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Summer and Smoke (The Bullets Book 2)

Page 12

by Coralee June

  And instead of enjoying this experience with confidence, I was now itching to leave. “It does, doesn’t it? I can see it on your face,” she said before trailing a finger down his biceps. Blaise turned to stare at me, gauging how I was handling another woman touching what was mine. I knew that if I said something, he would tell her to stop. This was a two way street, and Blaise would never do anything to compromise us or my happiness.

  “But here’s a little trick,” she offered before straddling Blaise, positioning her pussy right over his hard cock. Anger coursed through me, my emotions were so blindingly hot that I almost clawed my way out of my chair to attack her. From behind, Nix looked almost ready to intervene, but Leo was just stroking himself, eying his wife with appreciation.

  “Jealousy is such a weak emotion. It’ll bleed you dry. Focus on his face. Pretend I’m not here. Get off on how turned on he is.” She started kissing his neck, leaving trails of red lipstick along his tan skin as he stared at me.

  I broke through the anger to look at him…really look at him. Blaise’s eyes were hooded as he watched for my expression. He was making this all about me, despite her lips on his skin, he was worried about my enjoyment—my pleasure. It was still about us.

  “Do you like how she feels, Blaise?” I asked, honestly wanting to know the answer.

  “Yes,” he groaned, “but I like watching you more. Seeing your fiery eyes is making me so fucking hard, I can’t even see straight.”

  I bit my lip as she maneuvered off of him, fluttering those long eyelashes for a confident wink before heading towards Nix. I could focus on Blaise. I could make this about him. “Good girl,” my best friend said before crashing his lips to hers, tasting her fully as she giggled into his mouth with sultry pleasure.

  I wasn’t as interested in them though. I was transfixed by Blaise, his lusty dark eyes and stiff frame. He was leaning forward as much as he could, straining against the silk fabric keeping him in the chair. He watched Nix ease her onto the bed. “Come reward your wife for being so good and teaching my friends,” Nix ordered before sliding away to make room for Leo. She arched up to greet her husband, licking his neck before diving into a kiss so passionate I felt myself growing hot. The man was eager to kiss his wife, staring at her with zero jealousy. The only thing between them was passion, and it was addicting.

  I licked my lips as Blaise squirmed, tearing his eyes from the two of them to look at me. “Does watching them make you want me?” I asked, my voice was throaty, and I sounded breathless.

  “Hell fucking yes,” he choked out.

  “Well, that’s too bad,” Nix said as he sauntered towards us, brushing his fingers down his abs as he looked at Blaise. And for the first time, I was kind of turned on by Phoenix, or at least the idea of him. Would Blaise ever explore something like that?

  Would I enjoy it? For a brief moment I pictured Ryker, Gavriel, Callum and Blaise. All limbs and kisses and passion, wrapping me up with as much sensations as I could handle.

  A groan drug me out of my daydream. Beth had started trailing her tongue up and down the shaft of her husband’s cock as he writhed and moaned in appreciation.

  “Why?” I asked, egging Nix on. Once I was able to shift my mind to only think of Blaise, the entire dynamic of this night changed. I couldn’t wait to see every expression, hear every moan. I wanted to see him shaking in his seat, desperate for relief.

  “Because I’m going to make you wait until your dick is so hard it hurts. You can touch my girl when I say so,” Nix purred before spinning around to help his couple.

  Nix was attentive. Authoritative. He guided their movements, bringing them both to the cusp of pleasure then dragging them away from their relief with a vengeance. Their dynamic was intriguing. Beth would make eye contact with Blaise, blatantly getting off on his panting chest.

  And I didn’t care.

  Tonight was about him. And maybe that made me a little fucked up, maybe other women wouldn’t get this—wouldn’t understand. Why would I ever willingly let the man I love lust after another?

  But this woman, Beth, was just an idea. A pretty face and sultry smile wrapped up in confidence. Blaise would never love her like he loved me. She was a means to an end. I wasn’t jealous, because what Blaise and I had transcended reason. When I was with him, it was only him. I could focus on the way his chest heaved in excitement. I could enjoy his hard cock, enjoy the way he was turned on by them. But at the end of it all, he wanted me. And damn, that was power. Pure, pure power.

