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Need Me

Page 18

by Shelli Stevens

  Nika sprang up and kicked his wrist, trying to deflect the weapon before it reached her. His arm moved with the blow, but his grip did not loosen.

  “Answer me. I will hear your voice!”

  She circled him, forcing even breaths in and out of her body, keeping her pulse controlled so she would not make a fatal mistake.

  Slipping a hand behind her back and beneath the loose black pants, she reached for the small knife that was strapped to her waist.

  Before she could even blink he swung the elector-mace toward her. She saw her death in that moment. Almost welcomed it.

  But the mace never connected with her head. He stopped it at the last moment and instead swung his booted foot beneath the back of her legs, knocking her off her feet.

  She fell to the floor, the knife clattering a few feet away.

  Why had he not killed her?

  With no time to process more than that thought, Nika rolled and tried to grab the knife, but he was already upon her.

  He straddled her with his knees, forcing her back against the cool floor. With ruthless hands he grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head.

  “Deny it now,” he dared, his glittering gaze sweeping over her body. “Do you think that I do not know the body I have so thoroughly enjoyed these past weeks?”

  Heat slid through her body, and Nika dragged in a ragged breath, appalled and humiliated to realize she was responding to him in this situation. Against the binding of her breasts, her nipples tightened and her pussy slickened.

  Gods, she was betrayed by her own body. It welcomed the weight of him atop her. Craved him, in passion or fury.

  Above her she watched the conflicting emotions in his eyes. The rage, the desire, the betrayal.

  He had not connected the hit with the electro-mace. Had instead pulled his punches…and likely he expected her to do the same.

  That would be his downfall.

  Nika let out a soft, throaty moan, just to knock him off guard. It worked. He blinked, loosened his hold on her wrists and that was the only opening she needed.

  Lifting her knee, she drove it between his legs.

  Brendon choked on a gasp, his eyes widened with pain and shock, before he rolled off her.

  She was up in an instant, grabbing the bag of specimens and bolting out the door.

  No time. There was no time. Her feet slapped against the earth and the breath dragged from her lungs as she charged into the trees. There was no time for regrets. No time for fear.

  He would not be down for long. She had only a fraction of a lead on him.

  She found the site of the buried transporter unit and dug at it furiously, tearing through the earth until she’d uncovered the unit. She emptied the vials into the chamber with amazingly steady fingers and sealed it.

  Her mind barely registered the sounds of someone rushing through the forest after her.

  She slammed her thumb against the ignition lever and the transporter whined to life. Next she initiated the beacon that would notify Tresden that the unit was being sent.

  Stepping back, she watched it tremble on the ground before shooting straight up into the air in a blur of motion. Higher and higher, until it was nothing but a faint dot in the atmosphere. And then it was gone.

  It was done. Her mission was accomplished.

  Her shoulders sagged with relief, her muscles lax as her legs threatened to give out. Brendon slammed into her a second later.

  Strong arms surrounded her, cushioning her fall against the earth when she could have easily broken bones.

  “You sent it,” he growled, his fingers tearing her mask from her face. His gaze sought hers, his expression tortured and furious. “Damn you! How could you do this?”

  Her relief faded, swiftly replaced with panic—panic and a growing desolation as realization kicked in. Her identity was blown, and she’d been captured.

  Her options were gone. There was only one choice left for her. One she’d prepared for and hoped to never have to use.

  Nika welcomed the comforting emotional numbness that slid through her as he rolled her onto her back. She refused to let him restrain her arm, instead slipped her hand into the belt around her waist to find the tiny pouch. Pinching her fingers around the small black pill inside, she pulled it free.

  Her time had officially run out.

  Chapter 16

  Brendon struggled to hold her down, bitterness and disbelief making his attempts not quite as steady.

  Until he’d jerked the mask from her face, he’d held onto the tiniest bit of hope that maybe he was wrong. Perhaps it could have been someone else. Anybody but Nika.

  But there was no denying the familiar face staring up at him. He knew the full lips that were flattened into an emotionless line.

  He’d failed tonight. Nika had just sent the specimens up into orbit, and gods knew whomever she was working for would receive them before Belton’s military could have a chance to retrieve them.

  But she would answer to Belton. Tell them everything the minute he turned her over. And then she will serve the rest of her life in a penitentiary. His breath caught, and he blinked away the sharp stab of misery that thought sent through him.

  Beneath him she struggled, pulling her wrist from his grasp again as she attempted to escape.

  “There is no hope for you,” he said harshly, attempting to curl his fingers around her slight wrist. “Surrender.”

  Her hand slid free from him again, swinging upward. He jerked his head back, certain that she would hit him. But her fist did not move toward his face, but instead her own.

  And then he saw it. The small, shiny black capsule squeezed between fingers that she moved toward her mouth.

  The anger rushed from his body and was replaced by freezing terror. Every muscle in his body went taut, almost debilitating him. And then he snapped.

  “No!” He let his weight fall heavily upon her body and managed to grasp her wrist, attempting to pull her fingers back from her lips. “The hell you will kill yourself!”

  His fingers clenched around her wrist, squeezing until he was sure the bones would crack. It would be regrettable but a small concern if it saved her from taking her life.

