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Mafias Embrace (Lethal Beauty & Smoking Steel Book 2)

Page 10

by Darcy Ray

  "This may be true, but you are the only one who happens to work at Sub Rosa. Is that not the truth?" His snarky comment makes my blood start to boil. With him on my payroll, I have no worries about things getting out of control. Little slipups like that usually get brushed under the rug, and the fact he thinks he can intimidate me makes me want to drag him down to the fucking torture room.

  The car in front of me slams on their breaks which causes a chain reaction, so I lay on my horn. When the noise is gone, I snap back a retort, "Cut the shit Devoy; you know that call will end up nowhere. What’s the real fucking reason you called?" There’s always a fucking reason when people call with stupid shit.

  Devoy releases a deep sigh, and after a few seconds, he replies in a quiet voice as if he doesn't want anyone else to hear. "There has been a development in Dominik's case that I need to discuss with you. It's rather urgent, so if you can come by the office, I would appreciate it." His sincere tone is shocking to me considering the fact he was just being a dick.

  Gripping the steering wheel, I look down at myself and check the time. It’s just after five, and by the time I get showered and over to the department, it would be around seven. "Today isn't good, let me know the next time you'll be in the office, and I'll swing by."

  "Will do. Stay safe Selene, and for crying out loud, try not to create chaos." With a laugh, I hang up on him and continue my drive to the apartment with Breaking Benjamin blaring through my speakers. Thankfully, the streetlights are all in my favor, and I somehow beat the afternoon rush, so I make it to our apartment a lot quicker than I anticipated.

  With my truck parked safely in the corner, I sneak my way through the apartment building and climb into the elevator. Pulling out the key that lets me override the elevator, I make the elevator skip all floors but mine. I don't like using the damn thing, but there's no way in hell I can let the rest of the residents who would have climbed on, see me like this. When I reach my floor, I turn the override off, climb out and head straight toward the guys’ apartment. As I walk through their front door, all their manly smells fill me and a sense of home courses through me. With trudging steps, I make my way to Joe’s room, steal an oversized T-shirt, and go to their shared master bathroom.

  These men of mine make sure I have my own supplies here, so when I emerge from my invigorating shower, I smell like the sweetest vanilla. The hot shower must have relaxed me more than I imagined because by the time I have the shirt on, I'm ready to pass out. Exiting the bathroom, I turn toward the left and enter Godfrey’s room. Crisp white sheets and an oversized downy comforter call my name, so with sluggish steps, I answer the call. Falling on his king-size mattress, I crawl to the center and wrap myself up.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Fuck, my bladder is killing me. I try to roll out of bed, but a strong arm is draped over my waist and is holding me down. Carefully lifting it up, I somehow maneuver out of Godfrey’s hold and scoot to the edge of the bed. A gush of wetness floods my lady bits, and the realization hits me: I started my fucking period. Jumping up, I shuffle to the bathroom and plop down on the cold toilet seat. Dread fills me as I take in the bloody massacre that's running down my thighs. I didn't put any underwear on after my shower, so nothing was stopping the blood from running.

  After a quick clean up, I tiptoe back into the bedroom and freeze when I see Godfrey awake and removing his now blood-stained sheets. My heart seizes up in my chest, and my cheeks burn with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry, babe; I didn't know it was going to start! I'm on depo, so I stopped having them over six months ago!" I frantically get my words out to explain myself, but as they spill out, Godfrey stills.

  With a confused expression, he drops the ruined sheets and approaches me. Reaching up, Godfrey cradles my face in between his hands as if I'm a delicate flower that could fall apart with the slightest movement. "It’s okay. I can wash them, and if anything, I can get new ones. I can honestly care less about them. However, I want you to go hop in the shower and get cleaned up. We will get your supplies, and once you are ready, we are going to go back to my bed and sleep. Is that understood?" Dominance exudes from him, yet his facial expression is nothing but understanding.

  I have to fight myself from questioning him. I know he needs control and everything about him makes me want to trust that he will take care of me, no matter the situation. With a quick peck to his cheek, I turn on my heels and reenter the bathroom. Looking down at myself, I see blood is running down my thighs, and it’s nearly past my knees. Shaking my head, I make a mental note to check the date I got my last birth control injection.

