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Page 38

by Claire St. Rose

  She gasped, moved her hips slightly at the contact, and then held still for me while she moaned. She was hot and wet, sugary sweet on my tongue. I lapped at her juices, not getting enough, and pushed my tongue into her again. Every time I did that she moaned. She tipped her head forward so that her hair fell over her shoulders and gasped as I worked up and down her slit, doing to her what I’d been fantasizing.

  This was pure ecstasy. I was on my own land, kneeling behind the woman of my dreams, eating her out. I didn’t think there had ever been a man so lucky.

  Her orgasm built as I kept going. I felt her body undulate against my mouth. She swayed on her legs, and her moans got louder. I was ready for her to release, and when she did, I pushed my fingers into her so that I could feel her muscles spasm. Her body contracted and released, muscles tightening around my fingers, and when I finally retrieved them, they were covered in her slick juices.

  She moaned even after I’d let her go and leaned heavily on the rail.

  I took her shoulders and turned her around, kissing her. I knew she could taste herself on me.

  “Get down on your knees,” I said. I put my hands on her shoulders and encouraged her to go down as I said it. Her initial conflict was gone. She hardly hesitated before going down on her knees. I made sure we were on the blanket, so her bare knees didn’t get hurt.

  I unbuckled my pants and dropped it far enough so that I could spring free. I was rock hard and throbbing, aching for a release. I’d been dreaming of her and what we’d done in that car for days, and I hadn’t had any kind of outlet since then.

  She looked up at me, knowing what I was going to ask of her. Her eyes were big and round, and I focused on her ruby red lips, thinking how hot they would be wrapped around my cock.

  I put my hand behind her head and pulled her closer, and only then did she open her mouth and take me into it, as if she’d been waiting for a command.

  Being in her mouth was heaven. Her tongue moved in circles around my tip, first one way and then the other. Her mouth was burning hot, and she knew how to keep those teeth out of the way. This was a woman who had done this before—or if she hadn’t, she was a natural.

  She sucked me off, head bobbing against me, taking almost my full length in her mouth and then retreating so that she only had my tip in between her lips.

  At some point, she cupped my balls with her one hand and squeezed them gently, squeeze, release, squeeze, release, in time with her sucking. This was almost as good as sex, I had to admit. She had me closing my eyes, throwing my head back, and moaning, as shudders passed through my body. If she kept at, it I was going to come right in her mouth.

  It sounded like a fucking fantastic plan, too, but it wasn’t what I’d had in mind.

  I pulled away from her so that she had to let me go, and she looked up at me from the ground. The submissive position was such a turn on that I wanted to be in her. Like, now.

  I bent down, took her elbow in my hand, and hoisted her up. I spun her around and bent her over the rail again. Her skirt had worked itself back over her hips, and I yanked it up. Her ass was on display, and I pushed my fingers into her to make sure she was still wet enough for me. She was even wetter than I’d left her, and I shivered.

  I let go of her, positioned myself at her entrance, and pushed into her in one go. She cried out, bracing herself against the railing, and opened her legs a bit to get better balance. Being inside of her was exactly what I’d needed, exactly as I’d remembered it.

  Hot. Tight. Perfect.

  I pulled back a bit and pushed into her again. She moaned. I did it again, and every time I pushed in harder, pulled out quicker, and slowly picked up pace. I pumped into her, my hips pushing against her ass so that my balls slapped her clit and the gazebo started creaking all around us. I was challenging its architecture, and if it came down all around us, I swear I wouldn’t have cared.

  I slowed down, and then stopped.

  “Why are you stopping?” she asked. Only my tip was in her, and she pushed back with her ass to get me in deeper again, but I moved with her, denying her.

  “What do you want?” I asked.

  I wanted her to ask for it. I wanted her to beg me.

  “Daniel,” she said.

  “Ask me,” I said. “Ask for it.”

  She hesitated just a second before she took a shuddering breath.

  “I want you to fuck me,” she said. “Please don’t stop.”

  Who was I to deny a woman what she wanted? I let loose on her, pounding into her. Her moans turned into cries that carried across the darkness and bounced back at us from the hills. I didn’t care.

  I reached around and grabbed her breast, pulling her dress down and flipping the cup down as well so that I could fondle her bare breast while I went at it. Her nipple was hard and erect, and I tugged and turned at it.

  She moaned when I did, jutting her ass out further so that I could go in deeper and harder and farther.

  By the time I reached my orgasm, I’d just about depleted my energy resources. The explosion was sudden and intense, yanking out of my body and pumping into her again and again. She was with me every step of the way, and when I was done, I was heaving and gasping louder than she was. I swallowed hard, my throat dry now, and then I pulled out of her.