  She didn’t budge for a moment, and he squeezed harder. Her lips finally parted as a cry of pain escaped them, and then her fingers opened, dropping the capsule. It fell straight down and his heart nearly stopped as it fell against her lower lip, but then it slid down her chin and fell harmlessly to the ground beside her.

  “Kill me,” her voice cracked with emotion. “Do not let me live.”

  The sound of her first words—hearing her familiar husky voice—sent a shudder of emotion through his body. He closed his eyes briefly as he pinned her hands above her head.

  She wanted him to kill her. Was begging him to snuff out the life that he’d grown so attached to.

  Impossible. His jaw clenched and his throat tightened with conflicting emotions. Even now he struggled with the idea of just turning her over to his superiors. Obviously, that would be worse than death.

  “You cannot let me live,” she choked out, staring at him through those hideous eye shields that turned her eyes into nothing more than black holes. “Kill me, Brendon. If you have any mercy, kill me. It will be better this way.”

  The anger returned then, starting low in his belly and slicing through his blood.

  He shook his head slowly and transferred her wrists into one hand. With his free hand, he moved down her rib cage, searching for what he knew was hidden somewhere on her person.

  “Why do you even hesitate?” She bucked beneath him, twisting her body. Her lips curled into a derisive smile that he knew was meant to taunt him. “Are you too afraid to hurt a woman?”

  He discovered what he sought strapped to her thigh and his lips curled into a grim smile.

  She inhaled swiftly. “What are you doing?”

  Slipping his hand into the loose waistband of her pants, he plucked free the syringe.
r />   “No,” Nika whispered, her head shaking. Then again, more vehemently, “No!”

  “Yes.” Before he could second-guess his intentions, he flipped her onto her stomach and tugged her pants down.

  Her pale buttock gleamed in the moon’s light, but there was only the faintest hint of desire in his blood as he plunged the needle into the curved flesh.

  “Please. No.” Nika groaned, attempting to crawl away as he depressed the plunger and injected her with whatever was in the syringe.

  Her body shuddered and then she stilled beneath him, obviously realizing she’d lost any chance at escaping.

  “They will be relentless,” she whispered. “They will break me.”

  “No, Nika.” He recapped the syringe and leaned down to kiss the soft spot just below her ear. “I will break you.”

  He rolled her over again and then lifted her into his arms. She was almost a dead weight now as the substance slid through her blood. Her eyes were wide with horror and frustration, her lips trembling.

  “Brendon.” His name left her lips on a breathy whisper, and then her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

  He tried to ignore the ache of regret and sympathy in his chest, and instead adjusted her unconscious body in his grasp.

  Glancing sharply around the area, he strode off into the woods, certain he’d lost his mind. To even be contemplating this he had to be.

  And yet there really was no other choice.

  Leo watched in dismay as the soldier carried Donika off into the forest. He let out a hiss of annoyance and dug his nails into his palms.

  Well, this certainly changed things.

  He’d been ready to step out of the shadows and snatch her up himself, and then he’d heard him thrashing after her.

  Hmm. He hadn’t foreseen this coming, although he probably should have.

  Quite annoying.

  For a moment he considered going after them both and simply taking out the soldier. But that would just leave a messy cleanup and arouse suspicions.

  No. He would have to find another way and soon.

  He followed them at a good distance behind, watching with interest where the soldier—Brendon, was it?—would take her.

  A few minutes later, he had his answer. The door he’d assumed to have shut on his plan to snag the former Rosabelle for a bounty had once again reopened.

  * * * *

  Molly let the door to Rebecca’s room slide shut and her brows furrowed, the sense of unease in her stomach increasing.

  All her things were gone. It was as if the woman had never been here.

  She moved back down the stairs to the lobby and pushed a hand through her hair.

  It was early in the morning and fortunately the lodge was quiet. The restaurant had served one customer earlier who had eaten a bite and then checked out.

  Ever since the confrontation last night with Brendon her nerves had been wound up in knots of anxiety. Emmett had encouraged her not to dwell upon it before he’d left shortly after. He had not even tried to talk to or touch her. But then she’d been much too distressed about Rebecca—or Nika, as Brendon had adamantly insisted was her name.

  The door to the lodge slid open and she glanced up to see who entered. Surprise and warmth slid through her as Emmett strode inside.

  His dark gaze moved over her, guarded yet with a bit of hunger in it.

  Her body responded. Her nipples tightened and the ache blossomed between her thighs. But she couldn’t afford to indulge in such pleasures right now. No. Right now she wanted answers.

  “Did you even sleep?” he asked softly. “You look tired.”

  “I slept,” she murmured and folded her arms across her breasts, hoping to hide her body’s reaction.

  He arched a brow and stepped into the lobby. “Though not well, I’d wager.”

  “No. Not well. I could not sleep when my mind continued to worry about Rebe-Nika.”

  Emmett’s gaze became shuttered—unreadable—as it slid from hers.

  “I came by for some breakfast. What is your special this morning?”

  Molly’s pulse quickened and her lips parted with suspicion. There was something he was not telling her. She knew it in her gut.

