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First Love: A Single Dad Second Chance Romance

Page 24

by Amy Brent

  “Is that a promise?” I asked devilishly.

  “Brandon Black, you animal,” she said, smirking.

  “An animal you get to have for the rest of your life,” I said.

  We spent the entire night tangled up in one another, trying out positions we’d only ever seen in our dreams. I pinned her against the wall with her tit in my mouth. I pressed her against the window so the world could behold her beauty. I stuffed my cock down her throat while I ate her beautifully dripping pussy. We even writhed along the floor of our massive walk-in shower as we tried to clean ourselves up.

  And every single time her body shook for me, I could feel her love radiating outward and all around my body.

  “I love you,” she said breathlessly as my tongue licked up her slit.

  “And I love you,” I said before I dove back into her depths.

  Neither of us slept a wink that night, and I knew it was a tradition we’d carry on for the rest of our days. I’d sink myself into her, and she’d keen like the beautiful woman she was. She’d roll me over, and I’d growl like the animal I had buried deep inside of me. I’d pin her to walls and bend her over counters. I’d take her from behind while she was cooking dinner and lick her pussy just to see her wake up with an orgasm rolling over her body.

  I’d do anything to hear those words tumble from her lips.

  “I love you, Brandon,” she said sleepily as the sun rose above the trees.

  “And I love you, Mel,” I said as the children began to stir.

  The End


  You know I love my readers, and I’m all about delivering content that you love. Here’s a 60k words, NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED, EXCLUSIVE Super Forbidden Billionaire and Virgin Romance for you – TEACH ME, DOCTOR.

  Check it out!

  EXCLUSIVE: Teach Me, Doctor

  A Billionaire and Virgin Romance



  I stood at the nurse’s station, reading the computer screen to check up on some of the people that had come into emergency room throughout the night. It had been busy given that it was New Year’s Eve in Chicago, with a lot of careless injuries and several accidents.

  We’d lost a young mother to a drunk driver, and it sobered all of us a bit

  . I glanced down to the right-hand corner of the screen to see that I only had an hour left before I got to enjoy a full day worth of sleep before starting all over again. My mom was a nurse when I was growing up, and although it kept her at work for long hours, I admired her compassion. My dad left when I was just four, so I stayed with my mom’s best friend when she was at work, and Shelly was like a beloved aunt to me.

  They were back in New York since I went to college in Chicago and ended up getting a job here after I graduated. I worked two jobs while I went to school to pay the rent on my small studio along with the bills since my mom needed her salary to keep up her own house. I didn’t mind, though the lack of sleep was tough on me when I had to study. I suppose that working these long shifts were the same thing, so I had to thank the jobs for preparing me. I really loved my job even with the losses I’d endured here.

  I looked around the area to see the other nurses doing their jobs and felt the adrenaline in the air as I shivered. This life, this place was my life, and I knew what kept my mom going for the years that she worked. I couldn’t hold the hours against her since she managed to work and make my life enjoyable. She tried to get as many long shifts during the week, so we could do things together on the weekends. Mom was always so tired, but she kept up with me, and I couldn’t think back to a big time in my life when she wasn’t there with Shelly. I missed them so much now, but this was how life was supposed to be. Wasn’t it? “You’re almost out of here. Any plans?” Kelly asked as she came to stand beside me and check the tablet in her hand. Kelly kept up with everything as it was happening with that device and held this place together.

  “Sleep, glorious sleep,” I replied as I covered the yawn that escaped my lips.

  Kelly surveyed me with her big, dark eyes as her brows furrowed in thought. “You’re what, twenty-three? Not to mention gorgeous with that blonde hair. No boyfriend?” Kelly shook her head as I fought the shiver that threatened to take me over. I knew that I was pretty because I looked just like Mom, but I didn’t want a boyfriend. I didn’t know how much of that had to do with my father leaving me, but I saw my mom work so hard that she didn’t have a boyfriend in her life. Once I graduated high school, I finally had the pleasure of seeing Mom let someone into her life and he was wonderful, but I didn’t feel like I was ready yet.

  There was too much fear involved.

  “No. I was working a lot during school and didn’t have the time. Now I am here so much that I take my time off just to rest.” I smiled in an apathetic manner, hoping that she took from it that I didn’t need a man. I didn’t. I just needed to establish my career right now. “Do you have anyone?”

  “I have a fiancé at home, but I haven’t planned the wedding yet. We’ve been together for seven years, so it almost seemed like we’re already married.” She let out a laugh as I glanced at her left hand, seeing the shimmering diamond band sparkle against her dark skin. It was beautiful, and she looked happy underneath her joking tone. I wondered what that felt like for a moment.

  “You need to. Vince is chomping at the bit, Kelly.” Another nurse, Lily, joined them and smiled at Kelly. In the last three months that I’d worked here, I could tell that they were close. They reminded me of Mom and Shelly, and I smiled at the mock glare that Kelly shot the petite redhead. Lily giggled sweetly, and I shook my head at them as memories of my childhood played through my brain. A smile played at my dry lips as I let my eyes run over the screen again.

