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The Daywalker Chronicles

Page 3

by Nancy A. Lopes

  “It's great! Dad was just explaining what happened and everything,” Ronan replied, as a broad grin stretched across his face.

  With the camp being a group of 63, everyone did their part in helping out in the camp, most of all though you could see that everyone held a deep respect for Garrett and Hayley. This group was composed of those who supported them during their overthrowing and the aftermath of it.

  Soon after they had come back, Garrett sat down beside his son and took a deep breath.

  “Ronan, there’s something that I need to tell you,” he said, his hands were wringing anxiously, as he attempted to speak. When he finally got up the nerve to do so, he opened his mouth to do so.

  “In the time we were in power, you were set to be crowned prince and eventually my successor. But then the rebellion happened and we had to give you away,” he continued, “we hope that when we finally do reclaim our kingdom that you’ll be our king.”

  “What?! No! I can't Dad! It's too soon!”

  “Yes you will Ronan! It’s your birthright!”

  Furious, Ronan got to his feet and ran off, eventually getting lost among the trees. Slowly feeling fear creep in, he cautiously looked about his spacious surroundings and wondered where he was. He then threw himself down on the ground, his back backed up against a tree.

  His knees drawn up to his chest, Ronan prayed that the right people would find him soon.

  As Ronan glanced around, his breath began to hyperventilate as he grew even more frightened.

  All of a sudden, he heard what sounded like the footfalls of human steps. His head darted around as fear continued to build when all of a sudden, Xavier popped into view.

  “There you are, kid,” he said, as he walked over and sat down, shooting a glance over at Ronan, “So you don't want to take the throne?” Xavier asked, “Why? I mean I fail to understand it myself,” his face was confused as he tried to sympathize with the young man that was sitting with him.

  “I just don't want that sort of responsibility hanging over my head, you know?” Ronan asked Xavier, as both his eyebrows knit in confusion, “It's too soon.”

  “Look, all that your parents want is for someone from their bloodlines to be able to inherit everything once they step down,” Xavier replied, “And since you're your father’s son? That responsibility falls solely on you.”

  “So yes I do understand how that's troubling to you and all, believe me,” he continued, “you're still young, kid so I get why you wouldn't want that much responsibility, especially at your age,” he went on, “But you need to at the very least think about it, they both deserve that much.”

  Processing Xavier's words Ronan then got to his feet and sighed, “You’re right, I’m going to talk to my dad and see what he thinks,” he went on, “maybe he and I can agree on something.”

  Ronan watched as Xavier rose to his own feet, the two of them then walked back towards the camp grounds and were met by Garrett’s relieved face.

  “Hey Dad I wanted to talk to you about what you asked of me earlier,” Ronan said.

  “So you’ll do it?” Garrett asked, eagerly.

  “No! Dad I was thinking we could come to a compromise,” Ronan said, “Could you give me a year to think about it? Properly decide?”

  Thinking for a moment, Garrett nodded and replied, “Fine, I'll give you a year to think on it, alright? If you don't have a definite decision by then than you’ll automatically take the throne.”

  Wrapping his arms tightly around his father’s frame, Ronan beamed, “Thank you, Dad I won't disappoint you, I swear,” he said

  Cutting their moment short, Xavier walked over as his shoulders slumped slightly.

  Garrett turned to him and asked, “Is everything ready for the run tonight, man?”

  Xavier smiled briefly and said, “Yep, all covered.”

  Beaming brightly, Garrett clapped a hand onto his shoulder, “Fantastic man, that's exactly what I want to hear.”


  The following morning, everyone had the pleasure of awakening to Hayley’s exquisite cooking. Climbing out of the tent that he shared with his parents, Ronan whipped his head around and saw his mother stirring a pot of oatmeal. Although Hayley appeared to be outwardly happy, her crammed thoughts from years before happened to be weighing on her mind. They had always caused her to lose sleep and stress her, today more so than usual. As she was stirring, she noticed Ronan slowly approaching.

  Ronan walked over, flashing her a brief smile and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Hey Mom,” he said, “The oatmeal smells fantastic.”

  Smiling, Hayley wrapped her arm around Ronan’s waist and kissed his head.

  “Is that okay? I wanted to make something you like, honey,” she replied, “I just need to finish the oatmeal and lace it with blood.”

  “Would you like to help me?”

  “Sure, of course I'd love to,” Ronan said, “How can I help?”

  “How about you just stir for now and when it's mildly thickened, we’ll add the blood,” Hayley replied, with a bright, genuine smile on her gorgeous features.

  Ronan began to stir slowly, and only stopped occasionally so that he could taste the oatmeal, “That is absolutely incredible, mom.” He said.

  Blushing, Hayley smiled and replied, “Thank you, honey.”

  Soon after, Garrett walked over with a smile, he placed a hand on Hayley’s waist and kissed her cheek and then took a quick sniff at Hayley’s cooking, his smile stretching even further.

