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The First Culling

Page 14

by Michael Eicherly

  “It’s no secret, your Father and I haven’t been getting along. Even the neighborhood is talking. Sometimes your father is a different man. Not the man I married. Every day I pray and try to figure out what happened. I try talking with him. Give myself to him. Discuss this family’s future, but it’s no good lately. He’s become possessed, distant, angry, resentful of me. I don’t know what to do, Kelly. I feel so alone. I need help, honey. Can you help us?”

  Kelly grabs a Kleenex from the coffee table. She wipes her mother’s eyes. “Mom, this has been going on for years now. At least five from my observance. I have to say Mom, it gets gold. Old for all of us. I mean, look at this house. Everyone walks on eggshells around here. All I can say is, if you are miserable, leave him. Believe me, us, we’ll all understand.”

  Linda wipes her eyes with the sleeves of her orange robe. “I can’t leave him. I love him. If I leave, what will I do, Kelly? I haven’t worked for years as an accountant. Who will hire me? I am stuck, can’t you see this? I will not give up, Kelly. We’re having problems because we turned our backs on God. Look at us, no church, no praying. Remember when we hosted Bible study in this house. Things were good then. Your father and I never fought. This family has to work. This family will work, even if I destroy myself trying. When I married your father, I made a promise before God. I will and must honor that promise.” Kelly is tearing now. She takes a tissue and dries her eyes.

  “Mom, this is what I love and respect about you. You are the strength of this family. And you’re right, we will not fail. We’ll be a family unit again. Everything will be back to normal soon. Promise me one thing, Mom?”

  “What?” asks Linda.

  “Please don’t give up. Don’t give up on yourself. After all, you’re my hero, Mother. My inspiration. Dad loves you, Mom. Things will be ok.”

  “I know, you’re right. Things will be ok. I pray about our family,” says Linda.

  Kelly stands up and looks over Linda. “Get some rest, I’ll check on you later,” says Kelly.

  “Ok, honey. Good night.” Kelly walks towards the staircase and looks at her mother. She sings a few verses of

  “Maria, Maria, I’m in love with a girl named Maria.”

  Linda looks at Kelly and laughs.

  “Ok love, good night,” Linda Says. She turns her back away from the television, and sighs deeply.

  As Kelly walks towards the stairway, she sees Grandma knitting a big white bed cover. It’s a doily and has been perfectly crafted and has been a tradition in Estonia for hundreds or years. When the eldest female child of the family finds a husband, her grandmother makes a king-size doily bedcover by hand. It can take up to ten years to make. Kelly walks up to Grandma and admires the bed cover.

  “Hey, Grannie, watcha’ making?” asks Kelly.

  “For your wedding day. Your bed,” Grandma smiles proudly as she replies.

  “Grandma, it’s so beautiful.” Kelly rubs her cheek against the doily bed cover.

  “When you get married, marry a good man. A man not lazy and that does not drink,” says Grandma.

  “Grandma. Don’t be so hypocritical. Your husband drank sometimes, and you know it. You even said you used to dance and drink every weekend.”

  “Yes, buy my husband was a good man. A hard worker. Your father is a lazy devil.”

  “Ok, Grannie. I will find a hard-working man. A slave. One that never comes home and sends me money.” Grandma smiles and agrees.

  “Yes, this is good man.”

  “For now, Grandma, I think I’ll single for about ten years.” Then find my true love.

  “Ten years, then years from now you will be an old woman. A man doesn’t want an old woman. Have children when you are young,”

  “Ok, Grandma, I’m headed upstairs. I’m going out with an old friend tonight,”

  “Why you hold four of Frank’s beers in hands?” Grandma asks.

  “Oh, Grandma, why ask why? Don’t worry, I’m not an alcoholic.”

  “This no good, Kelly,”

  “I’m going out tonight. Don’t worry, I’ll be ok,” says Kelly.

  “With that boy Brain?”

  Kelly’s face is now expressionless. Almost a shocked look. “How did you know I’m going out with Brian?” Kelly asks.

  “I know everything you do,” Grandma says. Kelly looks over at Grandma and laughs.

  “Yes, Grandma, you know everything I do and always will,”

  “Yes,” says Grandma.

  Kelly turns away from Grandma and runs quickly up the stairs, humming to herself.

