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Have My Baby: Baby and Pregnancy Romance Collection

Page 130

by Jamie Knight

  The water in the Hamptons was very soft. I grabbed a shower if for no other reason than I was worried Jack’s whole story was bullshit, and he was going to make a move on me. He didn’t, but something told me he eventually would. We ordered some wings from a local place and had a quick dinner. We chatted about the ride, work, and what we might accomplish.

  The news on the virus seemed to be everywhere. No one knew what to do. In some respects, it felt like the end of the world. If that was to happen, Jack was probably right about getting out of the city. When roving bands of looters finally come, the last place they’d probably go was the Hamptons. Jack was a little worried about the supply of food, but we seemed to have enough at least for the new few days.

  It finally occurred to me that this was real. Only the two of us would be in this house. I was going into lockdown with Jack Harris.

  Chapter Six - Jack

  I shouldn’t have done this. Bringing Sandra to the Hamptons was a total mistake. Already I was getting angry texts from the Davies brothers demanding I explain why I brought Sandra out here. They accepted my explanation, but I got the sense they were only tolerating me.

  Fortunately, well, unfortunately for New York, but fortunately for me, the city was in shambles. People were freaking out about the virus and what to do. There were rumors on the News and on the Internet that truckloads of bodies were being shipped out of New York. People were leaving in droves. My neighbors, who only came to the Hamptons on vacation much like myself, were all here. They could afford to ride out the virus in their luxury homes too. Why spend the new few weeks in a shoebox apartment worried that someone was going to rob you?

  The Davies brothers themselves had decided, initially, to stay inside the city. But they too got cold feet and were looking to escape their penthouse apartments. Hell, William was talking about selling and moving out of the city entirely. His brothers talked him down, but they were all preparing to leave. So after the initial uncomfortableness of the first few days, the winds had shifted more favorably on that front.

  But there could be a reckoning on the other side of this for me. If things went badly, if Sandra reacted badly to my advances, I had left myself in an amazingly vulnerable position. My career, my life, my finances, they could all be in ruin if this girl decided I was a creep. Why did I do this? I had risked it all for what?

  Then I saw her again, and I remembered. It was for the thrill. This wouldn’t excite me unless the stakes were this high. If I couldn’t risk it all on a roll of the dice, then it wasn’t gambling. If Sandra was an easy mark, some sexy submissive that would immediately collapse at my feet, then it wouldn’t be the exciting adventure it was turning into.

  In the past, I had had my pets cook for me. For these women, being submissive was a turn on, and they loved to please. But for many, it was all an act. They’d like it for a while or pretend to, then they’d turn to me one day and say something like, “Can we stop this now and just be normal?”

  Guess I wasn’t normal because this was the lifestyle I choose. Or maybe I didn’t choose it. Maybe I got so bored with the every day, I just evolved into it. Perhaps it would happen to most people in my position. You’d just get so bored with getting whatever you wanted, that you would eventually need something very complicated.

  Needless to say, when I got up and found Sandra cooking breakfast the next day, I was a little taken aback. I liked my pets cooking. It made me feel nostalgic, and I hoped she take to the lifestyle.

  “You cooked breakfast,” I noted. “I like that.”

  The pretty girl shrugged. “Well, since you’re letting me stay here for nothing, I feel it’s the least I can do,” she replied. “Have a seat. It’ll be right up.”

  Eggs and sausage, just how I liked it too, served by a gorgeous woman.

  “Good stuff,” I said, eating. “You’ve done well.”

  “Thanks,” she smiled.

  We ate in the breakfast nook and talked about the upcoming work. When we were finished, I started to get up to do the dishes, but Sandra stood up quicker.

  “No-no, sit. I’ll get that,” she insisted.

  “You’re eager to please today, aren’t you?” I grinned at her.

  She blushed. “Yeah, I suppose. Maybe it’s because I want to please you.”

