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The First Culling

Page 7

by Michael Eicherly

  “I bet he has a big one,” says Tara.

  “Oh god, stop. You’re both sick. Ah!” Cindy places her hands over her ears. “I’m not listening!” yells Cindy. She gives both girls a serious stare. She’s had enough. Why can’t for once you girls hang with me, and not talk about banging my brother. Seriously. I’ll make you both a deal, if were friends twenty years from now, and he is single. Then it will be fair game. Until then, shut the fuck up."

  “Hello, we’re just screwing with you. Seriously, dude, you need to relax. Get high and laid. Or seriously, both,” says Tara.

  “Just shut up, my grandma will hear you,” Says Cindy,

  I’m scared. Your killer grandma. Give us a break, Cindy," says Tara. Cindy shakes her head in disgust. Both girls follow her into the family room area.

  “Serious, replies Cindy. She is from the old country. She can fuck up things awfully fast for us. You both have no idea.” Rachel, help me out here. You know how she is."

  From the darkened living room area, Matthew, 13 years old, blondish brown hair, light eyes, and five feet five inches tall. He is very immature for his age. Constantly plays video games and likes science fiction. He looks over Rachel and Tara. He’s always had a crush on Tara and finds great pleasure in annoying Cindy’s friends.

  Matthew jumps out the darkness and into the family room area. He wears a hideous-looking demon Halloween mask. Matthew lets out a growl as he jumps at the two girls. Rachel and Tara both yell out an exaggerated scream. They both think Matthew is cute and let him chase them around the family room for a bit.

  “Oh god, not again,” says Cindy. “Matt, you’re such a fag, go away, leave my friends alone.”

  Tara and Rachel run through the kitchen, through the living room and back to the foyer area. They run to the living room area and find Grandma staring at them.

  “Oops!” says Matthew. The girls both stop in their tracks as they see Grandma.

  Grandma is five feet tall, white hair, and is ninety years old. She wears big bi-focal glasses and walks with a cane. She normally knits most of the day in her slippers and blue robe. She also helps Linda with household chores when able. She has a strong, strict personality and does not like any of the children’s friends. She refers to them as ‘Devil Children.’

  “Stop this now!” says grandma. “You run around the house like crazy people. Crazy like devil people.” Matthew quickly takes off his mask.

  “Sorry, Grandma. I’m just joking with them.” Cindy walks quickly towards Grandma interacting quickly. Out of the three children, Cindy is the one that can calm her quickly. Makes her forget not telling Mom and Dad about the previous night’s shenanigans.

  “Grandma, you remember Rachel and Tara,” Cindy says. “They’re sleeping here tonight.” Grandma looks over Rachel and Tara with disapproval.

  “What is wrong? They have no beds of their own?”

  “Grandma, it’s ok, I talked with Dad.”

  “Very good then. Everyone, sit down and eat. Be silent.”

  The four children do as they’re told and sit down. Small talk begins about school and teachers. Grandma slowly sits down, sets her cane aside, and listens. Grandma curiously looks the kids over and sees one empty chair. It’s Steven’s chair.

  Grandma points to the chair and comments, “Is Steven with the Devil Girl again?”

  Cindy, with a mouth full of chicken, comments, “He’s with Kim.” Tara and Rachel look at each other wide-eyed.

  “In my country, women never chase men.”

  Matt looks at the girls and giggles while commenting, “Grandma, I heard in your country, the women are so ugly the men run from the women. So, you have to chase them.”

  Matthew’s comment brings the girls to a roaring laugh. Tara chokes on her Coca Cola, Rachel spits up chicken, Cindy places her hands over her face, shaking her head. Grandma glares at the kids and shakes her hand that them.

  “Devils. You are all devils. All of you. Wait until I tell your father.”

  “Grandma, relax, it’s just a joke,” Cindy says.

  “Not funny.”

  “Relax, Grandma, I’ll call Steven on his phone. Will that make you feel better?”

  Grandma smiles. “Yes.”

  Cindy fake dials on the home phone. Grandma will never know the difference. Grandma says, “Phones are made from devils. Automobiles are the devil.” Young girls are the devil." In her eyes modern civilization is the devil. “You’re all going to hell,” she always says. The only thing in life she approves of, is daughter Linda and The Lawrence Welk Show.

