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Need Me

Page 6

by Shelli Stevens

  The air locked in her chest, and she struggled to breathe. Damn. What had she just gotten herself into? Giving him her real name, and outing herself as a former Rosabelle.

  How many times would she blunder her way through this mission? And after the extensive training she’d had.

  It was Brendon. He rattled her brain and made her thoughts turn to mush.

  “We’re all alone now. Are you sure you want that tour?” he asked quietly, arching an eyebrow.

  “Of course,” she replied sharply. “It’s the reason I’m here.”

  “Is it?”

  “You speak in riddles, Lieutenant.”

  “Do I? Perhaps I should speak in actions instead of words.”

  He held her gaze and her pulse quickened. She dampened her lips at what he could possibly be intending. Would he dare…?

  He trailed a hand over her bare collarbone and her nipples tingled, tightening into hard points.

  Her knees shook and she bit back a groan. She would not lose control again. She would not—Oh gods!

  His finger dipped below the bodice of her dress and over the curve of one breast.

  Stop him. This is hardly the time or the place. And yet because it was so forbidden, it sent a shiver of excitement through her. Dampened the sensitive flesh between her legs,

  “You’ve got tits made for sucking, love.” He lowered his head toward her. “And I intend to get a mouthful.”

  He grasped the neckline of her dress and tugged it downward. Both her breasts spilled over the fabric, bared and vulnerable to his gaze.

  “Hell, look at that.” He caught one mound in his palm, squeezing the flesh. “So soft and yet that pretty nipple is so hard and red. Just begging to be sucked. Or maybe you prefer biting.”

  “Please.” She licked her lips and glanced around. Not sure if she was begging for him to continue or stop.

  “I like it when you beg me, love.” He lowered his head and nuzzled one breast. “I like it quite a bit. And I intend to hear it more than once before tomorrow morning comes.”

  He held her gaze and she watched his lips part, saw his tongue slide out before it scraped across her nipple. The wet friction sent pleasure shooting through her entire body, making her muscles shake and moisture gather between her legs.

  “So sweet.” He licked her again, curling his tongue around the sensitive tip of her breast. “So damn responsive.”

  “Brendon…” His name left her lips on a shaky sigh.

  “Yes. Say my name, love.” He bit down on the nipple, drawing a ragged gasp of pleasure from her. “And scream my name when my mouth is on your pussy.”

  She choked at his words, blinking in shock as he went to his knees in front of her. He shoved her dress around her waist and slid one hand in to cup the swell of her sex.

  Sparks of pleasure rocked through her as he palmed her and then stroked her with his long rough fingers.

  “Look at how smooth you are,” he whispered. “What a hot little pussy you have. Gods, I cannot wait any longer to taste you.”

  “Wait…” She let out a panicked squeak, delving her hands into his hair as she backed up to escape him.

  He followed, leaning into her and pressing his face between her legs. Nuzzling her hot flesh.

  Gods! Her eyes slammed closed and she dragged in a huge breath, trying to stay afloat as pleasure spread throughout her body like wildfire. Never before had she had a mouth on her like this.

  Brendon slid his hands up her thighs to cup her ass, pulling her hips closer as he pressed kisses against her mound.

  “Open for me, love,” he commanded softly. “Move your legs apart. Let me taste you.”

  Wordlessly, she obeyed. She was nothing but a slave to pleasure at this point. Her feet moved just inches away from each other, but it must have been enough.

  His tongue, firm and abrasive, found the slit of her pussy. He slid deep inside and stroked her low and then high.

  “Gods!” What a sinful feeling! Her legs shook and she tugged at his hair, holding him to her now, because the idea of his mouth not on her was unthinkable.

  “Mmm. You’re so wet, love. And the taste of you. Intoxicating.” He let out a soft groan and licked her again, this time moving high inside her folds and staying there. His tongue wiggled around until it found her clit.

  Nika rose to her tiptoes, her ass clenching against his hands.

  “Relax,” he murmured against her flesh with a soft laugh, before drawing the little button into his mouth and suckling.

