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Playing Catch-Up

Page 6

by Zoey Lennox

  “What did you do?” she demanded of Todd.

  Todd backed away and shook his head. “Nothing. She just got here. I was going to make her a cup of tea while she waited for you, but she got spooked or something.”

  “Is that true, Lex? What’s going on? Why do you have these bags with you?”

  When no answer was forthcoming from Alexis, Todd stepped in. “She’s left home after some sort of fall out. I think she wants to stay with us until she finds a place to live long term.”

  Alexis’s cheeks heated. It sounded presumptuous even to her own ears. “No, it’s okay. I’m going to find a B&B. I’d better go, or there’ll be no vacancies for this evening.”

  Lauren clamped a hand on Alexis’s shoulder to prevent her from moving. “Don’t you dare. You’re staying with us for as long as you need to.” She glared at Todd, daring him to disagree. “Right, Todd?”

  “Yeah, yeah. Definitely.”

  “Right.” Lauren pushed Alexis towards the kitchen. “Now that’s all settled, let’s sit down and have that cup of tea. Todd? Why don’t you go and visit one of your mates? You’re always complaining you don’t see enough of them.”

  Not needing to be told twice, Todd scarpered.

  Lauren laughed as the front door closed behind him. “Men. You’ve gotta love them.”

  She turned back to Alexis and, after taking in her dejected state, gave her a compassionate smile. “You know, Lex. If you ever want to talk to me about anything—and I mean anything, not just family stuff—I’m here for you, okay?”

  Alexis gave her a little nod. The person she wanted to speak to the most was her mum, but she wasn’t here and never would be again. “I really miss my mum,” she said. Her voice was small and cracked at the end. “She always knew how to right my world whenever anything went wrong.”

  “Oh sweetie.” Lauren pulled Alexis into a side hug. “I miss her too. Do you remember how she used to make us hot chocolate whenever we had a bad day at school?”

  Alexis nodded. Of course she did. They’d talk it out and put the world to rights and be smiling again by dinner time. Alexis wished things could be that easy now.

  “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you when you needed me,” Lauren said. “I should have been. I feel really guilty about that.”

  Alexis picked at her nails, blinking tears from her eyes. Lauren’s apology meant a lot. Maybe things weren’t as hopeless as they seemed, and they could work their way back to the closeness they had once shared.

  “It’s all right. It’s not like you were just up the road. You were at uni at the other end of the country.”

  “I know, but you were going through so much with your mum. I should have called more. I take full responsibility for the distance that’s sprung up between us. There’s nothing I can do to change the past, but I promise I’ll have your back from now on.”

  Alexis gave Lauren a little smile. “I’m just glad we’re coming out the other side of this hump. I’ve missed you, Laur. I don’t think I realised how much until everything went tits up these past few months.”

  Lauren pulled Alexis into a brief hug. “I’ve missed you too. Now can we please talk about the elephant in the room?”

  “You mean the one that made me homeless and destitute?”

  “Yep, that’s the one. What happened? Did you finally have it out with the old bat?”

  “I did. You’ll never believe it, but she’s been spending my rent money on beauty treatments.”

  Lauren’s eyes widened. “What? And your dad was all right with that?”

  “Not at first. According to my dad, she was supposed to be putting my rent money aside so I would have a deposit for a flat someday. Carol didn’t agree with that idea, though, so she frittered it away.”


  “I know. Dad wasn’t happy, but he supported her in the end. I don’t know why I’m so shocked. Siding with Carol is his default these days.”

  “What happened?” Lauren pressed.

  Alexis stared at the floor. “I almost slapped her.”

  “Alexis! She could have called the police!”

  “I know. I shocked myself if I’m being honest, but there’s still this tiny part of me that wishes I’d had the guts to go through with it. I mean her face could’ve taken it. It’s made of concrete.”

  A girlish giggle erupted from Lauren’s mouth. “Still…that’s…”

  “Totally not me? I think it all just got to be too much. I’m pretty sure anyone would have flipped if some old witch had insulted their dead mother.”