  Halfway through the shower, I feel the weight of lack of sleep bearing down on me. Closing my eyes, I lose myself in the soothing heat that soaks deep into me and relaxes my body so much that I'm nearly mush. The feeling of an arm wrapping around me from behind causes me to jump and scream damn near bloody murder. While screaming, I involuntarily jab my elbow back, causing an oomph to escape whoever is behind me. Spinning in his arms, I take in who is behind me. Standing with a cocky grin and in nothing but what he was born in, is Joe.

  Tucking my bottom lip between my teeth, I slowly take in his delectable form and pause as my eyes land on his dick that is jutting out from his pelvis. With such little space between us, his gorgeous member bobs less than an inch from the top of my slit. Inwardly cursing myself, I remember why I'm in the shower in the first place. Groaning in disappointment, I shake my head and place both my hands on his chest to push him away. "I’m sorry, babe, as much as I want your dick, I can't."

  When I start to push him out of the shower, he reaches up and grasps my wrists which interlocks them together. To free one of his hands, he wraps his fingers around both my wrists and twirls me back around so that my ass now cradles his solid cock. With his free hand now on my hip, he pulls me closer to him and leans down, so his mouth is next to my ear and whispers, “I’m a real man, princess, blood won’t stop me from burying myself inside you.”

  As the last word passes his lips, he descends and starts to leave a trail of smoldering kisses from behind my ear, down my neck, and stopping at the dip in my collar bone. Darting his tongue out, he laps the water that pools there and then starts his way back up again. Lost in the feeling of his soft lips caressing my skin, I loll my head to the side and slowly start to grind myself against his nestled dick.

  Arching my back, I lay my head against his shoulder. This change in positions puts my pert nipples in line with the high water pressure that is streaming from the showerhead. The jet-like stream bites into my skin and sends perfectly painful sensations straight down to my core. Biting back a moan, I swivel my hips and grind back against Joe's lengthy member. His grip on my hip tightens and stills my movements.

  "I told you a little blood doesn't bother me, princess, now spread those legs and put both your hands on the wall." Joe's husky voice knocks away all my doubt, and without any further thought, I do as he says. With slow movements, I get into the position he wants and look over my shoulder. His eyes are locked on my ass, and from the way my back is arched, he is probably getting an eye full of my pussy as well. The look of pure desire fills his expression and seeing that makes me clench with need.

  With his gaze still on my parted pussy lips, he grips my hip with one hand and uses the other to guide his dick inside of me. "Yesss." My moan drags out as every inch slides deeper into me. He stills to give my channel a chance to stretch around his delicious girth, but fuck with my hormones going crazy, I don’t want to wait, so instead, I shove the rest of him inside me with one push. "God, you're so fucking big Joseph!"

  Now fully seated inside of me, I wait for him to start fucking me, but to my dismay, he just laughs and snorts. "So I'm Joseph now, when did this start?"

  "Joe, Joseph, Tomato, Tamahto. Same thing. Now, fuck me!" To egg him on, I start to fuck him myself, in slow torturous thrusts. He doesn't stop me; instead, he digs his fingers into my hips and lets out a groan of approval. The vibration that comes from his ches
t travels down his body right to his dick that’s buried inside of me. All my nerves are overly sensitive so that extra sensation causes a flood, of what, I don’t want to fucking know.

  Joe releases my hips from his bruising grip, drags his hands up my back, and swipes my drenched turquoise hair out of the way. Gripping both of my shoulders, he starts to slam into me with punishing thrusts. With the walls and water amplifying all the sounds coming from us, I’m sure everyone in the apartment knows we are fucking. The thought of that makes me even hotter and adds to the fire burning inside of me.

  Pleasure licks at my core and I start to tremble as the inferno engulfs me. I can barely hold myself up, so I dig my nails into the grout between the tiles. My feet start to slide further apart, which only gives Joe more room to slam his pelvis closer. With each thrust, I come closer and closer to exploding. His thrusts start to lose rhythm and signals he’s about to come. The urge to finish with him has me moving my hand down my body and straight to my swollen nub. I buck as I start to rub fast circles, each lap syncing up with each thrust.

