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The Dragon Within

Page 3

by SlyOkami

  The diagrams slowly took on a violet hue, while sparks and arcing rays of light shot into his body. He could feel the electricity raging through his skin, like a stream of lava. Unable to hold it in, he arched back and screamed. Only the blurring slowly enclosing his field of vision eased the flashes of lightning. Yet nothing eased the agony if not lesser pain, briefly ending his wailing cries.

  This was a ritual created by the devils themselves to torture their prisoners, back before Erikathyr was old enough to breath fire.

  Every inch of his body that was touched by the energy was burnt to a crisp. The skin fried and the hairs seared off. Just when he was about to pass out the energy let up, giving him nothing but a mere moment to heal the worst damages before it increased again. An unending cycle of flaying by magical electrocution. A continuous rotation of mind-numbing pain, seemingly never ending agony..

  * * *

  * * *

  Thea ran for her dear life, having abandoned her weapon didn’t mean she had given up on escaping from this alive. She ran with all her might, hearing the frenzied demons chasing after her. Their thrashing of the trees as they trampled right through the dry and hollow bark only eclipsed by their hungering cries.

  She was oh so tired, exhausted from the fighting she couldn’t hope to get away. Her mana was drained too, not regenerating nearly quick enough for her to cast anything of use. But she kept running, keeping her breathing even and calming her nerves. Thea tried to put as many trees in between her and the demons as possible, trying to slow them down.

  Yet they caught up to her either way, their superior demonic stamina only empowered by the surrounding miasma.

  “Where do you think you’re going girly?!” exclaimed one fiend as it crashed through the trees before her, blocking her path.

  Thea tried to turn and go around it but the other fiends appeared then, quickly clearing the trees from around her before surrounding her position. It was six on one and she was not only unarmed but drained of energy.

  Unsheathing her short-sword she began spinning about, slashing and stabbing at them as the demons poked and pushed her about. Laughing and chuckling joyfully, they were playing around with her.

  “Oh! Watch it bitch! That stings!” One fiend chuckled as she pricked its left hand, stepping back and out of her range. Thea took her chance, charging low, she tried to pass through the demons and escape. “No you don’t!” Another hissed, as the fiend grabbed her cape and pulled, spinning her about as it turned.

  The fiend threw her, sending her flying through a tree and crashing into a boulder with a loud crack.

  Thea groaned in shock and pain, as she slid down the stone’s side. Rolling onto the ground, she lay there, unable to stand back up. Only able to glance to her side as the fiends approached her once more, pushing at each other, chuckling in wicked amusement.

  When suddenly a heart wrenching scream of pure agony resonated through the forest, filling her with dread.

  “Haha! The squirt didn’t make it!” exclaimed one fiend, as it kneeled down before her and grabbing her long light-brown hair. The fiend pulled her up to meet its hungry gaze, as another scream of pain sounded off. “Do you hear that?” the fiend asked before another responded, “That’ll be you in a moment!”

  Thea did not speak back, closing her eyes she waited for it all to end. Waiting in darkness, hoping to at least see the light that comes after. Hoping that in her death she might find the solace she couldn’t in living.

  Disrupting her dreadful thoughts, promptly came a sound that overshadowed all. A roar so deep that the trees shuddered, a bestial howl that made each fiend perk up. A bellow of fury imbued with magic beyond her knowledge, which filled her dreading heart with an ancient fear. She tried to open her eyes but her body had taken too much of a beating…

  Barely catching a glimpse of the raging flames that engulfed her surroundings, before passing out cold.

  The fiends scattered, evading the massive beam of incineration. As it burned through, leaving behind a scorched path over which Erik tread. Still human yet visibly changed, he casually walked towards the six demons. As he approached the flames would bend towards him, seemingly attracted by his presence.

  “A mage!?” One fiend exclaimed, as all began moving through the forest to surround him.

  Erik though chuckled in cold amusement, as his gaze fell upon the speaker whilst he spoke with a narcissistic tone and draconic voice “You dare compare my flames with the atrocity of those short-lived fools? Beseech whatever Devil you pray to for forgiveness! For you shall find none within me!”

