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The Iliad

Page 75

by Homer

  LILAEA (li-lee'-a): city in Phocis, 2.613.

  LINDOS (lin'-dos): city in Rhodes. 2.751.

  LOCRIANS (lo'-kri-unz): 2.617, people of LOCRIS (lo'-kris), a region in northeastern Greece, the kingdom of Little Ajax.

  LYCAON (leye-kay'-on): (1) father of the Trojan Pandarus, 2.937. (2) Trojan, son of Priam and Laothoe, killed by Achilles, 3.389.

  LYCASTUS (li-kas'-tus): city in Crete, 2.742.

  LYCIANS (li'-shunz): Trojan allies, 2.988, people of LYCIA (li'-sha) (1), a region in southern Asia Minor allied to Troy, the kingdom of Sarpedon and Glaucus (1), 2.989. Not to be confused with LYCIA (2), the country around Zelea, close to Troy and the home of Pandarus, 5.115.

  LYCOMEDES (leye-ko-mee'-deez): Achaean, son of Creon, killer of Apisaon (2), 9.98.

  LYCON (leye'-kon): Trojan killed by Peneleos, 16.395.

  LYCOPHONTES (leye-ko-fon'-teez): Trojan killed by Teucer, 8.315.

  LYCOPHRON (leye'-ko-fron): Achaean, son of Mastor, comrade of Great Ajax, killed by Hector, 15.503.

  LYCTOS (lik'-tos): city in Crete, 2.742.

  LYCURGUS (leye-kur'-gus): (1) son of Dryas, who attacked Dionysus and was blinded by Zeus in turn. 6.150. (2) Killer of Areithous (1), 7.163.

  LYRNESSUS (lur-nes'-us): city in the Troad below Mount Ida, the home of Briseis, 2.786.

  LYSANDER (leye-san'-der): Trojan killed by Great Ajax, 11.579.

  MACAR (ma'-kar): legendary founding king of Lesbos, 24.636.

  MACHAON (ma-kay'-on): Achaean, son of Asclepius, healer and co-commander with his brother Podalirius of the Thessalians from Tricca and Oechalia, 2.834.

  MAEANDER (mee-an'-der): river in Caria, in southern Asia Minor, near Miletus (2), 2.981.

  MAEMALUS (mee'-ma-lus): father of Pisander (3), 16.229.

  MAEONIANS (mee-oh'-ni-unz): Trojan allies, 2.978, people of MAEONIA (mee-oh'- ni-a), a region around Lake Gyge in central Asia Minor, 2.976.

  MAGNESIANS (mag-nee'-shunz): people from a region on the northeastern coast of Thessaly, led by Prothous, 2.859.

  MANTINEA (man-ti-nee'-a): city in Arcadia, 2.700.

  MARIS (ma'-ris): Trojan ally, son of Amisodarus, Lycian killed by Thrasymedes, 16.377.

  MARPESSA (mar-pes' -a): daughter of Euenus (2), husband of Idas, mother of Cleopatra, 9.679. See note ad loc.

  MASES (may'-seez): city in the Argolid, the kingdom of Diomedes, 2.653.

  MASTOR (mas' -tor): father of the Achaean Lycophron, 15.502.

  MECISTEUS (mee-sis'-tyoos): (1) son of Talaus, father of the Achaean Euryalus, 2.657. (2) Achaean, son of Echius (1), killed by Polydamas, 8.380.

  MEDEON (me'-de-on): city in Boeotia, 2.591.

  MEDESICASTE (mee-de-si-kas'-tee): illegitimate daughter of Priam, wife of the Trojan Imbrius, 13.207.

  MEDON (me'-don): (1) Achaean, bastard son of Oileus (1), second in command of the Thessalians from Methone, killed by Aeneas, 2.829. (2) Trojan captain, 17.249.

  MEGAS (me'-gas): father of the Trojan Perimus, 16.813.

  MEGES (me' -jeez): Achaean, son of Phyleus, commander of the men from Dulichion and the Echinades, 2.720.

  MELANIPPUS (me-la-nip'-us): (1) Trojan killed by Teucer, 8.316. (2) Trojan, son of Hicetaon, killed by Antilochus, 15.635. (3) Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.813. (4) Achaean captain, 19.284.

