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Onslaught 1 (Vitrian Secrets Series)

Page 3

by Dele Andersen

  “I still think Bathe is behind this,” Sofia suddenly blurted out.

  Marcus shrugged his shoulders gently and remained focused on the road; however, he was disturbed and confused about who exactly was killing the children and attacking any family that had anything to do with The Chosen.

  “Why?” Marcus finally spoke out after a while.

  “Bathe has been acting funny lately,” Sofia said. “He complains bitterly about Luciana and their son Haakan and then speaks about Celina like she was an angel.” Marcus took in a deep breath, not particularly interested in making Celina their discussion again, but he knew deep in his heart that Sofia was right. Marcus knew his friend Bathe had been acting erratically lately and unnecessarily annoyed concerning Celina and her husband, Alexis.

  “And, I don't understand how Bathe could be married to both Celina and Luciana...” Sofia complained.

  “Sofia!” Marcus interrupted. “Celina and Bathe; that was just a childhood thing. It should never have happened.”

  “Yes, but you said it yourself before; you are not sure if they went back to do a proper annulment before Bathe got married to Luciana.”

  “Well,” Marcus tried to choose his words carefully, knowing the discussion could quickly turn into a debate about him and Celina, “as I said before, both Bathe and Celina were barely teenagers when that marriage took place.”

  “But, I think they are still together.” Sofia sounded sure of what she was saying.

  “You really do not understand the Vitrian ways.”

  “What ways?”

  “Celina is unique!” Marcus butted in. "She is gifted, especially at drawing people together.” He paused for a moment. “It was a gift that Zacharie's father had, which should have been passed to Zacharie but went to someone else.”

  “Are you saying that is why you all are close to Celina,” Sofia mentioned, with a hint of jealousy in her voice. She had never liked Celina.

  “I can't certainly say that's the reason, but Celina is the most gifted among us all – her gift is unique.”

  “Whatever gifts she has, she has caused more problems with it than not,” she continued. “Celina had been scaring the entire community about someone killing children and their families for months now. She's only doing it on purpose to keep drawing all the men towards her.”

  “But isn't that true with the attacks today?” Marcus said, referring to the attacks they just experienced, although none of them believed Celina and Zacharie, who had joined Celina in the stories that some children would be killed by an unknown evil force.

  “Well, she might have been right, but it doesn't mean Bathe is not part of these attacks.”

  Marcus turned to his wife gently, knowing she was aware of his very close relationship with both Celina and Bathe. With a smirk on his face, he gave a cold smile.

  “I am surprised you didn't include me in the Celina and Bathe thing,” Marcus said gently.

  Sofia's lips twitched a little, and then she spoke. “I know you, you wouldn't do this. You wouldn't attack or kill children or their families ...”

  Marcus cogitated for a while about who might be involved in this; could it be someone they know among the Vitrians or someone they didn't know at all who has just decided to attack the Vitrians. This was all a mystery; he could not understand at all, but he was ready to get to the bottom of it.


  Part 9

  Silence lingered in the car as Marcus continued to ponder; he couldn't bring himself to think that Bathe could be behind or involved in all of this. However, Marcus knew that Bathe had been very bitter about Celina and Alexis' marriage for some time. He kept quiet because he didn't want to start that discussion with his wife.

  Marcus' phone rang again, interrupting the silence, and his thoughts on who was killing the children. Sofia picked the phone up carefully and looked at the name on it.

  “Who is it?” Marcus asked, turning slightly towards Sofia.

  “It's Alexis calling! I thought he was away in England,” she said in a low tone.

  “Yes, he is. He has a U.K. number on my phone.” Marcus responded. “Please pick it.” He stretched his hand for the phone.

  “Hi Alexis,” Marcus said as he pressed the speaker button on the phone.

  “Marcus! Marcus!” Alexis called in a hurry like he could not hear Marcus properly. He sounded like he was in a hurry to go somewhere.

  “I can hear you, my friend.” Marcus replied.

  “I have been trying to reach you for almost an hour.” Alexis said.