  Nix positioned himself at Beth’s entrance, preparing to thrust inside of her when he paused to stare at Blaise, a wicked smile on his face. “Do you want to watch me fuck her? Or are you ready to have a bit of your own fun now?”

  “Pl-please,” Blaise begged. He was on the edge of oblivion, dancing his eyes over their tangled bodies.

  Nix got up, earning a whimper from Beth. “Please what?” His proud erection glared at us as he marched towards Blaise.

  “Let me out of these restraints.”

  Bending over, Nix was just a breath away from Blaise when he ordered, “Say ‘please, sir.’ ”

  Blaise looked angry, furrowing his brow as defiance rippled off of him. Nix was pushing too far. Blaise might be open-minded and accepting, but he wasn’t submissive. Not in the slightest.

  “Untie me so I can fuck my woman, now,” Blaise growled while bracing against the silk rope keeping him in the wooden chair. Seeing their power struggle was hot, and seeing Blaise so worked up for me was even hotter. Even with the gorgeous couple in front of us, all he wanted was his Sunshine. Nix laughed, throwing his head back before quickly loosening the knots on his wrists and ankles.

  “Have fun, you two,” Nix said with a wave before redirecting his attention back to the couple on the bed. Blaise shot up from his seat, ripping a knife from his pocket before cutting through the loose ties half-heartedly keeping me in the chair.

  In seconds, he had the knife pocketed, and I was hoisted over his shoulder. Nix slapped my ass as we went with a laugh. The last thing I could see was the room upside down and Nix turning back towards the bed to fuck Beth until she couldn’t think straight.

  “Where are we going?” I asked with a smile. Blaise was all primal and all mine right then. He couldn’t hold back his desire for me, and I was suffocating from his lust, breathing it in and owning how Nix’s performance had affected him.

  “My guest room,” he choked out before kicking open a side door I hadn’t noticed before and tossing me on the bed. My jeans were gone in an instant, my shirt torn next. Two fingers slipped beneath my underwear before they were yanked away.

  “You gonna tease me this time, Blaise? Gonna make me beg for it?” I asked, remembering our first time in the motel.

  Blaise yanked off his tight jeans, revealing his hard cock to me. I watched it spring free and pulse in his palm, the thick veins tempting me. I licked my lips, eager to taste him. “I think you and I both know I can’t wait,” he said with a grin.

  Sitting up, I eased closer, placing his dick against my bottom lip and speaking against him. “Then don’t,” I offered before parting my lips and sliding down his shaft, pressing the head of his cock against the tip of my tongue as I went. He tasted sweet, and the way his cock jerked in my mouth had me feeling worked up and wet. I moved up and down, spurred forward by the grunts in Blaise’s chest and the way his legs went weak from pleasure. I kept an even pace, taking my time and drawing out every last second.

  After a few minutes, Blaise spoke. “We have to stop,” he said before gently pulling away. He brushed a thumb over my lip, smiling to himself at my dazed expression. “I’m not ready for this to be over, and at the rate you were going, I’m about to spurt cum down your pretty little throat.”

  “I wouldn’t necessarily be opposed to that,” I said with a sigh while licking my lips. Blaise bent over, and I scooted further back on the bed before laying down. Trailing kisses down my neck, Blaise sucked on my collarbone, lightly ni
bbling with the edge of his teeth and groaning as I bucked beneath him. I felt delicate and loved. “Please,” I asked, needing to feel him inside of me.

  It was all the encouragement he needed. Within moments, Blaise was pressing me into the mattress and sliding his cock in and out of me, holding my hips in place as he moved. “It’s only you, Sunshine,” he whispered. “No one else could ever make me feel this way, this on edge.”

  I writhed and smiled, the sounds of our slapping skin drowning out the moans from the bedroom next door. “I might have enjoyed watching them, but this? This is fucking nirvana, this is all I want. Forever. Always,” Blaise said with a grunt.

