Fortress (Forde Family Series Book 2)

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Fortress (Forde Family Series Book 2) Page 26

by nikki blaire

  She let him run his hands up and down her arms.

  “Not just because. You’re an amazing woman. I’d be lost without you.” His deep baritone said into her ear.

  “Someone told me that you’ve got to do high-level shit to keep a good woman.”

  “And a massage is high-level shit?” She had to laugh.

  “I thought about buying you a car once, but I figured you wouldn’t be too into that.” He kissed her cheek.

  “And since you don’t want any dick tonight...a massage is all I’ve got.”

  “Haha, very funny.” She grabbed her tea and stood up. “I’ll take the massage. Meet me in the bedroom.”

  “Right behind you.” Marcus eagerly followed.

  It took awhile for him to fall asleep, but once Marcus was out Charlisse slipped out of bed. She scooped up her phone from the nightstand, pulled on a robe, then went out onto her balcony.

  She wanted to be sure that he couldn’t hear her, as she scrolled through her phone for Terry’s phone number. Marcus had asked her to stay out of it, but they both knew that wasn’t possible.

  “We’re a family.” She looked down at her stomach, still unsure of when and how she would tell the Marcus the truth.

  “Girl, you better be dead.” Terry picked up after a few rings. “It’s almost 1 a.m. and I have company.”

  “Your company can’t be that great if you’re answering the phone.” She put her hand on her hip.

  “Touche.” He obliged her. “What’s going on?”

  “I’ve got a hunch and I need your help.” She knew Terry lived for moments like these.

  “If I’m right then you’ve got a breaking story on your hands.”

  “Well, go ahead and give it to me!” He was excited.

  “Find me everything you can on Aaron Masters.”

  “The Masters’ family’s oldest son? What for? Anything in particular that I should be looking for?”

  “I’m glad you asked.” She smirked.

  Charlisse knew that domestic violence was often a pattern, which that Aaron was likely to have other victims. And Charlisse wanted to find them. If Aaron even tried to press charges against Marcus, she was sure that the threat of a news story about his abuse would change his mind.

  “Apparently, he’s got a propensity for putting his hands on women.”

  “Oooooh, bitch! You lying!” Terry couldn’t contain his anticipation.

  “Not at all. Find out if there’s anything to substantiate this. Marc told me,”

  “Marc?” Terry smacked his teeth. “Hold on, slow your role. This little tidbit came from Marc. I don’t know, Charlisse. Wasn’t his sister engaged to Aaron? This isn’t some revenge of the wealthy shit, is it? I don’t have the time.”

  “Terry, this is me you’re talking to.” Charlisse feigned being offended. “And why do you think she didn’t marry him?”

  Terry gasped loudly then went back to taking down notes. Charlisse could hear his keyboard keys clacking furiously.

  “Alright, I got you and I’ll hit you back once I find anything.”

  “You’re the best.” She blew him a kiss that he could only hear and then hung up.

  Still, she wasn’t ready to go back inside just yet. She hadn’t even been sleeping, so there was no rush to get back into bed. Laying next to Marcus used to help her sleep, but now he made her restless.

  Her balcony overlooked the city below, so she decided to stay there for a while and think. The warm air soothed her temporarily, but nothing seemed to help her inner turmoil.

  “Why is this so hard?” She gulped, while she looked down at the streets below.

  Even though it was late, the city still blared with the sounds of life.

  “And I’m sure their lives are harder than mine.” She imagined that some people were just getting off work, or just going, for that matter.

  Meanwhile, she was cozy in a beautiful condo that she was a few years’ payments away from owning. Her life was a dream, even with this most recent complication. Still, she couldn’t let go of the nagging feeling that she was a failure because this wasn’t the way that things were supposed to be.

  She came to Washington, D.C. with plans of starting her career, becoming the best that she could be. None of those plans included a baby out of wedlock with a former client, who was so well known that the entire debacle would make front page news.