  Sandra took the plates and turned around to start washing them in the sink. I got a rush. It was the exact response I liked. In the past, I’d have to coax these responses out of my pets. It was sexy, but it was forced. It didn’t feel real. With Sandra, it was effortlessly sincere and honest. She did want to please me. But I had to be careful. She might only want to please me because I was an authority figure in our working relationship. That would be precisely what would sink my chances during an HR hearing. Still, the way she said it and the way she looked at me…

  I just couldn’t help myself. I needed to test Sandra and see if she’d make a good submissive pet.

  “Hey, have you seen that Davies and Sons are lobbying to represent Shore Communications?” I asked. “They do close to half a billion dollars in business.”

  “I had heard some scuttlebutt in the office, yes,” she confessed.

  “I’m emailing back and forth with their Head of Acquisitions. I need a persuasive argument about why they should come to your cousins’ firm. If you could come up with that argument for me, I’d be really grateful. I’d even reward you.”

  “Reward me?” she laughed, turning around. “Maybe I should just take the client for myself.”

  “If you can, but you don’t have the contact or the bandwidth to deal with Shore,” I pointed out. “C’mon. I’m as good as my word. I promise the reward will be worth it.”

  “What’s the reward?” she asked, eyeing me carefully.

  “Something fun and exciting,” I enticed. “But you don’t get to find out unless you succeed. That’s part of the deal.”

  “Very intriguing,” she smiled, looking over her shoulder. “Maybe. Give me a day to think about it?”

  “Thanks to COVID, we got nothing but time,” I sighed.

  “Sounds exciting,” she said, biting her lower lip.

  Sandra was trying to hide it, but she was more than a little intrigued. Her cheeks were flushed, and she was breathing just a little heavier. As she washed dishes at the sink, she rocked back and forth, like she had an important meeting she was going to be late for. Sandra nearly dropped a plate but caught it and laughed nervously.

  Yeah, she was definitely getting a rush from my instructions, and I was definitely getting a rush from giving those instructions. I ducked out of the kitchen to check on some other contracts outside the merger, but I couldn’t really concentrate.

  On the one hand, I was hoping Sandra would fail. That would make things easy. No reward. No involvement. Her cousins would have nothing to say. The virus emergency would end, and in two weeks, we’d all be back to work as usual. Or so I thought.

  In the other scenario, she succeeds, and then, well, I guess I’d have to break my promise to the Brothers and let the chips fall where they may. They probably wouldn’t be too happy if I started dating their cousin, but jeez, I’m only human. Look at her!

  With my concentration completely wrecked, I decided to check in on Kelton. I called him at home.

  “Hey, buddy,” I greeted. “How are you and the family holding up?”

  I could hear Kelton’s kids in the background, two boys and girl. They were running around, screaming, laughing, and singing. It sounded like a daycare center where Kelton was in charge, but he wasn’t very good at getting the kids under control.

  “Guys,” he said lamely. “Guys! C’mon! Daddy’s on the phone.”

  I heard one of his sons asked him for another fruit smoothie. Kelton told him only if he cleaned his room. This did not sit well with the young, proto-Kelton. There was more screaming and arguing. The brothers got into a shoving match. Kelton slipped out of the room and into another part of the house.<
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  “Sorry about that,” he apologized. “How’re things in the Hamptons?”

  “Great-great,” I assured him. “Sandra’s been a real help.”

  “Uh-huh,” he replied skeptically. “You’re unbelievable sometimes.”


  Kelton would not elaborate. There was a division between him and me. We were both friends, but he was my employee. He knew that once he crossed that Rubicon, there’d be no coming back from it. It was best he didn’t know all the details.

  “Anyhow, the wife’s out getting supplies,” he explained. “Turns out, women are a lot less vulnerable to this virus. Did you know that?”

  “Hadn’t heard.”

  “Yeah, I’ve been reading everything about it. Thankfully, the kids are the least likely to get it,” he noted. “Unless you have some kind of serious underlying condition for comorbidity.”

