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Need Me

Page 3

by Shelli Stevens

  She must have noticed his attention, for her cheeks suddenly grew pink, and her attention shifted back to the plate of food in front of her.

  With a soft laugh of genuine amusement, he pulled his gaze from her reluctantly and continued his course to the table where his friends sat.

  “You never cease to amaze me,” Emmett quipped the moment he sat down. “Within seconds of walking in that door, you had women practically mauling each other to get to you.”

  “You jest.” Brendon signaled a waiter for a glass of wine. “I had but one woman maul me.”

  “Yes, the rest backed off once Wanda staked her claim.”

  Wanda! Ah, he’d have to remember that for later.

  When his gaze lifted to glance around the room, it wasn’t to seek out Wanda, but the intriguing blonde in the corner. Pleasure slipped through him when he again caught her watching him.

  Once more, she jerked her head down and this time he watched her lips move in what was likely a quiet curse.

  “So, Marshall. It semens to me that you’re enjoying your new job?”

  The table erupted into loud bursts of laughter.

  Brendon turned back to his friends and scowled, accepting the wine the waiter had brought him.

  “Yes, laugh all you’d like.” He took a sip and shook his head, trying to keep a straight face. “It is by far the noblest of duties, and I imagine you’re all quite jealous.”

  The men laughed harder and Emmett slapped Brendon on the back. “Quite noble, my friend.”

  “All right, enough.” Brendon joined their laughter. “Have you eaten? I’m hungry. I worked up a massive appetite guarding the fruit of your loins.”

  “Well, at least you are in good spirits about it,” another man called out and lifted his wine in toast. “And a demotion over the repute of being a ladies’ man is hardly something worth sulking over.”

  Brendon’s smile widened. “I’ll drink to that.”


  The spiced meat that had tasted so amazing, so succulent upon her tongue a moment ago now tasted like dirt.

  Nika forced herself to chew the bite of meat in her mouth. She finally swallowed, reaching with unsteady hands to sip her water.

  He still watched her. She could feel his eyes on her even now. The man across the room. Tension coiled through her body with awareness. Even without looking up his features were engraved in her mind.

  Tall. Quite tall, actually. Lean and muscled. His short—almost shaved—brown hair made her think he must be military, though if so, he wore no uniform.

  And his eyes. Such a dark penetrating brown. Though they’d only turned on her for a moment, she’d felt trapped, unable to look away. Time had stopped, and the noise around them had diminished until she only heard the rush of blood through her veins.

  And then she’d forced herself to look away, turning her attention back to her supper as her face had heated with embarrassment.

  She’d known it had been a bad idea to come down and eat alone. Yet what other choice did she have? Possibly she could have convinced the lodge to send food up to her room, though it was not standard.

  And truthfully, she’d been fine until he had come into the restaurant. There was something about him. Something so blatantly sexual. Primal and dominating. And she would have noticed it even if women had not been melting at his feet like they were ice on a summer’s day.

  A high-pitched laugh had her head jerking up again, and her attention was once more drawn to the man’s table.

  And yet another woman had appeared to flirt with him. What a complete scoundrel.

  Grinding her teeth, having had her fill of more than just food, Nika pushed back her chair and stood.

  She set coin upon the table and proceeded from the restaurant. Pausing by the stairs, she hesitated. The idea of returning to her room seemed somewhat stifling.

  Her gaze darted to the door and the grounds outside. She had not yet explored beyond the lodge. Though it had grown dark, perhaps the nightfall would provide a good cover for her to learn more about the area.

  Without further hesitation, she headed out the door. The brisk air stroked her body, and she shivered. Perhaps she ought to go back inside and grab a jacket?

  Looking over her shoulder, she thought she saw the man from the restaurant walk past the reception desk.

  With a groan, she ducked farther away from the building. Fortunately, it was dark outside and likely he wouldn’t have seen her. But surely he hadn’t been seeking her out, had he?