  She panted, trying to escape his mouth. Trying to get closer. Anything to help this exquisiteness come to a peak. She needed to regain her senses.

  His tongue delved deep into her channel, thrusting in and out in a firm and arousing mimicry of sex.

  Nika opened her eyes, watched the metal walls around them spin. Felt her balance precariously at risk.

  “Damn. I can’t get enough of you,” he ground out and licked her harder. He lightly bit the lips of her pussy, before moving up to capture her clit again, this time with his teeth.

  The pressure was so close to pain that it sent her spiraling over the edge. Her eyes shut to the explosion of lights in her head.

  Her body jerked against his mouth and her fingers struggled to grasp the strands of his hair. But the short tendrils slipped through and she fell heavily back against the wall, her chest rising and falling as she fought to catch her breath.

  The heat of Brendon’s mouth between her legs disappeared and she heard the catch of his trousers coming undone.

  Her eyes flickered open just as she felt the thick bulbous head of his cock nudge between her legs.

  Oh, gods, no! This wouldn’t do. He was on duty. How had either of them let it go this far? It could only cause serious trouble for them both if they were to be discovered. And she could not afford to draw any further attention to herself.

  “Brendon,” she gasped, reaching down to wrap her hands around his cock to halt his progress. “No. Please, we cannot. Not here.”

  Dismay flickered in his gaze. “Tell me you would not do this to me again.”

  She licked her lips, almost inclined to have him proceed as she felt the throb of his hot, silky steel length in her hands. He felt sinful. Wonderful. Tempting. So different and forbidden.

  But she could not. It risked too much. They both risked too much.

  “Meet me later,” she said softly, knowing as she spoke she lied. She absolutely could not afford to get caught up in this pleasing madness again. “Tonight at The Crow’s Nest.”

  His eyes glittered with warning. “Not tonight, Nika. Now. There’s no one around.”

  Watching him from beneath her lashes, she gave a soft shake of her head. “I’m sorry, Brendon. But I cannot. I have a reputation to maintain. And, might I remind you, you do as well.”

  She watched his expression morph from disbelief into anger.

  He stepped back from her and growled, “I cannot believe this. But then, what else should I have expected after last night?”

  He didn’t really seem to expect an answer, but when she hesitated, he yelled, “Just go already, damn it! Before I do something we both know we want.”

  Nika grimaced and sidestepped him, pulling her bodice back over her breasts and smoothing the skirt down over her legs once more. Before she could stay and maybe change her mind, she spun away and fled the lab.

  Chapter 5

  The Crow’s Nest was quite crowded for a weeknight. Emmett took a sip of his wine and glanced around the room, awaiting the arrival of the rest of his friends. But most of all for Brendon.

  He’d spoken to the other man earlier on the communication mobile and had been quite taken aback by his churlish mood. Something was definitely afoot. And by the gods he couldn’t wait to find out what it was. It would add a bit of excitement to his own dull day.

  He sighed and leaned back in his chair, cupping the glass of wine in his palm. His gaze drifted around the room and landed on the woman talking
to a customer in the corner.

  She was a delightful little thing, Ms. Molly. All wide blue eyes, luscious curves, and long blond hair. Too bad he had absolutely no interest in getting involved with a woman right now.

  She leaned down to retrieve a plate from the table and her dress tightened over her plump round ass. His cock stirred, and he bit back a sigh. Right. No interest whatsoever. His lips twisted sardonically. Shit. Who was he kidding?

  “I asked you to stop.”

  He heard her sharp words, and his ears perked. Setting his glass down on the table, he stood, his brows drawing together. He’d taken just a few steps to the table she stood at when he noticed the man at the table reach out to touch her ass.

  Fists clenched, he crossed the room and grasped her arm, pulling her back behind him. Molly’s eyes widened in surprise, but she made no protest.

  “Something I can help you with, sir?” He turned his attention to the man at the table.

  “Not so much,” the man drawled, his gaze steely beneath a false layer of amusement.