  Kelly walks in front of Cindy’s bedroom door and knocks four times. Cindy opens the door with The Clash’s ‘Police and Thieves’ playing in the background. Cindy is rubbing her eyes from taking a nap.

  “Let me guess, a hot date with your ex-boyfriend. That Brian Wilson character.”

  “I wouldn’t say it’s a hot date, just a date. We’re going ‘Goat Hill Tavern.’ And don’t worry, I’m not sleeping with him, Cindy. Ok then. Well, have fun. When I get back will have a sleepover together.”

  “Ok then. Well, have fun,” replies Cindy.

  Cindy walks into her bedroom and jumps on the bed. She changes the LP on her turntable to ‘Sex Pistols Never Mind the Bollocks.’ Cindy thumbs through her Vogue magazine. She looks over a few articles, one about detoxing your skin, one about ‘David Bowie’s I’m Afraid of Americans new album.’ She skims over an article reading how to keep your man interested in you. She suddenly becomes bored, stands up, and looks at herself in the mirror. In one day, she miraculously looks about ten years over. Cindy puckers her lips, strikes a few poses, and jiggles to the music. She takes off the Sex Pistols and places ’Bob Marely’s Waiting in Vain,’ on the turntable. Cindy grabs her phone and calls Rachel. She dials, rolls over on her back, and admires her French manicure.

  “Hey, Rachel, what’s up dude?”

  “Nothing really. My mother and I are doing some house chores. She’s teaching me how to make homemade pumpkin pies. Pretty cool, uh?” replies Rachel.

  “Kelly is in town. Things have been really screwed up with Tara and at home. I’m at the point to where I just don’t care anymore,” says Cindy.

  “Cindy don’t say this. Tara’s death is not your fault. We still have each other. They’ll catch the guy who killed her,” replies Rachel.

  “What if they don’t catch him? I say we start our own detective squad and go after the guy. Fry his balls when we catch him,” replies Cindy.

  “Hey, why don’t you stay at my house tonight? The pumpkin pie thing is kind of cool. You know, chill out for once. We can also watch ‘Night Flight’ television later?” asks Rachel.

  “I’m not in the mood for any shit, Rachel.”

  “Oh, thanks, Cindy, nice. Now I’m shit!” exclaims Rachel.

  “No, I didn’t mean it that way. I just feel like my bones are trying to jump out of my body. I feel restless, not in control of my body. It freaks me out. And I see things,” says Cindy.

  “What things?” asks Rachel.

  “I better not say right now. Never know if my mom’s listening again.”

  “Well, stay at my house for once. I’m tired of staying at your house all the time.,” says Rachel.

  “Yeah, it’s been a while. You know my parents. I can’t do shit,” replies Cindy.

  “Then get your fat ass over here. My mom goes asleep at ten. Come on, promise, we’ll have a blast. Besides, you won’t believe what the pool diggers found in my back yard,” says Rachel.

  “What did they find?” asks Cindy.

  “Forget it now, I’ll show you when you’re here,” replies Rachel.

  “What is it?” Cindy excitingly asks.

  “Get your ass over here!” Rachel exclaims.

  “OK, let me get a few things together. I’ll be there soon, dude,” says Cindy.

  “Alright, Chica, later.”

  Cindy slams down the phone and runs to her turntable. She grabs ‘Kiss’s Alive! an
d plays rock-n-roll all night.’

  Kelly walks through the upstairs hallway. She has a towel wrapped around her body and her hair down.

  “Hey, where ya going?” asks Kelly.

  “I’m staying the night at Rachel’s,” replies Cindy. “Tell Mom when she wakes. I’ll call Dad later,” says Cindy.

  “Ok, no worries.” Kelly looks at her sister proudly. “Come here first.”

  “What do you want?” asks Cindy.

  “A big hug from my little sister.” Kelly and Cindy hug each other and Cindy starts to cry.

  “You have no idea how much I miss you. You know, I went to school just close enough to keep watch over you,” says Kelly.

  “I know, but I don’t want you going back to school. Can you stay a little longer?” asks Cindy. “There’s some freaky stuff going on here. I’ve seen some weird things, heard horrible things, I can’t take it alone.”

  “Don’t be so melodramatic. Things will work out. They always do. It’s probably mental stress. Remember what I told you earlier, about keeping the family together. You must be the strong one when I’m away.”