  Spinning away, Nika set out at a brisk stride. Though the air was cold, it also was refreshing. After having spent most her life forced to remain indoors on Zortou, she would never tire of the liberty of being allowed outside.

  She moved along the path and followed the perimeter of the lodge. When the path split and one direction led to the bright lights of the military compound, she made a quick decision to take it.

  The wind lifted her hair, sending strands across her face and into her eyes. She thrust them aside and increased her pace. Her flesh broke out in goosebumps, and her teeth began to chatter.

  Gods, she was a fool for not grabbing that jacket. Maybe she was unfamiliar with this planet, but winter was upon them and she should’ve known better.

  The trail grew darker the farther away she went from the lodge, but the lights of the compound continued to guide her.

  Nika looked around the trail at the trees that surrounded her. Listened to the sounds of the animals that lingered in the night. What sort of animals roamed this planet?

  Unease slid down her spine as something rattled a nearby branch.

  It’s nothing, Nika. Likely some little animal seeking food. Harmless and—

  “You know, it’s cold out here.”

  Nika gasped, raising her fist instinctively to deliver a blow. She caught herself as she recognized the scoundrel from the restaurant. Drawing in a breath, she tried to calm herself.

  It certainly wouldn’t be good for her cover if she were discovered assaulting a local soldier.

  “What are you doing out here?” she asked tersely.

  “I could ask you the same thing, ma’am.” His voice was deep and smooth. Tinged with amusement. “You do realize you’re approaching a restricted military compound.”

  “No, I did not realize, sir,” she lied. “I was simply out walking.”

  “Call me Brendon.” He stepped closer and his gaze slid over her, lingering on her nipples, which had tightened from the chill. “Can I offer you my coat?”

  “Thank you. But, no. I’m not cold.”

  White teeth flashed in the moon’s light as he gave a soft laugh. “Of course you’re not. Then might I escort you back to the lodge?”

  Really, there was no hope for exploring the compound. Not with him determined to remain with her. Pushing aside her annoyance, she gave a brusque nod.

  He took her arm and a shocking spark of pleasure slid through her blood. She inhaled sharply, her muscles tightening as she cast him a sidelong look.

  What sort of magic did he possess? That the female population would swoon at his feet, and even just the smallest touch against her skin could spread tingles of energy?

  “Your skin is chilled,” he murmured, his fingers tracing circles against her bare elbow. “Are you certain you’re not cold?”

  A shiver ran through her, but it was not from the cold this time.

  “Perhaps you’re simply overheated from all the women throwing themselves at you,” she taunted lightly, arching a brow.

  He laughed again, a low husky sound that quickened her pulse and spread heat low in her belly.

  Nika blinked furiously, trying to dispel whatever insanity was threatening. What was the matter with her? Where was the repulsion or anger toward this man? It was a feeling she’d come to experience when a male grew too close.

  “You have yet to tell me your name, ma’am.”

  “Nika.” Her eyes widened and she snapped her teeth together.

bsp; Now, why in the world had she just given him her true name? Stupid! So stupid, Nika!

  He laughed softly and alarmed her further by lifting her wrist and pressing a soft kiss to the inside. Her steps faltered as her knees weakened.

  Though her breath caught, she forced herself to show no outward reaction.

  “You intrigue me, Nika. I have been watching you.”

  “Yes, you have.”

  He tilted his head back and laughed louder, exposing the solid column of his neck. Her gaze followed the length of it down to his chest beneath his shirt. So hard and wide. Very much male, but not at all unappealing.

  Her heart tripped. This was madness. Truly it had to be. How was it possible she was attracted to a man? And why now, while on her first mission?

  Her gaze moved to his lips. So perfectly formed and sensual. And though she’d never craved the touch or caress of another being, she couldn’t help but wonder… what his mouth would feel like upon hers?

  His laughter faded and the thick silence made her jerk her gaze away from his mouth.

  She found him watching her once more and she stilled, unable to look away from the intensity of his stare. Hunger flickered in his gaze and the air between them nearly crackled with something so hot and tempting.