  MELANTHIUS (me-lan'-thi-us): Trojan killed by Eurypylus (2), 6.43.

  MELAS (me'-las): son of Portheus, brother of Oeneus, 14.143.

  MELEAGER (me-le-ay'-ger): son of Oeneus and Althaea, prince of the Aetolians in Calydon, 2.737. See note 9.646-729.

  MELlBOEA (me-li-bee'-a): city in Thessaly, in the kingdom of Philoctetes, 2.818.

  MENELAUS (me-ne-lay'-us): Achaean, son of Atreus, king of Lacedaemon, brother of Agamemnon, husband of Helen, 1.19. See note 3.247.

  MENESTHES (me-nes'-theez): Achaean killed by Hector, 5.699.

  MENESTHEUS (me-nes' -thyoos): Achaean, son of Peteos, commander of the Athenians, 2.643.

  MENESTHIUS (me-nes'-thi-us): (1) Achaean, son of Areithous (1), killed by Paris, 7.9. (2) Achaean, son of Spercheus River, reputed son of Borus (2), a captain of the Myrmidons, 16.204.

  MENOETIUS (me-nee'-shus): son of Actor (3), father of Patroclus, 9.243.

  MENON (me'-non): Trojan killed by Leonteus, 12.223.

  MENTES (men'-teez): Trojan, commander of the Cicones, impersonated by Apollo, 17.83.

  MENTOR (men'-tor): father of the Trojan Imbrius, 13.204.

  MERIONES (me-reye'-o-neez): Achaean, son of Molus. comrade of Idomeneus, second in command of the Cretans, 2.746.

  MERMERUS (mur'-me-rus): Trojan killed by Antilochus, 14.600.

  MEROPS (me'-rops): prophet from Percote, father of the Trojans Adrestus (1) and Amphius (1), 2.942.

  MESSE (mes'-ee): city in Lacedaemon, 2.674.

  MESSEIS (me-see'-is): spring in Greece, location unknown, 6.544.

  MESTHLES (mesth'-leez): Trojan ally, son of Talaemenes, co-commander of the Maeonians, 2.976.

  MESTOR (mee'-stor): Trojan, son of Priam, 24.305.

  METHONE (me-thoh'-nee): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Philoctetes, 2.817.

  MIDEA (mi-dee'-a): city in Boeotia, 2.598.

  MILETUS (meye-lee'-tus): (1) city in Crete, 2.742. (2) City of the Carians, in southern Asia Minor, 2.980.

  MINOS (meye'-nos): son of Zeus and Europa, father of Deucalion (1), king of Crete, 13.523.

  MINVANS (min'-yunz): people of Orchomenos (1), commanded by Ascalaphus and Ialmenus, 2.601.

  MINYEOS (mi-ni-ee'-os): river in the western Peloponnese on the border of Nestor's kingdom, 11.859.

  MNESUS (mnee'-sus): Trojan ally, Paeonian killed by Achilles, 21.236.

  MOLION (mo-leye'-on): Trojan, comrade of Thymbraeus, killed by Odysseus, 11.374.

  MOLIONES (mo-leye'-o-neez): the twin brothers Cleatus and Eurytus (2), reputed sons of Actor (2) but actually sired by Poseidon, 11.843. See note 11.892.

  MOLUS (mo'-lus): father of the Achaean Meriones, 10.315.

  MORYS (mo'-ris): Trojan, son of Hippotion, killed by Meriones, 13.917.

  MULIUS (moo'-li-us): (1) Epean hero, son-in-law of Augeas, killed by Nestor, 11.879. (2) Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.814. (3) Trojan killed by Achilles, 20.533.

  MUSES: goddesses, daughters of Zeus, nine in number, who preside over literature and the arts and are the sources of artistic inspiration, 1.726.

  MYCALE (mi-ka'-lee): mountain in Caria, in southern Asia Minor, across from Miletus (2), 2.981.

  MYCALESSUS (mi-ka-les'-us): city in Boeotia, 2.588.

  MYCENAE (mi-see'-nee): city in the Argolid, Agamemnon's capital, just to the north of the city of Argos, 2.660.

