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Taken and Mated

Page 2

by Samantha Madisen

  The room was all white, spotless—the kind of thing she had never seen in her life in the dust-coated Extremes, where illegals like herself lived. She sniffed.

  To her left was the guard, looking exactly as she had imagined him: enormous, the curvature of his muscles straining against his scaly black armor. A smaller man, also black-clad, but without the armor or face mask of a guard, stood erect to her right.

  For a moment there was silence. Finally, Lana lifted her hand to wipe her face.

  The silence continued, and so she plunged forward, if only to break the humiliation. “Sir,” she began, “please. I think there’s been a—”

  “There has been no mistake,” the man interrupted abruptly. “You have no documentation, no license, no proof of testing, and you are a human female living on Vipheon in the Extremes. You have been confiscated and are now the property of the Imperial Guard. You have been identified as an Atrix and will submit to examination and training, to be utilized in the breeding program of the Imperial Realm. Noncompliance will be punished severely.”

  There was a brief pause, as Lana stared openly at the man, who appeared to be a high-ranking officer of some kind. He had pronounced one damning sentence after another, and she objected to every one of them, but did not know where to start.

  Before she could articulate so much as a sound, however, he lifted his arm and looked at his wrist transponder. “The doctor is arriving.”

  Chapter Two

  His eyes snapped back to hers, and she could not miss that he took in her figure, drifting lazily over the bare skin exposed by her rumpled tunic and her half-removed leggings. “You will comply with the doctor’s requests, or you will be punished. Your training will begin shortly so you will come to know what that means.”

  He looked at her archly, and just as her mouth began to open, he cut her off.

  “I suggest you do not test my patience, until such time as you are aware of how you will be punished for doing so.”

  Lana’s mouth hung open.

  The man held up a finger and shook his head.

  Her bottom throbbed again, reminding her of the harsh spanking she had received. She could not bear any more spanking, that was for sure. She snapped her mouth closed and looked at her knees, her face hot.

  The man exited the room without so much as a goodbye.

  The doors opened with a hiss after several terrifying, lonely moments with the guard breathing next to her.

  A human man in a long white coat stood in the doorway. He was slipping his hands into a very tight-fitting white set of gloves as he walked into the room. Just behind him stood two very large, dull-witted Pratean guards. They were a race of brutish but easily controlled aliens, who the Imperial Realm contracted for their strength and the factor of intimidation they inspired.

  Lana had never seen one so close. They were twice as large as humans, humanoid in their facial features, but their skin was dark and reptilian in appearance. Their yellow eyes made her tremble.

  The threesome entered, and the doctor looked coolly at Lana.

  Then he followed her gaze and looked briefly behind him. “Oh, them,” he said, in response to what Lana knew must be the terrified expression she was wearing. “Behave yourself and you need not be concerned with them. I am told you are quite the... resistant... young lady.”

  Lana, in spite of her fear, felt her hackles getting up again.

  Who the hell did this guy think he was?

  She pressed her lips together and glowered at him. She would ‘behave,’ because her bottom was far too sore for her to imagine doing otherwise. But she would only behave as long as she needed to get herself out of this mess.

  She certainly wasn’t going to be ‘property of the Imperial Realm,’ or trained, or bred, as that awful commander had suggested.

  The doctor looked amused at her reaction and looked down at a computational tablet he suspended in his left hand. “I need to ask you some general questions before we begin the examination. You do speak Anglais, of the planet Earth, am I correct?”

  She glared at him.

  Perhaps she could pretend that she didn’t.

  He folded his arms and cocked his head, speaking several languages from Vipheon that she did understand and a few she didn’t, asking her, in each language, if she understood what he was saying.

  Then he returned to Anglais, and said indifferently. “I suppose I will just have to proceed with the examination, then.”

  Her heart raced as he approached her, and she strained against the restraints. The Prateans’ eyes shifted to her and gleamed with menace, as the hair on their scruffy backs stood on end. They clutched their weapons tighter. Lana recognized them as stunners, not lethal or even causing permanent damage, but designed to mimic electrical stimulation. She had it on good authority that the long sticks could cause extreme pain, and she had heard the stories of their use in interrogations... there was a reason for the size and shape they were.

  The doctor approached her and put his hand under her chin. It was the gesture of a fatherly figure, a little demeaning, a little familiar. He tilted her chin up and looked down at her. “Now, Katalana, you can either cooperate with me or feel the Pratean Stun Stick for yourself.”

  Lana could not stop herself; she twisted her head defiantly and out of the man’s grip, and struggled against her restraints.

  The doctor, still looking amused, stepped back and motioned for one of the Prateans to move close to her. She closed her eyes tightly and her muscles tensed, waiting for the sting of the stunner.

  Instead of the electric jolt of the stunner on her back, where she expected it, she felt the stick against her inner thigh, and her eyes flew open to see that the guard had the stick right against her inner leg, very close to her most intimate parts. She started to make a noise, when a small, only somewhat painful jolt of electricity seized her inner thigh and cut her breath short.

  The doctor extended his hand to cut off the stun.

  He put his hand out again, taking her by the chin.

