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Fortress (Forde Family Series Book 2)

Page 10

by nikki blaire

  Marcus clenched his fist then relaxed his hands

  “C’mon, stop pretending like you care.” She had to admit that she was finally enjoying this. “I’m sure you’ll be happy to have the free time again for whomever else fits your fancy.”

  She tried to turn away, but Marcus grabbed her hand forcing her to hold still.

  “Don’t make me chase you, Charlisse. I will and relentlessly."

  His response tripped up her heartbeat, but she didn’t let it change her mind.

  “Marc,” She had to enforce her boundaries. “I mean it.”

  He searched her eyes with his own then let her hand fall after a while.

  “Fine. The last time.” He sighed loudly. “Is that all you wanted to tell me?”

  “No, don’t forget that you’re meeting with the auditors today.”

  “We have a meeting with the auditors today.” He interjected, but she shook her head.

  “No, I think you all can handle this one.” She smized at him. “I have other clients to tend to.”

  “But what if–”

  “You know how to reach me if you need me.” She reached down to gather up her things to leave then walked to the door.

  She hoped that he would at least say goodbye, but instead he let her walk out in silence. She closed the door behind her then made her way to the elevators to get out of there.

  “I need a release.” She sighed to herself once the elevator doors binged closed in front of her.

  Unfortunately, she had just told her best release yet that it was over.

  “A drink later this afternoon will have to do.” She pulled out her phone to text Terry to see if he was free to meet up later.

  He quickly responded with a time and place, for which she was grateful. She had too much running through her mind to decide on such small details at the moment. The doors opened and she was back on the main floor. She strutted through the front entrance then hailed the first cab that she saw, not wanting to wait for a ride share car.

  You have the sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted.

  Marcus’ baritone bounced around in the front of her thoughts. He had sounded so genuine.

  “We’re here, ma’am.” The cab driver’s announcement pulled her back to the present.

  “Oh, thank you.” She quickly pulled out her card to pay then rushed out of the backseat to the entrance of the restaurant where she was meeting a potential client for breakfast.

  After her morning meeting, the day flew by until she was finally able to meet with Terry. He had chosen a local, hangout known for its strong drinks, wings, and potato skins. Charlisse arrived a little early to make sure they had space at the bar then ordered a glass of wine to pass the time until Terry arrived.

  “Oh, I know that’s not Ms. Charlisse Lageaux herself?” She could hear him as soon as he walked in.

  “Is she really sitting at the bar with us common folk?” He laughed as she came over to sit beside her.

  “Could you not make an announcement?” She laughed, as he ordered his drink.

  “Oh yes, I forgot. You’re incognegro. My bad.” He looked around. “It looks like it’s just us in here anyways. The real crowd is still at work. Thank you, Jesus. I did not feel like seeing people.”

  He grabbed his drink once it was placed in front of him.

  “Yet you chose to meet at Stan’s?”

  “I wanted some wings something serious.” He motioned to the bartender to place an order. “And I missed lunch today because of a deadline. I am about to tear these up. You want some?”

  “Oh, no thanks. I’m fine.”

  “Oh, so working for Forde Financials has you full off filet mignon and caviar, huh? You can’t eat wings no more. I see.”

  Charlisse almost choked on her wine. “What?”

  “You heard me.” Terry turned to face her.

  “Terry,” She wanted to deny it, but knew that she couldn’t lie to one of her closest friends. “I can’t say. Client confidentiality. You know that.”

  “I know.” He waved her off. “And I’m not pressing you. I’m just letting you know that I know.”

  “How?” She racked over every movement that she had made in the last few days to figure out how Terry had known.

  “Girl, I’ve been working with you for damn near ten years.” He smacked his teeth. “You don’t think I know a Charlisse Lageaux press statement when I see one?”

  “But what about it though?” She never used her contact information or even mentioned her company.

  “It was quality.” Terry pointed at her. “That shit is rare. Plus, I heard which company is being used for the audit. You always use them and few people have the pull to get them.”

  “Well, I guess I’ll take that as a compliment then.” She shrugged, not knowing what else to say.

  “You surely should. Also, take it as a compliment that I respect you enough not to try and pry details out of you.”

  “Thank you.” She exhaled in relief.

  Terry was her friend, but he was also a veteran journalist, which meant that he could get water from a rock.

  Terry’s eyes grew wide when his wings were placed in front of him before eagerly diving into the first wing.

  “Mhmmm,” He swallowed the first bite. “But you are gonna make sure that I’m in the know. Help a brotha out. I need to get these scoops, chile.”

  “Of course and vice versa. I’ll share what I can and you share what you can.”

  “Cheers to that.” They raised their glasses then clinked them together.

  It felt great to have that off of her chest, even if she hadn’t really told Terry. At least now, she had an ally in what was shaping up to be one of the most complicated clients of her career.

  While the issues seemed relatively easy to handle on the surface, the underlying interconnected relationships were difficult to navigate. However, much of that had been her own doing.

