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The Fifth Wife

Page 20

by Sahara Kelly

  “I don’t understand how Mr. Smith could clerk for Lawyer Tothill on a regular basis, and yet still lead a gang of cutthroats? Wouldn’t it have interfered with his employment?”

  “Not if you’re creating an air of mystery about yourself. I have to give him credit too…he knew how to wait. How to be patient.” Dev looked somber. “The jobs he was planning took a lot of time to develop, but they were big and violent with a payday that made the wait worthwhile. And being a clerk gave him access to a hell of a lot of useful information.”

  “About me and my family,” Hannah murmured. She lifted her head and sighed. “Of course. He would have had access to my family tree, the New Forest connection, and the Agisters. You found out where they met, Charles. How hard would it have been for him? Not to mention that somewhere there has to be a record of that priest’s hole. I’ll wager that’s how he found out.”

  Charles agreed. “A man as clever as this one? Oh yes, that makes a lot of sense.”

  “It does,” Dev resumed. “And he is devilishly clever. The gang met not far from here at irregular intervals. Sometimes a month or so would pass before they gathered again. Planning was done on weekends, money matters handled through a man who lived in a neighboring borough. It was all cleverly set up to avoid detection. Until Mr. Smith made one little slip.”

  “Kidnapping Hannah?” Lucius leaned forward.

  “That was it.” Dev nodded. “Once that happened…and Hannah, at this point they had no idea why you’d been kidnapped…it alerted the Runners to Mr. Smith and his potential role. A big plan had been whispered about, and this was clearly part of it.”

  “So that’s when they approached Tothill, asked him about his current cases, and by process of question, answer and elimination, arrived at the Penvale inheritance and the matter of this talisman artifact.”

  “All right.” Lucius leaned back. “And then Hannah is kidnapped, rescued, married and you all make a rather nice replica of her birthmark in order to foil her father. Who turns out not to want the darn thing except to protect himself from blackmail.”

  “Yes.” Charles nodded.

  “At which point you all go to a small inn, meet the leader of one of the worst gangs in the country, exchange witty barbs, give him the fake talisman and Charles here loses a piece of his arse.”

  “I keep telling you, it’s a graze, for God’s sake.”

  “Relax, Charles. We believe you.” Julia grinned at him. “I’m sure the boys will want to verify that fact later, but we believe you.”

  “It’s quite true.” Hannah added. “Just a tiny scar…” She made a movement with her finger, tracing a line in the air.

  “Hannah, please…” Charles strangled out the words.

  “Moving on…” said Dev firmly. “Tothill was trying to do a bit of his own snooping when you and Hannah met him outside the inn, Charles. It was quick of you to bring him over to me, tell me his name and leave us to it. We spent about two minutes staring at each other, and then he told me what was happening. I will confess to a moment’s panic, because I didn’t want to face the Black Claw gang with only Charles and Hannah for reinforcements, good though you both are.”

  “Well thanks for that.” Charles shrugged.

  “Turns out I didn’t have to worry, since Tothill had told the Runners what he suspected about Derby and the talisman, and they were staking out your father’s inn, Hannah. Once the rumors of the talisman spread, they started to put the pressure on and everything leaped into action.” Dev stood and stretched. “I have to admit I’m extremely impressed with that organization. I think we’ll be seeing more of Bow Street and their Runners in the future.”

  “You spoke with them?” Julia looked at him wide-eyed. “Goodness. That must have been exciting.”

  “After I’d rushed in to join the fray and rescue my friends, here, yes. I got a brief word in with the man in charge. Smart chap. Scottish, I think.”

  “What will happen now?” Lucius questioned. “Will they hang?”

  Silence fell for a moment, then Dev shook his head. “Black Claw? I’m sure he will. I doubt he’ll confess, but his gang will most likely turn on him to avoid the rope. No honor there.”

  “But Hannah’s father?”

  “I don’t know, Lucius,” answered Dev. “I really don’t. That will be up to the courts. Perhaps he can persuade them that he was useful in arresting the Black Claw. That will stand in his favor, I should think.”