  Emmett held his ground, meeting the man’s stare with ease. “Maybe next time, be a little quicker to respect a lady’s wishes when she asks you to stop.”

  “Maybe you oughta mind your own business, soldier.”

  Something flickered in the man’s eyes. For a moment they even seemed to glow red. What the hell? Unease stirred in Emmett’s gut and then he knew. This was no man from Belton. He must surely be one of those rumored aliens from Multron. A blood drinker…

  “Emmett.” Molly touched his arm lightly. “It’s quite all right. Truly.”

  Refusing to back down, Emmett gave the man a hard look. “No more trouble. Or we’ll see to it you leave and aren’t invited back.”

  The man held his gaze for a moment and then gave a wide, cold smile.

  “Well, I don’t want any trouble. I promise to be a good little boy from now on.”

  Molly let out a small groan and spun away, rushing from the room. Emmett watched her go, his mouth curving downward.

  Damn. She was obviously more upset than she let on. He cast one last warning glance at the alien man and headed out after Molly.

  He found her in a small office near the reception desk, dabbing her eyes with a linen cloth.

  His stomach clenched with tenderness, and he stopped in the doorway.


  “Please, I am fine. I promise, Emmett,” she muttered in a rush.

  But she wasn’t. Anyone with two eyes could clearly see that.

  He stepped inside the office, not waiting to be invited and pressed the door closed. It hissed shut, locking with a metallic click.

  “Come here.” He opened his arms and took a step toward her, not sure whether she’d welcome his embrace or think he was crazy for offering it.

  To his relief she let out a sniffle and lurched into his arms.

  Emmett closed his eyes, wrapping her close against him. It was hard not to notice the light flowery scent she wore, or the curves of her warm body. Or the way her soft breath feathered his chest as she let out little sobs.

  “Tell me what happened, sweetheart.”

  “Nothing, really. I promise. I have just had the most awful day. My laundress has quit. We have run out of yard bird and probably will have none until Friday,” she said between sniffles. “And then when I was doing my rounds at the tables that man was awful. He…he…”

  Emmett tightened his arms around her, his gut telling him he wouldn’t like what she was going to say.

  “What happened?”

  “He grabbed me and pulled me to the table, squeezing my bottom.” She drew in a shaky breath. “And he said vulgar things about what he could do with a girl like me.”

  “Fuck.” Emmett smoothed an arm down her back and ground his teeth together. “I should go right back out there and tell him what I could do to a guy like him. Namely, smash his face in.”

  Molly gave a watery laugh. “Please. There is no need. He’s just a crass bounty hunter staying at the lodge. A blood drinker. I’ve dealt with men far worse.”

  “But you shouldn’t have to.” He set her back a few inches and lifted her chin with one finger. “You should have droids waiting the tables instead of doing it yourself. Then perhaps this wouldn’t have happened.”

  “Droids have their place,” Molly admitted. “But I prefer the personal contact of helping out with my guests. It has proven to be better for business.”

  His gaze stroked over her face and he bit back a soft sigh before admitting, “Yes, I must say you’re quite preferable to a droid.”

  “Thank you.” Her smile was weak.

  “Anytime.” He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers in a quick reassuring kiss.

  The moment his lips touched hers, though, any thoughts of it being a chaste touch flew out the window. Her lips were soft and cushiony, a warm welcome for his mouth.

  She made a soft noise of surprise and her hands came up lightly against his chest. Lifting her head, she looked up at him with those wide blue eyes.

  He felt heat work its way up his neck. “Forgive me, Molly.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “Please.”

  And then she wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing his head down to hers.

  Emmett lost any resistance he may have had and covered her mouth again with his own, grasping her hips tightly in his hands.

  Her lips parted and he slipped his tongue deep to find hers. She made a soft sigh of delight, her tongue coming forward to rub against his.

  He let out a ragged groan, his cock hardening even further, brushing against the soft curve of her belly. His hips arched, grinding against hers, and she let out an answering moan.