  "Come, baby, come with me, squeeze my cock with your fucking pussy!" Joe's straining voice spurs me on and with a few more swirls and a pinch, I detonate. My eyes squeeze shut, and white lights illuminate the back of my lids. Joe muffles my scream of pleasure as he leans over and captures my mouth. He continues to pump into me and drags my orgasm out, but after our mouths connect, he stills with one last grunt into my mouth. Ropes of his scorching cum fill me, coating me completely.

  With a nip to his lip, I pull back and drag a ragged breath in. Joe drops his head to my shoulder as he slows his breathing down, and with the slowest movement, he withdraws from me. Looking down at him, I notice his dick is covered in not only his cum and my juices but proof of my period. I inwardly start to panic at the amount of it and brace for Joe's reaction. Straightening up, I step to the side and allow water to cascade over him.

  Joe reaches out and tilts my chin, so I’m looking him in the eyes. "I love you, princess, all of you. Even this. This right here just lets me know that once a day, I might be able to have a baby inside of you." My eyes fly open, and my eyebrows raise so far up, I swear they are off my face. I wait for his usual joking personality, but everything about Joe is sincere.

  After a few seconds, I melt into his hand and close the distance between us. Raising up on my toes, I plant a quick, yet passionate kiss on his lips and whisper, "I love you too Joe, forever and always."

  With a smile, he responds, "And a day, my queen." With one last kiss, we clean up and hop out of the shower.

  Sitting on the counter is everything I need to go back to bed without any more messes. Once dressed again, I part ways with Joe and enter Godfrey’s room. Laying in bed is my dark ninja, staring at me as if I'm his prey. Lifting the blankets, he pats the spot beside him, motioning for me to join him. Sauntering over, I climb onto the bed and make my way to his waiting arms. Lying on my side, I drape my leg over his and wrap my arm over his chest. With his bicep being used as my pillow, I snuggle close to him and let sleep claim me once again.

  The second time I wake up, it’s to the smell of bacon. The bed is empty next to me; however, on the nightstand sits a bottle of water and a pill. Below that is a note.

  Good morning, Blue, take this ibuprofen and drink some water. Take care of yourself, eat some breakfast, and rule the world.

  Snorting at the note, I shake my head and take the medication. Another waft of bacon aroma fills my senses and makes my stomach growl, so without putting it off any more, I slide out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. After a quick clean up, I make my way to the kitchen and prop myself up against the wall to take in the scene in front of me. Dressed in nothing but plaid pajama pants and an apron is Viktor, who is dancing around the kitchen, and flipping bacon. I have no clue what he is listening to, but when he turns his head, I catch the white of his ear pods.

  My hand covers the laugh that bubbles out of me, but my body starts to shake at all the ridiculous moves he starts busting out. Walking over, I wrap my arms around his waist, which causes him to startle. Unable to control myself anymore, I let out a full belly laugh. Viktor sets the spatula down, removes his ear pods, and then wraps me into his arms. Together we laugh like our lives depend on it and nearly fall to the ground in hysterics.

  After a few minutes of wheezing from laughing so hard, Viktor releases me from his embrace and gives me a good-morning kiss. Returning back to the nearly burnt food, he quickly removes everything from the stove and starts to make our plates. While he does that, I set the table and grab our drinks. This morning routine feels so right and normal, I never thought I would see myself in this kind of situation, but fuck, I'm grateful to have them in my life.

  With everything set, we both sit down and start to dig in. Looking up from my plate, I realize that Viktor and I are the only ones at the table. Shit, where has my mind been all day? Swallowing the food that I’m chewing on, I look over to Vik and ask, "Where is everyone else?"

  Taking a swig of his juice, he clears his throat and replies, "Godfrey had to play babysitter for some senator, Frank is still dealing with the security issue, Joe is over at the apartments where the girls stay because of some catfight, and Jaime, well I don't know where he is. He slipped out of the house before anyone got up." His brows furrow as if in deep thought, but his vibrating phone drags him back to reality. Glancing at his phone, he scans the message and then looks back at me, "Want to go with me to visit Dominik’s gravesite?"

