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Have My Baby: Baby and Pregnancy Romance Collection

Page 106

by Jamie Knight

  I shrugged. “My personal business is mine, not yours.”

  “When your personal business affects our professional business, it has more than enough to do with me—with us. Break it off with her or dissolve our partnership.”

  “We’ll buy you out,” Noah offered.

  I stood and paced back and forth. “Are you fucking with me?”

  “Nope,” Jack said. “You were the one who changed the code of conduct. You were the one who wanted to run the club because you said you were the only one of us who could be trusted to keep his hands off the talent. We don’t need a sexual harassment lawsuit if things don’t work out for you. Walk away from her or walk away from our partnership.”

  I squared up to Jack. “You don’t have enough money to buy me out.”

  He got in my face. “We can liquidate assets. We don’t want to do it, but we will. We’ve been friends for a long time, Shane. Don’t ruin our friendship or business partnership over a woman.” He paused; his face turned thoughtful. “We could fire her. That would solve a lot.”

  I shoved him away. “This club is Alyssa’s life. She knows more about how this place works than any of us ever will. She brings in more money than any other girl.”

  “She can be replaced,” Jack spat.

  Liam laid a hand on my chest to stop me from going after Jack. “She would find another job easily. The way I see it is that you have three options: break up with Alyssa and keep our partnership alive. Fire her, so there’s no conflict of interests, or we dissolve our partnership, and you two ride off into the sunset.”

  I jabbed my finger in his face. “I won’t forget this.”


  I found Alyssa sound asleep on the sofa. I tried not to wake her, but her eyes fluttered open when she heard me move about the living room.

  “Hi,” she croaked. Her puffy eyes made her look like she’d been crying for hours, but I put her washed-out appearance down to her being sick.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I’ve felt better.” She sat up. “You look like someone died. Is everything okay?”

  “We need to talk.”

  “Yeah, we do, but you go first.”

  I sat on the edge of the coffee table in front of her. What I was about to say left me sick to my stomach. Doing this when she was so obviously ill was a dick move. “I’ve been thinking. Maybe it’s not a good idea to continue our relationship.” I couldn’t look at her when I spoke. “It’s run its course.”

  Saying the words broke my heart. I was a coward for not telling my partners to screw themselves, but if I did, they would fire Alyssa or kick me out of the company I’d spent years building. If I told her the truth, she’d walk away from The Bachelor, but with the hours we both worked, I would never see her, and we would drift apart.

  She blinked and stared at me in disbelief for a second before her eyes hardened. “Exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. You beat me to it.” She held out her hand. “Give me my house key and leave.”

  “Can we stay friends?”

  “You’re my boss,” Alyssa said, her voice cracking. “I’m your employee. From now on, that’s all we’ll be.”

  I rummaged around my pocket for the key, then pressed it into her palm and walked out without looking back.

  When I closed the door, I would’ve sworn I heard her sob. I stood on the porch, my feet urging me to turn back, to take her in my arms, and tell her I loved her. But I couldn’t. If I did, I would ruin both of our careers.

  Chapter Eleven - Alyssa

  A month ago, my doctor confirmed what I already knew. I hadn’t started to show yet, but it was only a matter of time. The morning sickness was manageable, but my body was beginning to change. My areolas were darker and bigger, and my breasts were so heavy and swollen, I could barely fit into my bras.

  I hadn’t seen Shane since the night he broke things off with me. I’d asked for different shifts to avoid him and had given my lucrative timeslots to Rachel.

  While I wasn’t making the same amount of money I had made before, I was doing okay. I was thankful I’d had the sense to save most of my earnings. I now had a nest egg that would see me through for a couple of years. If I was frugal, I could stay home till my little peanut started kindergarten.

  I stared at my image in the mirror. Dark circles ringed my eyes, and my complexion appeared sallow. No amount of concealer would cover up my tiredness. I no longer cried myself to sleep. I just didn’t sleep. I was numb, which suited me fine because I didn’t want to feel.