  Charlisse watched Terry devour his wings out of the corner of her eye. She wished that she could get everything out, but knew that was impossible. So, for right now, she had to take relief in her burdens being lighter, even if just a little.


  Marcus sat in his office reviewing the portfolio of his most recently acquired client, Damien Winston, a professional basketball player. Damien had only been a client for a few months and was the only account that Marcus solely managed. He had worked hard to convince his father that the firm needed to diversify its client’s base by expanding to athletes and entertainers.

  At first, his father was adamantly against it, but Marcus’ success with Damien had proved that his father wasn’t always right.

  He wiped a hand down his face, as he thought about all of the things that his father had been wrong about. But, he could not completely come from under his father’s influence. It nagged him.

  He also couldn’t let go of what his father had said to him before he stormed out of the house. Not only did he know about Marcus and Charlisse, but he had compared it to his own affair. While the details of the situations were far from similar, the concept seemed the same – keeping secrets for his benefit.

  But it’s all done. It’s over with.

  Marcus’ shoulders slumped. He couldn’t pinpoint why, but Marcus felt as if something had been taken from him even though he knew that it was for the best. Charlisse put her foot down and he would respect it.

  He looked at Damien’s portfolio again, taking comfort in the numbers. That was one of the reasons why Marcus loved his job so much. Money was either there or it was not.

  It was also easier to concentrate now that some of the media frenzy had calmed down, thanks to Charlisse. Their audit and new transparency measures seemed to calm the board of directors as well.

  Now, Marcus just needed to finish making rounds with his clients to make sure that they were reassured of the firm’s success. This meeting with Damien was just the first of many.

  “Marc, what’s up?” Damien appeared in his of
fice doorway with his hand out for Marcus to shake.

  “Good afternoon, Damien. How are you?” Marcus motioned for Damien to sit down.

  “You tell me, money man. I’m not broke, am I?” He chuckled.

  “Of course not. You’re doing very well actually. You can see your changing portfolio online in your client portal, but there are a few highlights that I wanted to discuss with you.”

  “Aight, cool.” Damien sighed in relief. “I was worried that this last minute meeting was to tell me some bad news.”

  “No, not at all. I just wanted to check in, especially given recent circumstances.”

  Marcus hated to say anything related to the scandal out loud. It made it more real. Damien scrunched up his face in confusion for a moment then relaxed into laughter.

  “Oh, you talking about that whole cheating thing with your Pops?” He shrugged.

  “They are also alleging embezzlement,”

  “Man, if the white people in the money game are anything like the white people in the basketball game, then they’re always alleging something.”

  He cut Marcus off. “I’m only worried about my money and you’ve been straight up with me. So, I’m good as long as we good.”

  He pointed between him and Marcus.

  “Yes, most definitely. I’ve got some major plans to expand your portfolio. This is just the beginning, Damien.”

  He held his hand out for Damien to shake.

  “I believe you.” Damien nodded. “And I trust you. It’s been hard having people who don’t understand anything about you or where you come from handling your lifeline, so I’m ridin’ with you.”

  Marcus held back the sudden emotion that he felt at Damien’s words. Rarely was he ever moved by anything, but Damien’s trust in him was much needed confirmation. He finished up their meeting then showed Damien out. Silently, he hoped that all of his client meetings went as smoothly, but he knew better.

  Some of his father’s long-time clients had already called with threats of pulling their business or worse. .

  And to think my father didn’t want Damien as a client.

  He mused to himself. He also had to admit that Tremaine’s initial involvement in the account was a crucial part of Damien coming on as a client. He hated to say so, but as he took Damien to the entrance, he was filled with gratitude.

  What the hell is going on with me?

  He asked himself just as the answer to his recent emotional state strutted in front of him.

  “Good morning.” Charlisse waved at both him and Damien.

  “Good morning.” Damien followed her with his eyes. “Who is that?”

  A tinge of jealousy flared in Marcus’ chest, but he couldn’t act on it. Even worse, he couldn’t explain it.

  “She is a consultant for our firm.”

  “Well, how does a nigga get a consultation?” He turned to Marcus with a laugh, but stopped short once he saw his facial expression.

  “Oh, my bad, Marc. I ain’t know that was you.”

  “Me?” Marcus shook his head. “Not at all.”

  He hated to say it.

  “Well then,” He started to take off in Charlisse’s direction, but Marcus stopped him with a hand on his chest.

  “That’s the exact behavior that’s got you in trouble with your team now.” Marcus sighed.

  “You’ve gotta keep your mind focused on your career. Women will always be there. Your ability to play at your prime won’t be.”

  He eyed Damien then pointed him back towards the elevator.

  "Aight, I hear you." Damien reluctantly waited until the doors opened then stepped inside.

  Marcus made sure the doors were closed and then turned to follow right behind Charlisse. Seeing her was a surprise since no one had told him that she would be stopping by. He found her in the conference room, reaching for something under the table.

  “Ahem, good morning.” He wanted to say something suggestive, but fought against it.

  Still, he couldn’t help but admire the view.

  “Oh, hi, Marc.” Charlisse shot up.