  “Wow, you really have read up on this.”

  “Yeah, well, it’s all anyone’s talking about on TV,” he sighed. “The wife was freaking out. The kids got a little scared. Then they started playing fireman and sort of forgot what we were talking about.”

  “Sounds like the family is going to pull through.”

  “Yeah, well, I don’t know about you guys, but we’re constantly cleaning everything now. We’ve gone through like three bottles of spray bleach. Everything that comes into the house has to be wiped down.”

  “Wow, you guys are really going gung-ho.”

  “You have to, boss,” Kelton said seriously. “Even if you order something through Amazon. I heard one of the warehouses had an infection. The box, the packaging, the item, you gotta get rid of it or wipe it down. And then you have to wipe down anything it touched on the way in and then wash your hands, maybe even your clothes.”

  “Don’t you think you’re taking it to the extreme?” I asked.

  “Not taking any chances,” Kelton replied. “If one of us gets it, we’re all gonna get it. And the weird thing is, the wife and I are more at risk than the kids. Ain’t that something?”

  “I’m sure they’ll come up with a vaccine soon.”

  “Takes sixteen years.”


  “That’s what I read online. For a real vaccine that works, sixteen years is the average time.”

  “No, way. They said eighteen months!”

  “That’s just the first one they allow people to take,” he corrected. “No, the first one that’ll work on a large scale? Sixteen years on average.”


  “Yeah, right?”

  The door suddenly opened in Kelton’s room, and the noise level instantly shot up. The girl was screaming that one of her brothers stole her favorite doll, while one of the kids whined about lunch.

  “I gotta go,” sighed Kelton. “Text me if you need anything. I’m going to be elbow deep in lunch for the next hour or so, though.”

  “Thanks, Kelton. Good luck,” I chuckled.

  Kelton’s domesticated life was something to envy. He already had three kids. What did I have? A hedonistic lifestyle and no legacy. Could I have that with someone like Sandra? Could I have both? It was hard to tell from where I was sitting.

  Chapter Seven - Sandra

  I’m not sure what to think about quarantining with Jack. I mean, does he do this with all the women he’s with? He’s definitely hiding something behind those eyes, but I can’t exactly tell what. Seems like it would be kind of boring if it was just sex. Not that I’m saying I wouldn’t have sex with Jack. He’s definitely a hottie and all, but I’m sensing there’s something — that wouldn’t be enough in this scenario.

  Shore Communications was a telecommunications company along the river, thus the name. Whether or not Davies and Sons would represent them was a big deal, and there were plenty of other law firms in the city that could do it. The question I had to answer was: why Davies and Sons?

  Then it hit me. Davies and Sons started on the river too with their original offices. I checked into it, and it turned out, they still had those offices. While the primary firm moved downtown, they had still kept the original. That was the connection. Two companies that started by the river had to stick together. It was an angle that would separate us from the competition. I presented my findings to Jack, bubbling with excitement.

  “Hmm, yes,” he agreed neutrally. “Both companies started on the river. That’s very good. Something personal that will get us in. Thanks, Sandra. Why don’t you draft an email pitch for my approval and we’ll get that right out.”

  It took a great deal of effort not to let my whole body deflate. That was it? What happened to the secret reward he pitched? Where was all that? Was he fucking with me? Did he do all this just to get free work out of me?

  If that was true, then Mr. Harris could forget about anything else. God! What a fool I was! Here I am thinking he’s interested in, well, something sexual, I guess, and he’s just using me for my lawyering skills! So weird. I feel like I’ve been stood up.

  Then again, maybe he’s paranoid about what HR would think. Certainly my cousins would have something to say about it. Did he get scared and back off? Ugh! Why don’t I just ask him? I should. I should just demand that we put our cards on the table and figure this out.

  That’s what I’ll do at dinner. I’ll wait until we’re finished, and then I’ll casually ask him what this is. Where are we going? What are we doing? Maybe then, he’ll trust me enough to make a move. But is that what I want? I don’t want to have to tell a guy to make a move! He should just make it! Even with the risk! I’m worth it, right?