  “True, but now you need to find new digs. I’ll go flat hunting with you if you like.”

  Alexis recalled Ramie’s offer to accompany her on her house hunt. It would be an ideal opportunity for them to spend more time together.

  “Thanks, but I already have someone lined up to help.”

  “Must be someone special to make your face light up like that.”

  Alexis’s gaze jerked up. “What?”

  Lauren laughed. “Nothing. You just seem excited to meet up. This wouldn’t be the same friend you bumped into at The Grill a while back, would it?”

  Alexis couldn’t stop the heat that flooded her cheeks. “Stop.”

  Out of nowhere, tears pricked at the back of her eyes and she wiped them furiously with the back of her hand.

  “Oh, Lexi. Don’t cry.”

  Lauren pulled Alexis into her protective arms. “I’m only messing with you. I think it’s great that you’ve made a new friend.” She paused for a second before adding, “And if you ever wanted to pursue something more, I think that would be pretty amazing too.”

  Alexis couldn’t meet Lauren’s eyes. “Shit. This is so embarrassing. I don’t even know why I’m crying. Since when have I been this emotional?”

  Lauren reached behind her to retrieve a tissue from the work surface. “Maybe since someone started stirring up all your feelings?”

  Alexis took the tissue and wiped it across her eyes. “Ugh, I hate feeling like this. Like I’m out of control. I feel like I’m fourteen and experiencing my first crush again.”

  And there it was. Alexis had come out to her best friend.

  “Hey, don’t freak out,” Lauren said when Alexis took a shuddering breath. “Everything’s fine. We’re going to take this whole thing one step at a time.”

  “Thanks,” Alexis said in a small voice. “I’ve been tearing myself apart trying to figure things out. It would be great to have someone to talk to.”

  “It’ll be like old times,” Lauren agreed. “But instead of you listening to me go on all night about some cute bloke, I’ll be able to return the favour and listen to you.”

  “Would it make you uncomfortable?” Alexis had to ask.

  “Don’t be silly. Of course it wouldn’t. Who you like is none of my business, nor anybody else’s for that matter. This is your life. You’ve got to live it in a way that makes you happy. If that means making out with hot chicks, then I say go for it. Life’s too short to live in self-imposed misery.”

  Alexis tore at the soggy tissue in her hands. “Are you sure?”

  “One hundred percent.”

  Alexis closed her eyes and let Lauren’s acceptance wash over her. For the first time in ages she could breathe. The heavy weight sitting on her chest lifted and air could finally reach her lungs.

  “Thank God. I don’t think I can hold any of this in any longer. This woman has completely destroyed me, Laur. I think about her all the time; she’s even in my dreams. There must be something seriously wrong with me. I’m obsessed with her.”

  Lauren offered Alexis a soft smile. “Nothing’s wrong with you, hun. It just means you might be falling for her.”

  Lauren’s support and acceptance were enough to break the dam inside Alexis—every hope, worry, and fear exploded from her in a tidal wave of words. Showing much more patience and kindness than Alexis had ever known, Lauren sat and took it all in. She winced when Alexis told her
about Sam’s idea to pretend she was gay in a bid to get Patrick to back off. She listened when Alexis admitted that Maddie, Chris, and Ramie had assumed she was into women and had been out for years. And she’d sympathised when Alexis revealed she’d let Ramie believe the reason she wasn’t ready to date was because she was still trying to get over an ex, when the truth was, she’d just been too nervous.

  When Alexis had finally freed herself form her burden, she physically relaxed and soon found herself wrapped up tight in Lauren’s arms.

  Chapter 8

  “What do you think about this one?”

  Alexis skipped out of the en-suite bathroom and twirled so Lauren could assess her emerald green midi dress and matching clutch bag. She was due at Maddie’s house for their monthly dinner party soon, and Lauren’s bedroom was a mess, with discarded outfits strewn all over the floor.

  Lauren scanned Alexis from head to toe. “It’s nice, but you need to show off more of your assets.”

  She got up from the edge of her bed and rummaged through her wardrobe.