  “No answer,” says Cindy. "Don’t worry, Grandma, I’ll call later, he’ll be home soon.

  Grandma stands up from her chair and walks to the kitchen. Grandma takes a loaf of banana bread and places on the table.

  “Here,” she says, “I made this for you.” Grandma always throws everyone a guilt trip with baked goods. You don’t like her baking, she doesn’t like you. If you eat too much, she will like you. If you are overweight, she doesn’t like you, because you eat bad food. If you like boys or girls, you’re on her shit list. Even Grandma’s stuffed bell papers, head cheese, and sour cream potato soup. One smirk, smell or negative comment, you’re doomed. Matthew starts with the butt-kissing first.

  “Grandma, the bread is so good. You’re the best, Grandma.”

  “Grandma cooks everything the best,” replies Cindy. “Make Russian pancakes tomorrow, Grandma, please.”

  “Yeah, Grandma cooks the best. You got to make Russian pancakes tomorrow. And with plum jam,” says Rachel.

  The four children do a great job in boosting Grandma’s old world, communist, Estonian ego. She smiles and nods with approval. This is what they needed to get things going. Matthew now goes for the homerun and comments on her card and palm reading skills. Matthew looks at Tara and grins mischievously. Matthew is known by the girls as being the great manipulator. Matt is so in love with Tara, he will do anything to win her attention. Matt swears He will marry Tara. He has been saving his paper route money for the last three years.

  “She also does this really cool thing,” says Matt. “She takes a needle tied to a string and holds it over your left hand. It tells you how many kids you’ll have. Or in Tara’s case, husbands.” Tara punches Matthew in the arm. Rachel, Tara, and even Grandma laughs. Matthew regains composure and finishes his story.

  “As I was saying, if the needle moves back and forth, you’re having a boy. When it stops and moves in a circle, a girl. She says it’s been done for hundreds of years in the old country.” The kids begin to laugh hysterically. Matthew laughs aloud and shows banana bread in his mouth to Tara and Rachel. They both shake their heads.

  “Matthew, you’re such a dork,” says Cindy.

  “I wouldn’t make fun of the spirits in this house!” Grandma exclaims.

  Grandma’s voice is cold and distant. The table goes dead silent after the statement. Not another word is spoken. An eerie silence fills the house as a coyote howls in the distance.

  “I go to my room now.” Grandma slowly gets up and putters back to her bedroom. The wall on the clock strikes 9:00 pm. The chiming noise is deafening and makes the four children almost jump from their seats.

  After grandma leaves, the girls talk about the plans for tonight. The talk about spirit calling, tarot cards, and past live readings.

  It’s late evening now. The clock on the wall roads 10:00 pm. Matthew has left for Billy’s home for the night. Cindy, Rachel, Tara, and Grandma are sitting at the formal dining room table. A huge crystal chandelier hangs above the large table. Grandma speaks of World War One, telling the girls of horror stories. And ghost warriors that slayed enemies by looking at their eyes. The enemy’s skin would boil, eyes would bleed, and fire would be brought form the sky with a wave of a hand. The girls listen intently as they shovel Doritos, Turkish delight, and Coca Cola in their mouths. Grandma received the chandelier as a wedding gift in Estonia during the War. She tells the story of prison camps, The Fr
eedom Fighters, and the murder of her husband in Latvia. The chandelier was brought to America after the war. She also tells the girls about pagan rituals in Estonia and Latvia.

  Grandma sits still as she shuffles the cards precisely. She wears a Russian shawl over her shoulders. Grandma looks at Tara then smiles as she spreads the cards over the table.

  “Who’s first?” Grandma asks.

  “Me, I’m first,” Rachel says with an anxious tone. Tara looks at the clock and yawns.

  “I need to use the bathroom,” Tara says. Cindy and Rachel look at Tara, sigh, and shake their heads. They both know Tara is headed towards the bathroom to light up a marijuana cigarette. Cindy looks at Rachel and frowns.

  “I know, tell me about it,” says Rachel. “She can’t stay away from the stuff for one night.”