  “How is the meeting going over there in London?” Marcus tried not to show any panic.

  “London ...” Alexis said and paused for a moment like London was not on his mind at all. “Celina called me about two hours ago and said there was trouble at the winter house. She said she needed to get Adrian out of the house urgently that she thinks his life was in danger.”

  “Yes,” Marcus replied softly, realizing Alexis had been informed by Celina already. “I am on my way; I should see her very soon.”

  “Please keep my wife and son safe,” Alexis said. His deep voice was drenched in anxiety.

  “I will, Alexis. I will do my best.” Marcus answered, and the line went off.

  “I have never heard Alexis sound so worried,” Sofia said. “Alexis is the head of the Vitrians in the Scandinavian region. You told me he is expected to have courage ...”

  “Well, this is about his wife and son,” Marcus answered.

  “Why did he allow her to go away to their winter house alone when he knew he was going to be away in London this week,” Sofia complained, but her mind was still on Bathe.

  “He told me he allowed it so that she could get some rest. I didn't like it too, but Bathe, and other leaders supported it. They said it was good for her to get away for a while from other Vitrians.” Marcus looked unhappy, remembering how vigorous Bathe was when supporting Celina's decision to go to the winter home in the mountains alone.

  “Why the sudden silence.” Sofia looked at her husband, who was now lost in reminiscence of something in the past.

  “Bathe was very vocal during the discussion; he really pushed that we should allow Celina to stay away in the mountains. He was very adamant that Alexis had to allow it since he was going away to London for some weeks, and Celina was causing too much of a problem staying among the Vitrians. Bathe pushed a lot, explaining how Celina was causing a lot of panic among the Vitrians at the Fortress. He said, Celina constantly talking about her visions, seeing the children being attacked, which disturbed a lot of families.” Marcus turned gently and gazed into his wife’s eyes.

  “Bathe? Oh, no!” Sofia said in horror. “Call him.” “I told Xavier to do that already.”

  “No! You call him! Is he with Celina right now?”

  “Marcus handed over his mobile to his wife and began to think deeply about Bathe and the whole issue about children disappearing and dying. However, he could not comprehend why his best man and a long-time friend would do such a repugnant thing.


  Part 10

  Sofia scrolled through the contact list on Marcus' mobile phone, searching for Bathe's name. The wind continued to blow hard on their car as they drove, but Marcus didn't reduce his speed. He drove the car at top speed. Their windows were wound up to keep out the winter's cold, but unknown to them, something massive was on their trail; its appearance was covered by the immense darkness of the Scandinavian winter. The environment was dark, the moonlight was blocked away by thick clouds that covered the sky, such that no shadows were cast on the road or on the car. The creature flew stealthily; its wings spread wide, and the little sound it created in the sky was drowned by the noise from Marcus' car. The beast was also up high, very far away in the sky, so the symbols on Marcus' weapon and Praying Méndez did not light up.

  “Can't you find the number?” Marcus inquired. “It's saved under his ...”

Found it!” Sofia answered. She pressed on the call button and put the phone on the speaker. The phone rang for some time, but no response.

  “Maybe they are fast asleep,” Sofia said and turned to look at Marcus, who looked at her at the same time. She shrugged her shoulders and added, “it is almost 4:00am in the morning.” She spoke as she turned to look at the time displayed in the car.

  “Bathe is not like that!” Marcus said convincingly. He had known Bathe for decades. He knew him too well, even his daily routine. “Bathe usually picked his call, no matter the time of the day, and he should be up around now praying in his house ...”

  “Hello, hello,” they suddenly heard from the other end of the phone.

  “Baths!” Marcus called his friend in the usual way he addressed him. He looked at the mobile with a confused expression, wondering why Bathe's voice sounded so different. “Bathe, is that you?” He searched for clarification.

  “Yes, it's me.” They heard Bathe’s reply and could hear the panting that followed. They knew the panting was due to the cold and perhaps walking outside.”

