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Nightworld Academy: Term Six

Page 10

by LJ Swallow

  "And we're watching you," he snarls back. "If anybody tries to take us on, they'll regret trying. Something big is going down, Ash." The pair puff their chests with pride. There's no way this is two shifter kids pushing against authority—this must be connected to the night at the farmhouse.

  Has Vincent slipped through the Confederacy's fingers and is furthering his goals?

  Point made, the arseholes move from their spot under the eaves and walk by me, deliberately knocking my shoulders, one on either side, so that I stumble.

  Resting against the wall, I take deep breaths as their sneering voices and faces stoke the fury ignited by them. What do I do? If Theodora and Professor O'Reilly won't pay attention, there's one other person who can help.

  I hate the thought because this feels like a betrayal to Maeve, but we need Tobias’s advice now.

  Chapter Twenty


  The lull in events worries me as much as when everything spun out of control. The Confederacy warded the tunnel and extra staff guard the area. Students notice the increase in security presence around the academy but the new arrivals are careful not to focus on the tunnel entrance too much. We're told by professors that extra guards are needed due to Dominion activity close to the academy, and coincidentally these new staff are living in the building close to the tunnel entrance.

  Smart—somebody will always be close to the tunnels, but with no suspicion why that location.

  April hasn’t returned and nobody speaks about her—even Sofia. The whispers I hear are April switched to home-schooling because her parents are unhappy about her safety due to Lorna's death and Amelia's disappearance. Few people noticed April when she was at the academy; few care now, apart from Yvette, who refuses to believe explanations.

  I believe she died beneath the academy.

  I’ve attempted to speak to Theodora about the situation, but she’s satisfied that the Confederacy have the matter in hand, which is crazy. I understand now what Garrett means about her not coping, because the headmistress is in denial. Visions of fire. Disappearing students. Dominion threat. How can that be ‘under control’?

  I’ve escaped to spend time with Ash this afternoon, before the team announcements this evening. The situation with the shifters weighs heavily on Ash and distracts him from my issues, which I appreciate.

  After lunch, we head back to Gilgamesh to spend time in his room. I prefer our walks around campus, but heavy rain burst from the dark clouds earlier. A few kids loiter around the Gilgamesh hallways and the common room sounds full as loud voices and music spill out.

  Clive and Remi head in the opposite direction to us, away from the throng. They don’t stop or look at me, but exchange looks with Ash. I’ve seen the two at a welcome distance over the last few days and as they pass, I understand what Ash means about the subtle changes. Either the pair spend every spare moment working out, or there’s something strange happening. Clive’s eyes are different too; I never studied him before, but I would’ve noticed the unusual amber colour.

  “They are changing,” I whisper, and Ash’s arm around my shoulder tightens but he doesn’t reply.

  He unlocks the door to his room, and I follow him inside, wondering if his neatness comes from tidying daily in case I visit, or if he's that rare breed of guys who like a tidy space. His familiar clean scent from the heavy spiced soap he uses brings memories of our time together. I watch as he locks the door, which adds a buzz of anticipation to our afternoon, but there’s a seriousness to him as he walks to the window instead of taking hold of me.

  I stand beside Ash and slide a hand into his jeans back pocket as we look across the grounds into the miserable grey weather. “I hope the rain stops before rugby practice,” he says. “Not much of a summer so far.”

  “Why are you talking to me about the weather?” I ask and move to stand between him and the window. He chews on his lip and looks away. "Ash? What's wrong?"

  "I want to follow Clive and Remi next time they head off campus.”

  My stomach lurches. “No, Ash.”

  “I need to know if...” His serious eyes meet mine. “Who they’re meeting.”

  “Because you think the shifters meet Vincent?”

  “Who else?” he asks flatly.

  I love how when I’m with Ash I can forget the side of my life that follows me—the magic and curses; the fear what will happen next—but never considered how Ash isn’t coping with Vincent’s second disappearance.

  “You won’t be safe if they are meeting Vince,” I say, and he touches my worried face. “Ash, don’t follow.”

  “I won’t get too close to them, but I need to see.”