  The top of the dark stairway is in view as Tara begins her journey up the long, winding, dark hunter green carpet. Tara walks as thunder strikes in the distance. After a few seconds, lightning. Tara is now at the top of the staircase as she looks left towards the master bedroom door. The door is about eight inches open. It appears that a light white colored mist is in view. Chills run through Tara as she takes a step forward then back. She looks at her right arm. The hairs on her arm begin to stand. The goosebumps grow throughout her body, as she feels a tingling energy enter her body. Thunder strikes again and she turns around quickly. She makes her way towards the other bedroom, as a brush of cool air runs over her body. It makes her gasp for air. She turns around quickly and looks at the master bedroom again. First thunder, then lightning strike. In the master bedroom Tara thinks she sees a three-foot hooded ghost. Tara quickly turns on the hallway light, then stares at the opening. The ghost is gone. The door now opens by itself about four more inches. Tara shakes off the cold. The goosebumps and hairs become tantalizing. Her head feels dense and thick.

  Tara’s now exhilarated by the energy through her. She is aroused, so aroused she thinks of dirty thoughts. Thoughts of Frank leading her to bedroom and having his way with her. Then after, telling him; she will never talk. She walks into Frank and Linda’s bedroom. She hears a sexy male voice. A voice of an older man says, “I want you Tara.” Please come to me my wife. The smooth, mature and soft voice is intoxicating to her. It strikes every desire she’s ever dreamed of, which raises wonder, curiosity, and desire. Tara has always been very sexual. She likes older men, and fantasizes about them often, in her bedroom with her aids.

  Tara is now inside Frank and Linda’s bedroom. The smell of the bed and thoughts of what married couples do behind lock doors. These feelings ignite her curiosity and excite her to no end. She rubs her hands over their satin sheets as she feels an erotic itch between her legs. She slips off her shoes and crawls on the bed. She lays on Frank’s side. His smell is intensely erotic. The sheets smell of Aqua di Parma, it’s erotic to her. She grabs his pillow and hugs it. Then wraps her legs around the pillow. The feelings she has are now overpowering. Especially the moisture. Tara begins rubbing her breast as she slips her right middle finger under her panties. Tara closes her eyes and a few minutes pass. She is almost at climax as she hears a child’s voice in the bedroom. Tara opens her eyes and sees a grayish mist sitting in an old rocking chair. A bolt of energy shoots through her body and her legs become suddenly weak. Tara thinks logically. It must be Matthew. I bet he snuck in the house and this is another one of his stupid pranks. Tara gets out of the bed quickly and closes the door, then rests her back against it. She turns on the light and looks over the bedroom. From the corner of her left eye, she swears a rocking chair just stopped rocking. Tara hears a thumping noise from the corner of the bedroom and she yelps. Her heart now begins to race.

  “Matthew, are you here? If you are, you little shit, you better come out.”

  Tara’s body feels weak now, and her head begins feeling heavy. The muscles on her back again start to cringe as she walks towards the master bathroom. Completely frightened, yet excited, she continues her journey.

  Rain begins to fall outside as she looks over the bedroom. She wonders what kind of sexual escapades happen between those sheets and cannot help to relive herself on the toilet. Tara hears a voice come from the master bathroom. It is a deep dark spooky tone. She can barely hear it. She thinks it said her name. Then a loud crashing noise comes from the bathroom. It sounds like pots and pans hitting the floor. Tara jumps, then runs out the master bedroom. It’s Matthew. It must be, she thinks. Tara speaks aloud again.

  “Matthew, you’re in big trouble, buster. Call it quits,” she mumbles. What an asshole, Tara thinks, as she walks away from the bedroom. She turns around and looks at the bedroom one last time. The door slams by itself.

  “Holy shit!” Tara runs away from the master bedroom and into Cindy’s bedroom and slams the door behind her. She places her hand on her head, then shakes off the uneasiness that ran through her body.

  Tara walks inside Cindy’s bathroom and shuts the door. She stands in front of the mirror and looks herself over. She puckers her lips, turns sideways, then pushes out her breast.

  “It’s hopeless,” Tara says to herself. Tara opens the bathroom window, lifts the toilet seat, then takes down her pants. The sound of rain is more prevalent now and the thunder is almost deafening.

  Tara reaches in her blouse, then draws a sizeable marijuana cigarette. She lights the cigarette then takes a deep drag.

  “Ah, just what I needed,” Tara says to herself. Tara takes another hit and blows it out the bathroom window. She looks at the window and sees little droplets of rain coming through. Thunder hits, almost shaking the house. She almost jumps off the toilet seat. The opposing wind pulls the smoke back inside the bathroom.