  Emmett jerked his mouth away and tried to step back. What was he thinking? He was not being rational. Trying to fuck the lodge owner in her office?

  “Molly, wait.”

  “No, please. Emmett. Do not ask me to stop.” She reached behind her and unfastened the buttons of her dress. A moment later it fell from her body and pooled at her feet.

  Gods! His mouth filled with saliva as he drank her in. Her body was small and curved, her breasts large and more than a handful. Her hips were wide and her soft thighs cushioned a pretty pink pussy.

  “Molly,” he choked out. “What are—?”

  “I have not had a man since my husband passed away, Emmett,” she said softly. “And I would very much like it if you would indulge me now since I have taken an interest in you.” Insecurity flashed suddenly in her gaze. “Unless this is something you do not wish.”

  “Oh, gods, Molly.” He reached for her again, dragging her naked body hard against his. “I wish. I very much wish. But would you prefer to go elsewhere? Find somewhere more comfortable?”

  She gave a light laugh and ran a finger over the top of his uniform. “There is a desk. Surely we could use that. On top. You could bend me over. Or you might sit in the chair and I could—”

  He crushed his mouth on hers again, silencing her erotic suggestions. How had he not realized the sweet little owner of this lodge was a little seductress in disguise? And thank gods she’d chosen him.

  Reaching between them, he cupped her breast in his hand and felt the nipple that was already tight for him poke his palm. Bend her over the desk, indeed. She had no idea how close he was to doing just that.

  Her nimble fingers undid his uniform, peeling the shirt from his shoulders and leaving his upper torso bare.

  Emmett reached for his trousers, unfastening them and sliding them down his legs before kicking them free.

  Naked flesh melted together. He pressed a leg between hers until her bare sex rode his thigh. The hot moisture there made the breath catch in his lungs.

  He caught her ass in his hands and lifted her, moving her over to the steel desk in the corner. Setting her down she let out a squeal.

  “Sorry, it’s cold.” She winced and reached for him again.

  Emmett’s throat reverberated wi
th a low laugh as he pushed her backward until she reclined on her elbows.

  “I will see that you are sufficiently warmed, sweetheart.” He smoothed his hands down her body, loving the contrast of his dark skin and her pale flesh.

  The pink parts on her especially fascinated him. The nipples were so light in color, he reached to run his thumb over one tip and watched as the flush deepened in the areola. The nipple elongated as if seeking his mouth.

  And who was he to deny her? With a chuckle he leaned down and caught one pert tip, drawing it deep past his lips.

  Molly cried out, her body writhing on the desk. He cuddled her large breasts in his hands, suckling one nipple while rubbing the other one in a slow rhythm.

  Her hand slipped between them, and a second later he felt it wrap around his cock.

  He groaned, thrusting against her fingers as he switched his mouth to her other breast.

  “Gods, I do want you, Emmett,” Molly whispered. “I have needed this more than you could know.”

  He lifted his head, breathing unevenly. “Do you need this?”

  Still holding her gaze, he kissed a trail between her breasts and down the slight rise of her belly. Each kiss brought the scent of her musky arousal closer to his mouth.

  Her stomach clenched, and he watched her lips part, her eyes darken.

  Nuzzling the curls that shielded her pussy, he was pleased to find them already damp. He lowered his gaze to the pink folds between her legs.

  Gods. He needed to touch her. Taste her. He parted her flesh with unsteady fingers, exposing the slick shine of her arousal.

  His cock twitched, and he let out a strangled groan. Lowering his head, he went in for the first taste.

  Musky. Succulent. So good. He buried his tongue inside her, seeking more of her slick desire.

  “Yes. Oh gods, yes.” She gripped the edge of the desk and her thighs tightened around his head.

  Soft. Warm. Cocooning him against the essence of her femininity.

  He flicked his tongue up to find the pearl of pleasure he knew would bring her release. Her clit was hot and swollen, just begging for his mouth, and so he took it, suckling it gently to drive her pleasure higher.


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