  I looked at Blaise in his beautiful eyes, taking in his pure adoration and soaking up the feeling of his love. He had no restrictions, no hesitance. It was only us, only our love. I knew right then I’d be enough. Blaise slowed his pace, leaning forward to kiss my forehead as our bodies moved like waves against one another. There was less urgency in his movements now. “It’s only you. It’ll only be you,” he kept whispering again and again, coaxing an orgasm from deep within me with his words. I cried out, biting his shoulder to keep back the screams.

  He didn’t stop then, he kept pressing forward. Sitting up, he began massaging my clit with his thumb while we rocked, he was going to prolong his own release until I’d had another. “Is it wrong that I liked seeing you jealous? I got off on it,” he said before flipping me over and pulling me up so that I was on my knees. I braced my hands on the mattress as he continued to move with aching certainty, yanking my hair back as he thrust. “It got me thinking, do you get off on our jealousy? Maybe we’re making this too easy on you.”

  I tried to think about his words but was too distracted by how amazing he felt. He abruptly stopped, holding his cock deep within me before he spoke, “I think some jealousy is healthy. I think you need to know that we all want you so badly, we can’t think straight.” He pulled my hair a tad harder, just enough discomfort to make me feel alive. “You want the truth? This isn’t easy for any of us.”

  Blaise continued his movements, like he was working through our fucked up little relationship by fucking me senseless. He was brutal in the way he pumped, not holding back a single thrust as his words sliced me. “Gavriel copes by convincing himself he’s in charge. I get off on watching. Ryker is so scared of losing you again that he pushes his jealousy and anger to the side. And Callum? He likes it. He just doesn’t know it yet.”

  I cried out as a second orgasm rocked through me, and Blaise finally erupted, riding each wave of ecstasy before I collapsed beneath him on the bed. Each muscle in my body relaxed as I hummed in approval. Fuck, that was amazing. Blaise then held me close as our breathing settled. I spun to face him, nuzzling his neck as his cum dripped down my thigh. “This is so fucked up,” I murmured.

  “No,” Blaise began with an exhale. “It’s perfect.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  We spent the next day pretending the rest of the world didn’t exist. Blaise was determined to distract me. If he wasn’t ordering every pizza in town to convince me that pineapple wasn’t a topping, he was bending me over his kitchen table and exploring my body. Blaise was leaving me so tired that I couldn’t fight to stay awake, let alone obsess over the fact that Callum hadn’t called me back.

  But oh did I obsess in the little moments. Every second between bliss, I found myself pacing the floors and itching to call Callum. Was he okay? Was he hurting? Did he need me?

  Why didn’t he need me?

  Wasn’t that what love was? Leaning on the people that cared for you? In those little blinks of time between Blaise’s kisses and Nix’s laughter, I wondered if love was enough, or if that’s even what was between us.

  Nix didn’t invite any more guests over but kept winking at Blaise from across the loft, making sure to drag his eyes up and down his body before laughing loudly at my boyfriend’s flustered expression. Yes—my boyfriend. I had a moment of giddy teenage anticipation, and I announced that I would start calling him that.

  “That makes what we have feel...less. Is there a better word than boyfriend?” Blaise had asked. I tried to think of how to answer him. Husband didn’t feel right. My mind associated marriage with my parents—a burden of expectations and regret. And Blaise and I were much more than that. Maybe there wasn’t a word for what we were. So I called him my boyfriend when I actually meant whatever word felt like forever.

  Nix and Blaise’s dynamic was fun and playful, their friendship felt unique and revolved around me, and it was nice to see my two best friends getting along so well. Gavriel called us on the second morning. “Sunshine, if I don’t see you soon, I’ll lose it,” he grumbled into the phone. I pictured him at his mahogany desk, running his shaky hands through his black hair while puffing out air in exasperation.

  “What have you been up to?” I asked while untangling myself from Blaise’s arms. Every night, he held me close, nuzzling me as I checked my phone for calls from Callum. We were still in the spare bedroom. It had become our haven of sorts, the one place where we didn’t bother ourselves with talk of Callum or the troubles ahead of us. Blaise had constantly referenced jokes about our bodies doing the talking, but it was right. Every time I doubted myself, I earned a kiss. Blaise fucked away the little creeping insecurities that kept whispering to me that I wasn’t enough.

  “Ryker received a fight challenge from one of Santobello’s men. His personal trainer wants him in Vegas tonight,” Gavriel said as I made my way to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee.