  MYDON (meye'-don): (1) Trojan, son of Atymnius, charioteer of Pylaemenes, killed by Antilochus, 3.667. (2) Trojan ally, Peonian killed by Achilles, 21.235.

  MYGDON (mig'-don): commander of the Phyrgians, 3.226.

  MYNES (meye'-neez): Trojan, king of Lyrnessus, son of Euenus (1), killed by Achilles, 2.789.

  MYRINE (mi-reye'-nee): Amazon after whom the gods named a mound that rises before Troy, 2.925.

  MYRMIDONS (mur'-mi-donz): the people of Phthia, in southern Thessaly, ruled by King Peleus and commanded at Troy by Achilles, 1.212.

  MYRSINUS (mur'-si-nus): city of the Epeans in Elis, 2.709.

  MYSIANS (mi'-shunz): (1) Trojan allies living to the east of Troy, 2.970. (2) Thracian tribe, 13.7.

  NASTES (nas'-teez): Trojan ally, son of Nomion, co-commander of the Carians, killed by Achilles, 2.979.

  NAUBOLUS (naw'-bo-lus): Phocian hero, father of Iphitus (1), 2.608.

  NELEUS (neel'-yoos): father of Nestor, former king of Pylos, 2.23.

  NEOPTOLEMUS (ne-op-to'-le-mus): son of Achilles, 19.394.

  NEREIDS (nee'-ree-idz): sea-goddesses, daughters of Nereus, 18.43.

  NEREUS (nee'-ryoos): sea-god, the Old Man of the Sea, father of Thetis and of all the Nereids, 18.60. See note 1.1.

  NERITON (nee'-ri-ton): mountain on Ithaca, 2.726.

  NESTOR (nes'-tor): Achaean, s
on of Neleus, king of the Pylians, father of Antilochus and Thrasymedes, the oldest of the Achaean chieftains, 1.290. See note 9.73-75.

  NIGHT: goddess who wields power over gods and men; even Zeus responds to her with fear, 14.313.

  NIOBE (neye'-o-bee): Phrygian woman whose six daughters and six sons were killed by Artemis and Apollo, 24.708. See note ad loc.

  NIREUS (neye'-ryoos): Achaean, son of Charopus and Aglaea, captain of the men from Syme, 2.767.

  NISA (neye'-sa): city in Boeotia, 2.598.

  NISYRUS (neye-seye'-rus): island in the southeastern Aegean near Cos, 2.772.

  NOEMON (no-ee'-mon): (1) Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Odysseus, 5.778. (2) Achaean, comrade of Antilochus, 23.681.

  NOMION (no-meye'-on): father of the Trojans Amphimachus (2) and Nastes, 2.983.

  NYSA (neye' -sa): mountain on the island of Euboea, sacred to Dionysus, 6.154.

  OCALEA (oh-ka-lee'-a): city in Boeotia, 2.591.

  OCEAN: the great river that surrounds the world and the god who rules its waters, 1.505. See note ad loc and note 14.244.

  OCHESIUS (o-kee'-si-us): father of the Achaean Periphas (1), 5.974.

  ODIUS (od' -i-us): (1) Trojan ally, co-commander of the Halizonians, killed by Agamemnon, 2.968. (2) Achaean herald, 9.204.

  ODYSSEUS (o-dis' -yoos): Achaean, son of Laertes, father of Telemachus, warlord of Ithaca and the surrounding islands, 1. 17 1.

  OECHALIA (ee-kay'-li-al): Thessalian city of Eurytus (1), in the kingdom of Machaon and Podalirius, 2.688.

  OEDIPUS (ee'-di-pus): son of Laius and Jocasta, king of Thebes (1), 23.756. See note ad loc.

  OENEUS (een'-yoos): king of Calydon, son of Portheus, father of Tydeus and Meleager, 2.735.

  OENOMAUS (ee-no-may'-us): (1) Achaean killed by Hector, 5.811. (2) Trojan killed by Idomeneus, 12.164.

  OENOPS (ee'-nops): father of the Achaean Helenus (1), 5.812.

  OETYLUS (ee'-ti-lus): city in Lacedaemon, 2.677.