  The fire flowed out from his surroundings, quickly converging onto his palm as he suddenly raised it towards the fiend. Without a chant, without speaking a single word as if moving the blaze through sheer will. The fire burst forth, a chain of sudden explosions engulfing the fiend who spoke and two others nearby it.

  The three others watched in frozen fear, as the flames and smoke slowly dissipated revealing a large patch of ashen scorched ground. No sign of the three fiends, nothing but piles of ash and rising flames.

  “Who…Who are you?!” One fiend demanded, as each took a long step away from him.

  Erik turned to face the remaining three, as he smiled, a frigid smirk void of actual emotion. “I am the fall of kingdoms. I am the end of living and undead. I am the eternal flame that burns all, the flightless beast that walks through your pitiful walls of stone.” He spoke with a haunting tone as more flames formed around his person,” Grounded I might be, it is you who shall despair. As the sky is your only solace, and nowhere else can you escape my blaze.”

  The flames formed three large spheres before suddenly shooting at each fiend, turning in response to the demons trying to evade, correcting their path and making it impossible to miss. Miss, they did not, as each sphere hit its target sending it up into a blaze of screaming agony.

  Leaving behind another three piles of smoking ash.

  Erik cackled maniacally “Yes! I’m back! Ohhhh baby I’m back!”, maybe enjoying this a tad too much. Then abruptly falling to his knees he put his enthusiasm on hold, “Wh-What…” he fell forwards and face first into the ashen earth.

  Struggling to keep his eyes open “Ha-I might have used a bit too much…” he mused to himself, before finally losing consciousness.

  Ch 3 - A Dragon’s Resolve

  Smothering heat radiated all around him, flames rising so high that they reached the cavern’s ceiling. Falls of lava made the walls while obsidian pillar-like platforms rose from molten rock that made the floor below.

  Erikathyr, a wingless drake with pure white scales, golden horns, claws and fangs. He spun about on his pillar, as the ones standing on the pillars about him lay staring down at him.

  Dragons, fully grown up beings of graceful destruction. Massive and powerful wings, thick blade-ended tails, large and fearsome jaws. The nine dragons looked down upon him, each white scaled just like him.

  His clan. His elders. His family.

  From Yvyd, the victorious. To Bennid, the mammoth. His parents, his uncles, his aunts. They glared down at him, their eyes showing pity. Their growls, speaking of disgrace. Their body language, dismissing, demeaning of him.

  He watched as one by one, they slow turned to give him their backs. With each one that did, the platform he lay upon cracked further. Until his own mother, until Yvyd turned, only briefly faltering to glance at him one last time.

  “No…Mother no.” Erikathyr begged, rushing to the edge of his platform. Reaching out with his left claw.

  “No what?” Yvyd growled, ”Child, you bring disgrace to our blood. You bring destruction upon our race. Your foolishness, quick temper…your thirst for action. Were you satisfied Erikathyr? Are you full of the blasphemy you brought upon dragon kin? No my child, you’ve failed us. You’ve failed us all. Yet above all else, as a young Drakon, you have failed yourself.”

  Yvyd turned with a loud stomp, “Begone, child of destruction. For you are mine no more.�
�� giving her back to Erikathyr.

  The ground beneath him fully shattered, gravity pulled him down, and flightless he fell. Roaring out, still reaching out as he splashed into the lava. He sunk, his left claw still held up, trying to grasp at empty air as he gazed at his mother.

  He drowned in the molten earth.

  * * *

  * * *

  Slowly his consciousness returned, Erik opened his eyes to see an unfamiliar ceiling above his head. (“A dream?…”) He thought, as his expression hardened (“Mother…”)

  He moved to rise, only to find that his body refused to fully respond. He was barely able to move his hands, Erik found that his entire body felt numb. “What…is this?” he grumbled in annoyance, weakly raising himself into a sitting position.