  “No, stop it, Charlisse.” She had started to cry again.

  All of her tears and private emotional outbursts had begun to annoy her because it was so out of her character. She was strong and strategic. That was her brand, but now, she was just a ball of nerves, emotions, and confusion.

  “What are you doing out here?” Marcus’ voice came from behind her.

  She wanted to lie, but she couldn’t. She spun around and took one look at him then broke down.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Come here.” Marcus scooped her up and held her. “Are you up thinking about this shit, Charlisse? Please don’t let it bother you. I told you that I’d figure it out.”

  He pressed her against his body, burying her face in his chest. Immediately, she was overcome with feelings of security. Marcus made her feel safe. He took care of her and loved her perfectly without a single instruction. It was rare, unheard of, but she was living it. That's the only reason she could even believe it.

  Charlisse just couldn’t keep this from him anymore and it didn’t matter that she was conflicted. She needed to trust that Marcus would help her with this. They needed to decide what to do together.

  Charlisse took a deep breath before pushing away from him.

  “No, it’s not that. Well, kind of, but…” She was rambling. “Just here.”

  She grabbed his hand and put it on her stomach. “I’m pregnant.”


  Charlisse’s words hit Marcus’ ears like hot fire. He was so shocked that he jumped back for a second, but never took his hand from her stomach.

  Questions swirled around in his head, but he couldn’t help but notice that Charlisse didn’t seem too excited.

  “You’re not happy?” He tried to ask as nicely as he could without letting his own feelings get in the way.

  Because he was thrilled. Nervous, anxious, and confused as hell, but still thrilled. He was going to be a father.

  “You are.” She let out a chuckle through her tears. “No need to hide it. I knew you would be.”

  She turned back to the view of the city. “I’m scared. Actually, no I’m terrified. I don’t know how to be a mother.”

  “I don’t think any first-time mother’s do.” He couldn’t hold in the quip.

  Charlisse was the most capable woman that he had ever met, but here she was fretting over whether she could do something that she had already shown the ability to be great at.

  “Shut up, Marc.” She refused to look at him, so he spooned her from behind.

  “I’m sorry.” He squeezed her.

  “Baby, you know how to love, you think everything through, down to the smallest detail. You’re patient, you’re kind. And you couldn’t be doing any better in the baby’s daddy department. What else do you need to be a mother?”

  “I wanted to be married. I wanted to do it the right way. I...don’t want it like this.”

  Marcus froze. “Don’t want it?”

  “I don’t think I can do this, Marc. Seriously.” Charlisse was still.

  “How far along are you?” His heart was shredding right in front of him, but he wouldn’t be selfish.

  Now wasn’t the time. “Eight weeks now. I found out when I went to the doctor to get tested.”

  “So, you’ve known and didn’t tell me?” He bit his bottom lip. “You wouldn’t have done that without telling me, would you?”

  “Of course not.” A frantic look flashed in her eyes when she turned around to face him.

  “I was going to tell you that day, but things kept happening. Things are still happening. I wanted to figure it out. I want
ed to know what I was going to do when I told you.”

  “And you want to get an abortion?” He closed his eyes when he said it because he couldn’t watch Charlisse say “yes.”

  “I don’t know.” She responded, which made him squint his eyes back open. “I’m so caught up on the impact that this could have on my life. Like I said, I didn’t plan it this way. I want to do it right,”

  “But isn’t it right as long as it feels right? We feel right.”

  “Marc, we both know that you can’t make life decisions like this based on feelings. You have to plan it out. You have to be prepared…”

  “We’re not prepared for a baby?” He didn’t mean to sound condescending, but he knew that he did.

  “We’re not even married, Marc.”

  “You want me to marry you? Sure, fine.” He started to get down on one knee, but she stopped him.

  “I don’t want some pity proposal because I’m pregnant. You’ve never mentioned marriage, Marc.”

