Fortress (Forde Family Series Book 2)

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Fortress (Forde Family Series Book 2) Page 27

by nikki blaire

  He peered up at her over his cup. “Or is it?”

  “We’re fine, Terry.” She knew he was alluding to the interview. “So, what’d you find?”

  “Mhmmm.” He eyed her, while pulling a large folder from his leather backpack. “You know you owe me a pow wow, Charlisse. I can see it all over you face. You have something to tell me?”

  Don’t I.

  She sighed on the inside, but forced a smile. “You have something to tell me first.”

  She motioned for him to put the folder on the table. “Spill it.”

  “Aight,” He opened the folder then began to spread a few documents out on the table.

  “First, this is the most recent protective order from his current wife. I’m sure a divorce is coming soon, but I couldn’t find any court filings.”

  Charlisse grabbed the first document and quickly scanned it. “Terry! There is an upcoming hearing date.”

  “I know.” His eyes twinkled. “That’s going to be my lead angle for the story. But look at this.”

  Terry grabbed a few more documents then pushed them towards her. “These are all of the orders that he’s violated. It seems like his girlfriends, or whatever they were, move out of the city in order to file the order. I’m still trying to see if there’s a reason why.”

  “Aaron Masters has friends in high places. I remember him from working with Councilmember Bridges. He’s a major donor. I’m sure he’s got a judge or two in his pocket. That’s probably why they leave to file.”

  Charlisse shook her head, while she reviewed the other documents. “He’s a predator.”

  “And I’m 100 percent sure that his family knows it. There’s no way this many orders have been taken out...and violated without anyone knowing. Like I said, a gold mine.”

  “You never know who actually knew.” She smacked her teeth. “I mean, we’re just finding out. Abusers thrive in the dark.”

  “Well, the light is shining on him now. I’m running the story. A major donor, but he’s harassing women. You’ve told me before, all of these wealthy men are the same. They all have some kind of secret.”

  Charlisse's chest tightened when she thought about her own secret.

  “Speaking of just that, when are you running Marc’s story? I wanted to see a write up before you put it out. I,”

  “Am personally invested, yeah, yeah. I know.” Terry waved her words away.

  “That story’s gonna have to wait. This is news. I’ve got to get this out.”

  Her thoughts stalled at Terry’s comment. Marcus’ article not coming out until later gave her time to come up with a story for whenever this baby came. She inwardly sighed in relief.

  “Okay, well, still let me see it. Some things may have changed by the time the article comes out.”

  “Like what?” Terry chortled. “Y’all getting married?”

  I wish.

  She kept that to herself and chose to give a thin smile instead. For once, Terry’s instincts were off.

  “Look here heffa. You better not get engaged, married...nothing to Marcus Forde, Jr. without giving me the scoop.”

  He stuck a fork out at her. “This city’s been dying for a new Black power couple since Michelle and Barack left the White House. I refuse to get scooped by the blogs, especially since I know you.”

  “Power couple? You think so?” The thought hadn’t even occurred to Charlisse.

  “Girl, don’t play coy. You and Marc?” He gushed. “The talk of the town. The opulence, the drama, the extravagance. Influence meets wealth, politics and power. Don’t even get me started.”

  Charlisse had to giggle. “It never occurred to me. What about Brandon and Vanessa? They’re all those things. I thought they were the talk of the town.”

  “Please,” He snarled. “I’m sure the wedding was beautiful, but the marriage is fake. I said Barack and Michelle...not Kanye and Kim.”

  Charlisse held in a snort. “Did you find anything else?”

  “Glad you asked.” Terry reached back in his bag. “While digging around for anything related to Aaron, I found this police report. It was filed late last night. Thought it might be of interest to you.”

  Charlisse grabbed the paper and looked it over. “He filed a police report against Marc for assault.”

  She had known that this was coming, but was still frustrated. Marcus had to be blemish free for a long while before he regained the public’s trust. Involvement with the police would definitely tank his credibility.

