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Golfing With Daddy's Best Friend

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by Gigi Scott

  Golfing with


  Best Friend

  Gigi Scott

  Copyright ©2020 by Gigi Scott

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author/publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  The following story contains mature themes, strong language and sexual situations. It is intended for mature readers.

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10


  Chapter 1


  “I can’t believe it. You’re choosing golf over me?” My dad’s girlfriend Stephanie complains as my dad loads his golf gear into the back of the van. “Didn’t you agree when I said golf was for men without better holes to play with?”

  My dad clears his throat and glances at me sheepishly.

  I shrug. I’m used to Stephanie’s crude language.

  “Honey. It’s just half a day,” my dad says to Stephanie. “I haven’t seen Ryan for a while. I want to spend some time with him.”

  “You could’ve invited him to go to the jewelry show together. I’ve been waiting for it for months.”

  “He isn’t into that. I’m sorry Steph, I promise I’ll take you to the next one.” My dad gets into his van. “And it’s probably time for you to learn to drive the freeways.”

  Stephanie narrows her eyes, not happy to hear Dad’s reproof. “Are you tired of being my chauffeur? You know what? I’ll go with you,” she says and gets into the back seat.

  “What’re you doing?” Dad asks. “No, you’re not coming with me. You don’t know how to play.”

  “So? I can watch and learn.”

  “This is insane, Stephanie.” Dad sighs as he turns on the engine.

  I roll my eyes. I can’t stand Stephanie, but my dad is crazy about her. Thankfully, Dad will drop me off at Tania’s house, which is only two blocks away.

  I put on my earphones and listen to music, shutting out the noises from the adults. I’m lost in thought and before I know it, we are on the freeway.

  “Wait, Dad! What happened?” I take off my earphones. “You’re supposed to drop me off at Tania’s house!”

  “Sweetheart, you’re going to play golf with us. We need to make it a foursome,” my dad says apologetically.

  “What?” I cry. “Are you guys crazy? I don’t want to play golf. Leave me out of this!”

  “Come with us, Mira,” Stephanie says in the back. “We’ll learn it together.”

  “Ryan would be happy to see you,” Dad says. “Don’t you miss him?”

  Yes, and no. Ryan was my major crush for as long as I remember. I use the past tense because it ended tragically after I confessed my love to him two years ago. Well, not only confess. I actually kissed him, and he didn’t kiss me back. He kept on telling me it would be impossible between us. It was just horrible and embarrassing. After that, he soon moved to another city and hasn’t come to our house since then. But it took me a long time to get over him.

  There’s no way I’ll see him again. I have to think of a way to excuse myself from the ordeal. I can feign sick, I can throw a tantrum just like Stephanie… but I don’t say anything. I just sit stiffly in my seat, getting all nervous and flushed.

  Twenty minutes later, we reach Ocean Park Golf Club, a private course next to the Hilton Ryan stays. As soon as I get out of the van, I spot a tall figure in an admiral blue polo shirt and grey pants standing at the entrance of the club house. My dad waves and walks toward him promptly. I pull the brim of my cap down as I lag behind.

  Ryan hugs my dad and turns his attention to Stephanie. “Nice to meet you, Stephanie.”

  I thought Stephanie would make a scene, but to my surprise, she throws a coquettish smile at Ryan and greets him warmly. “I’m so glad to finally meet you, Ryan. I’ve heard so much about you!”

  When his grey eyes fall on me, I can hear my heart pounding in my chest, and I want to find a place to hide. I look away for a moment before taking a deep breath and face him.

  “Is that you, Miranda?” he says with a grin. “You’ve grown taller and bigger!”

  “Hi Ryan,” I say, blushing all over.

  I want to look away but can’t help staring at him. He looks even handsomer than I last saw him. He’s taller than my dad, who’s six feet. The polo fits him perfectly, revealing the contours of his chest muscles and broad shoulders.

  My eyes move toward his neck, and focus on his Adam’s apple, a part of him I’m always fascinated with. As a child, I frequently tickle him right there to tease him. It was an innocent gesture, but at the moment, the thought of stroking his neck suddenly sends a gush of excitement between my thighs.

  What the hell is wrong with me? I thought I got over him.

  Chapter 2


  As soon as I saw Mira getting out of John’s van, I knew I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on golf today. How could I? Mira has been my obsession for years, and she was the reason I moved to a different city.

  Mira’s mom left John when she was only two years old. John didn’t date again until Mira was a teenager, and I spent a lot of time helping John to babysit her. She grew up calling me daddy, too, and I treated her as my own daughter, until she started high school. It was hard not to fall in love with such a beautiful and sweet girl. She would take care of her daddy even when she was still a child, doing all the housework from laundry to cleaning.

  My feelings for her developed each time when I saw her, and I didn’t realize it wasn’t just the love for a child anymore until when Mira was sixteen. It was a Friday night, John was out of town, and Mira needed a ride home from a party.