  Why hadn’t I remained steadfast in my convictions about men? Why had I let my guard down and fallen in love? Getting involved with Shane was the worst mistake I’d ever made—and I’d made plenty. But could I really think that when the baby growing inside of me was more than wanted?

  I planned to hand in my resignation next week, and I planned to tell Shane. He had the right to know. But I would also explain that I wanted or expected nothing from him. That me falling pregnant wasn’t a way to trick him into anything. But if he wanted to be part of our child’s life, I wouldn’t stop him.

  Perhaps one day I would come back to the world of stripping, but I didn’t know. I wasn’t PTA mom material by any stretch of the imagination. I wasn’t cut from that cloth, but I also didn’t want my child to be subjected to any bullying because of what I did for a living.

  I pasted a smile on my face and was about to go to the floor when Naughty Naomi, a dancer Noah had poached from The Pink Pussy Cat, a rival club, sauntered into the dressing room.

  She looked like a Barbie who’d stuck her finger in an electrical outlet. “I finally get to meet the infamous Red Velvet.” She wrinkled her nose. “To be honest, I expected more. I don’t know why the other girls are so intimidated by you. Looks fade. Don’t feel bad, honey. It happens to the best.”

  The viciousness in her voice chilled my insides. “In this club, the dancers support one another. We don’t bitch, and we don’t backstab.”

  “That’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard. I’m no one’s friend, and I only support one person—me.”

  “It’s dancers like you who give the profession a bad name.”

  “Get out of my way, Crushed Velvet. Out with the old, in with the new. Should I throw your stuff in the dumpster?” She laughed. “I’m surprised that’s where you didn’t end up. Word on the street is you loved giving the boss blow jobs, but you bored him so much he dumped your saggy ass.”

  I lifted my palm and whacked it across her cheek. Her eyes widened, and she held a hand to her face.

  “Shut your mouth. You don’t know a damn thing about me.” Shaking, I stormed out of the dressing room. Never in my life had I raised my hand to another person in anger.

  I stood by the bar and ran my fingers over my forehead. Candy came up beside me and draped an arm over my shoulder. “It’s spreading like wildfire that you slapped Naomi. What’s going on?”

  I looked all around. The other dancers were glancing in my direction and whispering between one another. “Not here.”

  “How about we both knock off early and go grab some dinner at Waffle House?”

  “Sure.” I smiled despite myself. Some smothered, covered, and capped sounded pretty delicious right now.

  An hour later, we sat at a booth drinking stale coffee.

  “Now that we have coffee and food, want to fill me in?” Candy asked.

  I played with my hash browns. My appetite had vanished.

  “It’s okay, sweetie, you can tell me.”

  I swiped my fingertips beneath my eyes. “It’s not okay,” I said, my lower lip wobbling.

  “Whatever it is, we can fix it. But you need to tell me what it is because I can’t fix anything unless I have all the information.”

  I gazed out of the window, not really seeing anything.

  “If you won’t tell me, I’ll try to guess. Shane was the one who called it off with you and not the other
way around.”

  The day after Shane and I broke up, I’d told Candy that we’d reached the decision together. That the infatuation had worn off, and we realized we weren’t suited. And that I hadn’t really loved him like I’d thought.

  “Something like that,” I admitted. “I’m handing in my resignation next week.”

  She sucked in a breath. “What? You can’t.”

  “I’m pregnant.”

  “Holy shit, Alyssa. Pregnant?”

  I nodded. “I need to take care of myself. I need to take care of the baby. Working for hours on end in skyscraper heels isn’t good for me. I’ll miss you and the others.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” My friend reached across the table and grabbed my hands. “I truly understand your decision, and I’ll support you every way I can. Does Shane know?”

  I shook my head.