  Her legs quivered and then sagged. I pulled her dress down to offer her some privacy and pulled my pants back up. When she turned around to me, her cheeks were flushed and her lipstick was a little smeared. Her hair was a mess even though I’d barely touched it.

  She smiled, and in her face there was no sign of reproach or regret. She’d loved it as much as I had. And thank God for that…because it was fucking fantastic. There was something about having a woman like her at my fingertips, willing to do what I asked, that really got me going.

  “Come on,” I said and sat down on the blanket, extending my arm to her. She tugged at her clothes, straightening herself out and fixing up her panties before she sat down next to me. I pulled her back so that we lay down, and she nestled into the crook of my arm.

  I didn’t usually do this. Spooning, cuddling, after-sex pillow talk…it really wasn’t my thing. I was usually all about wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am and then some. But this… this was nice.

  “I can’t get over how nice and peaceful this is out here,” Emily said. Her voice was already thick with sleep, and I was starting to get drowsy as well. I could imagine that this kind of break was a welcome change after all the blood and stress in an ER.

  “We can come out here whenever you want,” I said, already drifting. “It’s my land, after all.”

  Emily didn’t answer me. Her breathing changed, deepening and evening out in rhythm, and it was good to have her trust me to keep her safe that way. I let sleep suck me in, too.

  I didn’t know how long I’d slept, but I woke up to Emily rolling off my chest and getting up. I felt the absence of her body heat acutely. The warmth that had radiated from her had lulled me to sleep and kept me there.

  I sat up. She was pulling her heels onto her feet and fluffing up her hair. Her mouth was set in a straight line, and her brown eyes that had stared up at me a couple of hours earlier were hard now.

  “Is something wrong?” I asked her. There was tension in the air so thick I could almost taste it.

  “Everything’s fine,” she said in a tone of voice that suggested it—whatever it was—wasn’t fine at all. When she was done getting herself arranged, she turned to me and looked at me with a face that was void of all expression.

  “I’d like to go home now.”

  I looked at her a moment and tried to backtrack. Something was upsetting her, and seeing that she wasn’t willing to talk to me about it, it had to be something I’d done. Except I couldn’t think what on earth it could be.

  The sex had been great, and she’d looked happy afterward. If she was changing her mind on me now about that part, we had bigger problems. I wasn’t going to spend time with someone who blew hot an
d cold. Nothing else about the night seemed to be a problem: the food, the conversation, everything else had been good.

  “Please talk to me?” I asked. “You’re driving me crazy here.”

  “I think it’s better if we leave it,” she said. Her voice was brittle. She took a step toward the opening to the gazebo, and I stepped in front of her so she couldn’t get away. If she’d like the authority thing before, it was rubbing her up the wrong way now. She pursed her lips tightly together, and her eyes grew so dark they looked black. So this was angry Emily.

  I realized I hadn’t really experienced it before.

  “Don’t block me off,” she said.

  “I just want to know what’s going on. You owe me that, at least.”

  She shifted her weight to one leg and crossed her arms over her chest. She was in defense-mode and arrogance-mode all in a little, Emily-sized package.

  “I’m all for fun and games,” she said. “But I’m not willing to share. If you want to be involved with someone else, that’s your business, but don’t expect me to stick around hoping for some sort of exclusivity from you.”

  It was a very good speech; I just had no idea what she was talking about. I think my face said it, because she rolled her eyes.

  “Ruby,” she said. My stomach dropped at the sound of her name over Emily’s lips, and my head spun.

  “What about her?” I asked.

  “You kept talking about her in your sleep. You don’t get to fuck one woman and dream about another, Daniel.”

  Oh. My. God. Her anger made sense now. I would probably have been pissed, too.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. What else could I say? “I don’t know where that came from.”

  “Well, it was somewhere deep down in your subconscious.”

  “I was sleeping though. I know what I want when I’m awake.”

  Emily nodded, that tight look still on her face, and I wished I could do something to make it better.

  “What were you dreaming about?” she asked. Her face still showed anger, but her voice had gotten smaller now. We all had fears, and I doubted that this didn’t bother her a little bit on some level. No one liked rejection.

  I shook my head. “I honestly can’t remember,” I said, and wasn’t that the whole truth. I felt like an absolute asshole. “Let me drop you off at home.”

  She nodded once and pushed passed me. We walked up the hill together, but this time she wasn’t holding onto me. I didn’t know how she coped with those heels sinking into the grass, but she was sure as shit not going to accept my help. She would rather ruin her shoes. That was how bad it was.

  When we got to the bike, I let out a long, low curse. She glanced at me.

  “Sorry,” I said. My language habits were fowl. I pointed to my tires. They were both slashed.

  “Let me call someone to come and get you so you can go home,” I said. Emily nodded. There wasn’t even an argument. I didn’t know why I expected one. It wasn’t as if she was going to be beg me to keep her here with me now after everything.