  “I don’t know, Kelly. I mean, ever since Tara was here, everything we did, I have a horrible feeling. I feel sick all the time,” says Cindy.

  Police Agent Snyder sits around the corner of Cindy’s house listening over Military Headphones and Recorder.

  “Stay cool, little sis. Things will go back to normal. It’s the loss of Tara. Again, remember what I told you earlier,” “Be cool. Stop worrying so much. Go have fun with Rachel,”

  “Ok,” says Cindy.

  “Well, ok, get the hell of here.”

  Cindy walks away as Kelly heads back to her parents’ master bedroom. She takes two more beers she hid in the towel closet, smiles at Cindy, and enters the bedroom. Cindy stares at the door for moment. She cannot move. Her mind flashes. She sees something horrible happening to Kelly, she hears her voice screaming and feels pain shoot through her head. Cindy starts to shake then the pain stops. Cindy walks to the bedroom and places her hand on the door handle. She wants to tell Kelly she loves her again. She wants to tell Kelly to stay home, don’t leave. She wants to tell Kelly, Brian isn’t good enough for her. She wants to tell Kelly to stay out of Mom and Dad’s room; it’s creepy. It has always been that way. She feels what they talked about at the Harbor House Café, she feels it in there all the time. Most of all, she wants say, “I love you, Kelly,” for one last time.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kelly is inside Frank and Linda’s Master Bedroom. The room’s lighting is minimal with shades of gray and black. There is an odd-looking mist that appears to be floating around the room. Especially by the old wood rocking chair, that sits in the corner. The chair was purchased by Linda as antique. It’s over 250 years old. It belonged to a farmer in the Irvine area., and is expensive. The room is unnaturally cold and feels kind of creepy. Similar to the Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles, California.

  She looks at the king size, unmade bed, and rubs her hands over the silk sheets. The sheets feel soft and erotic. Reminds Kelly of her lover at school. The bed is unmade and raffled, showing beige sheets and red pillows. Kelly leans over and smells the sheets. "There marriage may not be perfect, but at least they are getting it on. Kelly jumps as she hears a cracking sound the right corner of the bedroom. She sees a dark shadow with a light mist. Seeing the window is open, she thinks it may be mist from outside. She walks to the window and shuts it. She rubs her shoulder’s trying to shake off the now even colder room. Frank’s Prada loafers are by the bed. She steps in one and notices it’s wet. Ewwww, she thinks. What’s Dad doing now, drinking from his shoe? Frank and Linda’s clothes are also laid in the room. This is very unusual. Normally the room is spotless. Why so messy now?.

  Kelly looks under the bed and observes a stack of magazines. She looks the magazines over. They read on the cover ‘Limber Timber Sex Too Sexty.’ She sits on the bed, and looks at the sketch art. Not bad she thinks, the art is talented. She has always liked grey pen sketch art. Wow this is funny. I wish I had a body like her. ‘London Nickers Falling Down.’ Now that’s funny. ‘My Fair Lady.’ Kelly laughs aloud, then turn beet read. The more she looks at the art, the more aroused she becomes. She thinks of her lover and becomes moist between her legs. She catches her thoughts and quickly places the magazines under the bed. Being caught would be devastating. She’ll wait until her date tonight.

  Kelly walks to the Jacuzzi tub, turns on the water with her red painted nails, grabs a bottle of apple bath gel, and applies the scent in the water. Kelly places four beers on the outside of the tub. Kelly is wearing a white tank top with green shorts. Her long wavy hair swirls past her shoulders and dancing to the small of her back.

  She walks into the master bedroom closet and grabs a white terry cloth towel. The side view of her shapely body is perfectly formed. Her breast is supple and a perfect double C cup. Kelly removes her tank top, walks to the mirror, and admires herself. She places her hands over her head and pouts her lips in front of the mirror. She slips off her shorts then turns around, pulls her hair up, looks over her right shoulder admiring her buttock. She does her best impression of ‘Betty Davis’ and laughs aloud. "I must say, darling, you look wonderful.’ A cold brush of wind falls over Kelly’s body. It surprises her for a moment, but feels sexy running through her body. Kelly looks around the room for a moment, then she hears light footsteps by the old rocking chair. She pays no attention and heads back to the Jacuzzi tub. Kelly places her long toes, and perfectly manicured red polish. ‘Ouch it’s a bit hot.’ She says aloud. Kelly slowly sits in the oversized Jacuzzi tub. It’s always been the largest tub in the house. She lost her virginity in it with her last boyfriend. David moved away to Washington. His Father was transferred in State Department. She broke his heart. She was deeply in love with him. He was the one she wanted. The one that she wanted a family with. Even though the water is hot, she does not like the unusual chill outside the water. It’s too uncomfortable for her to stand up. The air outside the tub feels as if its thirty degrees.