  “You're cooking?” Garrett asked, taking another whiff, “It smells delicious, what is it?”

  Smiling broadly, Garrett looked down at Hayley’s cooking as she replied, “It's oatmeal that will be laced with rabbit’s blood, sweetie.”

  “Really? I love oatmeal,” he said, excitedly, “It's my favourite breakfast, you know?” He asked, “Are you almost done?”

  “Sure, it's just about done. I just need to add the blood,” Ronan replied.

  “Let me guess, you want first call?” He asked, a bemused grin curled his lips.

  “Yes please, I’d love some,” Garrett replied, as a bright smile curled his lips.

  Laughing, Hayley shook her head in exasperation and replied, “Alright handsome, as you wish.”

  Turning back towards the pot, Hayley grabbed the rabbit’s blood that she kept by the pot and allowed roughly three teaspoons to fall into the pot. She then allowed it to simmer and ladled some into a bowl and passed it to Garrett.

  “There we are, love,” she said, “Enjoy.”

  Meanwhile, while everyone was enjoying their oatmeal, Theo ran off towards a separate part of the park and allowed his body to shift. Theo screamed as his bones broke and regrew, as he felt the agony as he went through his transformation, until a fully grown black wolf stood in his place. The wolf had the most luminous blue eyes, he then took off and ran away from the camp, knowing that if he stayed within the camp grounds, a blood bath would happen and those within the camp would be slaughtered.

  When he had finished up, he returned shortly before Hayley and Ronan did. When they finally did, they saw Garrett speaking to Xavier.

  “Damien just attacked,” Xavier said, when they finally reached him, “and because he couldn't find Ronan, he tore apart the entire camp,” he continued, “he left this message.” Pointing to one of the tents which had a threatening message that was smeared entirely upon it in blood.

  “Who’s Damien?” Ronan asked.

  Taking a deep breath, Garrett ran a hand down the expanse of his face.

  “Damien is my brother,” he said, “Specifically, my younger brother, your uncle and who you know as President Adams.”

  “I have an uncle?” Ronan asked, “he’s President Adams?”

  “Unfortunately, though at the moment and with all things considering? I wish he wasn't.”

  “And why’s that?”

  Garrett’s eyebrows kni
t in frustration as he sighed, “Because the day that we were going to celebrate your fourth birthday,” he said, “a month before he proposed an idea to me.”

  “His idea was to take a gene that exists in your blood. He believed that it would make our armies far more stronger,” he went on, “Naturally, I as your father went against the idea and argued with him, on repeated occasions since I refused to use you as a tool, especially for his plans.

  Ronan shot his father a quick glance, as both disbelief and anger appeared on his features.

  “He wanted to use me?” he asked, “his own nephew?”

  Garrett nodded his head.

  Ronan rose to his feet, as he felt rage slowly build up in his stomach and said, “He can't get away with this! It isn't right.”

  “We know it isn't, but we can't pull anything off yet for two reasons. Firstly, due to the fact that he runs everything around here. You know the rules, no one can question or say anything. That means that if we try anything at all? We’ll have all of the Sanguists breathing down our necks.”

  “Secondly, we need to plan and prepare this carefully because I refuse to lose anyone in such a stupid and meaningless way, now do you understand why?”

  “Yeah Dad. I do,” Ronan replied, with a brief nod.

  Just then, Xavier appeared with a group of 15 following him closely. A young man with dirty blonde hair that was near the front of the group cocked his head to the side as his lips stretched into an arrogant smirk, his eyes twinkled in cruel amusement.

  “Well, well what do we have here? A new recruit?” he asked, with a sneer.

  Xavier rapidly crossed the expanse of the camp suddenly and grabbed the man whose name was Aaron. He picked him up and slammed him hard against a tree, his expression absolutely lethal as his oak-green eyes flared crimson, while Aaron’s filled with fear.

  “Do you have any idea who that is?” He asked, his tone grew dangerous as a low growl escaped his lips, as his grip tightened on Aaron’s shirt collar.

  “He’s your crowned prince, you idiot! Show some respect.”

  Chapter Four

  He looked from Xavier to Ronan, fear written on his face.

  “I’m so sorry, your Highness,” he said, “I meant no harm. It was a mistake, I swear.”

  “You're forgiven. It’s alright,” Ronan said. “Mistakes happen.”

  Xavier let Aaron drop to his feet. Aaron then bent down on one knee and dropped his head.

  Taking pity, Ronan sighed and raised one of his slightly, calloused hands up to skim his features.

  “Come, you may rise.” His tone reassuring and warm.

  “Like you said, it was an accident.”

  “I don't know why I didn't recognize you,” Aaron said, as he stood up. “You're the spitting image of your father,” He offered Ronan a small smile.