  “Yea,” Terry lowered his gaze to stare directly in her eyes. “I’m not putting that in my story, but don’t wait too long to work your magic, Charlisse. I don’t know how long that’s going to fly under the radar.”

  Charlisse nodded then placed the paper on top of the pile that she had made of the documents that she wanted to keep.

  “All those copies are yours, boo.” Terry smiled.

  “It’s the least I could do for your “hunch.” Oh, and I’m teeing this up for tomorrow. It’ll be on the website by the afternoon. So, if there’s anyone who’s received donations from Aaron that you’d like to give a heads up…”

  “Got it.” She didn’t need to hear anymore. “Oh, and one more thing. Keep Ayda Forde out of your story, please. ”

  “No problem.”

  “Thank you.” She nodded at him, her mood turning solemn while her brain tried to sort everything out.

  “What are friends for?” He winked at her then stood up to leave.


  Getting to the office this morning was more difficult for Marcus than usual. He had to pry himself away from Charlisse so that he could get home to shower and change for work.

  “We should just move in together.” He mumbled, as he strode down the hallway to his office with a hard scowl on his face.

  He was thinking. In fact, he had been thinking all morning about the various ways that their lives needed to change to accommodate their new addition. Moving in together was simple compared to all of the other things a baby needed. Plus, Marcus was sure that Charlisse needed a number of things that he couldn’t even think of.

  He needed his mother’s advice, but he didn’t know how he would talk to her about a baby without telling her that he was expecting one. Even worse, she would likely be disappointed that he wasn’t married. All of his life, it had been drilled into him to do things the “right” way. Marriage and then a baby.

  He sighed. He had no problem with marrying Charlisse. Honestly, his willingness to marry her surprised him more than anything else. But, Charlisse was different, she was his unicorn. By just being herself, she had made him yearn for every part of life that he had been missing out on, especially marriage.

  Marcus rounded the corner to the executive suite thinking of how Charlisse had turned down his proposal. She thought he had done it out of pity, but that was far from the truth.

  Since meeting her, Marcus felt like his life was on a loop in his mind. He had accomplished so much in his career, but his personal life lacked moments of achievement. But now, he had the chance to change all of that by being a good father to their baby.

  Their baby.

  He couldn’t get over it. Tingles jutted up and down his arms again from excitement and nerves, but uneasiness festered at the thought of it all falling away. Marcus wanted to be married. So, he would just have to ask Charlisse in a more proper way.

  He pushed open his office door, but stopped short once his gaze fell on his sister and Tremaine sitting in front of his desk.

  “You really should call before you come over.” He sighed, while closing the door behind him.

  Ayda’s expression told him that she was here to argue and Marcus just didn’t have the energy. He was focused on something much more important.

  “It’s too early for your cynical humor. You know exactly why I'm here, Marc.” She folded her arms.

  “It’s also too early for visitors, but here you my office.” He cut his eyes at Tremaine who simply loo
ked down and rubbed his forehead.

  “Did you let her in here? I should fire you for insubordination.” Marcus couldn’t pass up the opportunity to joke, but no one seemed amused.

  “Oh please, Marc. I can’t even count the number of times you’ve let yourself into my condo.” Ayda’s eyes narrowed at him.

  “You’re comparing apples and oranges.” Marcus sat down at his desk then clasped his hands. “I own your condo’s building. Therefore, I can go in any time that I want.”

  He chuckled, intent on getting some amusement out of this, but Ayda was dead set on being hostile.

  “Stop it.” She grabbed a pen from off of his desk and then tossed it at him. “I’m upset and you’re making light of it.”

  “What exactly are you upset about?” He asked when he knew the answer.

  She was mad that he had knocked out her ex-fiance’ last night. Too bad for her, Marcus wasn’t upset about it at all or any of the consequences that may come from it. She was his sister, his baby sister. Aaron was lucky all he got was a busted jaw.

  “You hit Aaron last night. You knocked him out.” Her eyes were squinted into tiny slits.