  Kelly quickly stands up in the tub, grabs her mother’s robe and wraps up tightly. She grabs a bottle of beer and takes a big drink, then walks to the thermostat. Just as she touches the thermostat, there is a crashing sound. It startles her as she yelps aloud. Again, she turns around and looks towards the now even darker area of the bedroom.

  “How the hell did this thing fall?” Kelly says to herself.

  Kelly looks to see the family portrait fell to the ground. She kneels, picks it up, looks it over; the broken glass part is right over her face. She is struck by a cool wind again and shivers. Kelly re-hangs the portrait, stands back, and looks it over. The faces on the portrait look kind of distorted to her now. Like something you would see in a horror movie. Kelly walks back to the Jacuzzi tub and opens another bottle of beer. She drops the robe to her olive-skinned ankles, and slowly enters the tub. and sits in the hot tub. She turns on the jets, making the tub perfect with plenty of fluffy bubbles. Kelly is now enjoying the tub and swishing her feet and legs in the water.

  From the master bedroom, the old rocking chair is in view of Kelly. Something sits in the chair watching her Desiring her, wanting her. It’s been watching her for years and waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. The rocking chair begins to rock back and forth by itself, ever so slowly. The aspiration chuckles then gurgle. It sounds if it chokes on its own blood and vomit.

  Kelly sits on the edge the tub, singing and humming her favorite Prince tune, ‘Controversy’ She quickly stands out of the tub and quickly shuts the bathroom door. Her parents’ room goes black.

  Kelly sits down in the tub. She sighs with great satisfaction and takes another long drink of her beer. She takes the bottle cap and throws it in the sink.

  “Hey, three points!” Kelly says to herself. She reaches for the floor again, opens another beer. Kelly takes a long drink, then sighs with relief. She has always enjoyed her bath time. It i
s her time to fantasize about having her own house. The perfect, wealthy, handsome, sexy husband; she always dreams about. And three beautiful kids that adore her and have perfect school grades. Tonight’s date night. She doesn’t really like Brian that much. However, she would like to use him for a night out. It an odd, dorky way, he does make her laugh. He is actually kind of cute. He looks a model from a Quicksilver add in Surfer Magazine. Kelly lights a few candles and placed them on the sink and counters. Kelly closes her eyes and spreads her legs over the sides of the tub. Her red fingernails pinch her nipples as they rise with anticipation. She begins sucking on her index finger deep in her mouth, then swirls her tongue around the sides. She rubs her hands over her belly and thighs, then up around her neck. Kelly ties her hair up above her head and begins rubbing the itch between her legs. That unmistakable itch that must be scratched, or she will go crazy. She begins to rub the crevice between her legs as she pretends her husband enters the tub. He begins to kiss her ever so softly and passionate. Their tongues lap each other, making a slight smacking noise in the dim light. Kelly pretends to move her arms around his large shoulders and pull him in closely. She then moves her hands around his muscular buttock, as he enters her slowly. Her hips begin to move and make small waves in the tub. There is a buildup now starting to nestle at the bottom of her stomach, it’s getting hotter and hotter. Hotter than the bath water. The heat begins to spread through her legs, then her whole body. Kelly places her left hand in her mouth and bites her fingers. She tries her best not to scream, as a white light consumes her brain.

  Kelly is rudely interrupted by four loud knocks on the bathroom door.

  “Shit. This better be good,” she says to herself. “Darn you, Matthew, you’re such an idiot!”

  Kelly stands quickly in the tub and wraps the white robe around her body. She almost trips out of the tub, then stubs her toe. She runs to the bathroom door and swings it open. There is nobody there. Kelly looks outside the door. The room is darker than usual and freezing cold So cold, she slams the bathroom door, locks it, and jumps back in the bathtub. Kelly sighs, takes a drink of beer, and looks at the door. “That’ll solve it. Little shit!” Kelly says with authority. How can be so cold when I turned on the heater. Maybe asshole Matt turned it off.


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