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Have My Baby: Baby and Pregnancy Romance Collection

Page 97

by Jamie Knight

  “Do you think you’ll be up for some skiing later?” I asked, patting her dry.

  “Oh yeah, I knew there was another reason we came up here.”

  “Goof,” I chided, kissing her on the forehead.

  She was indeed up for skiing. We had arrived early enough that we could grab a late lunch and still have a couple of hours on the slopes before it got too dark to be entirely safe. Not that it stopped us when I was in college. Thankfully I had out-grown such semi- suicidal foolishness.

  “Well, that’s convenient,” Aaron observed, noting that the cluster of chalets were literally around the corner from the lifts.

  The resort wasn’t very big in terms of the land it took up which made things pretty economical. The lift tickets didn’t even cost that much. We each paid for our own, agreeing that Dutch was the only fair way and, bundled into one of the suspended benches. With only a security bar in the way of safety. It really was a thrill going up the side of a mountain like that. Not quite so much as going down. Even if the latter did create much less of a sense of existential dread.

  I’d never actually heard of anyone falling out of a lift, though there were a few terrifying stories of them stopping for no reason. Not particularly believable stories, but enough to make me wary at the way up. At least until I went there with Alex. That day my mind was occupied by love and fear. Love for Alex and fear that we might right into Elsa. I couldn’t be sure that Elsa would ruin everything. Though given her history it was a better than a fifty-fifty chance. I squeezed Alex’s hand as we ascended, and she just smiled back, none the wiser. It would probably come out int the open eventually but not yet. That day, and for the week following, I just wanted us to be together and have fun. See if what I thought was there was actually real or just my imagination. I hoped it was all true, not least because if I was wrong it would mean that my mother had been right all along.

  We dropped off at the very top, again breaking off into couples. Sara and Aaron going right, to some of the more mainstream areas, while Alex and I ventured to less tamed runs. Not off. The trails or between the trees. We weren’t that insane. Though the areas we chose to traverse that fateful day could unironically be described as ‘gnarly.’ There were any number of reasons for this choice I really couldn’t speak to Alex’s motivation, thought noticed that we both went that direction at the same time. Indicating to me that the decisions had been mutual. I smiled as I though I might have actually found someone who was as adventurous as me. Elsa never wanted to take risks. If she had her way we would have only even gone on the bunny slopes, despite her comparable experience. Her parents ad taken as a somewhat different teaching method that seemed to have been terrifying as much as edifying. Here was no way she would go so far off the main hills. In no small part my reason for choosing that particular direction.

  The light clouds were glowing an ethereal pink when we landed back at the bottom of the lift, no less than two darkness warnings coming up before we decided to pack it in for the night. Sara and Aaron had gone back to the chalet about an hour before, not quite reaching our level of endurance. I new what mine developed out of but had to wonder about Alex. She was amazing, the fact she was nearly ten years younger than me making her even more impressive. We had our arms around each outer, our skis and poles over our opposite shoulders, not a care in the world.

  “Something smells good,” Alex announced as we trundled through the door.

  “Blame Aaron, he insisted,” Sara teased.

  “I’m incorrigible,” Aaron agree, setting a bowl of mashed potatoes to join the rest of the banquet he had set out on the chalet’s table.

  “Are your bones ratting.” Alex asked subtly.

  “Just a bit,” I’ll go see about a fire.

  The chalet ostensibly had electric heat, but it must have been set to low because it could take up to an hour to heat up the whole place. Far more efficient was the stone fireplace in the living room. Aaron and I had already checked the flue to make sure the fireplace wasn’t entirely esthetic. You only needed to do that once before you started to check every time.

  Within minutes the fire wars roaring bathing the mine floor in its flickering glow, making things a lot more comfortable. Even though we had been ‘dressed for it.’ Sharing a banquet of friendship, each chose a different piece of diabolically comfortable furniture to watch movies on the old-fashioned flat screen. Sara and Aaron taking up the couch and Alex and I cuddling like kittens on the oversized recliner.