  Charles held out his hand to Hannah and she took it, squeezing it. “I know he’s my father, but after what he did and said, I find myself uninterested in his fate. It must seem quite abnormal in a daughter, but I can’t bring myself to care about it. I do worry about my sister though, and my younger brother…”

  “Don’t.” Charles squeezed her hand back. “We will make sure they are well looked after.”

  “Thank you, husband.” It was a heartfelt and emotional expression that brought a few moments of silence again in its wake.

  “Well holy hell.” Julia leaned back and fanned herself with her hand. “That is one enthralling adventure. I swear it’s more like a novel than real life.”

  “Isn’t it, though?” Hannah sighed. “I can scarce believe that in the space of a few weeks I’ve been kidnapped, married and nearly shot. Not to mention being trapped in a brothel…”

  “Yes, about that…” Julia looked interested.

  “Enough ladies.” Lucius stood as well. “Darling, I believe it’s time for our little devil to have his evening meal.”

  Julia looked at Hannah. “He does this, you know. Uses our son as a distraction when the conversation gets—in his opinion—out of hand.”

  Hannah tipped her head and held her hand in front of her mouth. “Well talk later,” she whispered.

  Julia looked pleased as she rose. “Excuse me all. Master Richard Charles Delaney Gordon requires nourishment.”

  “Goodness,” said Hannah. “All those names?”

  “Had to,” said Lucius. “They’d never give me a moment’s peace otherwise.”

  “Can I see him, Julia? Do you mind?” Hannah asked.

  “Of course not. I love showing him off.”

  They walked away, chattering like sparrows, leaving the three men standing by the fire.

  “It was damn dangerous, Charles.” Lucius looked at him. “If you knew half the things I’ve heard about that gang…”

  “Yes, I’m sure you’ve heard a hell of a lot more than I have, given your predilection for making friends in low places…”

  “I resent that,” said Lucius. “Pass the brandy and I’ll forgive you.”

  The brandy was passed.

  “Seriously though. You and Hannah were very lucky to get out of there alive. You too, Dev. Yes, you had plans, and good intentions, but luck had way too much to do with it for my liking.”

  Lucius looked affectionately at his two best friends. “So I’m happy to toast you both for a mission accomplished successfully. I’d have been shattered if it hadn’t end it well, I don’t mind telling you.” He raised his glass and clinked it against the other two.

  “We do owe you and Julia a vote of thanks for taking us in. After all the excitement, none of us wanted to make that long ride back to Fontaine House. Especially not me. I’d ripped my breeches.”

  “The bullet ripped your breeches and your arse was sore as hell.” Dev nonchalantly sipped his brandy.

  “Quite. Then Dev remembered that we weren’t too far from here. I have to say I shall cherish the look on your face, Lucius, when we arrived.” Charles chuckled at the memory.

  “Glad to be of help. I wish you’d told me about it. I hate being left out of something exciting.” Lucius sniffed. “Hurts my feelings.”

  Charles exchanged glances with Dev.

  “Never mind, old lad. You’re a father now. You have responsibilities.” Dev lifted his glass. “Congratulations, by the way. Not just on Richard Charles Delaney, but on Julia. She’s a gem.”

��I agree without reservation.” Charles lifted his glass as well. “Mind you, I’m lucky as anything to have Hannah.”

  “Yes you are. Another gem—and the fifth wife.” Dev laughed. “Amazing.”

  Lucius and Charles looked at each other, then at Dev.

  “You know what this means, Dev.” Lucius spoke seriously.

  “No, what?”

  “It’s your turn now.” Charles lifted an eyebrow. “You have to go and find your gem of a wife.”

  “Hah.” Dev snorted and drained his snifter. “Not me. I’m immune.”

  “Nonsense,” said Lucius. “No one’s immune.”

  “Actually Dev might be,” mused Charles. “You see, he has the Deverell Obsession for company. I’ve seen it. It really is incomparable…”

  “What the hell…”

  “I’ll show you some day, Lucius. Charles has seen it because he was at Delaney Hall when it finally arrived. I think you were down here being a newlywed.”

  “It had better be something spectacular.”

  “Oh it is, my friend. It is.”


  Later that night, Hannah turned to her husband as they lay together in one of the newly-refurbished Gordonstone Hollow guest rooms.

  “I really like Julia and Lucius, Charles. But I’d really like to know more about the Deverell Obsession. Perhaps you can tell me more in the morning when we’re not naked, because I get distracted too easily to pay attention. You’re very blessed with your friends, you know.”