  “I am going to talk to that sweet little girl. See you,” I murmured, excusing myself from their bond as I made my way down the hall. Suzie was in the accident with her mother after she got off work and was now an orphan since her father passed away when she was born. It was a tragic story, and I couldn’t imagine losing my mother as an adult, much less at seven like Suzie did. When I looked into her room, a woman was sitting with her and watching her sleep. She was clearly related to the little girl, and she sniffled as she glanced up at me. “How is she?” I asked as I stepped further into the room where Suzie had been admitted for observation.

  “Finally sleeping. She’s in a lot of pain from…and so tired from everything. I hope to take her home as soon as I can and start over.” The woman looked at me. “Renae was my sister and trusted me to take care of Su if anything ever happened to her. I never thought…what do I do now?” Her light green eyes were wide and glassy as she stared at me, making me blink silently for a moment. I was new to this and not even sure why I came to check on Suzie. She wasn’t in the ER any longer. I just felt drawn to the cute little girl with the chocolate brown hair.

  “Love her. Listen to her,” I suggested meekly as she took a deep breath. My emotions were running wild as I considered stepping away and returning to the chaos that was my job. “She’s going to need you and everything that you have to give. Is there other family?”

  “My parents and brother. They are going to do everything they can. Everyone is just so…stricken.” She shook her head.

  “I understand,” I replied as I looked at the small girl in the bed. Suzie was lucky to be in the back seat of the car, on the side furthest away from the impact. She was protected as much as possible and only dealing with a sprained ankle and a lot of aches and pains that would fade in time. “We are going to take the best care of her while she’s here. Well, the nurses here will. I helped her in the emergency room and had to check on her.”

  “Thank you. I know how busy you all are.” She smiled weakly and wiped at her eyes.

  “I’ll keep an eye on her and pop back in. She’s such a beautiful little girl,” I told her as my pager buzzed. “That’s me. Try and get some rest, okay?” I turned to leav
e the room and head back to my section of the hospital, bumping into someone as I gasped. “I am so sorry.” I looked up to see an older man looking down at me with deep green eyes and a small smile on his face. He was a doctor and gorgeous at that, but I’d never seen him before.

  “It’s fine, Miss…” He responded gently, holding my shoulders so I could regain my balance.

  “Chase. Madeline Chase. I am a nurse in the ER,” I replied as my pager buzzed again. “I have to get back there, in fact.”

  “I am Declan James. I am a doctor here.” He offered his hand, and I shook it quickly, stunned by the sparks between us as our skin made contact. “I’ll see you around.”

  I nodded and made my way back to work to find another car accident. It was not the best way to start a new year in that aspect, but Declan’s eyes gave me a certain jolt that got me through the extra hour of my shift. I clocked out and tugged my hair out of the ponytail as I made my way to my fifteen-year-old Rav 4 in the parking lot. The sun was rising, and I blinked as the sounds of the city filled my ears. I felt mildly hungry and drove through a place for something quick before pulling into the driveway of my small house.

  I ate and showered before standing in front of the small bathroom mirror, looking at my face in the mirror. Kelly guessed right. I was twenty-three as she guessed, but the circles under my pale green eyes told a different story. I looked like I’d lived a much longer life and supposed in some ways I had. I brushed my hair, letting it fall down my shoulder before I slipped on a big shirt to sleep in. I braided my hair and grabbed some water before drawing my dark curtain over the window to give me a little darkness.

  I thought about Declan for a moment as I settled against my pillows and sighed. He was so handsome, and I felt a twinge of something that I buried a long time ago. He was a doctor, older and probably married or something and I didn’t want any hospital drama. I didn’t need any hospital drama.



  I spent my day off sleeping through the afternoon and doing a bit of grocery shopping in the evening. I was trying to eat healthy to get through the long shifts. Depending on sugar wasn’t going to help me much, apart from treats here and there. I ate protein as much as I could and even tried to cook, though I would never be as good as Mom. I gave into drive-thrus a lot after work just to eat so I could sleep.

  Ugh. I was a mess.

  I loaded my veggies and fruits into the fridge and then packed the pantry with my dry things. I’d also grabbed eggs and some meats to cook up, hoping for a great week of eating. I belonged to a gym as well, but I went less now that I worked so much. That was great when I was looking for a job and had some time, especially with the stress in my life of doing just that. The idea made me laugh, and I considered an evening trip tonight since I worked in the late morning tomorrow. I slept a ton too, so why not?

  I pulled my hair into a messy bun and changed into some leggings and a sports bra before pulling a worn t-shirt over it. I wasn’t into the fancy workout clothes, but I did have some good, comfortable shoes that I wore. The gym was a couple blocks away from my house, and I drove over there with my bag stocked with headphones and towel, so I could tune out to music. That was my escape from the everyday stress, and it wouldn’t hurt to lose a few pounds along the way. My eating habits on college were terrible, and I didn’t join the gym until after I landed a job, so I was making up for a bit of lost time.