  She was wearing a very sexy dress with thin fabrics, showing the shape of her newly developed curves. She curled her long, blond hair, too, and those curls made her look mature.

  I couldn’t stop glancing at her on our way to John’s house.

  I kept thinking how good it would feel to press her nubile body against me…

  I was so worried I would cross the line and do something unthinkable that I decided not to see her to the door. I said goodbye to her as soon as I pulled up to the curb.

  “Aren’t you going to walk me to the house?” Mira pouted. “What if someone’s hiding inside?”

  She convinced me easily. I turned off the engine and walked her to the house. She then insisted I go in the house, and I agreed again.

  Seeing the house was safe, I was going to leave, but Mira circled my neck with her arms, and asked me playfully, “Aren’t you going to babysit me, Ryan?”

  I chuckled as I battled with my urge to grab her and kiss her. “You’re not a baby anymore, sweetheart.”

  “What am I to you, then?” she asked in a sultry voice.

  I swallowed. “You’re a grownup.”

  She giggled. “What do grownups do?”

  I dropped my gaze onto her pouty lips. I wanted so much to kiss her, but I knew if I did it, I wouldn’t stop myself doing other things to her, too.

  As I hesitated, Mira leaned forward and pressed her soft, warm lips on mine.

  I nearly lost control
at that point, and it was all I could do not to kiss her back or put my hands on her.

  Mira, however, didn’t restrain her passion. She kept kissing me, licking and sucking my lips. She even ground against my cock…

  I fought my lust. I didn’t really give a damn to laws or ethics, but I cared about Mira. She was still young, and she couldn’t possibly be serious about me, a man as old as her dad. She was only curious and playful, while I would be serious if I claimed her. I didn’t want her to do something she would regret later, and I didn’t want her to get hurt. On top of that, I also value my friendship with John. We were friends since college, and I didn’t want to betray his trust.

  “I love you, Ryan,” Mira whispered when I was struggling with my dilemma.

  I inhaled sharply. What was I supposed to do? Either refusing or accepting her love would hurt her. I decided refusing her would hurt her less because at least I wouldn’t do her permanent damage. She would recover from my rejection soon.

  I pushed her away. “Sweetie, you’re too young to know what love is. Besides, I’m your daddy’s best friend. I’m your daddy too, in a way.”

  Tears welled her eyes immediately. She looked humiliated and infuriated.

  I fought my urge to take her into my arms, and I left clenching my fists.

  After that, I couldn’t get Mira out of my mind. Often I wanted to take back my words and return her affection, but I resisted the temptation. My feelings grew stronger, so strong that I had to move away from her.

  But it doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten her. I’ve had numerous women since then, but never found the one that I wanted to be with forever. My heart belongs to Mira, the little girl who used to call me daddy, and now a beautiful flower ready to be picked. Her lips are poutier now, and her body curvier. Damn. If only she weren’t John’s daughter. I wouldn’t hesitate a moment longer.

  Chapter 3


  After they check-in, Dad and Ryan carry the golf bags and lead us toward the first tee box, which isn’t far from the clubhouse. They got us a set of clubs for ladies, too, even though Stephanie isn’t serious about learning to play and I’m not planning to play at all.

  Since Ryan insists ladies first, Dad teaches Stephanie the basics, and then lets her tee off first. She makes a clumsy hit, and the ball goes sideways and off the boundary. Since I don’t play, I go ahead and pick up the ball for her.

  When I’m back, I see a stunning sight. Ryan is holding a crying child and is walking towards a woman who’s running his way.

  “Thank you so much!” the woman says to him as he hands her the child. “I’m sorry we interrupted your game.”

  “No problem,” he says, as he smooths the child’s hair. “Hush now, sweetie, we’ve found your mommy.”

  It isn’t hard for me to figure out what happened. I nearly melt in the sight.

  When Ryan comes back, Stephanie says to him, “Wow, Ryan. You’re certainly the material for a great daddy. When’re you going to start a family?”

  Ryan laughs. “Me? I haven’t found the right woman.”

  “Ryan isn’t a family man,” my dad says. “He’s a happy bachelor.”

  “Not really,” Ryan says with a sigh. “Believe me. I want nothing more than having a gang of kids climbing all over me and a beautiful wife nagging at me.”

  “Not that difficult for you,” Stephanie says with a giggle. “I’m sure lots of women are dying to have your babies!”

  Ryan shrugs. “I don’t know about that.”

  As Ryan does his practice swings, I can’t help glancing at him. His movements are so agile and beautiful. His biceps flex as he swings the club.

  My attention focuses on his strong arms. I think about what he said and imagine him holding a child in in each of his arms, and another one on his shoulders. This really turns me on. I want him to breed me. I want to make a horde of babies with him. They’ll be as beautiful and strong as their daddy…

  Seeing Ryan taking his stance in front of the tee, I stop daydreaming and watch him play.

  He takes a deep breath, swings his driver back with grace, before hitting the ball with force. The ball shoots swiftly forward like an arrow and lands on the green.

  I’ve watched golf on TV with Dad sometimes, and I know it’s a great shot.