  OILEUS (oh-eel'-yoos): (1) Locrian king, father of Little Ajax, father of the Achaean Medon (1), 2.617. (2) Trojan killed by Agamemnon, 11.108.

  OLENIAN ROCK (oh-leen'-i-an): landmark on the border of Elis, 2.710.

  OLENUS (oh'-Ie-nus): city in Aetolia, 2.733.

  OLIZON (o-leye'-zon): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Philoctetes, 2.818.

  OLOOSSON (o-loh-os'-on): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Polypoetes, 2.841.

  OLYMPUS (o-lim'-pus): mountain in northeastern Thessaly, the home of the gods, 1.51.

  ONCHESTUS (on-kees'-tus): city in Boeotia, 2.596.

  ONETOR (o-nee'-tor): father of the Trojan Laogonus (1) and priest of Zeus, 16.704.

  OPHELESTES (o-fe-les'-teez): (1) Trojan killed by Teucer, 8.314. (2) Trojan ally, Paeonian killed by Achilles, 21.236.

  OPHELTIUS (o fel'-ti-us): (1) Trojan killed by Euryalus, 6.23. (2) Achaean killed by Hector, 11.351.

  OPITES (o-peye'-teez): Achaean killed by Hector, 11.350.

  OPOIS (o'-poh-is): city in Locris. Patroclus' birthplace, 2.621.

  ORCHOMENOS (or-ko' -me-nos): (1) city of the Minyans, in eastern central Greece, bordering on Boeotia, 2.601. (2) City in Arcadia, 2.698.

  ORESBIUS (o-rez'-bi-us): Achaean, Boeotian killed by Hector, 5.812.

  ORESTES (o-res'-teez): (1) Achaean killed by Hector, 5.810. (2) Son of Agamemnon, 9.171. (3) Trojan killed by Leonteus, 12.223.

  ORION (o-reye'-on): constellation, the Hunter, 18.568.

  ORION'S DOG: the star Sirius, 22.35. See note ad loc.

  ORMENION (or-me'-ni-on): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Eurypylus, 2.836.

  ORMENUS (or'-me-nus): (1) Trojan killed by Teucer, 8.314. (2) Father of Amyntor, 9.546. (3) Trojan killed by Polypoetes, 12.216.

  ORNIAE (or-neye'-ee): city in the kingdom of Agamemnon, 2.662.

  ORSILOCHUS (or-si'-la-kus): (1) Achaean, son of Diocles, killed by Aeneas, 5.624. (2) Trojan killed by Teucer, 8.314.

  ORTHAEUS (or-thee'-us): Trojan captain, 13.916.

  ORTHE (or' -thee): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Polypoetes, 2.841.

  ORTILOCHUS (or-ti'-Lo-kus): son of Alpheus, father of Diocles, 5.628.

  ORUS (oh'-rus): Achaean killed by Hector. 11.352.

  OTHRYONEUS (o-thri-on' -yoos): Trojan, affianced to Cassandra, killed by Idomeneus, 13.422.

  OTREUS (o'-tryoos): a commander of the Phrygians. 3.226.

  OTRYNTEUS (o-trin'-tyoos): father of the Trojan Iphition, 20.437.

  OTUS (oh'-tus): (1) son of Aloeus, giant who, in league with his brother Ephialtes, imprisoned Ares, 5.437. (2) Achaean from Cyllene, a commander of the Epeans, killed by Polydamas, 15.600.

  PAEON (pee'-on): father of the Trojan Agastrophus, 11.395.

  PAEONIANS (pee-oh'-ni-unz): Trojan allies, 2.960, inhabitants of PAEONIA (pee- oh'-ni-a), a region to the northeast of Greece, later Macedonia, 17.404.

  PAESUS (pee'-sus): city in the Troad, northeast of Troy, 5.703.

  PALLAS (pal'-as): epithet of Athena, 1.232.

  PALMYS (pal'-mis): Trojan captain, 13.917.

  PAMMON (pam'-on): Trojan, son of Priam, 24.296.

  PANDARUS (pan'-da-rus): son of Lycaon (1), commander of the Trojans from Zelea, killed by Diomedes, 2.938.

  PANDION (pan-deye'-on): Achaean, comrade of Teucer, 12.428.