  Sometime past midnight, Alex was asleep with me not far behind her, Sara and Aaron nodding of a while before. Getting up from the chair, careful not to wake her, I carried my love like a baby into our room.

  Chapter Six – Klaus

  It was like waking up in heaven. I knew it sounded cliché but that was honestly the first thing that crossed my mind. Not only was I with the person I was coming to care about more than anyone in the world, the forces of nature seemed to be aware of this, sending a perfectly beautiful day on our corner of the earth. A clear blue sky letting the morning sun shine down on the freshly fallen snow, causing it to sparkle like rainbow crystals.

  I didn't know any of that of course. At that particular moment, I was still cozy in the haven of our shared bed, spooning with Alex s she breathed softly. Drawn to her like a force of nature, I planted several soft kisses on the back of her neck, making her shift and hum softly as she was brought back to the waking world.

  “Good morning,” I said, cheerily.

  “Yeah, feels like it,” she giggled, grinding her sexy ass up against my morning wood.

  “Careful, or I might just fuck you until you scream.”

  “Please do.”

  “Turn over, sweetheart. I want to see you while you cum.”

  “Yes, sir!”

  Alex turned over onto her other side, so we were face to face and put a leg over my hip, pressing the head of my cock against her pussy.

  “Not yet,” I said, putting a had on her hip.

  “Aww,” she complained, actually pouting.

  I reach down and pressed my hand gently up against her pussy making her jump and gasp.

  “See? Let’s get you ready, hey.”


  Leaving us in the same position, I wetted my fingers and returned it to where it was with a much lighter touch, and tenderly stroked her sweet little pussy in slow circles. I watched her closely, savoring her every expression, gasp and moan as I brought her closer to orgasm. Kink wasn’t something that really appealed to me. At least not in the rough, spank way. I was into power exchange but tended to be more nurturing than dominating. If anything, I was the opposite of a dom, getting as much out of giving pleasure as getting it.

  Alex got noticeably wetter as I stroked, pressing her pussy even harder against my hand. Angling my hand, ever so slightly, I eased a finger into her sweet warmth, bringing the most delicious moan up out of her. Working her gently, I got her to the point I could get a second finger inside her, stroking her with a soft ‘come here’ motion, stroking her clit and g-spot at the same time, nearly making her howl with pure, transcendent joy. Her hips starting to gently rock, moving her pussy on my fingers as I lovingly stroked her.

  It was always a sign. Alex’s sweet pussy getting even tighter before she started to cum. I lightened up considerably, going back to stroking the outside as the trebling started. Building in intensity until she was vibrating against me as I held her with my free arm, tenderly kissing her neck as she came like a banshee. Alex collapsed against me like a house of cards from a worn out deck. I held her and kissed her as she recovered, filled to the brim with warm, loving, affection.

  When she had recovered I stroked my cock against her pussy, getting her warmed up again before I tried to fuck her. Especially as hard as I was planning to, always staying true to my word.

  “Ready for me to fuck you, sweetheart?” I asked.

  “Yes, please,” she murmured, smiling beatifical

  Not needing to be told twice, eased the had of my cock into her sweet pussy, waiting as she did an unconscious rise and little gasp, before relaxing again. When I was sure she was ready, I went further, going slowly to give her time to adjust to being filled up so completely, the fit still pretty snug, even after she had already cum. Getting in further than I even had before, I started to rock, pumping my big, thick cock in her tight, young pussy, Alex following each of my moves as we embraced.

  When she was ready, I held her tight and started going faster, slowly gaining in speed, while still keeping things light. Caressing my cock deep inside her sweet pussy, making her feel every inch.

  Slowly but surely, Alex relaxed, and I was able to fuck her harder, getting to the point I was absolutely pounding her. Alex clinging to me, her face buried in my neck muffling her screams of pure joy.