  “That doesn’t mean I haven’t thought about it. It doesn’t mean that I don’t want to do it. This isn’t out of pity. I don’t do shit just for the hell of it.”

  He was defensive, but he couldn’t help it. Marcus adored everything about Charlisse. How could she not see that? How could she think that he did anything for her out of pity?

  “Look,” He lowered his voice in an attempt to break the building tension. “I support and agree with whatever decision you make. Really.”

  He came a little closer. “But don’t think that an abortion won’t have an impact on you as well. I understand why, but we’re not broke, baby. We’re not broken either. A baby would be very welcome and loved in our lives.”

  He held his arms out to her and waited until she came to him.

  “I’ll be here for whatever you need. I love you. I’m in love with you. So, whatever you decide is cool.”

  And in that moment, Marcus closed his eyes and prayed. He didn’t do it often, but something moved him to ask God for advice on what they should do. He wanted the baby, but he wouldn’t risk losing his relationship.

  Tell us what to do.

  He gripped Charlisse even tighter. “I’d asked you who you talk to once. Remember that? And you said God as an answer.”

  Marcus found himself saying out loud. “Have you talked to God yet?”

  Charlisse looked up at him and shook her head. “Actually, I haven’t.”

  She put her head back in his chest. “I was just so scared that I…”

  “Tried to figure it out on your own. I know, baby.” He rocked her from side to side. “But, let’s just pray. Maybe that will help us,”

  He kissed her forehead, while she rested her head against him.

  “Dear God,” Her voice was tiny and exhausted, completely unlike how he had ever heard Charlisse speak before.

  She seemed so small right now. “You’ve given us a gift, but we’ve also been given a lesson to learn. Help us learn this lesson. Help us see what you would like for us to do. Our feelings conflict, but your word is our guidance. Give us a word and we will do your will.”

  Charlisse exhaled and then burst into another round of tears. Marcus held her, while she sobbed then eventually brought her back inside. She continued to cry, while he put her back in bed and held her through most of the night. Still, he stayed with her and gripped her tightly until she finally fell asleep.

  “Goodnight, baby.” Marcus waited until he could hear faint snores before kissing her cheek. “And baby.”

  He leaned down to leave a kiss on her stomach. The next morning, Marcus’ arm was numb from having it under Charlisse all night.

  “Dammit.” He tried to shake the fuzzy feeling loose, but he had no such luck.

  The smell of coffee hit his nose, which let him know that she wasn’t in bed with him. He looked over to her empty side of the bed and almost thought that last night had been a dream. But the feeling in his arm reminded him that it had been very real.

  “Charlisse,” He called to her once he got out of bed and strolled into the kitchen. “Good morning.”

  He found her in the kitchen with a coffee mug in her hand. The silk pajama set that she wore wasn’t doing anything to subdue his usual morning erection. But he knew that she wasn’t in the mood for the slightest bit of friskiness.

  “Good morning.” She smiled at him. “Sorry there’s no breakfast. I haven’t been to the grocery store. Breakfast happens to be the only thing I do know how to make.”

  “It’s cool. You wanna go get something?” He asked, still not sure if he should bring up last night.

  “I’m not really hungry. Plus, I’ll probably just throw it up. My morning sickness is picking up. That’s why I got sick from the smell of the water when you took me to dinner. It’s why I threw up after running out of your office,”

  A single tear fell from Charlisse’s eyes. Marcus started to come to her, but she held up her hand.

  “Do you promise me that you will do all that you can to help me this baby?”

  “Yes, of course. Everything that I can.” His heart was beating rapidly.

  The thud was so loud in his ears that he almost didn’t hear her.

  “And you promise that no matter what happens, we’ll still raise the baby together? I cannot do this on my own. I will not do this by myself, Marcus.”

  Marcus, damn.

  He hadn’t been called by his full name since...ever. His father was Marcus. He was Marc. His mind started to wonder what he would name a son if given that opportunity, since both names were already taken.

  “Are you listening to me?” She called out to him.