  “No. Ash, don’t. Look what happened last time we investigated Vincent.” I swallow as memories from the night the Blackwoods took me return.

  “I’ll be alone. You’ll be safe.”

  Ash obviously thought about this, because there’s a determination in his voice that I haven’t heard since the night we pursued the hunters near his family's pub.

  The day his anger spilled out and I saw the side to Ash he hides.

  Ash tips my chin and rubs his thumb across my lips, setting heat across my face. “Clive and Remi made threats against you, Maeve.”

  “I knew you hadn't told me everything! So what? I don’t care. We took on the Dominion leader and escaped. These are just a bunch of shifter kids.”

  “Jamie and Andrei were hurt. Your magic spun out of control and without To—”

  He pauses and my chest tightens. Tobias.

  “Without Tobias, we’re not as strong. Is that what you mean?”

  Ash strokes my hair before tucking a strand behind my ear. “You know I’m a simple shifter and don’t understand all the witch and vampire politics and history. What happened to you...” He trails off again. We’ve spoken about my horrible situation before and I could tell he was at a loss what to say. He’s sensitive but doesn’t always find the right words. In a way, that helps, as the others focus too much on the Winterfall aspect to my life.

  “Have you spoken to Tobias?” I ask as suspicion rises.

  “I had to tell him about the shifters, Maeve. Professor O’Reilly said he’d ‘have words’ with them, like that’ll help.” He snorts. “Theodora knows, but she’s distracted. I don’t believe she’ll do anything if they continue, apart from tell the shifter council, and what if they’re involved too? Vince said he wanted a war.”

  I pull Ash’s hand from my face, as the maelstrom of thoughts and emotions I have around Tobias unleash again. He grips my fingers. “Don’t be angry. I don't want you to think I betrayed you by speaking to Tobias.”

  “You didn’t. I understand why you did if Theodora isn't helping. Tobias hasn’t affected your life in the same way as mine.”

  “Are you kidding me?” he says, mouth parting in shock. “Whatever hurts you, hurts me. Until you’re at peace, I won’t be.”

  My chest fills with warmth at the earnestness and love in his eyes, but he also worries me. He didn't react to Tobias with the anger Andrei did, but he's not as calm about the situation as I thought.

  Tobias chose the right move by stepping back and waiting.

  “I’m confused about Tobias,” I admit in a whisper. “I can’t say anything to Jamie and Andrei because they're angry, but I’m torn what to do.”

  As my mouth turns down, Ash draws me closer and holds me in his engulfing arms. “You give the best hugs,” I say, face muffled against his muscular chest.

  “I wish I could squeeze all the hurt from you.” His breath ruffles my hair and he holds me tighter.

  "Ouch! You almost squeeze more in," I say and laugh.

  Ash moves me away and tips my chin with two fingers. “Talk to me. I can tell you need to speak to someone about this. Yeah, I’m pissed off, but as confused as you.”

  With a sigh, I sit on the bed and Ash sits opposite me on the chair, elbows on his knees as he watches me. “I feel like a hypocrite,” I admit.

p; “What? Why?”

  “When Tobias told me he’d murdered over a dozen witches, I accepted his past. Yes, the news horrified me, but I couldn’t match the Tobias I knew to somebody who could do that. I didn’t push him away then, so am I wrong to change that attitude to his crime because I discovered I’m related to those witches?”

  Ash wrinkles his nose and I smile at his difficulty in finding words again. “Yeah, the murder part takes a bit of processing.”

  I half-smile at his bluntness. “I have a harder time dealing with the lies that fill my life, and Tobias told me the truth, even though he knew this would destroy us.” I link my fingers in my lap.

  “What did you say to your parents?” he asks.

  “I can’t bring myself to speak to them yet.”

  “Adoption is hard,” he says. “Because that’s kinda what it was. Your aunt sucks, though.”

  I laugh at him. “She’s complicated.”

  “Witch stuff?”

  “Oh, Ash, you’re perfect to talk to.” I shake my head. “Tell me what you think as an outsider.”

  Ash’s eyes slide from mine and he rubs a hand across the top of his head. “I'm not an outsider, because you're part of my life, and I don’t know what to say, Maeve.”