  “Why do you sound like Alexis? Are you outside walking?” Marcus asked, and suddenly, there was silence, then the call went off. Marcus, in confusion, looked at his wife as the same thought flashed in the minds.

  “I thought I heard Alexis' voice too.” She confirmed what her husband wanted to ask.

  “I thought I was the only one who heard him sound like Alexis.” He paused. “Recheck the name. Are you sure you called Bathe and not Alexis?”

  “Yes, it was Bathe that I called,” Sofia looked at the mobile and turned it towards her husband. “And why is he outside in the cold at almost 3:46am in the morning?”

  “I don't know,” Marcus had an idea of where Bathe might be but didn't want to say anything. He didn't want to believe that Bathe would do any evil to Celina or harm Adrian.

  “Do you think he might be with Celina?” Sofia gave expression to his thoughts. Sofia paused for a long time, not wanting to hurt her husband, knowing that Bathe was close to him. “You don't think he will hurt Adrian, do you?”

  “Bathe will never hurt Celina!” he replied. “Or Adrian”

  “But you’d said it before yourself that you didn't like the way Bathe looked at Adrian at times or at Alexis.”

  Marcus continued cogitating, seriously wondering why Bathe was not at home in the middle of the night.

  “You've said it yourself several times; Bathe believes he would have treated Celina better if ...”

  “Sofia,” Marcus turned slowly towards her. “Granted, Bathe didn't really like Alexis, but that doesn't make him a killer. I know him; he didn't do this.”

  “Well, I think you are wrong. Why don't we call Bathe again to know where he is or has been.” Sofia said with a convincing tone that made her husband know she had made up her mind that Bathe was the one behind the attacks or party to all that's happening. “You see so much good in everyone Marcus ...” she complained, “but you know, not everyone is good.”


  Part 11

  Marcus went silent for a few seconds; he just could not get his head around it that Bathe was evil or behind the attacks. Xavier, Bathe, and Marcus were like three very close sibling brothers. They did a lot together in their teens like the three musketeers of the Vitrians community in Norway.

  “Sofia!” Marcus called his wife, still trying to make sense of the whole thing. “Maybe they have been attacked, and he is on the road trying to get away.” The man defended.

  “And he hasn't called you or Xavier, his close friends. I think you should call him.” She raised the mobile phone up to call Bathe as her husband slowed down the car.

  “We are here now,” he said, pointing his left hand as he held onto the steering wheel with his right, “you see that church, you need to step into the compound.”

  “I remember,” Sofia replied. “You've shown me the place several times before. It’s one of the places that are safe hideaway from demons.” She paused. “The fence and gate are rather low,” Sofia complained as they slowly drove past the low two feet fence of the compound and close to the gate.

  “You know this, Sofia, I have explained it before, and you've read about it yourself in the Vitrian books. It is not the height of the fence that protects you, but prayers that have been made to consecrate the area, which covers the walls and compound around the place.” Marcus answered.

  “Y-e-s,” she responded reluctantly, “this is one of the sanctified locations of the Vitrian, and no demon will see or come near me once I step into the compound.” She spoke, looking at her husband, but he kept his gaze away, knowing what would come next in their discussion.

  “The building is lit and warm. Inside, in the basement, you'll find beddings, toiletries, all you need for you and Wanda to lay on and get some rest.”

  “I don't want you to go and leave us alone.” Sofia shook her head in objection. “What if you never come back? What if it's all true, but the demons you meet there are difficult for you to handle.”

  “Sofia,” Marcus turned towards his wife. “I need to help Celina. Alexis went to London on behalf of the Vitrians, and his wife is now in danger. I can't just leave Celina helpless and stay here with you and Wanda; neither can I take you guys with me. By the way, there is no demon that I can't handle. You know that.”

  “You really will go to Celina, wouldn't you?” She asked.