  “Here,” she said, pushing a scoop-necked black dress against Alexis’s chest. “Try this on.”

  When Alexis emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, Lauren let out a high-pitched wolf whistle.

  “Now that’s what I’m talking about. You’re going to knock her dead.”

  “You think?” Alexis moved in front of the mirror and inspected herself for flaws.

  “Definitely. The slit at the side reveals just enough of your thigh to add interest, and the scoop neck shows off the girls.”

  Alexis blushed so hard it reached her diamond-studded ears. “I feel weird. I’ve never tried to look good for another woman before.”

  Lauren came to stand behind Alexis and carefully rearranged her painstakingly styled curls. “I don’t see how it’s any different than dressing up for a bloke. The goal is to look good and impress, and with a long, lean body like yours and all that gorgeous dark hair, I’d say you’re winning on both counts.”

  Alexis took a deep breath and turned to give Lauren a quick peck on the cheek. “Thanks. You’ve been a lifesaver offering up your wardrobe. It’s nice to have more options.”

  “No problem.” Lauren twirled Alexis around and pushed her towards the door. “We’d better leave now if I’m giving you a lift.”

  “Wow. You look amazing.”

  Alexis blushed as Ramie’s dark eyes scorched a hot trail over her body, and she squirmed when they came to rest on the plunging neckline of her dress.

  “Ditto,” she said, somewhat breathlessly. It was the truth. Ramie looked delicious in a pair of tight black trousers and a pastel pink shirt. The material of which hugged her body in all the right places, emphasising her curves.

  Not for the first time, Alexis asked herself how such a gorgeous woman could be romantically interested in her.

  “Sorry I’m late,” she said, stepping in close for a hug.

  The scent of Jasmine invaded her nostrils as she allowed herself the luxury of pressing her face into Ramie’s neck.

  “I was starting to think you’d stood us up,” Ramie murmured into her ear.

  “I told you I’d never stand you up, and I always keep my word.”

  Woah. That was bold.

  Her talk with Lauren must have calmed her nerves.

  “Is she here?” an impatient voice asked.

  Ramie rolled her eyes as Alexis pulled back. “Yes, Hope. She’s here. Why don’t you stop hiding in the kitchen and come out and introduce yourself?”

  Seconds later, a pixie-like face peered out from behind the kitchen door.

  “This is Hope,” Ramie said as the diminutive woman pranced into the hallway. “Hope, this is Alexis.”

  Hope was not at all like Alexis had pictured. She had expected someone with as much poise and grace as Maddie, not this sprite of a woman who resembled little more than a pubescent girl.

  “Hey, Alexis,” Hope chirped. She learned in for a quick hug. “It’s good to finally put a face to the name. I’ve been eager to expand our dinner party circle for a while, and it looks like Maddie’s finally gotten around to finding the perfect new addition.”

  Alexis tried not to blush. “Thanks.”

  “Hey, Lex,” Maddie bustled into the hallway, with Chris not far behind. “I’m glad you could make it. You had us worried you weren’t going to show up for a minute there.”

  “Nope. I’m here and ready to sample one of Chris’s masterpieces.”

  “Well then I’m afraid you’re out of luck. The element in the cooker went this morning so we’re all heading down to the pub.” She eyed Alexis’s dress. “I hope you’ve got a jacket with you. It’s a bit chilly outside.”

  “Uh, no.” Alexis tugged self-consciously at the hem of her revealing dress.

  Maddie rifled through a stack of coats hanging on hooks by the front door.

  “Here you go,” she said, handing over a soft brown leather jacket. “It should fit. We’re about the same size.”

  Alexis took the offering with thanks and wasted no time covering up her assets. If she had known they would be leaving the safety of Maddie and Chris’s house, she would have insisted Lauren find her a more suitable outfit.

  Her anxiety grew as Chris locked up the house and they proceeded as a gaggle down the street.

  “You look beautiful,” Ramie whispered.

  Alexis’s stomach did a little flip. She smiled and walked as close as she dared beside her. She wanted to take Ramie’s hand in her own so badly it hurt. Maybe one day she would be brave enough, but not yet.