  “Give me your opinion. What you truthfully think.”

  He huffs. “I’m confused by the whole curse thing and what this means for you, but if I understand correctly, Tobias will keep you safe. He already did once.” He looks at me guardedly. “Tobias could've hidden what your aunt revealed that day. If you can deal with what he did and see that he cares and wants to help, maybe we should ask him to help us?”

  I blink at his garbled words. “You think I should forgive Tobias?”

  “No, I think you want to.”

  I meet his steady gaze and see the truth. Whoever or whatever Tobias is to me, he’s part of this situation. The Dominion manipulated Tobias; the Confederacy and a curse control his future. He's a victim of this war too.

  “Tobias cares for you, Maeve. When I spoke to him about the shifters, he asked about you and I could see the pain in his face.”

  “I’m confused,” I repeat. “I don’t know if the curse is what draws me to him or if this is more. I want to keep away from Tobias, but I can’t stop thinking about him.”

  Ash’s mouth curves into a half-smile. “Then you have your answer.”

  “I don’t need to let him as close,” I say half to myself. “Tobias can help and stay distant like the early days.”

  Ash doesn’t say anything, but we both know that’s impossible.

  I shake my head and stand. “I bet you didn’t think our afternoon would involve me talking about another guy.”

  Ash blows air into his cheeks and shrugs. “I’m always here to listen. Besides, I'm the one who mentioned him.”

  “Hmm.” I move to straddle Ash's lap and wrap my arms around his neck before kissing him softly. “I don’t want to talk or think about Tobias. I’m with you.”

  A shiver runs through me as Ash slips his fingers beneath my shirt and strokes my back. "Can I ask you something?"


  “Did you have sex with Tobias the night you stayed at his place?”

  I’m unsure what shocks me most: the question or Ash's nonchalance. “No. He kept me safe when I was having a breakdown.”

  “But something happened, Maeve. That's influencing you too—you care about Tobias as much as he cares about you. I think you're in love with him.”

  I tense, because Ash is telling me what I already know and what the other guys must realise too. “Nothing happened between me and Tobias that night,” I say softly. “I know you’re fine with the whole 'more than one guy' situation, but I find talking about this awkward. Don’t mention Tobias again.”

  “No problem.” He slides his large hands upwards and they're warm against my skin as he holds my waist. “But I can see Tobias gives you something me and the other guys can’t.”

  “Since when did you get deep, Ash?” I tease and rest my forehead on his. “You give me something the others can’t too, I’ve told you that before.”

  I brush my lips against Ash’s and his fingers dig into my waist as he kisses me with tender restraint. Drawing back, he runs his tongue along his bottom lip, darkened eyes meeting mine. “Yeah, maybe stop talking about anybody else.”

  His mouth closes over mine again and the tenderness gives way to the rougher Ash when I dig my hands into his hair and push myself harder against him. Mouth not leaving mine, Ash picks me up, and I wrap my legs around his waist, holding his face as I kiss him. One arm curled around my waist supporting me against his body, he turns us around and my back hits the wall. The passion he’s held back as we talked hits, and when our teeth almost clash I tear my mouth away to catch my breath, consumed by his signature toe-curling kiss.

  Ash pushes me harder against the wall, sliding his hand beneath my short summer skirt and along my thigh, moving his mouth to my neck, kissing and nipping my skin, sending delicious shivers through me. “Do you know how hard it is to keep my hands off you?” he asks hoarsely, his mouth not leaving my skin.

  We’re not outside this time, no fear that somebody might find us, and I grip him harder, as he pushes my skirt higher, large palm against my ass. My head spins as he turns, and I land on the bed beneath him. He dips his tongue into the space between my neck and collarbone. “Or how often I imagine you naked.”

  His powerful shoulder muscles flex as he pulls his T-shirt over his head before dropping it to the floor and kissing me with the same ferocity. As I slide my hands around his back, I run my fingers across his defined muscle and touch something on the soft skin. There’s a difference, ever so slight, and I pause. Ash’s scales. I have a lover who’s a shifter, and I’m suddenly aware that this doesn’t shock me anymore than knowing Andrei is a vampire.