  “You will leave your own family.” Her voice went an octave higher. “What has she done to you all? She clearly has you under her control under her spell.” She opened the door and stepped out in anger, holding on tight to her daughter, whom she had under her winter jacket that was hanging over her shoulders without being correctly worn. She slammed the door shut in annoyance as he was about to speak and took a few steps towards the gate. She purposely wanted him to know she was annoyed. Marcus closed his eyes tight, angered by Sofia's reaction, but knowing he was doing the right thing dropping them off in a safe place, he pulled the car back on the motorway and skidded off angrily.

  Sofia took a deep breath and turned; she closed her eyes and hated herself for reacting like that. Knowing the Vitrians, she knew that her husband, being a leader, had to go and help others in danger, but she was jealous, more so because it was Celina that he was going to help.

  She was still in deep thoughts, standing in front of the gate when she sensed something was close to her. She turned to the left slightly to see the figure of the creature as it descended. It was huge, a Night Furfur one and half the size of the others that had been sent previously. The woman in the hooded dress, who was consulting the demons to attack them, had specifically sent this large one to Marcus. The woman knew Marcus was a very skilled fighter, and Marcus could truncate the plan of killing The Chosen and every child similar in traits or connected to The Chosen.

  The Night Furfur came down, and immediately, Sofia herself knew it would take a miracle for her to survive. The creature stood at over nine feet, and huge, one strike of its talon in the right position was enough to kill any human. Moreover, Sofia was not skilled nor had any training on how to fight it.


  Part 12

  Immediately Marcus dropped Sofia and Wanda; he sped off with the car. He was concerned about everything; Celina's claim that Adrian was dead, Xavier stating that he had been called by some other Vitrians, who had been attacked and Bathe ... he paused a bit, not knowing what was going on with Bathe. “What are you doing, Baths?” Marcus spoke out, although he was only talking to himself in the car. “Where are you?”

  Still deep in thoughts, he then decided to give Bathe another call. He dialed Bathe's number. He wasn't expecting Bathe to pick the call when he suddenly heard Bathe's voice on the other end.

  “Hi, Marcus!” Marcus could hear some coldness in Bathe's voice.

  “Where are you, Baths?” Marcus went straight to the point.

  “Why?” Bathe ask
ed. “I am taking a walk.”

  “A walk!” Marcus was shocked to hear the response. “Why are you taking a walk at 3:56am?”

  “I don't really want to talk about it now.” Bathe tried to close the discussion about his being outside.

  “No, Bathe, we need to talk about it and ...”

  “Marcus!” Bathe spoke with a sense of anger in his voice. “Whatever Luciana might have said to you, I am not interested in it right now.”

  “Luciana?” Marcus was confused. “I haven't spoken to Luciana, but I have spoken to Xavier. Didn't Xavier give you a call?”

  “No – Oh yes, he has called, but I didn't pick his call.”

  “Why?” Marcus asked. “Why wouldn’t you pick up Xavier’s call?”

  “I don't have the time right now, Marcus.” Bathe sounded a bit irritated, almost like Marcus was bothering him. “I have been busy,” he emphasized.

  “Baths,” Marcus spoke out loud, getting frustrated at the brashness from Bathe. “Vitrians have been under attack. A Furfur came for Wanda.”

  Bathe went silent for a while and then spoke. “So, where is Wanda now?”

  Marcus was shocked that he did not express any sign of surprise that demons had attacked them at home. What his best friend had to ask was the location of his daughter Wanda.

  “Could Bathe really have anything to do with the attacks,” Marcus wondered as the reality of what Sofia was saying began to hit him too.

  “Where is Wanda?” Bathe's voice was more intense as he seemed more interested in knowing about Wanda's whereabout. He waited for Marcus' response.

  “Wanda is okay ...”

  “Are you at home?” Bathe inquired before Marcus could continue. “I will come over now.”

  The sudden interest in Wanda that Bathe displayed and that he wanted to know if they were home was shocking to Marcus. A demon can't easily find a specific person except it has been sent to track the person, and the first place to check was usually the person's home. Although he still did not want to believe his best friend would get into any form of sorcery and send a demon to his house to kill Wanda, he knew it was not safe to disclose where Sofia and Wanda were to anyone.


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