  “What brings you here? I didn’t expect to see you today.” He crossed his arms and leaned in the doorway.

  “I just had a meeting with the general counsel. Do you need to use the conference room? I’ll be out of the way in a second.”

  She stood up then stuffed whatever she had grabbed into her purse.

  “No, not at all.” He grinned. “I just saw you and thought I’d come...and thank you.”

  He had to come up with something on the spot. Anything to keep her here longer.

  “Thank me for?” She eyed him curiously.

  “All of your help. I just had a client meeting and it seems like some of the chaos has died down a little. Thanks to you.”

  “Oh, well, never let the quiet make you too comfortable.” She grinned then moved past him to the door. “You said client meeting?”

  “Yeah. With Damien Winston, the basketball player. You just said hello to us in the hallway. I brought him on as an experiment for the firm. I want to expand into managing athletes and entertainers. You know, diversify our portfolio.”

  “Oh, yea. That’s why he looked so familiar.”

  “Thought he might’ve been an old flame or something?” Marcus couldn’t help himself.

  He was an asshole at heart

  “Very funny.” She smirked. “But you're right. Washington, D.C. is small. I’ll do a better job at keeping you all away from each other next time."

  She winked then put her bag over her shoulder, but Marcus didn't find it funny. It was his turn to be jealous.

  “You don’t have to be so cold, Charlisse.” He put a hand on her shoulder just to see if she would react to his touch.

  “We can still be cordial to each other, right?”

  “I am being cordial." She politely moved his hand away. "Have a good afternoon, Marc."

  She was already putting up a wall. Marcus could sense it and it irked his nerves. But, he had to respect it.

  “You know what. You’re right. I’m the one that’s trippin.”

  Charlisse's grin was meek, as she moved past him to the door.

  “Have a good day, Marc.” She called over her shoulder again just as his assistant walked in.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Forde, sorry to interrupt, but you have a visitor.”

  “A visitor?” He turned to look out of the glass walls that lined the conference room.

  Vanessa stood there waiting impatiently. He groaned at the sight of her, watching as Charlisse gave her a warm hello before strutting out of sight.

  “Don’t allow her up here anymore.” He whispered to his assistant through clenched teeth before going out to meet her.

  He wanted to tell Vanessa to leave, but that would only cause more of a scene. He was sure that she was just here to be nosy. She had called a few times since the news broke, but Marcus didn’t have the time to entertain her

  Vanessa previously popping up to his office for an afternoon quickie used to be welcomed. But, this was not, especially not now.

  “Mrs. Bridges, what brings you here?” He put on his fakest smile, as he approached her.

  “Cut the shit, Marc.” She haughtily responded then motioned for them to go to Marcus’ office.

  “You’ve got fifteen minutes.” He signaled for her to follow him.

  As soon as he closed the door, Vanessa rushed towards him.

  “Whoa, whoa.” He put space between them just as she tried to wrap her arms around him.

  “What are you doing? C’mon, Vanessa.”

  “I came to check on you.” She tried to sic her seductive eyes on him. “I heard about...”

  “You heard about what?” He didn't want her sympathy.

  “Everything.” She flipped her long light brown hair over her shoulder. “Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine.” He retorted, still maintaining their distance.

  “And what about financially? You’re not going to...
” She lowered her voice and looked around before continuing. “Go to prison.”

  She whispered.

  “And you thought coming to my office was the best time and place to ask this question?”

  He just shook his head at how aloof she could be. "Is that what people are saying about me?”

  He sincerely wanted to know.

  “Less about you and more about your father.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “I know that you’d never be involved in anything like that.”

  “Exactly, so is that what you came for? If so, you can leave.” He pretended to be distracted by something on his desk.

  Anything to get her out of here.

  “I noticed that Charlisse Lageaux was here.” She sat down, completely ignoring his request.

  “Yes, she was.”


  “Save the questions for your husband.”

  “Speaking of my husband, he asked Charlisse whether or not she knew anything about this. He said that she told him no.”

  “Well, there is this little thing called confidentiality.”

  They shared an intense stare for a moment before Vanessa continued. She had a way of pricking his very last nerve, so he was trying not to give her the reaction that she came for.

  “You hired her?” She scoffed. “Of course you did.”

  “The firm did, Vanessa.” He sternly corrected. “And I actually have you to thank for that. I met her at your wedding. So, thank you.”

  “I’m not dumb, Marc.”

  That’s debatable.

  He wanted to say, but held it in. Firing shots at her, no matter how easy they were, would only make their interaction worse.

  “Come again?” He finally decided to sit down.

  This was going to take a lot longer than he anticipated.

  “I know what you two are doing.” She threw up her hands. “I just can’t believe that she’s running around trying to take everything from me. She’s not content with just fucking my husband. She needs to have you too.”

  “She’s not fucking your husband, Vanessa.” He couldn’t even stand to think about her with someone else.

  “And you know that because she’s too busy fucking you.” Vanessa mocked.

  “She’s not doing that either.” He was tired of his game.


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