  Her beautiful pussy squeezed my cock as I fucked her, letting me know she was starting to cum. Easing up to a gentle ebb, I held her tenderly as she trembled against me, savoring her sweet warmth. My sweet lover hitting the peak of her ecstasy at the same moment that I fulled her up with my mighty load.

  I held Alex as she recovered, my cock still deep inside her, throbbing like a second heartbeat. Her primary lub-dub still at a hard rush from what we’d just been through together.

  “Wow,” she gasped.

  “You okay?”

  “Fuck yes.”

  “Glad to hear it,” I said, giving her a warm kiss.

  Before I had a chance to do it, Alex reached down and eased my cock from her, keeping it in a firm but gentle hold. From the first tender stroke it was clear what she was after, so I turned onto my back, moving the blanket and top-sheet out of the way. Kissing her way down my body, continuing to give my cock gentle strokes, Alex licked me clean before running her sweet tongue back down the other side of my still throbbing shaft to my balls.

  Pleasure ran through me in interminable waves as softy sucked each of my balls in turn, always keeping up her prefect strokes on my cock. It wasn’t long before I got close to coming. That just wouldn’t do, and I understood entirely when she stopped stroking for a minute, constituting to suck my balls as I ebbed back to zero.

  Kissing her way back up long my shaft, my intrepid little explorer made it back up to the head, swirling her tongue all the away around it, making me moan. I’d consider it teasing if it didn’t feel so good. Not to mention needed, getting my blood back up for another round. It wasn’t just girls who needed to be warmed up.

  Wrapping her lovely lips around my throbbing head in a beautiful mouth hug, Alex sank down slowly but surly along my shaft, her goal clear. She was going to try and deep-throat me all the way. We’d gotten close, Alex getting a little deeper each time but shed never quite made it to the point of swallowing my entire cock. Not that I particularly expected her to try. My first instinct was to try and stop her crazy as it might sound. I really didn’t want her hurting herself. Instead, I contented myself to paying close attention, ready to intervene if needed.

  I watched in wonder as she inched her way down, her ultimate goal getting closer all the time, barely slowing down in her approach. Taking things steady, she reached the bottom her top lip brushing lightly against my balls, her head town towards my feet. Lifting her hips so she was in something close to doggy position beside me, I wetted my fingers and tenderly fingered her pussy as started to suck me deep.

  Taking things slow, Alex fucked my cock with her young throat, her sweet lips caressing my shaft as she did so. It was amazing to see, and I was honestly both surprised as well as pleased that it was going so well. She really was a natural, at least with me. I couldn’t help but wonder if my meant to be theory might have some weight to it. We really did seem to fit together perfectly and the feeling when I was with her, even when we weren’t intimate was as close to pure elation as I’d ever experienced.

  I could feel her pussy tighten around my fingers at the same time as a familiar tingle started in my cock. We were both going to come, and it would probably at the same time. Listening up on the intensity, I left my fingers as she started to cum, my massive load flooding her sweet mouth seconds after she’d finished, Alex rallying enough to swallow down my enough before collapsing against me. Easing my cock gently from her mouth, I scooped her up and held her until she came around, planting sweet little kisses on her face and neck, never feeling more in love.

  “Hey,” she said, coming around.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m okay.”

  “Shower?” I asked.


  Kissing her tenderly, Alex replying in kind, I carried her into the bathroom for a shower before breakfast and another fun day of skiing. At least that had been the plan.

  “Hey, sleepy heads,” Sara said with a wink as we joined her at the table, Aaron getting up to get us plates.

  “Are we fashionably late?” I asked.

  “If that’s what you want to call it,” Sara said with a playful smirk.

  “Yes, I think I’ll stick with the habit of a lifetime thanks.”

  Aaron served us both some waffles and bacon before returning to his own seat. Not quite the extravagant presentation of my cooking but I wasn’t usually cooking for four people. Not to mention the fact he was doing it for free, so I wasn’t about to complain. What they lacked in presentation they more than made up for in flavor. Heaving on a fork would be. Bit of an overstatement but. It was certainly as good, if not even a little better, than met on culinary experiments.

