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Have My Baby: Baby and Pregnancy Romance Collection

Page 88

by Jamie Knight

  I miss him, and I miss Katie so much. It's driving me crazy not being able to see them. I start to feel restless, needing to do something, so I reach a decision. I'm going to go and pay them a visit this evening. Even if it is only for a few seconds at least, I'll be able to see them again. Besides, the more I think about it, this just doesn't feel right. Ben needs to know that this is his baby. I'm not expecting anything from him. I just want him to know. That's the right thing to do.

  I have been thinking about doing this for the past few days, and it's finally time to stop thinking about it. I wonder what his reaction will be? Of course, I'm happy about this, but deep down, there is this tiny part of me that is worried he might not be. I know this is entirely unexpected given our situation. Feeling butterflies in my stomach, thinking about everything, I have to try and calm myself. Otherwise, I am going to lose my nerve. I don't want that to happen. I have been putting this off for too long.

  I get ready to go, taking my time, trying to be extra careful with everything I do now that I am pregnant. Once I'm ready, I walk outside. It's a decent day. I walk the familiar route to Ben's house, going past the park and the coffee shop. My mind is filled with thoughts of Ben and Katie. I'm going to be so happy to see them. I'm not sure what their reactions will be when I show up, though. I'm hoping for happy or, at the very least, pleased. I know that might be kind of tricky for Ben to do, though, since things weren't left on the best note between us. Maybe that was my fault for letting my emotions get the better of me. That was a wrong move on my part. What else was I supposed to do in a situation like that? I decide not to think about it anymore; I don't want anything to spoil my good mood. This is the happiest I have felt since everything has happened. It feels good to feel like this again.

  My excitement and nerves pick up as I near the house. I'm a few doors down. Ben's car isn't in the driveway as I look up. Another vehicle is, though. That is odd. I see someone standing at the front door, so I stop walking. Maybe they are expecting company. The door opens, and I see Isabel standing there. She looks around quickly then starts kissing the man at the door. I realize who he is at once. He is the tennis coach.

  I back up a few steps, so they don't see me. After the kiss, Isabel looks around again then pulls the man inside. She closes the front door. What the hell is going on? Did I imagine that? No, it actually happened. She brought that guy into the house while her daughter is there. How dare she! Ben is right; she is no mother. She broke him once. I'll be damned if I let her do that again to him. Things were just getting so good. She's not going to ruin them a second time. I'll do whatever it takes to stop her.

  I can't believe what I just saw. It makes me angrier than I was the other day. That bitch! She's not back because she wants to be a good mother to Katie. She's still screwing Ben over. I have to do something, but I don't know what. I can't let this happen. I can't let Ben and Katie get hurt. Now I know I can’t believe a word that woman says. She's not to be trusted.

  I don't want to worry too much and stress the baby, but I have to do something. They need me. They are my family now. I keep glancing nervously at the house, but I don't see any more movement. I finally come up with a plan. I know it will work. It has to.

  I can't just stand by and let this happen. It is time for action. My only thought right now is of Katie stuck home with that horrible woman, and I feel very much like she is my daughter at this moment. How could Isabel treat her family this way? I never imagined that anyone could be this selfish. It just makes me so mad. How could life with Ben not be good enough for her? What is wrong with that woman? I would love to be back in that house, happy and safe with Ben and Katie. To spend the rest of my life taking care of them like they were my own little family. Subconsciously I place a hand on my stomach again. They are my family, no matter what anyone thinks or says. Isabel doesn't care about them, but I do.

  Chapter 17 - Ben

  I was finally able to get away from the house and get things settled down. I don't like it when my mother and sister are upset, especially at me. I brought them out to a welcome home dinner to try and make up for what has happened. So far everything is going great. There has been no more arguing, not even the slightest mention of Isabel. It's nice to finally enjoy that moment of calm I have been hoping for. I'm not entirely sure what will happen after this, but I might as well enjoy the good moments right now.