  “And you’re not here to say thank you?” Marcus retorted.

  “C’mon, Marc. Don’t be an asshole for five minutes.” Tremaine finally spoke, to which Marcus nodded.

  He was right, so Marcus threw up his hands in surrender. He needed to let Ayda air her grievance, even if he didn’t understand or agree.

  “Your arrogance is more than I can deal with. This is about me, but you’re sitting here making it about you.”

  “I’m sorry. Really. That wasn’t my intention. Please talk to me, Ayda.” He reached out for her hand, but she quickly moved it out of the way.

  “But this is exactly why I never told you...or anyone for that matter.”

  “You shouldn't keep all of it to yourself.” Marcus was really starting to sound like Charlisse.

  “I don’t.” She glared at him. “Therapy has helped me work through a lot, but it doesn’t change people’s lack of empathy. Everyone always sees it one way. You all think that I should be happy about this, grateful, but neither of you,”

  She cut her eyes at Tremaine. “Have any idea what this is like. You hit him, you antagonize him, and I’ve got to change my phone number or change up my daily routine because the bastard decides to get pay back.”

  “He called you?” Tremaine lurched forward, his usually toffee skin a shade of red.

  “No, but who says he won’t, now that you’ve gone and pissed him off. Who says he won’t come to my job or...whatever. Aaron is a coward. He’ll try to make everyone’s life as miserable as he is just for shits and giggles.”

  Marcus tried to hold himself together, as he watched his sister break down into tears. “He’ll call the police, he’ll put it in the news. He’ll play victim to anyone who’ll hear it if it means that he can get back at me or my family.”

  “Ayda, please, don’t,” Marcus tried to reach out and comfort her, but she moved away again.

  Thankfully, Tremaine was close enough to grab her. He wrapped his arms around her and let her cry on his shoulder, while he and Marcus exchanged silent glances of guilt. Ayda was right.

  “I’m sorry, Ayda. I really am. And if it helps, I hit him before I even knew about,” He couldn’t say the words out loud or he would get angry again.

  The thought of Aaron ever touching Ayda inappropriately made him see red. “But I can’t say that I’d have handled it any differently. I know that you’re dealing with this, but keeping that nigga’s secrets is what allows him to have control.”

  He walked around to the other side of his desk and leaned against it. Ayda wouldn’t let him touch her, but he could at least be close.

  “So, you’re blaming me?”

  “No, not at all. I’m just saying that,” He paused to choose his words wisely. “I don’t care what he does to me and that includes anything that causes me to lose control of this firm,”

  “You just became CEO. That’s absolutely preposterous to even say.”

  “You’re my sister. Shit, all of this can go tomorrow. We won’t be broke.” He looked around at the over-the-top luxury of his office.

  “I don’t need any of this shit. Lately, I’ve been wondering why I even have a salary. I don’t spend it. And maybe I need time away to focus on other things. Do different shit with my life. Actually live my life, now that it’s mine again.”

  “Baby, I think we’re just tryna get you to understand that we can respect your wishes, but only to a point. Aaron’s gotta be dealt with or he’ll always have a way into our lives.”

  Tremaine took over the conversation once Marcus went off on a tangent.

  “Yea, that.” Marcus looked down at her. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for you before. I’m not the easiest person to talk to,”

  “You spent every waking moment telling me how I made poor decisions since I ended my engagement,”

  She was using a tissue to wipe her nose. “Not exactly a comfort, Marc. So, excuse me for not being so quick to trust you with my secrets.”

  “Very valid point.” He stole a look at Tremaine, who he had repeatedly chastised due to his own ignorance. “But, I’m not that guy anymore. I’ve learned a lot of lessons.”

  He reached down to touch her shoulder and grinned a little when she let him. “And I mean it, don’t worry about whatever Aaron tries to do. I really don’t give a damn.”

  “And what would you do without this, Marc? Work is your life. I can’t have that on my conscience.” Ayda shook her head.