  PANDOCUS (pan'-do-kus): Trojan killed by Great Ajax, 11.578.

  PANOPEUS (pan'-op-yoos): (1) city in Phocis, 2.610. (2) Father of the Achaean Epeus, 23.742.

  PANTHOUS (pan'-rho-us): Trojan elder, husband of Phrontis, father of Polydamas, Euphorbus, Hyperenor, 3.176.

  PAPHLAGONIANS (pa-fla-goh'-ni-unz): 2.963, Trojan allies from PAPNLAGONIA (pa-fla-goh'-ni-a), a region on the southern shore of the Black Sea.

  PARIS (pa'-ris): Trojan, son of Priam and Hecuba, who abducted Helen from Menelaus in Lacedaemon, 3.16.

  PARRHASIA (pa-ray' -zi-a): region or district in Arcadia, 2.701.

  PARTHENIUS (par-the'-ni-us): river in Paphlagonia, 2.966.

  PASITHEA (pa-si' -thee-a): one of the Graces desired by Sleep, 14.331.

  PATROCLUS (pa-tro'-klus): Achaean, son of Menoetius, brother-in-arms of Achilles, killed by Hector, 1.360. See note 18.581-92.

  PEDAEON (pee-dee'-on): city in the Troad, 13.206.

  PEDAEUS (pee-dee'-us): Trojan, bastard son of Antenor, killed by Meges. 5.76.

  PEDASUS (pee'-da-sus): (1) Trojan, son of Bucolion, twin brother of Aesepus (2), killed by Euryalus, 6.24. (2) City in the Troad, on the Satniois River, 6.41. (3) City in the southwestern Peloponnese near Pylos, 9.182.

  PELAGON (pe'-la-gon): (1) Achaean, one of the Pylian captains, 4.338. (2) Trojan ally, Lycian, comrade of Sarpedon, 5.797.

  PELASGIANS (pe-laz'-juns): Trojan allies, a tribe located in Asia Minor, 2.952.

  PELEGON (pee'-le-gon): son of Axius, father of the Trojan Asteropaeus, 21.161.

  PELEUS (peel'-yoos): son of Aeacus, king of the Myrmidons, father of Achilles by Thetis, 1.1. See note ad loc.

  PELIAN (pee'-li-an): of Achilles' spear, its timber hewn on Mount Pelion, 16.171.

  PELIAS (pe'-li-as): king of Iolcus, father of Alcestis, 2.816.

  PELIDES (pe-leye'-deez): "son of Peleus," patronymic of Achilles, 20.418.

  PELION (pee'-li-on): mountain in Magnesia, home of the Centaurs, 2.846.

  PELLENE (pe-lee'-nee): Achaean city in the kingdom of Agamemnon, 2.665.

  PELOPS (pel'-ops): king of Argos, father of Atreus, grandfather of Agamemnon and Menelaus, 2.122.

  PENELEOS (pee-ne'-lee-ohs): Achaean, co-commander with Leitus of the Boeotians, 2.584.

  PENEUS (pee-nee'-us): river in Thessaly, 2.854.

  PERAEBIANS (pe-ree'-bi-unz): people from Dodona, led by Guneus, 2.851.

  PERCOTE (pur-koh'-tee): city in the Troad, to the northeast of Troy, 2.947.

  PEREA (pee-ree'-a): locale in Thessaly where Apollo bred the mares of Eumelus, 2.871.

  PERGAMUS (pur'-ga-mus): the citadel of Troy, 4.586.

  PERGASUS (pur'-ga-sus): father of the Trojan Deicoon, 5.617.

  PERIBOEA (pe-ri-bee'-a): daughter of Acessamenus, mother of Pelegon by the River Axius, 21.163.

  PERIERES (pe-ri-ee'-reez): father of Borus (2), 16.208.

  PERIMEDES (pe-ri-mee'-deez): father of the Achaean Schedius (2), 15.597.

  PERIMUS (per'-i-mus): Trojan, son of Megas, killed by Patroclus, 16.813.

  PERIPHAS (per'-i-fas): (1) Achaean, son of Ochesius, Aetolian killed by Ares. 5.973. (2) Trojan, son of the herald of Anchises, 17.375.


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