  Chris held open the door to the Queen’s Inn, and Maddie led the way to a table in the corner.

  “Let’s sit over here,” she said, making herself comfortable in one of the well-worn chairs. “Where we can talk without being overheard.”

  “What’s everyone having?” Chris asked over her shoulder as she and Ramie headed to the bar.

  “A white wine please,” Maddie and Hope said in unison.

  “Same here,” Alexis said.

  While they waited for their drinks, Alexis brought Hope up to speed on her newly homeless status.

  “Well, that blows.” Hope let out a long puff of air that ruffled her fringe.

  “What blows?” Ramie asked as she and Chris returned with their drinks.

  “That I’m officially homeless as of yesterday,” Alexis told her. “I got into a huge fight with Carol and decided to leave. I can’t bear another minute in that house.”

  Ramie sat down and propped her arm on the back of Alexis’s chair. “What are you doing to do?” The concern radiating from her eyes was almost palpable.

  “My friend Lauren’s been kind enough to take me in until I find somewhere more permanent. I don’t want to outstay my welcome though, so the sooner I can find a place of my own, the better.”

  “Well, we’d be glad to put you up,” Maddie offered from across the table. She raised her eyebrows at Chris, who gave Alexis a thumbs up.

  “I’m sure Ramie wouldn’t mind squeezing you into her narrowboat,” Hope added with a smirk.

  Now that would be an interesting set up.

  But what she said was, “Thanks. It means a lot.”

  She leaned into Ramie’s side conscious that her arm was no longer on the back of her chair but now lay casually draped around her shoulders, and tried to ignore the small smiles that passed between Maddie and Chris. If she worried too much about what other people thought, she’d psych herself out before she’d even gotten out of the blocks.

  “I take it this is the reason you wanted to search for apartments tomorrow,” Ramie said.

  “Yeah. There’s no time to waste now, so I’ve got to put in the legwork.”

  “I’ll meet you at your friend’s house if you like,” Ramie offered. “Just give me the address and we can walk to the estate agent’s together.”

  Alexis reeled off Lauren’s street name and house number, trying to hide her grin. Offering door-
to-door service was such a Ramie thing to do.

  “I’ll look forward to it,” Ramie said, holding her gaze.

  Alexis tried to look away but couldn’t. Only Hope’s beeping phone broke the invisible charge.

  “Hold on, I have to get this.” Hope sprang to her feet with her phone in her hand and headed for the door.

  “What’s that about?” Alexis asked.

  Chris rolled her eyes. “That would be Sasha, the domineering girlfriend. She’s a total control freak, but Hope’s completely blind to it.”

  “She can’t be that bad…”

  Maddie grimaced. “Trust me, she is. She’s super possessive. Hope can’t even enjoy a night out without Sasha calling or texting her every five minutes. We can’t be too hard on Hope, though,” she added. “We’ve all been in a similar position at one time or another. My theory is that everyone has at least one regrettable ex. It just takes some of us longer than others to wise up. Take me for instance.” She tapped her chest. “When I was at uni, I had a girlfriend who threatened to slit her wrists when I told her I wanted to break up with her.”

  Chris raised her hand. “I dated a woman who thought she was Marilyn Monroe reincarnated.”

  Ramie groaned. “My ex got a bank card in my name and ruined my credit rating.”

  Everyone focused on Alexis and waited for her input.

  “Um…” How on earth was she going to get out of this one? Her mind flashed to a bloke she’d dated briefly while at uni. “I went out with a… woman with a foot fetish once,” she said, stumbling a bit over the lie.

  When the others stared at her, clearly waiting for more, she panicked and blurted out the first thing that come into her head. “She’d bring all these disembodied mannequin feet home and line them up on her dressing table.”

  Beer spurted from Ramie’s mouth while Maddie and Chris were soon bent double, their howls of laughter ringing through the pub.

  “Jesus, you win.” Maddie shivered as she finally stopped laughing. “That’s super creepy.”


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