  “Have you heard what happened to her?”

  Emmett turned to stare at her for a moment, his jaw hardening, before he looked away again. Then, instead of replying, he strode past her toward the restaurant.

  “Emmett!” She growled in frustration and spun on her heel, chasing after him.

  She caught his arm before he could enter the restaurant, attempting to spin him around. His body was like a rock, refusing to budge. Finally she heaved a sigh and walked around to stand in front of him.

  Her hands planted on her hips she glared up at him.

  “Tell me what you know.”

  “It’s confidential.”

  “How can you say such a thing? She is my customer and friend. And now she is missing.”

  “I gave my word not to say anything, Molly.”

  She drew in a ragged breath, anger causing her face to flush with heat.

  “All right,” she finally said and stepped past him again, moving toward her office. “Then I suppose I must place a call with the local police and inform them of a missing person.”

  He caught her around the waist before she’d taken three steps, jerking her body back against his rigid one.

  “I cannot let you do that, sweetheart.” His words feathered hot against her ear. His palm moved over her stomach. “I’m sure you understand.”

  Tingles rushed through her nerve endings. He was touching her again. Finally! But, gods, now was not the moment. She closed her eyes, attempting to stay focused on the topic at hand.

  “No, I do not understand.” She covered his hand with her own and attempted to remove it from where it made soft strokes, but he did not waver.

  The ache between her thighs grew and she closed her eyes, leaning back against him despite her will not to give in.

  “I cannot think when you do that,” she muttered.

  He gave a husky laugh as his lips brushed the back of her neck. “That was somewhat my intention.”

  He walked them into her office and sealed the door shut. She bit her lip but did not protest.

  “I thought you did not want to touch me anymore,” she confessed softly.

  “Gods, are you serious? How could you ever think that?” he muttered thickly. Still behind her, his hand cupped her breast through her dress. “I did not want to press you for sex after your assault. I’m not a complete ass.”

  Her nipple tightened and she sighed in pleasure. “Emmett…”

  “I’ve missed you, Molly. Gods, how I’ve missed you,” he said fervently. He slid his hands down to her thighs and dragged her dress upward.

  Her mind spun and her heart pounded twice as hard. She was losing focus, completely forgetting that she’d been trying to get information from him about Nika.

  “Wait, Emmett,” she pleaded, tilting her head back so his lips could find the curve of her neck. “You must give me at least a morsel of information about her. Something to appease my concern that she is in danger.”

  “I gave my word to keep silent, sweetheart.” He gathered her dress above her waist and then his hand was between her thighs, his fingers teasing over the slick folds of her pussy. “But perhaps…I might be willing to give you a morsel, if you were willing to give me a morsel?”

  Molly gave an exasperated laugh even as her knees went weak from his ministrations.

  “That’s blackmail.”

  He sank a finger into her heat and she almost purred with pleasure.

  “Indeed it is and I will not deny using it.”

  “Emmett.” Her nails dug into his forearms and she closed her eyes, biting her lip. “I haven’t the time. The lodge—”

  “Is completely empty right now. And if you prefer we could make it quite fast.”

  “You are so wicked,” she whispered, but let out
a sharp cry when he flicked her clit with his finger.

  “Is that a yes, then?”

  “Do you give me your word that you will tell me after?”

  He gave a soft laugh and caught her earlobe between his teeth, flicking it with his tongue. Then he murmured, “I give you my word.”

  Holding out seemed so self-punishing anyway. She truly missed this with him, had been craving his touch for the past weeks.

  “All right,” she finally whispered. “Please, Emmett.”

  “You’ve been driving me mad.” He groaned against her ear and then spun her around. “Perhaps quick is a better idea.”

  “Undoubtedly.” Molly freed his cock from his trousers and caressed his dark shaft in her hand.

  Emmett backed her up against the door and then lifted her leg, hooking it around his waist. A moment later his cock prodded the damp folds between her legs.

  His mouth crushed hers at the same moment he plunged deeply into her.

  Molly clutched his shoulders, groaning and curling her tongue around his as he moved inside her. Each stroke stretched her and filled her with a growing urgency and pleasure.

  He lifted his head and looked down to where they were joined. His expression tightened and he let out a soft growl.

  “No more denying we want this, Molly.”

  She closed her eyes and gasped when his fingers dug into her ass cheek, pressing himself deeper inside her.


  “No more,” she agreed breathlessly and lifted her mouth for his to take again.

  He didn’t ignore her request and captured her lips, plundering her mouth with his tongue while his cock did the same to her pussy.

  His finger found her clit in a hard rub and the pleasure inside her jumped up another level. Her head spun and she gripped his shoulders now so she wouldn’t crumple in a boneless heap.

  He increased the pace of his thrusts, moving harder and deeper. When she heard the low rumble in his chest and his movements grew erratic, she knew he was as close as she.

  Emptying her mind and only focusing on the sensation, she let herself fly. The climax ripped through her, hurling her beyond the peak of reason.

  Emmett gasped. “Gods, Molly. You have stolen my heart.”

  He came a moment later, crushing her lips with his as he emptied himself inside her.


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