  “You still feel rather chilled, love,” he said softly and reached up to touch her cheek. “Let me warm you. If not with my jacket, then in other ways.”

  His head descended, blocking out the moon’s light. Before she could protest, his mouth covered hers.

  She stiffened, waiting for the fear to sink in, for the flashbacks of the men who’d owned her back on Zortou.

  It didn’t come.

  Instead, each soft brush of his mouth across hers sent bubbly heat throughout her body. How amazing!

  Nika leaned into him, curling her fingers around his shoulders as a slow ache began between her legs.

  Brendon slanted his mouth across hers and then his tongue probed the seam of her lips.

  Only wanting to follow this thread of pleasure, she slid her arms around his neck and then parted her lips.

  Brendon’s tongue slid inside, immediately seeking hers to stroke and tease. Her mind spun, and each slick caress upped the fire in her blood.

  His hand, which rested on her waist, moved slowly upward and her breath caught as she realized his intent. She should stop him. Now. And yet the idea of ending this sensual moment made everything inside her cringe with disappointment.

  She turned her body just enough, so that a moment later she felt his palm close over her breast. The world tilted and a moan of pleasure gurgled in her throat.

  Brendon lifted his head just slightly from her mouth. “Nice little handful you have, love.”

  She knew she ought to stop this, but it was rather difficult. Never had she felt sexual pleasure from another person. The only pleasure she’d gained had been from her own ministrations.

  And now, having tasted the possibility of pleasure—from a strange man nonetheless!—the temptation was all too great to follow the rainbow and see if the possibility of rapture lay at the other end.

  And why shouldn’t she explore it? She had the control now. The moment she wanted to stop, she’d stop. She had the control. The idea in itself was a novelty.

  He pinched her nipple lightly, rolling it between his fingers.

  “Let me pleasure you, Nika,” he murmured against her ear, maybe sensing her inner turmoil. “Tell me, do you have a room in the lodge?”

  Chapter 3

  Brendon waited for her response, his cock throbbing within his trousers. Gods, he wanted to toss the little minx down in the bushes and lift her dress. Plunge into the hot wet center he knew awaited him.

  And yet something within him warned him to proceed with caution with her. That she might be a bit skittish.

  “I do have a room,” she admitted huskily.

  “Good.” His blood rushed faster and he smiled, slipping his hand down her waist to cup one taut ass cheek. She was soft there, but not entirely. This was a toned woman, someone who apparently enjoyed being athletic.

  A thrill of anticipation raced through him.

  “Would you like my mouth on you, love? Everywhere?” He whispered the endearment before catching her earlobe between his teeth and tugging. Maybe a little too hard, he realized with regret.

  She gasped, and his brows lifted when he felt her nipple grow hard.

  Hmmm. Perhaps she liked things a bit harder? Brendon tightened his fingers around the tip of her breast. Carefully monitoring her reaction, he squeezed harder, twisting slightly until she let out a strangled moan and looped her arms around his neck, burying her face against his shoulder.

  Indeed. This one liked her pleasure with a bit of an edge. He slid the hand on her ass over to her hip, and then inward.

  He splayed his fingers low across her belly and was rewarded when she arched into him. He caught her earlobe with his teeth again, biting lightly as his tongue flicked over the plump flesh.

  Time to check for certain how much the little minx was aroused. He slipped his hand lower to cup the swell of her mound through the gown she wore.

  With his middle finger, he pressed against her slit, pushing the fabric and his digit inside her pussy. Damp and warm.

  His breath caught and for a moment his own self-control spun dangerously out of bounds. Gods, he wanted this woman. He wanted her with a suddenness and ferocity that left him a bit stunned.

  Who was she? She was no local who lingered in the Crow’s Nest trying out her charm. If anything, she appeared to have a disdain for the women and men who’d been flirting so commonly.

  And yet here she was, nearly melting in his arms—which should be no surprise, since most women tended to have that reaction to him. But he’d thought she would be different. A challenge, even. And yet here he was so close to conquering her.