  We sip our drinks and wait for our food. “I'm so glad you convinced us to extend our trip, Ben. Those extra weeks really made all of the difference,” my sister says happily.

  I smile politely, finding it really hard to concentrate on the evening. I'm worried about Katie. I'm sure she is fine; I mean, Isabel is her mother after all. I just can't shake this feeling that I have that something is not right.

  “Next time you and Katie should go on a cruise with us. It could be a lot of fun,” my mother says.

  I just nod my head. I know I'm acting rude, but I don't think they notice it. If they do, they are hiding it really well. They are probably used to me acting this way, especially since today has turned out to be a very unusual day for everyone. I'm sure that they don't mind that I'm not giving them my full attention.

  She sips her drink. “Yes! We should start planning that right away. There are always lots of kid-friendly activities on board the ships,” my sister continues.

  My phone rings. I look down at the number, and my heart pounds in my chest. “Excuse me, I have to take this,” I say, getting up and walking away from the table. My mother and sister don't pay any attention. They assume it's a business call as usual.

  “Hello, Cece! I've been trying to reach you,” I say when I answer the phone. I'm relieved to hear her voice. This might be my only chance to straighten things out with her. I have to take advantage of this before it gets complicated all over again. I know I'm going to regret it if I don't.

  “We have no time for that now. I'm at your house. You need to come home right now,” she says and hangs up.

  From the urgency in her tone, I assume it is something terrible. I go back to the table. “We have to leave now,” I tell my mother and sister.

  “Why? Did something happen? Is it Katie?” My mother asks with worry.

  “I don't know, let's just go,” I say.

  They grab their purses and head out the door. I quickly pay for our meal then follow them. In the car, I speed down the streets. I knew something didn't feel right about tonight and Cece's call confirmed it. I hope Katie is ok. That's my only thought. I could care less about Isabel, but she better not have let anything happen to Katie. I need to get ahold of Cece later and thank her for her concern, now that she seems to be speaking to me again.

  We pull up in the driveway, and there is a car I don't recognize there. I run up to the door unlocking it. My mother and sister follow me.

  “Isabel? Katie? Cece?” I call out, walking through the house. It's silent. I make my way upstairs and to my bedroom. I'm foolishly hoping to find Cece in there. I open the door and am shocked. Isabel is naked, sitting atop her tennis instructor in my bed. “What the hell is going on here?” I demand. Isabel jumps off and pulls the covers up over her breasts.

  “Ben! It's not what it looks like,” she tries to lie.

  “Isabel, get the hell out of my house. And don't ever come back,” I yell.

  “Hey guy, you can't threaten us like that. I'll sue you,” her lover replies.

  “Shut the hell up and get out of my house before I toss you out on your ass,” I yell at him.

  Grumbling, he gets out of bed and pulls on his clothes.

  “Ben, don't do this. Think of Katie,” Isabel tries to plead.

  “Think of Katie?” I ask in disbelief. “Were you thinking of her when you were fucking around behind my back? You're her mother for crying out loud!” I roar in anger.

  “Well, if that's the way you feel about it!” Isabel snaps. She gets dressed and leaves with her boyfriend, slamming the front door behind he

  I sit on the edge of the bed and put my face in my hands. I can't believe I was dumb enough to fall for this again. I really hope that this is the last time I see her. Pulling out my phone, I get ready to call Cece and thank her when my mother runs into the room. She looks sick.

  “What's wrong?” I ask.

  “Katie is gone,” she says. Her voice trembling.

  I almost drop my phone. “What?”

  “Katie is gone. She's not anywhere in the house or the backyard,” my mother explains.

  I run out of the room and down the hall. I look into Katie's room because I need to see for myself. My mother and sister follow me. It’s empty.

  We all go outside, looking up and down the street. “Katie!” I yell out to no avail. I'm so angry I could murder Isabel.

  I get into my car to search the neighborhood.

  “We'll stay in the area in case she comes back,” my mother says.

  I drive off as fast as I can, throwing my phone down in frustration. I have never been this angry in my whole life, not even when Isabel first cheated on me. My daughter is out there lost because her mother wasn't watching her. I knew I shouldn't have trusted her.