  I walked in to scan my card and headed to a treadmill for my daily dose of cardio. It wasn’t too crowded right now, and I found one that gave me a little space and turned on the app that gave me great workout music before sliding the blue tooth headphones over my ears. They were a bit big, but I despised ear buds, and it was easier to work without wires. Once the beat was pumping through my bones, I turned on the machine and started walking. I mainly just focused on the movement when I was here, paying little attention to any of the other people. That seemed to be the norm at the gym, but today my eyes wandered slowly over the large room. There were a lot of fit men and women taking up the various machines and watching the televisions provided by the gym as they worked out or listened to music. Some of the people were attractive, and I blushed as I thought about the clothes that I was wearing and the red tint that must already be taking over my pale skin. My eyes passed over a man jogging at a steady pace on a treadmill in front of me and lingered, enjoying his toned legs and gorgeous ass. I blushed a deeper red as I bit my lip and fought the laughter that was rising to the surface. What was I thinking? I wasn’t going to meet a man here. That wasn’t the point, and most of the guys here were muscle heads to the point of being disgusting.

  Not this one, though. Not at all.

  An edgy song came on, and I moved my head to the beat as I increased the speed just a bit. I never ran on these machines but appreciated a brisk walk. I was mouthing the words and the man I had been checking out turned to look at me with a grin on his face as I realized that I was singing the song. In the gym. For everyone to hear.

  Oh, God. I blushed and pressed my lips together, still feeling eyes on me as I imagined the entire room like I was crazy. I blushed and lifted my eyes to see him continue to look at me and shock hit me as I recognized him as the doctor from the hospital. Declan. He went to my gym? Great. I looked sloppy and thrown together, which was fine since it was a gym. That’s what I told myself anyway. I smiled faintly and focused on the movement of the belt and my legs moving quickly over it as a new song came on; one that I didn’t know as well. I was drinking some cold water when I sensed someone standing in front of me, and I looked up to see Declan. His mouth moved, and I hit the pause button before lowering my headphones over my sweaty neck as I grimaced. “Madeline Chase,” he said with a charming smile that made me shiver as I smiled at him self-consciously.

  “Hi. We belong to the same gym,” I said lamely as Declan nodded and looked closely at me.

  “So, we do. Do you live close by?” He asked as I toweled my face off slowly. I knew I must look like a hot mess.

  “Just a couple of blocks away,” I responded as he met my gaze and held it. There was an intensity in the look that I’d never seen from anyone in my life. This man was older by me by what I guessed was at least ten years, but he was so handsome. His brown hair was tousled with sweat, and his face was lined enough to show a little maturity and those eyes. They were a dark forest green and endless as they started back at me, emotions passing through them rapidly as I watched. “You?”

  “I live in the neighborhood just around the corner,” he said as I nodded. It was one of the best ones in town with gates, guards, and beautiful homes. It was a place that a doctor would live and not a nurse.

  “It’s gorgeous there. I think I know it,” I murmured as Declan smiled wider and licked his lower lip. I started sweating more as I watched and grabbed my water to take a long drink.

  “When do you work next?” Declan asked as I lowered the bottle.

  “Tomorrow afternoon,” I replied as he nodded slowly.

  “I am on tomorrow night as well. Maybe we can have coffee at some point during the evening. Where do you work?” He asked as I felt a thrill rush through my veins.

  “I am in the ER,” I replied as he gave me a sympathetic look.

  “That is a chaotic part of the hospital. I am a surgeon, so I do get around the building a lot. There are a lot of consults to do. If I am in the area, I’ll see if you’re free,” Declan told me as a flush spread over his tanned skin, making me redden as a result.

  “That sounds great,” I replied, making a mental note to ask someone about him. He told me to enjoy the rest of my evening before leaving, and I watched him as I played back every word. I wasn’t completely clueless when it came to men and had dated…a little bit.



  I left the gym with a smile on my face and unlocked my Range Rover from across the parking lot. The lights blinked, and I heard the familiar chirp as I walked towards it, pictur
ing Madeline in my head. She was a gorgeous woman with her wide, light green eyes and soft smile. I saw a lot of life in those eyes, and she didn’t strike me as one of the typical new nurses straight out of college. She didn’t strike me as a twenty-something. There was something deeper about her that called to me.

  I got inside and started the engine as Dean Martin filled the cab. Would she even know who this was? I was forty-three and didn’t listen to the latest pop music or watch the latest shows. For God’s sake, I was married until six months ago before my wife Laura passed away from Stage 4 lung cancer. It was a quick death, something that I was thankful for since I didn’t want her to suffer. We were married seventeen years at her passing, together for two before that and she’d seen me through the tough years of college as well as many hours working at the hospital.

  Laura never smoked, which angered me in the beginning. She just got it and went in too late to save herself, since it had spread throughout her body. We didn’t have kids, so she left me on my own, wondering if I should have thought about that along the way.


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