  “Is that a bad thing?” I wasn’t sure how these fight challenges worked, but I needed to learn fast. I was carving out a routine for our little unconventional family. I wanted to support them.

  “It’s a problem,” Gavriel replied. His voice echoed, and he was out of breath as if he were walking upstairs. “If we refuse, we look weak. If we accept, then we could be walking into a trap. Ryker is determined to fight him, I’m more focused on bringing down Paul Bright.”

  I chewed on my lip as the coffee percolated, filling the loft with the pleasant aroma. Was it so wrong to look weak? I’d rather look weak then look...dead. “Could you do it on your turf? Have it somewhere locked so tight you knew he couldn’t hurt you?” I was stumbling over my words, not sure of the correct terminology for gang wars and territory disputes. It was all a lot to keep up with.

  “It’s not me I’m worried about. His men fight dirty. Ryker doesn’t want to ruin his credibility, but I think it’s a bad idea. And even if Santobello does nothing, it’s still a massive mind-fuck. Ryker doesn’t do well when he’s on edge.”

  He was right, last time Ryker was off his game, he ended up in the hospital. “I know you needed a couple days there, but I really need Nix back for some surveillance. I also might have a bounty for Blaise here pretty soon.”

  Letting out an exhale, I took a moment to settle myself, sipping my coffee with Gavriel on the other end of the line. This blissful little hideaway couldn’t go on forever. I couldn’t pretend the battle with my father and Santobello wasn’t happening. Avoiding my problems was a dirty little self-sabotaging cycle I did whenever shit got too hard to handle. And at the end of the day, it didn’t make me feel better, it just made me crave something that wasn’t real.

  Callum was off somewhere ripping apart his grief and filling his parents’ burial plots with new dirt—dirt my father stained with their blood. Santobello was on our heels, and Paul Bright knew we were onto him. He was likely angry that I was alive, frustrated that my mother threatened his credibility with her suicide, and just plain murderous. Men like him didn’t need a reason to kill, and we’d given him plenty. And when Dad was angry, he was lethal.

  “Wanna meet for breakfast first?” I asked, hoping to prolong the inevitable. I needed a nice, normal meal. Preferably one that ended with orgasms.

  “Well, that's the thing. I’m outside Blaise’s door with some of the best damn bagels in the city.”

  With a giddy
laugh, I ran to the door, throwing it open and flinging myself into the unsuspecting arms of Gavriel Moretti, my badass mob boss with breakfast in hand and a shy smile on his perfect face. It was silly and normal and perfect.

  Ryker stood behind him, and Joe was hunched over as he leaned to the left, a familiar scowl perched upon his dry lips as he eyed the bag of food in Gavriel’s hand with longing. Ryker pulled me from Gavriel’s arms and hugged me tightly, lifting me off the ground and carrying me inside the loft where Nix and Blaise were stirring. The tips of my toes just barely brushed against the hardwood as he walked.

  “Is that coffee? Please tell me that’s coffee,” Nix begged while scratching his abs, smiling at Gavriel before adjusting his morning wood. He was wearing only boxers and a smile. No shame. Ryker reluctantly set me down, and I took advantage of having his full attention, trailing my fingers down his chest as I steadied myself.

  “I missed you, Ry Baby” I whispered, low enough so only he could hear.

  “I missed you too.”

  I broke the intense staring contest the two of us were having to appreciate his black athletic shorts and tank top. It was ridiculously chilly outside, but his bare arms were on full display, giving me a healthy view of his ink.

  Stealing my cup from the counter, Nix began sipping it, wincing when the hot liquid hit his throat. “Couldn’t stand to be away?” Blaise asked the guys as he walked in and kissed me on the cheek, stealing Gavriel’s sack of food before settling at the island and eating.

  I stole a cinnamon bagel from the sack and slathered it with butter, moaning when the glorious carbs hit my tongue. “This is amazing,” I mumbled, my mouth full.

  “Can you even taste it? Did you put an entire stick of butter on that?” Ryker asked, wrinkling his nose and staring at me in disgust. I made a big show of licking my lips and rolling my eyes. Who didn't like butter?


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