  Ronan nodded, and shrugged his shoulders. Then he saw his father standing by the fire pit and walked towards him. Once Ronan finally reached him, he gestured for Garrett to step aside with him. When they were far enough away, Ronan turned to his father and said,

  “Has Xavier always been this way?” Ronan asked, as he looked over at Xavier, “So loyal and quick-tempered?”

  Garrett nodded, “As far back as I’ve known him he has. He’s always been extremely headstrong as well,” he added with a slight laugh.

  “But whenever your mom and I have needed something, he’s helped us no questions asked.”

  Ronan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

  “Really? That's something.”

  “It really is. His loyalty has no bounds.”

  Garrett suggested they walk back to Xavier. When they reached him, Garrett pulled him aside. “I thought we could go for a blood run to the nearest hospital, and take Ronan with us.”

  Just then, Hayley walked in, a curious look on her face.

  “What are you doing, Garrett?” she asked.

  “We were thinking of going on a blood run with Ronan,” Xavier said.

  Hayley crossed her arms and said tersely, “No. Absolutely not.”

  “Please, sweetheart, let him come with us.” Garrett’s eyes pleaded with her. “He’ll be safe, I promise.”

  Hayley sighed. “Fine. But if he comes back injured, you’ll have to answer for it.”

  Garrett placed a kiss on Hayley’s lips.

  “Thank you love,” he whispered.

  Then he turned to Xavier.

  “When did you want to go?” he asked.

  “At sundown,” Xavier said. “We’d be nearly untraceable.”

  “Sundown it is. Be prepared,” Garrett replied.


  Three hours later, Xavier gathered all the men along with Ronan and Garrett, and they entered the central part of Toronto.

  Within a few minutes, they were at the doors of St. Michael’s. When the outbreak happened, the city get torn into two halves. The first where no one resided had been left untouched. But the other half, the one that was completely demolished was the side that had all the hospitals in the city as well as being where most of the residents resided. The hospital was a large, spacious building that had been constructed with chestnut brown bricks. On one side of the building was a huge portrait of St. Michael that had become broken up over time. The hospital once had large automated doors, But they were now shattered.

  Once inside, they found themselves in the emergency room. A room which was a huge area where all the walls were painted a pale blue and had at least ten rows of blue-jay blue chairs all arranged together back to back. In the far right hand corner was a large clock that had long since stopped. They ran up three flights of stairs and stopped when they reached the third floor where the blood bank was located.

  Ronan guarded the door as the others went in. He was cornered by two Nightwalkers, a man with blond spiky hair, and a boy with shoulder-length raven hair. They grabbed Ronan by his shoulders and pinned him against the wall. Then they lowered their heads and skimmed their razor-sharp teeth across his neck.

  Xavier then ran over to them grabbed Ronan and pulled him away. He quickly snapped their necks, and they made their way over to Garrett.

  “Are you almost done, Rett?” Xavier asked, while Garrett stood collecting blood. He was afraid that other Sanguists could come in.

  A few minutes later, Garrett had his bag filled. When he reached Xavier, he saw Aaron turn on Ronan and pin him to the opposite wall.

  “This is all your fault!” he yelled, angrily.

  “If you didn't let them in we wouldn't be in this mess!” He grabbed Ronan by the collar, a low growl escaping his lips. Minutes later, he was torn off of Ronan and hoisted upwards by his neck, as a low threatening growl grew within Garrett’s throat.

  “Don't ever lay a hand on him again!” Garrett's usually calm blue eyes flared red, “Because the next time you do? You won't have any!”

  Aaron swallowed hard, looking afraid.

  “I’m sorry, Your Majesty, I forgot my place, Please forgive me. I swear it won't happen again.”

  Garrett released Aaron and let him fall to his feet. He ran off, terrified. After they left the hospital, they both returned to the camp, exhausted but with blood in hand.

  Handing the bags of blood to Hayley, Xavier said, “We got ambushed. I don't know how, Hayley,” His tone was desolate, “Maybe it was someone from the camp.”

  “That’s not possible,” Hayley said, “Garrett had everyone checked when they arrived.”

  Frowning, Xavier crossed his arms and said, “We may need to do a sweep of everyone here.”

  “I’ll talk to Garrett and see what he says,” she replied.

  “Keep me updated,” Xavier told her.

  Hayley smiled briefly, then headed towards Garrett, intent on speaking with him.

  Meanwhile, over by the fire pit, Ronan sat with Theo and explained what had happened at the hospital, “When we got there, the blood bank was far more occupied by Sangui
sts than we had expected.”

  Theo’s eyes widened as he listened. “Really? For real? What else?” he asked.

  “Then Aaron got his ass kicked by my Dad,” Ronan said.

  “Hold on, you're joking, right?” Theo’s amber eyes widened, “Then what?”

  “Then we got out of there fast,” Ronan replied, “We had to, Theo. Everyone would have died if we didn't.”

  The boys were joined by a few others while we waited for dinner. After the meal, they resumed their conversations until they went to their tents and fell asleep.


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