  “It’s none of my business, but you have to tell him. We both know what it’s like not to have a dad. I still sometimes look at men of a certain age and wonder if they could be my father. The reason you clung to Johnny was that he was the father you never had. Don’t do that to your baby.”

  “I won’t.” I sniffed back my tears. “But Shane is going to think I got pregnant on purpose. He thinks all strippers are after a baby daddy. His dad left his mom for a stripper who got pregnant.”

  “Let him think what he wants. I have your back, and I know Rachel will too. We’ll kick him into next week if he dares give you a hard time.”

  I nodded, fighting back tears and so grateful for my friends.


  The next day when I went to work, Shane summoned me into the office. He’d never been in during the day shift before, and I was sure his being here had something to do with me slapping Naomi. Something I truly regretted.

  I went to his office with my hands clamped over my stomach. It was still way too early to notice, but because he knew my body so intimately, I was afraid he would.

  There was no welcoming smile on his face when he saw me.

  “Sit,” he ordered.

  “I’d rather stand.”

  He nodded as if to say, suit yourself.

  “Naomi filed a report. She said you slapped her. Did you? Since that area is a camera blind spot, I can’t see what happened.”

  “She was a rude bitch, so I put her in her place.”

  “Want to tell me what she said?

  “Not particularly.”

  “Then…I don’t want to do this, but I have to suspend you. I’m sorry, Alyssa. We can’t have the staff hitting one another.”

  I shrugged like I didn’t give a shit. “I was resigning anyway. I was going to wait until next week, but please accept my resignation effective immediately.”

  He moved from behind his desk until he stood in front of me. The scent of his cologne wrapped around me like a hug, and I desperately wanted to fall into his arms.

  “You can’t resign. I won’t allow you to.”

  I balked and stepped back. “You won’t allow me to? Here’s something you may not know, Shane, but you don’t own me and can’t tell me what to do or when to do it.”

  “Come out to dinner with me tonight.” Desperation tinted his voice and filled his eyes. “Tell me why you’re really leaving. Is it because of me? Because of us?”

  It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him the truth, but the words stuck in my throat. I shook my head. “Not everything is about you. The feelings I had for you are long gone. Goodbye, Shane. Maybe I’ll see you around.”

  Before I fell into a sobbing heap, I spun around and left The Bachelor for good.

  Chapter Twelve - Shane

  I was a fucking coward, and now Alyssa wanted nothing to do with me. I wanted nothing to do with me, either.

  I needed a drink. I never drank while on the job but screw that. I went to the bar and poured myself a double shot of bourbon and shot it back. Then I shot back another and another and another. By the end of the night, I didn’t want to know my name.

  I grabbed the bottle and sat at the bar. Rachel had taken over Alyssa’s slots. While she was good, she was no Red Velvet.

  The guys would blame me for losing her, but now that she no longer worked for us, it meant we could be a couple. But she’d made her feelings about me clear. She couldn’t stand the sight of me.

  I shot back glass after glass after glass, the world getting blurrier by the minute. I usually never sought answers at the bottom of the bottle, but I needed the numbing comfort alcohol gave.

  Like time had sped up, the clock struck three, and the club had emptied with only a few dancers hanging around.

  Candy sat down beside me and shook the empty bottle. “Looks like you had quite the pity party.”

  “I’m not done yet,” I slurred.

  “Dude, you know she loves you, right? From the way you’re acting, you love her too.”

  I turned to face her, doing my best to focus my rolling eyes. “She made it clear when she left that she hates me. I don’t deserve her.”

  Candy punched my bicep. “Stop being a stupid jerk. Maybe ask why she’s been avoiding you like the plague? Man up.”

  I stood to give her a piece of my mind, but instead of saying a word, I grasped the bar and swayed back and forth.

  “Go home and sober up.” She motioned to someone behind me. “Can you give him a ride home?”

  Deke appeared and curled a hand under my armpit.

  I shrugged him off. “I can walk.”