  A thrill of triumph swept through him and he gathered the fabric of her dress in his fist, jerking it up her body and over her hips.

  He slid both hands around to grab her bare ass, digging his fingers into the soft flesh. His mind spun and before he could stop himself, he was seeking her mouth again.

  His lips slammed against hers, tongue thrusting deep to control the kiss. She didn’t fight him, but pressed her body harder against his, matching his intensity. Her tongue flicked against his as she rubbed her tits against his chest.

  Fuck. He wanted her. Now!

  Brendon abandoned one ass cheek to wedge his hand between them, desperate to touch her hot pussy. He pushed aside a piece of her dress that had fallen back down and cupped her smooth mound in his palm.

  Heat burned against his hand and the hint of moisture promised as he moved the heel of his palm against her pubic bone.

  Nika wrenched her mouth from his, her lips parted. He caught her gaze, saw the wildness in her eyes just before he pushed one finger into her tight little pussy.

  The walls of her sheath gripped him and he hissed out a breath, his dick straining against his trousers. So slick and hot. Gods. He would have her. Here on this trail. To hell with the bed.

  He added a second finger, fucking her with the two digits. She made the sexiest little panting sounds, her eyes glazed with pleasure as her body rode him. Each time her body jerked on his fingers, her tight nipples grazed against his chest.

  Slipping his thumb into the wet folds, he sought her swollen clit. He wanted to watch her come. Wanted to see that tiny thread of control she clung to snap. He found the tiny bud and massaged it, felt it swell under his ministrations.

  “Gods.” She gasped, her arms still wrapped around his neck and her breath hot against his arm. “Brendon.”

  “Yes, love. I want you to come for me,” he muttered thickly. “I want to feel you come all over my fingers. Come on, Nika. Let go.”

  Nika let out a strangled groan and her body clamped around him, her muscles rigid. A second later the hot cream of her release coated him.

  “Oh gods, oh
gods, oh gods,” she chanted, her fingers tugging at his hair as her body was racked with climax.

  He kissed her forehead, his own body so fucking taut with the need for release. He thrust his hips against her, pressing his cock against her belly.

  Nika’s body finally went limp against him as she let out a soft moan.

  Now. He could wait no longer. Fumbling with his other hand, he freed his cock and gripped the pulsing length. Stroking his thumb over the thick head and the drop of fluid gathered there, he moved his hand to her ass, ready to lift her and plunge deep.

  Nika’s hands slammed into his chest, pushing him with enough force he stumbled back a couple of steps.

  “If you don’t mind,” she licked her lips and gave him a slight smile. “I’d actually like to stop now.”

  Brendon blinked, his jaw clenching as he assured himself he’d heard her words correctly. She wanted to stop?

  “You want to stop?” he repeated. The heat moving through his body had less to do with lust now, and more to do with anger.

  “Mmm hmm.” She watched him from beneath her lashes and stepped back, pushing her dress back down her legs. “I’ve dallied for far too long tonight. I have things to do.”

  Dallied for too long? Was that what she called letting him finger her hot little pussy?

  Annoyance and disbelief warred inside him. Finally he ground out, “What game do you play, Nika?”

  “I play no game. You asked me if I had a room and I answered the truth.” She gave a light shrug and glanced back toward the lodge. “I certainly did not invite you back to it. Besides, I simply have no desire to continue.”

  “Bullshit. You have the desire,” he growled. “I just had my fingers all over that desire.”

  She gave a soft laugh. “Yes. You did. And it was quite enjoyable.” With one last smile and a considering look she turned and walked away. “Have a good night, Brendon.”

  Of all the nerve… Brendon started to hurry after her and then faltered, curses falling rampant from his tongue.

  The little tease! Never since he’d been a young man had a woman done such with him. Bring him so close to release and then play coy. But this went beyond coy! He’d brought her to climax and then the little minx had practically skipped away, leaving him with a rock-hard cock and frustrated enough to put his fist through a wall.


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