his hips right as he lowered his pants to his thighs. His cock. Long and thick, she captured his face in her hands and kissed him deeply before impaling herself on the best dick she’d ever known as he let out a hiss before locking his arms around her. Her hips rocking, their lips joined as she rode his shaft.

  Sweet pleasure inched its way around her already orgasm laden body triggering cock clenching climaxes as she rocked.

  “Fuck woman,” he groaned. His arms tight and protective to her body. “How the hell?”

  With a hard thrust upward, the head of his manhood hit a previously neglected part of her soul. Her hand slammed forward, palm flat to the window thick with condensation as their rhythm increased sending her body into a euphoric state right as his cock pulsed. Coating her core in warm jets of his essence as she found herself wanting more from him than a fourth orgasm.

  The world blurred in front of Onyx as he came. Topaz’s pussy milking his cock and sending his eyes rolling back in his head. Naked, bare before him he buried himself deep inside her as her body trembled in his arms. His lips finding the crook of her neck, placing velvet kisses along her sweet flesh. Her knees on either side of him in the cab as he turned to the side and laid her out on the worn cushion of the seat. Slipping him from the warmth of her sex.

  Her body short enough
to stretch out, but as she did, all he wanted to do was memorize every inch of her flesh. Her dark pink areolas, now pebbled peaks on her diminutive breasts, still somehow more than enough to satisfy him as the palm of his hand cupped a reddened mound. The woman knew how to move her body, what she was doing to him even now, they weren’t connected, but every arch of her back and twist of her arm spoke of their time together.

  The moans coming from her as her body came down from the high they’d both crested. Even his muscles no longer ached. There wasn’t a drug on the street better than the serotonin high of a good woman riding his dick.

  “Fuck,” she moaned and rolled to her side.

  The curve of her hip pulling his hand like a siren to a man at sea…Lost in the waves as he smoothed his palm along her ass.

  “Oh please, yes.” Her eyes remained closed.

  His cock did a double take. Filling with his arousal like he was a damn teenager ready for a second round. She didn’t want that, did she? Her hand covered his and guided it over her hip, past her thigh and once again to the soft dusting of hair from her maintained pussy. Teasing her clit with his fingers, masturbating, but using his hand and not hers.

  The wetness coating his fingers with her arousal and what he could only assume was his release. Her flesh rose, the light catching the reaction creating little shadows on her skin before she tugged on his arm and plunged his fingers inside her somehow tight channel before removing them and bringing his glisten fingers to her mouth. Sucking them hard as she drew them out slowly in the most erotic thing he’d ever witnessed.

  “We taste good together,” she purred, her eyes heavy lidded as she ran her tongue along her upper lip. “Salty, sweet.”

  Never had he wanted to kiss a woman more, and when he moved, her leg lifted. Pressed against the back of the seat and opening her up to him. Climbing the best he could on top of her their mouths a mix of hunger and need. Her tongue dancing in his mouth as he tasted her sweetness and wanted more.


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