  Then he noticed the human in the room, a young boy no older than 8 years of age, shakily holding a tray of medicine. The child stared at him in frozen awe for a moment as Erik stared back, yet before he could say a word the child waved aside the curtain that blocked the doorway and rushed out.

  Shouting “He’s awake!”, as he left Erik alone in the room.

  “Ugh, humanlings.” Erik groaned, raising his right hand ahead of himself, he began slowly moving it and its fingers about. “Why do I feel so…weak?” He asked himself, he had unlocked the connection between his body and soul so mana now flowed freely through him yet still his vessel felt as weak as ever.

  (“This damn body cannot flow all my power yet! Damned be Grim, equipping me with this failed vessel.”) He inwardly cursed.

  “M-Ma’am you mustn’t move so much!” shouted the boy once more, as him and Thea rushed through the curtain and into the room.

  “Hah, finally awake are you?” Thea asked, ignoring the boy as she moved to stand by Erik’s bedside. She wore simple clothing, showing much of her bruised body. Injuries, Erik guessed, she sustained from more than just those Fiends they encountered.

  “Awake I am, but my body feels…” Erik responded, moving around his arm a bit more. The numbness seemed to be slowly disappearing but it still felt highly uncomfortable.

  “Not surprising sir, you’ve been bedridden for two whole days…” The boy explained.

  “Two days?” Erik repeated with a chuckle, before glancing over at Thea “Did you carry me here then? Wherever here is.”

  Thea smiled awkwardly, “Well I couldn’t leave my saviour back there to die. You’re at Beckton right now, although I wish I could say you’re safer here than you were out there…” she grimly said, her smile faltering. She quickly regained her spirits, “I’d never known you were a mage though, that is some destruction you left behind there!” she then exclaimed in somewhat an excited tone.

  (“That was child’s play!”) Erik wanted to say, “I’m afraid my body cannot keep up with that output of magical energy though. And what do you mean by not safe?” but reality was this. His body couldn’t keep up with the comparably insane amount of mana that flowed through his draconic soul.

  He then noticed a sour look come forth on both their faces at his question, “Has news not reached you yet?” she asked.

  “I’ve been travelling alone for a while, this is the first village I’ve encountered in a long journey.” Erik said somewhat truthfully, he didn’t mention Trix. They did not need to know about Trix… Only Erik needed to know about that damn imp.

  “The southern fortress fell two weeks ago. The wall has been breached…it has held for two hundred years but now?” Thea clenched her fists, “Last week the attacks began, daily strikes from different demonic creatures all over the southern Druvian territories. Succubae assassinations, shade hauntings, fiend raids and even jests of imps making days’ worth of food disappear by corrupting our storage.”

  Thea sighed as the child held her hand, she pulled the little one in closer allowing him to drown his face into her clothing. “Beckton has had it the worst, being the only village between Fort Tempeste and Druvia. The last attack was those fiends and they…we weren’t ready for that sort of assault. Many died and in my hubris I…I chased after them, some others followed me.”

  “You were lured out into a massacre.” Erik presumed.

  Thea’s eyes widened, as she nodded “Only four fiends assaulted the village, we were met with eight outside in the forest.”

  He sighed, in annoyance more than anything. “It has been two days?” he then asked.

  “Two days of solace after those demon’s destruction by your hands, yes.” Thea confirmed.

  “Solace? No, this is the calm before the storm. How far is the Fort from here?” Erik moved to stand, the numbness from his body now mostly gone.

  “Uhm…Four? Five weeks of marching? They couldn’t possibly make it here in two!” Thea assured, in a somewhat agitated tone.

  Erik chuckled in response, (“Pitiful human, when all other possibilities point so, even the impossible is possible. Just because your first reaction to the new is denial…”) he thought yet answered differently. “Demons do not require as much sustenance and rest as y-Humans, dwarves or even elves. They can march for days on end, traversing even the harshest of terrain just as well as half-beasts.” Erik explained, as he stretched out both arms. The numbness had finally disappeared.

  “Wait no…so-” Thea began, panic already infused into her voice.

  “If the harassment started a week ago then the army will reach Beckton…Tonight.” Erik cut her off.