  “Work is not my got damn life. My family is my life. I work hard for my family.” He hadn’t meant to get upset, but he was tired of that characterization.

  His father had been that way, a workaholic. But Marcus was very determined to do things differently.

  “I’ve got a lot of other shit to live for. I’ve got a baby on the way,”

  He snapped his mouth shut once he heard the words out loud. He didn’t want to look at either his sister or Tremaine’s faces.

  “Shit.” He grumbled.

  He could feel both of their eyes on him and was just waiting for a reaction.

  “What the hell?” Ayda bellowed first, while Tremaine just stared in shock. “Marc, what?”

  He finally looked at her and saw nothing but their mother glaring back at him.

  “Did you just say that you have a baby?” She gasped.

  “Would you shut the hell up if I said no?”

  “Oh my God,” Ayda covered her mouth. “Is it with Vanessa? Did she cheat on her husband,”

  “C’mon, baby. Keep up, it’s with Charlisse.” Tremaine smacked his teeth.

  “I thought he just liked her,” They began to talk to each other as if Marcus wasn’t in the room at all.

  “I mean, yea, he liked her so much that he tried it, duh, baby.”

  “Hey!” Marcus cut in. “I’m standing here. Please refrain from talking about me like I’m not.”

  “Sorry.” They said in unison while looking up at him.

  “And I would appreciate it if you keep this between us.” He pointed between the three of them.

  “She’s still in the early stages and you’re not supposed to tell people until the...I can’t remember what she said.”

  “First trimester.” Tremaine finished for him, which made all eyes avert to him. “I have a child, remember? Kinda an expert on babies.”

  He shook his head then stood up to shake Marcus’ hand. “Early congratulations, man.”

  “Our mother is gonna flip when she hears this.” Ayda shook her head.

  “No, Ayda. I just said that I’m not supposed to tell anyone.” Marcus rubbed his temples.

  “Oh, anyone means our mother, too?” She blinked at him. “How do you think that’s even gonna work?”

  “Because you’re going to mind your business until we get it all figured out.” He pointed at her. “Keep your mouth closed

  “Oh, so now you want to have boundaries? After you criticized my relationship at any given opportunity, now you want privacy. You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “Please, Ayda. It’s complicated.” Marcus begged.

  “Why?” She shrugged.

  “Because he's her client, baby. C’mon. Keep up with the storyline.” Tremaine sighed again in the background.

  “Oh, yea. That part.” Ayda bit her bottom lip.

  “Used to be her client,” Marcus corrected both of them. “But given his circumstances, I’d like to stay out of the news for having sex with an employee.”

  He walked back to his desk then flopped down in his chair. Both Ayda and Tremaine were staring at him, which made him even more frustrated with himself for letting the news slip.

  “Then just don’t tell the news.” Ayda’s response was so matter of fact, as if it were even really possible.

  “You were just up in arms because you thought my punching Aaron would get me fired, but you don’t think having a relationship with Charlisse will? Please enlighten me, sis.”

  He cocked his head to the side and waited for her response.

  “Well, my dearest big brother,” She faked a smile. “If you get married and then have the baby, no one will be the wiser. Your relationship could have started after she worked. People have whirlwind romances all the time.”

  She shrugged. “That’s what we’ll say to the press.”

  “What we’ll say?” Marcus laughed at her inclusion of herself, but he appreciated her willingness to help him out of a rather sticky situation.

  “I guess, but there’s a flaw in your logic. Charlisse doesn’t want to get married.”

  Both Ayda and Tremaine looked at each other then back at Marcus.

  “How’d you ask her?” Ayda narrowed her gaze on him.

  “After she told me she was pregnant. I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me.”

  “Strike one, bruh.” Tremaine sighed.

  “Excuse me, but you two aren’t rushing to get engaged or married either.”

  He shot Ayda’s skeptical look right back at her.

  “We’re also not pregnant, Marc.” She rolled her eyes at him.


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