  “Yes, baby, yes. I’m gonna be there for everything. Your doctor’s appointments, your…”

  He couldn’t think of exactly what else she would need right now, but he made a mental note to read everything baby-related that he could find.

  “I’m gonna be there for everything with you.” He repeated before making his way towards her.

  “I want to keep the baby.” She stared at him and then smiled. “We’re going to have a baby.”

  “Hell yeah!” Marcus scooped her up and lifted her into the air.

  “But you can’t tell anyone until the first trimester is over, Marc. A lot of things could happen.”

  “Okay, that’s fine. How long is that?” He put her down.

  “It’s when you’re twelve weeks. So, we’ve got about a month to go.”

  “A month.” He didn’t think he could wait that long, but he would do he was told. “Alright, a month. Cool.”

  He pulled her into a hug. “We’re gonna have a baby.”


  Marcus was gone now and the gravity of her decision had finally begun to settle in. Initially, she had thought that making a decision was the hard part. Now, she knew better. It was following through with it that was going to prove difficult.

  She was going to have a baby with Marcus Forde, Jr. It had finally begun to sink in.

  “Wow.” She paused, but Charlisse was clueless about what would come next.

  She didn’t know. However, she did know that she felt love whenever she allowed herself to feel something other than fear. And that love gave her the courage to have this baby, which was something that she had almost cast aside as never happening.

  From the moment she and Marcus locked eyes, Charlisse was overwhelmed by what she saw when he looked at her. There was always a gleam of adoration mixed with respect that was reassuring, yet still made her nervous.

  Marcus saw someone who was worthy of having the world laid at her feet. It made her nervous because she wasn't always so sure. Since this began, she often asked herself if anyone would believe that she was the woman who made one of the city’s most notorious bachelor’s settle down?

  That’s not under my control. Anything else is God’s business.

  Her mother’s words came back to her in that moment. She took a deep breath, feeling centered again.

what can you control, Charlisse?” She pulled out a notepad and pen then began to scribble.

  She could control the narrative, her actions, and the health of this baby. That was it.

  She couldn’t control her heart or how quickly she had fallen for Marcus. So, her hang ups had to go or she would never enjoy the beauty of what was happening inside of her. She deserved to be happy about having this baby with a man who showered her with limitless love and affection.

  Charlisse smiled to herself, just as her phone began to vibrate next to her. Terry was calling.

  “Hello.” She picked up.

  “Girl, when you get a hunch, you get a helluva hunch, chile!”

  He bellowed into the phone so loudly that she had to move it away from her ear.

  “You found something good?” She put the phone on speaker then sat it down on her desk.

  Her eardrum couldn’t take another outburst.

  “Charlisse Lageaux, your little hunch led me right to a gold mine. This man...has got a problem.”

  “Seriously?” Charlisse had hoped for something, but hadn’t anticipated a “gold mine,” as Terry put it.

  “Hell. Yea. He’s got protective orders all up and down the East coast.”

  “What?” Charlisse almost fell out of her seat.

  “No, not that many.” Terry laughed out loud.

  “But he does have quite a few in Maryland and Virginia. They were filed by a couple different women and one seems to be from his current wife. I cross-referenced her name from his marriage certificate.”

  “Oh my goodness.” She gasped.

  “He’s violated a couple of them too. Charlisse, it’s just...let me know when you can meet up, so I can show you everything I’ve found.”

  “There’s more?”

  “Yes ma’am. So, are you meeting me or what?”

  “Give me an hour.” Charlisse hung up the phone then rushed to her room to find something to throw on.

  She grabbed her wallet and keys and then rushed out to the coffee shop that Terry had text her the address to. Charlisse pulled up then hurried inside where she found him sitting at a table near the back.

  “The best part of waking up is piping hot tea in your cup.” He smiled at her, as she sat down across from him. “I could kiss you for this story, but you’ve got a man now and I don’t wanna break up a happy home.”


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