  A small, white square on the ground caught my attention. When I took a step closer, I recognized it. It was one of our own business cards. Ruby smiled at me from the card, her copper-colored hair visible even in the dark. I stepped forward and covered it with my shoe, hoping Emily didn’t notice.

  She was looking off to the other side, peering over my land that lay like a lake in the darkness.

  Someone was out to get me. First Taylor, and now this? I doubted it was a coincidence. Whoever it was hadn’t exactly left a calling card, but that was okay. No one struck twice without making it an even three.

  I took out my phone. Time to get busy.



  I met some of the gang, and they were a fierce group of men who could instill fear with just one look. Three of them arrived a short while after Daniel called—like they were always waiting for him to tell them what and where, and thank God one of them came in a car. It wasn’t the sweetest ride I’ve ever been in, but it was a lot better than a bike.

  I wasn’t in the mood for another round of flash-the-neighbors in my short dress when there were strangers around.

  Daniel introduced me. Jack was tall and skinny and didn’t look like he could pack a punch until you looked into his grey eyes. He was all menace, and I changed my mind about him the minute he said hello.

  Morgan was Daniel’s number three in their gang, but the red hair and freckles didn’t make him look any kind of docile. He had a mean look about him, with a lot of muscle that I didn’t think for one second was only for show. The two guys both greeted me politely, but all that leather and the snarling looks sent shivers down my spine and had me stepping closer to Daniel no matter how upset I was with him.

  Taylor was the one who rocked up in the car, and I knew him. It was a relief to have at least one other person who I felt I could remotely trust. With all the leather and testosterone around me, I was starting to feel claustrophobic.

  “Taylor will take you home,” Daniel said. I was relieved that Taylor was the one in charge of taking care of me. As much as I was sure Daniel would have killed either of his two men if anything happened to me—and I meant kill for real—I felt more comfortable with Taylor. Maybe Daniel knew that. Maybe he did, too.

  Good thing Taylor already knew where I lived, but I wasn’t sure Daniel knew that.

  “Come on,” Taylor said to me and held open the door like a perfect gentleman. Daniel glared at his brother, and I assumed the same threat counted for him as for the other two.

  “Thanks for tonight,” I said to Daniel before sliding into the car.

  “I’ll call you,” Daniel said. I nodded, and Taylor closed the door behind me. He got into the driver’s side and started the engine. When we pulled away from the scene, Taylor whistled through his teeth.

  “There are a lot of things you get to fuck with in our world, but our girls and our bikes aren’t on that list. Daniel will be pissed.”

  I kept quiet. Taylor seemed better—more himself.

  He glanced at me as we drove.

  “Did he say anything about who it was?” he asked.

  I shook my head. I hadn’t really asked, and to be honest, I didn’t want to know. I was still reeling about Daniel talking about Ruby, and it wasn’t something I was willing to discuss with Taylor.

  “Right,” Taylor said. He switched on the radio, and we drove on in awkward silence, with the voices of the radio presenters the only ones to break the tension that hung in the car.

  I looked in side mirror. A car was behind us. The same car had been behind us for a while. I looked in the rearview mirror, leaning so that I could see properly.

  A while later, the same car was still behind us. It could have been coincidence, but I wasn’t sure it was. I was too frazzled about the night as it was just to shrug it off.

  When we pulled up in front of my apartment building, I was out of the car before Taylor could run around and open the door for me. I could get my own damn door, thank you very much. He didn’t have to treat me as if I could break. He wanted to warn me about how rough their life was, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know. The car that had been following us was gone now, but I hadn’t seen it turn off.

  I looked up and down the road but didn’t see it anywhere. There were a lot of things going on. Taylor had warned me about Daniel —and about Daniel and his girls. I thought back to Daniel talking about Ruby in his sleep, and it made my chest tighten. I had the feeling that it was a lot more than just girls. There were parts that were really rough.

  “Thanks for driving me home,” I said to Taylor, who’d gotten out of the car. He sat down on the hood and turned his head to me, nodding.

  “I know this sounds stupid, but would you do me a favor?”

  He grinned at me. “I owe you my life. You can ask just about anything.”

  I looked around. The road was empty, but I still didn’t feel like it was safe.

nbsp; “Can you wait out here for a bit, just to make sure everything’s fine?”

  “Sure,” he said. “I’ll just hang out here for a bit and make sure you get in safe.”

  I nodded and walked away from him.

  A part of me felt heartbroken. A part of me was scared. A part of me wanted Daniel to protect me. Another part of me wanted to kick myself for caring at all.

  I walked into the apartment and closed the door behind me. Sarah was out working at her bar, and the apartment greeted me with a whole lot of empty, which I really didn’t want right now. I had a storm of mixed feelings inside of me, and introspection had never worked to sort it out.


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