  When I stumbled to the floor, he helped me up, and half dragged, half-walked me to his car.

  “Thanks,” I mumbled after he strapped me in. I felt more like a helpless kid than a grown-ass man.

  “No problem, boss. We’ve all been there, but do me a favor, bring our girl back home.”

  I closed my eyes, and the world turned black.


  When I woke up, tiny needles stabbed my pupils, and hammers thumped the inside of my skull.

  I was a fucking pathetic piece of shit. I’d gotten blind drunk in front of my staff and had to be helped into a car, driven home, and tucked into bed. My partners would not let me hear the end of this one. If I were in their shoes, I would be as pissed as fuck.

  I needed to call a meeting with them ASAP. They needed to know what I’d decided to do. I wanted Alyssa in my life, and if that meant letting go of the clubs and bars, then so be it.

  I’d never find a woman like her again. Lightning didn’t always strike twice. I loved her. Plain and simple, and it was time I told her that.

  Since the morning I’d broken up with her, my days had been a living hell, but enough was enough. There was no more lying to myself and no more lying to the world or my partners. I wanted her by my side. I wanted her in my bed forever, and ever, Amen.

  After showering and downing a vat of coffee, I went to our downtown office, somewhat bleary-eyed and reeking of booze.

  Jack sat beside me at the conference table and wrinkled his nose. “You smell like the bottom of a beer bottle.”

  “That’s what happens when you drink a bottle of bourbon.”

  He chuckled. “Rough night?”

  I nodded. “And then some.”

  The others came in and sat.

  “What was so urgent that it couldn’t wait until our weekly meeting?” Liam asked.

  I blew out a breath. “I didn’t want it to come to this, but I’ve decided to take you up on your offer to buy me out. I’m in love with Alyssa. I should never have broken things off with her. She resigned last night, and I take full responsibility for that.”

  Liam opened his mouth to speak, but I held up my hand to stop him.

  “I’ve decided it’s time to live my life the way I want.”

  “Can I talk now?” Liam asked.

  I nodded.

  “The three of us discussed things last week. And maybe we were too hard on you. We don’t want to buy you out. We actually want t
o invest in more strip clubs. And we were hoping Alyssa could help oversee operations and take over hiring the talent from Noah.”

  “I don’t have a clue about what I’m doing,” Noah admitted. “Look at Naomi. That was a mistake. And giving you an ultimatum was fucked up.”

  “We need Alyssa,” Jack said. “She knows a lot more about this industry than we ever will.”

  I clenched my jaw. “Do you know how much hell you put us through?”

  They all nodded.

  “We were wrong, and we all apologize for being asshats,” Noah said. “Tell Alyssa we don’t accept her resignation. Offer her the operations position. Offer her everything she asks for.”

  “Only if all of you do something for me.”

  “Name it,” Jack said.

  “I want you all to stand with me at the altar.”

  Liam slapped a hand against my back. “Congratulations, man. I’d be honored. We all would.”

  I sprinted out of the office to my car. I would get her back. I wasn’t taking no for an answer.

  Chapter Thirteen - Alyssa

  I glanced at the clock—midday. Part of me wanted to pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep, but a bigger part of me reminded myself that today was the start of my new life.

  I was no longer Red Velvet, striptease artist. I was Alyssa Holden, mom to be. Air bubbles popped in my stomach. I smiled. It was too early to feel the baby kick, but I imagined my little peanut was saying hello.

  “Good morning to you, too,” I said. “From here on out, it’s just the two of us. Me and you against the world, kiddo.”

  Excitement and sadness whirled inside of me. I wished that Shane didn’t feel the way he did, but I was sure if I told him I was pregnant, he would accuse me of all kinds of stuff I would never forgive.

  It was better this way. He could get on with his life, and I could get on with mine. Our paths would never cross again. My heart would always bear the scars of our relationship, but in time, the scars would fade, and one day I might be able to think about him without feeling crestfallen.


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