  My lips curl in a pout, I haven't been to visit Dominik since the funeral, and the sheer thought of being there brings a looming cloud over me. A piece of my heart chips away as I remember all the good times we had together, but I know visiting him is something I need to do. I roll my neck to relieve the tension, and with an unsure tone, I reply, "Sure, I mean, of course. Let's finish breakfast first. I'll text David and have him push my meetings back."

  "No need, that was Frank, he said he already handled your meetings for today, and he wants you to take the day off." Waving away my concern, he turns back to his plate and continues to eat his breakfast. Looking down at my plate, I fumble with the idea of taking the day off. I could stop by and see Octavia after the cemetery. Hell, maybe take her out for lunch or something. Letting out a resigned sigh, I shake my head and then finish my breakfast.

  Once we finish, we quickly clean the kitchen and get ready for today. Back over at my apartment, I slip on a pair of skinny jeans, an off-the-shoulder tee, and my black Vans. With a quick spritz of perfume, a swipe of eyeliner, and a messy bun, I am ready to go. By the time I exit my bedroom, Vik is leaning against my counter and scrolling through his phone. Looking up from his device, he slowly scans my body, and when our eyes meet, he winks. Shooting him a quick smirk, I walk over to the door and call out, "You coming or what?" With a snort, he pushes off the counter and follows me out of the door and into the waiting elevator.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Our ride to the cemetery is filled with the soothing sounds created from Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven. I would have never thought Viktor, my leather-and-stud-clad man, would listen to classical music. But the way he taps his fingers and hums along shows me he legitimately enjoys it. Leaning back in my seat, I pull out my phone and tap into the dark web. Godfrey and I have been taking turns searching through it ever since Dominik was murdered; however, our search hasn’t yielded anything yet.

  Even today’s search didn’t pull anything up. Well, except for a couple calls for hits or orders for back-alley deals. Forwarding those messages to the rest of the guys, I exit the dark web and tuck my phone away. Turning my attention out the window, I take in the cemetery that is looming ahead of us. The wrought iron fence and brickwork look weathered and tarnished from all the harsh weather that has passed through the years, but as we drive past the metal archway, the handiwork of the grave keeper comes into view. The grass is manicured, and every vase holds fresh flowers, there are no overgrown weeds, and nearly e
very tombstone is shining as if it was recently cleaned.

  I glance over to Viktor to see if he is seeing what I'm seeing. I've slept in plenty of graveyards before when I lived on the street, but never have I seen one this nice. "I guess the groundskeeper has put our donations to good use." My voice shows the awe that I'm in. Appreciation for the man caring for those laid to rest here flows through me.

  Viktor gives me a crooked grin and says, "He has put every dime into this cemetery. Instead of taking care of himself, he hired some veterans to lighten the load and spread the care to the whole field."

  Closing my gaping mouth, I snort at the old man's generosity. "Well, give him a bonus. Add the stipulation that he has to use this money for himself on shoes and clothes. If we have to take him ourselves, we will. He is taking care of the man I call father, so he gets respect from the family."

  As we pull up to the curb next to the path that leads to Dominik’s resting spot, Vik nods his head in agreement and sends a quick text to whomever. With the SUV in park, I hop out and start the trudge up the small hill to Dom’s burial site. As I approach, my steps slow, and I feel the sadness that I locked away pressing to get out. With a gulp, I close the distance and stand to the side of his grave. Resting my hand on the cool granite, I drop my chin and tuck my bottom lip in between my teeth. Tears start to cloud my vision, so I take a deep breath and blink them away.

  With my vision now clear, I finally notice the vase and the vibrant red roses that fill it. Squatting down, I run my finger over the velvety petals and get lost in my thoughts. A couple of minutes later, the sound of someone approaching shakes me out of my stupor. Looking over my shoulder, I realize it's Vik approaching so I stand up and hold my hand out to him. Clasping my hand, he pulls me to his side and wraps his arms around my waist. Looking up at him, I ask a question that has been festering in my mind. "Do you think he is proud of me? I mean, with the business and well, everything else?"


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