  “Mmm. That is as it should be.” He cuddled her snugly. “I like ‘em too. I like you more, though.”

  “That’s nice.” She ran a finger over his bare chest. “I think Richard is just the loveliest little baby.”

  “Is he? I’ll see him tomorrow, I’m sure.”


  “Yes, love?”

  “Do you want children?”

  He was quiet for a few long moments, then he lifted up on one elbow and looked down at her. “Yes, Hannah. I’d like children very much.”

  She smiled. “Me too. Let’s see if we can make one tonight…”

  So they did.


  So there is still one question unanswered … what is the Deverell Obsession?

  About the Author

  Sahara Kelly is always happy to explain to editors that her spelling errors aren’t really errors, since she was born and raised in England, where an extra “u” is quite in order. She likes to think it adds colour to her writing. Sadly, it’s not a widely held belief in the United States, so she’d like you to know she still retains a lot from her English childhood even though you won’t see much of it in her spelling.

  Arriving in America with her almost-complete collection of Leslie Charteris’ Saint novels and a passion for Monty Python, Sahara’s new life eventually expanded to include a husband, offspring, citizenship, and a certain amount of acclimation to her new surroundings. (She still cherishes that extra ”u” though.)

  After more than two decades of writing, Sahara is now enjoying the greater freedom offered to authors by the rapidly expanding self-publishing scene and looking forward to many more such experiences. Being freed of restraints has opened doors—for Sahara and many other writers. There are now no impediments; no obstructions barring the path from writer to reader. Which is, in many ways, exactly as originally intended when that first storyteller sat on a rock outside her cave, tugged her bearskin around her shoulders and smiled at her kids across the open fire with the words “Once upon a time...” (or however it sounded several million years ago.)

  To find out more about Sahara Kelly and her writing, please drop by her website and visit her at:

  Sahara Kelly (Website –

  This is where Sahara shares none of the intimate details of her life, but will present you with a list of books she'd like you to buy so that she can go do research on a beach in Aruba and be pampered with massages accompanied by drinks with umbrellas in them. She’ll send you a postcard. Thank you.

  When not dreaming of lazing on tropical beaches, Sahara has a relatively active social presence on the Internet. Take a look:

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  You can stay on top of what’s on the way from Sahara’s fertile imagination by subscribing to her newsletter and keeping up to date with everything going on by clicking here. ( She doesn’t send them out too often, so you won’t be swamped with unwanted mail. Sahara loathes that and refuses to inflict it on anyone else so you can go ahead and subscribe without worrying about it.

  Also by Sahara Kelly: (*- co-written with S.L. Carpenter)

  Julia and the Devil

  Discreet Madness

  The Viscount and the Witch

  Miss Foxworth’s Fate

  Feels So Right*

  With a Little Help from my Friends (with Ciana Stone)

  Letting Off Steam

  Winding Her Up

  Stripping Her Gears

  My Renaissance Romance

  Hired Help*

  Open House

  So Into You*

  Faerieland needs YOU

  Darkness in the Flames

  My Wish

  My Prize

  My Hero

  Feathered Dreams

  Showing Off*

  And many more…


  Several of the above titles were co-written with friend and writing partner S.L. Carpenter. Together, they have a dozen or so books available, each featuring their trademark touches of humor and heat. Their most recent releases are a bundle of their very first three books now available together – Feels So Right, and a collection of unusual fairy tales, myths and princesses – Happy Endings.

  These, and a whole bunch of Sahara Kelly’s other books, can be found online for your eReader or eBook software app. Quite a few are also in print. No excuses, people. You can add her stories to your bookshelves physically or digitally. Go get ‘em.


  Sahara would like to mention that four years ago she initiated a new collaboration with her writing partner, S.L. Carpenter. They have blended another of their shared passions — art — and formed an online graphics business focusing on the complicated world of writers. If you’re interested in seeing what they get up to when they’re not writing something twistedly hot and sexy, they’d like to invite you to come visit their business at the link below and check out some of the amazing cover art currently being created by S.L. Carpenter. They’re certainly never bored…

  P and N Graphics, LLC

  Happy Reading…




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