  Our bellies full, we suited up and make the short trip from the chalet to the lifts. An old but familiar terror knowing up in my stomach. Almost everyone we passed looking like Elsa. Or at least enough to make me wonder. There stress was making me paranoid, though not for no reason. Elsa was clever as well as culling and could find the perfect way to ruin any situation if she got it into her head to try. Mom always thought she was so sweet but that was just what Elsa wanted her to think. There really was no telling how far she would go to get what she wanted.

  Alex and I greed silently to stick with Sara and Aaron when we got off the lift. Sure they played it safe and didn’t have our same endurance, but they were our hosts. It would be rude to split off from them again.

  As the lift conveyed us up the mountain my fear also grew. Fairly certain I’d actually seen Elsa get into the one in front of us. I would know that braid anywhere. Tightly down and reaching down to her hips. It would take over an hour to redo, often making us late. Still she wouldn’t let anyone else touch her hair, even in the name of efficiency. Never mind I’d been helping to do my sisters hair since she was two. If there was one thing I knew, aside from computer security, it was how to weave a mean braid.

  It was a surprise as well as comforting. The warmth of Alex’s hand on mine making me both thankful and fearful at the same time. I really didn’t want to lose her but knew from experience that Elsa would take the bullet-train to crazy town if she ever saw me with anyone else. I’d considered pulling my scarf up over my face, but she would probably still guess. There weren’t to many six-four guys who wore steel-framed hipster glasses and enjoyed skiing. Besides which, Elsa had a bloodhound’s instincts for deception. Which only stood to reason considering how many scams she’d pulled herself. Kind of like how smart criminals really know the law. I squeezed back on Alex’s hand, hoping it wouldn’t be the last time it wouldn’t be the last time.

  The ascent was easy. We mostly just had to keep still and let gravity carry us down. I didn’t even use my poles for most of it. The fact there were really any sharp turns or sudden drops contributing to my casual attitude. I got the strong impression Sara and Aaron didn’t ski much, though if that was true they were doing admirably well. We all have to start somewhere.

  We power stopped in an almost perfect row, like a powder blasting chorus line, Aaron wobbling a bit but correcting himself before tragedy could really strike.

  “Again!” Sara enthused.

  “Why we’re here, sweetheart,” Aaron said sweetly.

  “Does she do that every time?” I asked, when Sara was out of ear-shot.

  “Yup, I am so looking forward to the next week.”

  “Wait until she has a couple hard spills, she’ll get over it.”

  “Is it bad to say I’m looking forward to it?”

  “Only a little.”

  The spills didn’t come that day and Sara remained as enthused as ever. Aaron, for his part, seemed to see the funny side of the situation. It was interesting to see such a well-working relationship up close. My parents divorced soon after my sister, Astrid was born, and Astrid had her old troubles with love. Many of them ending up in a black eye. At least until she had the guys come to the house to meet me first. Then they were all perfect gentlemen. Most of them smart enough to not want to risk getting their spines snapped over my knee. After she went to university Astrid decided not to think about relationships until she’d become established in her medical career.

  There was a small party that night at the main lodge. Just a general drinking and mingling event for those game to attend. I’d planned on avoiding it like Chernobyl but fate, and my chalet mates had different ideas.

  “Which do you think?” Sara asked, coming into the common space with two nearly identical looking cashmere sweaters.

  “The white one?” Aaron tried.

  “Neither of them are white,” Sara sighed, as though he were a silly kid.

  “I like the cream but could be a bit dangerous to spills. The blue would be cute with your cranberry jeans,” I said.

  All heads turning to me in shock, including Alex who, as far as I could tell, knew as much about fashion as a tea-leaf did about the history of the East India Company. She just did what she liked and want worked.

  “What?” Sara asked.

  “How?” inquired Aaron.

  “I have a little sister,” I said, by way of explanation.


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