  The rest of the day was a blur of contracts and Zoom meetings. Despite the fact our law firm was closed, it seemed like we were still pretty open for business. Although, without the court, we’d eventually hit a wall. There were only so many things a lawyer could do before you needed a judge. My God, every week the court was closed meant we were going to have to wait until they did finally open back up. That sounded like a nightmare.

  Jack served us dinner in his grand dining room. He ordered sushi from a local place. It was terrific, of course. Say what you want about him, but Jack Harris knew where all the fine restaurants were located. He was also anxious to support them through the virus crisis, which I thought was excellent.

  When dinner was finished, he cleared away the plastic sushi boxes and plates. I was about to give him my pitch. But then, out of nowhere, he pulls out two gift-wrapped boxes on a tray and sets them in front of me. Whoa. Where is this going?

  “I have two gifts here,” he explained. “The one you choose decides where the rest of this evening goes. No hard feelings, no matter what you choose.”

  I opened the first box. It was an exquisite watch. I mean, I had never seen so many jewels encrusted on anything. It must’ve cost a small fortune! Holy shit!

  “It’s beautiful, Jack,” I gasped, “but it’s too much.”

  “It’s fine,” he assured me. “Believe me, I can afford it.”

  I couldn’t imagine what the second box contained. I unwrapped it and found an object wrapped with rope. Examining it closer, I realized it was a high-end vibrator. Okay, now that’s a pitch.

  “This one,” I said, holding up the vibrator.

  “Are you sure?” he asked again. “No hard feelings if you back out now.”

  “Yes, I’m sure,” I said confidently. “This is what I want.”

  “Then stand up, pet,” he ordered.

  I did as he said.

  “Now take off all your clothes and get on the table with your legs spread,” he continued.

  Okay, we were here. This was what I asked for. Something in the way that Jack asked filled me with excitement. I had dated a few alpha guys in my time, but Jack, he was Alpha of the alphas. The guy knew exactly what he wanted me to do. I wasn’t sure exactly what he was going to do, but I trusted him.

  He watched as I unbuttoned my blouse. We made eye contact, and he
stared silently. Sliding my shirt off, I turned my back and undid my bra. I left that on a chair with my shirt. Then I undid my skirt and set that on top. I slid down my panties and put them on top of the pile while stepping out of my shoes.

  I climbed up onto the table. It felt a little weird. Like I was serving myself up to him like a meal. Was that what he was going to do? Eat me out on the table? Sounded like fun.

  Jack walked over to a wall switch and dimmed the lights. He pulled out his smartphone, pushed a few buttons, and light classical music started to play from hidden speakers all over the house.

  “Are you familiar with the Japanese Art of rope play?” he asked.


  “It’s something I’m very into,” he explained. “Trust me. I think you’ll find it extremely erotic. The music that’s playing will last approximately an hour. What you’re about to experience will take about that amount of time.”

  What I’m about to experience? Wow. Usually, I’d be out the door, but Jack was selling it. I was actually getting a little wet in anticipation.

  “Okay,” I responded.

  Jack unwound the rope from the vibrator. It was a skinny rope and a lot longer than I imagined. He made loops for my hands and feet and gently pulled my limbs underneath the table so I would be hugging the table backward. My upper body was totally exposed to him.

  He started kissing and gently touching me all over. The ropes were tied in such a way that I couldn’t move, but they weren’t cutting off my circulation. Jack’s gentle lips explored various areas of my exposed body. I couldn’t keep my head up, so I had to lay back and just enjoy the sensations.

  I felt him insert the vibrator into my pussy, and he controlled its vibration. At the same time, he crawled under the table and sucked my toes. With his smartphone, he made me gasp as the vibrations of the vibrator were increased. It was stimulating my walls, and I was moaning in pleasure.


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