  Chapter 18 - Ben

  I'm going insane, trying to find Katie, and I have no idea where she could be. I've tried the usual areas, the coffee shop where we met Cece and the park by there. Both were empty. I drive around the neighborhood, hoping that she might have stayed close to home. I hope that's what happened. I'm a few streets over from the house. I have the windows rolled down while driving slowly, scanning every inch of the area.

  I stop the car quickly. I can't believe I didn't think of this before. There is another park a few blocks away from the house. It's practically down the street. I don't think Katie has been there before, but I decide to check it out. It's my last resort to trying to find her. I speed away in that direction, slowing down as I near the park. There are quite a few families out this evening, and that might make it a little more complicated. I park the car at the curb and turn off the engine. Sitting there, frowning, I look at each individual person.

  The closest area to the street is the swings. My heart beats with relief as I spot Katie on the end of the swing set. She has her back to me. I'm shocked to see Cece is there. Katie laughs as Cece pushes her higher into the air. I get out of the car and walk over to them. Words can't describe how grateful I am to see Cece right now. It touches my heart to know that she was looking after Katie.

  “Katie!” I call out. Cece stops the swing. They both turn around to look at me.

  “Hi, daddy,” Katie says happily. She jumps down and immediately grabs Cece's hand. I notice this right away. I never knew how attached she was to her.

  “I'm sorry. I hope you weren't worried when I called you. I just couldn't leave Katie alone in that house. I didn't want her around what Isabel was doing, and I knew there would probably be fighting, so I brought her here,” Cece explains.

  Once again, I'm touched. Cece's only concern was the safety of my daughter.

  I reach out and put my hand on her shoulder. “I appreciate that. I can't believe I let her end up in a situation like that,” I reply. I keep my emotions in check. Cece looks like she has something else on her mind.

  “Since we are talking about serious things, there is something you should know,” she says as Katie continues to cling to her.

  “Yes?” I ask, looking at her.

  “I'm pregnant. And since you're the only one I've been with, it's yours,” she admits. I can see the worry and fear in her eyes. She's trying her best to hold steady. “I didn't tell you right away because of my encounter with Isabel, where she told me you were cheating and everything. I was foolish to believe it at first, but now I know it was all lies. Can you ever forgive me?” Cece asks softly.

  I'm trying to process everything, but there is only one thought in my mind. I am calm and self-assured as I reply to her. “Of course, I can.” I see her smile with relief. “But, in the future, we need to trust each other completely. Since we are going to be husband and wife, the only way a marriage will work is with complete trust,” I explain.

  Her smile turns to surprise. “Are you asking me to marry you?” she asks, shocked.

  Now is the time to be truthful. “Yes, in fact, I'm begging you. Not only are you carrying my child, but Katie also adores you and loves you. Much like I do. I couldn't think of a woman more perfect to be a mother and wife. I don't want anyone else but you. Please say, yes?” I plead while gently holding her free hand. I look at her with a hopeful expression.

  Cece looks at Katie and me. After a moment, she turns her gaze back to me. “Yes!” she says with a smile. I lean forward and give her a soft kiss. I'm so happy.

  “Can we go home now?” Katie asks.

  “Of course, sweetie,” I reply. I surprise all of us by picking Katie up and carrying her to the car.

  “Is Cece going to be my new mommy?” Katie asks.

  “Yes,” Cece and I reply. We both look at each other and smile.

  “Yay!” Katie yells happily. Once she's securely in her car seat in the back seat, I drive the three of us home.

  “I don't know about this. I'm nervous,” Cece confides as we pull up in the driveway.

  “Relax, they are going to love you,” I assure her with a kiss on the cheek. She smiles at me and gets out of the car. I pull Katie out of her car seat and carry her to the house. Cece walks quietly beside me.

  “We're home!” I call out once we walk in the front door.

  My mother and sister come running over. They hug Katie once they see her.