  “Nice!” Dad comments.

  As we’re heading toward our carts, I regret coming. My feelings for Ryan have only gotten stronger after two years. I love him as much I loved him two years ago, maybe even more. Two years ago, my love was pure, but now it’s tainted with lust. I can’t stop thinking how good it would feel if his strong hands were gripping my ass or cupping my breasts. I’ve turned into a dirty girl.

  Stephanie’s vulgar comments don’t help to ease my dirty thoughts either. “Holy shit,” she says as we’re walking. “This place is awesome. So many great make-out spots!”

  Stephanie is over forty and all she talks about is sex. That’s probably the reason my dad can’t get enough of her.

  I roll my eyes, although I agree with her. The course is dotted with lots of trees and the landscape is rich with smooth, hilly terrain, not to mention a great ocean view.

  It would be nice lying in one of the private nooks, under the azure blue sky, or under the body clad in an admiral blue shirt, letting his rigid club slide into my hole, and his hard balls crushing my thighs… Holy shit. This is my teenage hormone raging, not me thinking.

  Stephanie climbs into a cart with Dad. And I will share the other one with Ryan.

  “Hop in!” he says, reaching a hand to help me.

  I reluctantly hold his hand. As soon as our skins touch, an electric wave zips through me, and I shiver.

  I settle into the seat. The air feels stifling, even though it’s an open space. His pants brushes my bare thigh, and his body heat permeates through the soft fabric. I feel warm despite the cool breezes wafting through.

  I sit quietly and stiffly, staring at the scenery outside. Inside, I’m all turbulence. Coming here is a mistake. I still feel that way toward Ryan, and stronger than ever. Damn, why does he have to look so good? Even from the corner of my eye, I can see his twinkling grey eyes and his straight nose. His strong biceps are inches away from my breast. If the cart sways, I’ll bump right into him. His woody cologne keeps sending signals straight to my girly bits.

  Chapter 4


  My dick twitches as soon as Mira sits next to me.

  Her skirt is so short it barely covers her thighs, and her soft skin brushes against mine. Through the thin textile of my pants, I feel her warmth.

  She hasn’t spoken a word to me so far, after saying hi. It feels awkward and intolerable. I miss the funny, naughty Mira who would hug me and joke with me whenever she saw me.

  From her uneven breath, I know she must feel reckless, even though she’s sitting stiffly and staring straight ahead. She looks a little mad at me, although I caught the sparkles in her eyes as she glanced at me more than once earlier.

  “Are you mad at me, Mira?” I ask.

  She pauses for a second. “No.”

  I’m not convinced. “Then why wouldn’t you speak to me?”

  “I just, don’t know what to say,” she whispers, still not looking at me.

  “Maybe you can tell me about school. You’re starting college soon. What’re you going to major in?”

  She shrugs. “I don’t know yet.”

  “What do you like to study?”

  “I want to major in English, but Stephanie says nursing has more jobs. She’s a nurse.”

  I roll my eyes. “Listen to your heart, sweetie, and don’t let anyone else to decide your future for you. But what’re you going to do with an English major? Do you want to teach?”

  She shakes her head. “I want to become a writer.”

  “I see.” I grin, remembering the cute poems Mira wrote in elementary school. “You’re a born writer, sweetie. Didn’t you win an online writing contest back in fifth grade?”

  “I did!” she nods quickly, finally smiling at me. “You remember it!”

  “Of course I do,” I say. “I remember the poem you wrote me, too. Ryan is a giant. He has grips like iron. He eats like a lion. And sings like a siren!”

  She laughs and covers her face with her hands. “It sounds so silly. It’s a poem I wrote to practice rhyme scheme.”

  “It isn’t silly at all,” I say, looking into her eyes. “It’s my favorite poem, sweetheart.”

  Her blue eyes shimmer with joy. She stares into my eyes and blushes.

  I want to stroke her lovely cheeks. I want to pull her to me and crush her mouth against mine. I want to bruise her lips with all the kisses I’ve dreamed about for all those years…

  I take a deep breath instead. We get off the cart and walk toward the next tee box.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to play, Mira?” I ask.

  “No,” she says. “I can’t do sports.”

  “But I can teach you,” I say. “It isn’t hard.”

  She shakes her head. “Nah. I’m fine. I like watching you play.”

  Chapter 5


  After her last defeat, Stephanie doesn’t bother to pick up the club again, and she joins me in watching the men play, although I know she doesn’t enjoy it as much as I do.

  By the time we get to the third hole, I sense her impatience. “Jeez,” she complains. “They take half an hour just to play two holes. And there are sixteen more!”

  “You asked for it,” I remind her, although I don’t mind watching Ryan play for the rest of the day.

  “I didn’t know it would be that boring!” She sighs. “And I thought I wouldn’t mind some exercises.”

  Stephanie spends the next ten minutes texting her friends and doing something online, and then suddenly she groans as she rubs her stomach. “Oh, my God. I don’t feel good.”


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