  “Shit.” She tries fanning the smoke out the bathroom window. Tara takes another drag and the bathroom lights flicker. They flicker again, then the bathroom goes completely dark for a second. The lights return as Tara takes another hit, then another. Now she takes one last big one and coughs loudly.

  “Cheap Mexican shit,” Tara talks aloud. A knock now thumps on the bathroom door. Four times.

  “Occupied,” Tara says. There are now three quick knocks on the door.

  “Screw off, Rachel!” Tara yells. Tara decides what the hell. One more big hit. Then I’ll be just fine. As Tara takes a drag, four loud knocks on the bathroom door. This time the knocks are much slower and more forceful. Sounds as if the door will break with the next blow. The bathroom goes dark for a few seconds, then the lights turn on again.

  “I said fuck off.” Get your cheap thrills somewhere else! Matt, if it’s you, go screw yourself." The door knocks five more times forcefully. “Learn some yoga and suck yourself, buddy boy.”

  Tara looks up, then quickly flushes the rest of the joint down the toilet. The door handle suddenly rattles quickly. Fear and panic now strike Tara. Her body becomes cold; hairs on her head now feel like they are standing. “Guys, this isn’t funny anymore.” Lightning flashes through the window and the lights flicker three times.

  “Stupid assholes, shitheads.”

  Tara gets up from the toilet. She quickly buckles her pants and walks to the sink. Tara turns on the sink water and washes her hands. She bends over and washes her face. Suddenly, Cindy’s bedroom door slams. The sound makes her jump.

  “Damn it. You’re a bunch of asshole!” Tara quickly opens the bathroom door.

  Cindy’s bedroom is in view. Nobody is in the bedroom. Lightning flashes, showing the way. An aspiration of a large man quickly appears in the mirror. It is unnoticed by Tara.

  Tara slams the bathroom door.

  “Really funny, jerkoffs!” Tara turns the sink water on leans over and continues washing the smoke off her hands. Tara leans over the sink and begins to wash her face. As she leans over, an apparition of Tara shows in the mirror. She is blueish white faced with circles below her eyes. She wears a pink gown with a rope around her neck. The apparition stretches its arms out. Both wrists are slashed, with blood showing. The lights flick
er and the apparition quickly fades.

  Tara grabs a towel and dries her face.

  “Man, I need to score better weed.”

  Tara exits the bathroom toward the bedroom exit. She notices Frank and Linda’s door is closed all the way now. She thinks she hears a voice calling her from behind the door. It sounds like a young girl’s voice.

  Tara walks down the hallway, looks left of the wall. She sees family portraits, old and new. There are also old portraits of a farmhouse. Standing in front the farmhouse is a farmer, his wife, and three children. Thunder strikes again as Tara studies the faces on the picture. The faces look evil as the light crosses the photo.

  Tara feels a wind blow through her. She sprints down the stairs. As she reaches the bottom, she slips and falls on her buttock.

  “Tara, what’s up?” Cindy says. “You’re such an idiot.”

  “Yeah, what took so long?” says Rachel. “You’ve been up there for like thirty minutes.”

  “Where’s that asshole brother of yours, Matthew?” asks Tara.

  “Girl, you’re freaking out. Matt isn’t home,” says Cindy.

  Tara tries playing it cool. She remembers it may be the weed. Grandma sits at the table end, glaring at her. Tara walks to the table where the cards are being read. Tara sits as Cindy looks her over. Grandma looks over Tara and frowns.

  “Oh, I see,” Cindy says. “Damn, girl, you can smell it,” Cindy says softly.

  Tara ties her hair in a bun and comments, “By the way, dudes, the scaring crap may have worked five years ago, but not now.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” asks Rachel.

  “Oh, come on, please spare me the bullshit,” says Tara.

  “Dude, we’ve been here the whole time. Duh,” Cindy says. “Grandma, we’ve all been here, right?”

  Grandma does not say a word. She nods yes then stares at Tara and smiles, her eyes cold, dark, and distant.

  Cindy shuffles the cards now, shakes her head, and reads for Rachel. They ignore Tara as Cindy studies the cards.

  “See, I was right, the last card says you will have a long, prosperous life. See, I did it. Grandma, told you.”


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