  “Relax, she's safe. Cece was keeping an eye on her. She was worried and didn't want her around Isabel's influence,” I explain.

  My mother looks at Cece. “Well, thank you so much. I don't know how to repay you for keeping my grandbaby safe,” she says gratefully.

  “Oh, it was no trouble. No child should have to grow up with a mother like that,” Cece answers.

  I clear my throat softly. They look at me. “Can you take her for a minute? I need to talk to mother,” I ask, handing Katie to my sister.

  “Sure. Let's get you cleaned up. How about a snack?” Liz asks, walking away with Katie.

  “What's going on?” my mother asks. She notices how close I am to Cece.

  “Mom. I'd like you to meet Cece. She's going to be my wife, and I've just learned she is pregnant with my child,” I explain.

  Cece nervously awaits her reaction. My mother looks at us with shock, which gives way to happiness. “I'm going to be a grandma again!” she exclaims, hugging us both. We all laugh. “It's good to meet you. I feel that you are a perfect fit for Ben and my grandbabies,” my mother says.

  Cece blushes and says, “Thank you. I love them both very much.” Her eyes sparkle when she looks at me. My mother notices this.

  She nudges my arm and winks at me. “I can tell this one isn't a gold digger.” We all share a laugh.

  “How about I make everyone meatloaf?” Cece asks.

  “That sounds wonderful!” my mother says.

  We walk to the kitchen. We call Katie and my sister to join us in a happy family dinner. We are all talking and laughing. Cece is getting along great with them.

  As dinner comes to an end. My mother leans over and talks privately to me. “I'm so glad you finally got a good one,” she whispers. We both watch Cece fuss over Katie.

  “I'm good by myself, but I feel like I'm even better when I'm with her,” I answer.

  After dinner, I walk my mother and Sister to the door. We exchange our goodbyes then I shut the door. I go upstairs in search of Cece. She is just coming out of Katie's room.

  “Is she okay?” I ask quietly.

  “Yes, she had a long day,” Cece answers. I peek in and see Katie asleep angelically.

  “Come here,” I whisper softly. I pull Cece down the hall to our room.

  She smiles happily. “Time t
o celebrate?” she asks.

  As soon as we are in the room, I wrap my arms around her, and we start kissing. It feels so good to be with her again.

  “You don't know how much I've missed you,” I murmur as we lay on the bed.

  She starts unbuttoning my shirt. “I never thought I'd hear you say something like that,” she admits.

  I pull off her clothes, taking my time caressing and kissing every part of her, from her perfectly shaped legs to the full breasts. Pausing, I kiss her stomach very gently. Cece giggles a little. I move my head lower, kissing the mound of her pubic area and her inner thighs.

  “Oh, Ben,” she moans as she shivers.

  As she opens her legs for me, I pull off her panties and lick her clit. She is so wet already, but I can’t get enough of her taste. Running my tongue up and down her folds, I make sure every part of her is touched and loved. Finding her hard bud again, I circle my tongue around it, getting rougher and rougher until her legs start to shake. Cece clenches her thighs around my head.

  “Oh, Ben!” she gasps as she reaches down to run her fingers through my hair. “I can’t…Oh!”

  Her pussy starts to throb against my lips. Her body jerks forward as she yelps with pleasure.

  “Was that good, love?” I ask as I move up her body. In answer, Cece takes my face in her hands and kisses her juices from my lips and cheeks.

  “You make me feel like nothing else in the whole world,” she sighs. “My body can’t get enough of you.”

  I kiss her deeply. “Good, because I’m never going to stop making you feel like this.”

  I don't have time for anymore teasing. I feel like I have been without her forever. My hard cock springs free as I pull off my pants. Very gently, I ease inside of Cece. She shivers with desire as her pussy takes every inch of my cock. I want to cry out because it feels so good to be with her again. She fits me like a glove, so warm and wet.

  Going slow, I take my time. We keep eye contact as I push in and out of her. The connection is strong between us, something I have never felt before. It enhances the sensations in my cock and core. So much so that my head is starting to swim.


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