  “Now,” he told her. “That was a warning, a very light touch. Do you want to feel it for real?”

  Lana forgot her desire to hide her ability to speak, because the sensation traveling around her thigh had rendered her speechless. She stared at the thick, big stick between her legs, and then looked up pleadingly at the doctor.

  “Okay,” she said. “Okay, no.”

  The doctor tilted her chin even more. “That’s very good. That’s progress. Now what do we say when we get something we want?”

  Lana was drawing a blank, still shocked by the sensation between her legs, which had hurt, hadn’t it? And yet she found herself tingling with the same longing she had felt while being spanked.

  She furrowed her brow as the doctor continued to look at her, and she realized she could not remember what he had asked her.

  The doctor’s eyes darkened and Lana sensed she had better come up with something quickly.

  “I don’t,” she breathed. “I just don’t know...”

  He appeared even darker, and so she grasped at straws. “Yes, sir?”

  The doctor’s face quickly turned to amused again. He cocked his head slightly, and then seemed to take her word for it. “We say ‘thank you,’ Katalana. Say that now.”

  Lana felt a wave of humiliation, but the sting of the stunner was still fresh in her mind, so she swallowed her pride. “Thank you,” she croaked.

  “Thank you, sir,” the doctor told her, his finger still under her chin.

  Lana dropped her eyes. “Thank you, sir.”

  There was a silence, and she sensed his displeasure, so she looked up at him.

  “That will do for now,” he said, swiping his finger out from under her chin. “But as time goes on you will need to improve your obedience. When you thank your superiors, and later your mate, eye contact is critical, because it shows your complete submission.”

  He looked at her for a moment. “You will have a very long and pain
ful stay here at the Training Center if you do not heed my advice. Now,” he continued, before Lana could object or ask what he meant by that, “you will show me your obedience by getting on this examination table on your hands and knees.”

  Lana’s eyes narrowed, but the ghosts of the spanking and the electric jolt on her inner thigh reminded her to control her temper.

  “Now,” the doctor ordered impatiently. “You will stand. Remove your clothes. And get on the table.”

  Lana’s heart felt as though someone were stepping on it, and her stomach lurched uncontrollably between nerves and vaguely aroused flutters.

  She felt the tight pull of the magnetic restraint on her arms click suddenly to neutral. She had not even realized, with all that she was processing, that her hands had been reconnected to the table when she had sat up.

  Her legs were also freed. The heavy weight of the bands was still there, threatening at any moment to become the forceful magnetic pull that bound her earlier, but for a moment she was released from their bond.

  “Stand,” the doctor repeated.

  Shakily, Lana rose to her feet. She had the briefest flash of escape, but when she looked at the Pratean guards, she dismissed it. The magnetic bonds would have to be removed anyway. She didn’t know how they worked, but they were impossible to fight against.

  “Disrobe,” the doctor said.

  Lana instinctively pulled her arms close to her body and started to shake her head. “Not while... not while... not while they’re here,” she insisted nervously.

  “I will not repeat myself,” the doctor said, his impatience mounting in his voice. “Disrobe.”

  Lana could see by his steely glare that he meant business. She relented, shakily pulling at the laces of her tunic, then her leggings, all while the stares of the guards and the doctor penetrated her mind and made her want to cry with further humiliation.

  She stood, shivering slightly, while the guards and the doctor appraised her again.

  “On the table,” the doctor ordered. “We will begin the examination.”

  Lana looked uncertainly at the table, but the huff of one of the Pratean guards motivated her to climb onto it, trying to hide as much of herself as possible.

  But she was no sooner on the table when the magnetic cuffs were activated again. Her wrists shot forward to slam into two steel rods that were rising slowly from the front of table next to her arms. Her legs shot apart, spreading open at the ankles.

  The Imperial Guard, who she had all but forgotten about, moved close to her. She nearly winced, expecting his heavy-handed spanking again. Instead, he slipped a cool piece of metal under her throat, and it snapped into place, snug but not tight, around her neck.

  The collar clicked, then her neck was pulled gently upward by a gentle magnetic tug, and she sensed it as the collar clicked against something that hovered above her.

  Instinctively, feeling helpless, she started to struggle again. Only her elbows and knees were free, and with them she could only move a few inches out or in. Her struggling was to no avail; she was immobilized with her legs spread slightly apart, her arms against two cool metal rods running vertically from the surface of the table to just below her shoulder, and her neck was pulled up like the collar of a dog. She was forced to arch her back and thrust her ass upward in order to ease the pressure against the back of her neck. The position was submissive and feral, and she burned with shame imagining how it must look to the Pratean guards.

  But worse than that, when she scanned the room with her wildly searching eyes, she could see the walls slowly changing color, dissolving from opaque white to clear glass.

  And behind the glass, most interested indeed, were dozens of males, seated in rows as though it were a theater. They were all large and imposing, dressed in a variety of Imperial uniforms. Some were aliens, some were human.

  All were looking at her, spread-eagle and naked, on the doctor’s table.