  “But we aren’t ready! The villagers still haven’t prepared everything to leave! It took me days to convince them to abandon their homes!” Her eyes wide and head shaking from side to side, Thea took steps back as she spoke in utter denial.

  “Calm yourself.” Erik told her in a commanding tone, barely keeping his draconic voice in check from annoyance. “Panic will get you nowhere. First lay down what facts we do know. How far is the main city from here?” He calmly asked, not agitated in the slightest.

  “I-It’s three weeks of travel, four if we mean to carry resources to survive as we do not have the carriage space and horsepower to saddle each man, woman and child…Many will have to walk.” Thea responded, still agitated but trying to retain her calm.

  (“They’re doomed.”) Erik thought, but it wasn’t in his nature to give up easily. “Then you must stop the evacuation. You will not make it.” He said, causing panic to once more fill her expression as the child held onto her even more tightly. “If they arrive before you leave, they will catch you unprepared. If you leave, they will still catch up to you and decimate you while you move unprepared.”

  Thea shook her head, denial and agitation draining her expression of colour.

  Erik though continued on, “How many able fighters do you have?” he asked strictly.

  “In my platoon alone, we’re six remaining from the thirty that arrived here…” She grimly responded, adding “There’s about five hundred citizens preparing to evacuate! If-If we get two more days!”. She moved to leave but Erik grabbed her left arm.

  Holding her in place as he spoke, “Even if you leave you will not make it far, the demons care not for territory or resources. They will chase you, they will catch you and they will feast upon you, your people, your friends and your children.” He said in a harsh tone as his solemn gaze met her panicked eyes.

  “Th-Then what do we do!? What can we do!” Thea asked, raising her voice and causing the child to whimper in fear. She glanced down at him, then crouching to embrace the trembling boy. “I’m sorry Lioness…” She apologised softly.

  As she did, Erik moved to the curtain. “There is, one way to survive this predicament.” He said, before leaving the room entirely. Finding himself in a long corridor of stone, he garnered the wounded were placed in the largest building within the village. The central building.

  He then stopped, ignoring even Thea as she chased after him. Realisation hitting him, (“Why…am I helping her?”) he asked himself. Turning to glance back at Thea and Lioness, weak humans the both of them. Weren’t they his enemy

  Wasn’t exterminating them his entire goal? And now because of it his people were gone, his family disowned him in their dying breaths too. What was he to do now? A drake in the body of a human, lost through time, forced to face the consequences of his actions.

  Erik swore there and then, (“No, this is not punishment. This is an opportunity for redemption.”) he turned to fully face them. (“I will redeem myself.”) He thought with determination. In his eyes Thea saw a fire, a blaze that danced within. “You wish to save these people? No?” he asked.

  “I do, yes I do.” Thea answered, “But what can we do?”.

  Erik smirked, “That will depend.” He said before starting to move once more.

  “Depend on what?” Thea asked in confusion, following after him while Lioness continued to grip onto her. Not able to keep up with Erik she picked the child up into her arms.

  “Where is the highest point in this village?” Erik asked, as he walked by several open rooms full of bedridden humans. Their injuries varying from minimal to life-threatening.

  “Err, the bell tower? The last left, then head up the winding stairs.” Thea responded, as she had to hurry to catch up with his long stride.

  Erik followed her directions, finding the staircase he quickly climbed up it, leaving Thea behind as she carefully followed with Lioness in her arms. He reached the top first, immediately walking around the massive bell and looking out onto the village below. Finding the morning sun slightly irritating to his eyes, he placed his hand over to cover them.

  Brick buildings with wooden ceilings made up Beckton, hundreds of them with a simple grid system. A wall of stone surrounded the village, only four meters high, there was no damage to it and Erik knew a fiend could very easily leap over. Inside the wall though many of the buildings had suffered serious damage, some to the point of complete collapse.

  Yet nobody was doing repairs, each villager was busy carrying things about, readying a large wagon of horses and carriages on the north side of the village where one of the three gates lay.


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