  Ash settles between my legs, pushing my skirt to my waist, and himself against me. As Ash’s mouth hungrily claims mine, his hands move to my leg again, but this time when his fingers slide up my thigh, he doesn't stop. The fervour of his hands and mouth shock and arouse me, as I give in to the moment.

  There’s definitely a more forceful edge to Ash tonight, but my body surges with something other than the anxiety I should have around a guy pinning me to a bed and taking what he wants. Worries disappear as Ash’s passion tears all words and thoughts away. How can there be any spoken when his touch and kiss overwhelms me?

  My Ash still exists. He’s the guy behind the one slipping into sudden, overwhelming lust and he would never hurt me. If I told him to stop, Ash would in an instant. But when he changes? Witches whisper about their time with shifters and there isn’t anything gentle about the snippets I overhear. Ash’s nature is rooted in something that isn’t human and he’s destined to lose control to that nature.

  I don’t think meditation classes will help at that point.

  This guy knows how to kiss in a way that burrows deep inside and firing desire, despite the fact the only part of me touching him skin on skin are our lips.

  Something I intend to change tonight.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I wrinkle my nose as I read the list of teams and their members that’s pinned to the noticeboard beneath the house banners. We're divided into teams of eight, which means unequal numbers from each house. Why not nine? I'm with Andrei, Ash, Seamus, Yvette, Katherine, Sergei and Kimberly. Seamus immediately complains that Gilgamesh are outnumbered and Jamie grumbles that he's left out. He's placed with Clive, Remi and a shifter girl, along with Sergei's close friend Arek in the group with one of Katherine's best friends and Logan, and witch Kailey.

  "Whoever created these teams wants trouble," mutters Andrei as he taps the notice.

  "Or better co-operation between the houses?” I suggest.

  Ash snorts. "I pity the group with Clive and Remi. No way will they co-operate with anybody but Gilgamesh."

  "Oh yeah? And we have Kat
herine and Yvette. The academy can write off our team before we've even started," says Andrei.

  "Don't be like that,” I say and shove him.

  "Yeah. Unfair advantage," retorts a gruff voice behind us.

  I look over my shoulder to a thunderous faced Clive. "I hear that Kailey is a worse witch than Amelia and that vamp guy never speaks to us."

  Remi appears at his shoulder like an obedient dog.

  "Amelia isn't weak,” retorts Jamie.

  "Where is she, by the way?" butts in Yvette, and she stares at Andrei.

  "For fuck's sake," he mutters. "I'll find our instructions." I take a deep breath as he walks towards the secretary distributing the envelopes. This is insane.

  "Don't you care, Jamie?” continues Yvette.

  “What about?”

  “All these witches disappearing and killed by vamps. Where's your loyalty to Walcott?"

  Clive watches in amusement with his arms crossed.

  "One was killed by Dominion and two went home," snaps Jamie.

  Yvette's harsh laugh and loud voice draws attention. "Do you seriously expect me to believe Amelia went home? She's dead. So is April."

  "Believe what you like," Jamie says in an even tone. "Amelia is one of my best friends and I would know if she's missing or dead."

  Clive interrupts their argument with a mocking laugh. "Yeah. Keep an eye on those vamps." He turns and shouts of his team one by one in a voice that booms over everybody else talking around the noticeboard.

  "Ugh. He thinks he's leader already,” says Jamie through gritted teeth.

  I'm not happy I'm in a team with Yvette and Katherine, but I have Ash and Andrei. Poor Jamie is stuck with Clive, alone.

  Ash catches Jamie's arm. "Watch Clive and Remi. Remember what I told you?"

  Ash's story about meeting the pair last night sits uncomfortably with me, because I think Ash held something back. He wasn't specific about what Clive and Remi threatened to do. Earlier, Ash hesitantly suggested we speak to Tobias together and all three struggled not to give me their opinions, but the animosity from their minds was thick. I need to speak to him now I've digested my aunt's words, but I'm scared for both our futures. Marie told me Tobias will die, even if she never spoke the words directly.


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