  As she fought against the restraints and realized that she was utterly incapacitated, tears began to well up in her eyes. She had missed her chance! And what on Vipheon was going on here? She was not going have these men watching while this doctor did... whatever he was about to do to her.

  “Bring me my instruments,” the doctor ordered the Imperial Guard. The Prateans seemed to take this for a cue to return to standing by the door.

  “The human is a very recent acquisition, a surprise finding,” the doctor announced loudly, and it took Lana a moment to realize that he was speaking to the viewers on the other side of the glass. “She has not been groomed yet, but we will proceed with the examination so that she can be incorporated into the current training cycle.”

  He moved around her, squeezing her arms, then tracing his fingers down her spine. The Imperial Guard brought a tray to the head of the table. By straining her eyes, Lana could make out a variety of metallic instruments, like none she had ever seen before. One looked like a male phallus but made of interlocking plates. She realized that the plates could spread open, like a speculum.

  Another phallic instrument was more shallow, but of similar design. There were also spindly, straw-like metallic tubes, a very large rubbery item, a long hose, and vessels of various shapes and sizes. Some of the instruments were so convoluted in shape and size that she could not imagine their use, though in the back of her mind she had begun to suspect that all of them would be very humiliating.

  The doctor’s hands snapped her out of her reverie about the instruments, as he moved them over the stinging skin of her bare bottom. “As you can see by her coloring, the girl is almost certainly an Atrix, though tests will confirm this shortly.”

  Lana wanted desperately to scream, “What the hell are you talking about?”, but the doctor’s hands pulled on her buttocks at that exact moment and she felt his finger on her most private hole. She felt herself instantly pucker, but the contraction of her hole was the only reaction she could have, and it did not get her very far away from his probing fingers.

  He massaged her hole for a moment as she gasped and then stared vacantly ahead, her vision blurring with tears of humiliation.

  “There is no evidence of penetration of the anus,” the doctor said loudly, and Lana’s face grew hot with fresh humiliation.

  The doctor’s fingers moved downward to her pussy, where they stopped. He paused to hold his hand up and rub his fingers together. “Most interesting,” he stated. “The female responds with arousal to punishment.”

  Lana’s face stung with so much heat that she thought she must be beet red, which only humiliated her further.

  The doctor continued touching her, pulling her apart, and her treacherous body responded against the grain of her fury and humiliation by throbbing with the same ache that had curiously occurred during her spanking.

  “Very positively,” the doctor murmured. “She is a promising specimen.”

  He probed her some more, spreading her lips open, swabbing a finger over her clitoris and making her shudder with reprehensible delight.

  “She responds properly to sexual stimulation as well, and appears to be intact,” the doctor noted. He pulled the table toward himself, out of Lana’s view. “I will begin the measurements now.”

  Lana strained her eyes so much that they hurt trying to see what the doctor was doing but could only hear the squirt of a bottle of some kind. The next sensation was of very cold, wet metal against her bottom.

  She pushed her hips forward and away from the metal, but as before, there was not much room to maneuver in her restraints. She heard herself speaking. “Wait, no, what are you—”

  The doctor placed a hand on her rear and pulled her back into place. “Hold still, or I will have you punished again.”

  The eyes of the Pratean who had stunned her already gleamed with anticipation.

  “She is in need of discipline and training,” the doctor informed the audience, as the metal pressed against her anus again and she fought her instinct to buck him. “But these are not insu
rmountable defects...” His voice trailed off as the cool metal pushed sharply against her anus, spread it open with a stinging bite, and then began to slide inside of her.

  Lana’s eyes went wide, and her breath caught in her throat. As much as she might have been inclined to protest what was happening to her, even with the threat of punishment, the treatment was so foreign, she was stunned into utter silence.

  Inside of her, the cool finger of the long metal object slid and slid, icy against parts of her body she had never felt before. Her pussy throbbed, and she tensed as her insides were awakened inch by inch, aching suddenly, though not necessarily with pain.

  The doctor continued to fill her bottom, until she started to feel her insides cramp slightly. She made a noise, and the doctor stopped inserting the object but did not remove it.

  Lana faced the table and burned on her cheeks as there was a long, uncomfortable pause and a murmur from the crowd. The doctor pressed on the cold object and it moved up and down inside of her; merely inches, but enough to send waves of sensation through her.

  “She accommodates all lengths of phallus,” the doctor stated loudly. “I will test for width in the interior only. Her final abilities will depend upon her training, of course, but the interior accommodation is always a promising estimate.”

  He lowered his voice to speak to Lana. “You will begin to feel an expansion inside of you. You must relax. You will feel some discomfort as we reach your limits but I promise you will not be hurt.”

  Inside her anus, Lana began to feel that the object that had been inserted was indeed expanding. Pressure began to build slowly as it swelled, filling her, stretching her. “Ooooh!” she mewled, not knowing what else to say. She was a little afraid, but more than that, humiliated, because she was also incredibly... aroused. She felt her pussy getting wet again, a drop of her excitement threatening to drip onto her thigh and be seen by the doctor and his witnesses.

  The object continued to expand, until Lana was sure it must be dangerous. “It’s too big!” she cried in a panicked voice.


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