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American Love Story (Dreamers)

Page 20

by Adriana Herrera

  “Of course. I’ll follow you, but I’ll go a bit slower so I can look out for him,” he answered as the elevator’s doors opened. “If anything comes up, just call me.”

  As we got to the garage and we were about to head to our cars, I had to stop and grab his hand. “Thank you.”

  He gave me a look that said, “What did you expect, asshole?” and didn’t give me time to respond as we quickly got into our cars. I pulled out into the snowy afternoon, the roads slippery and messy, starting to panic that something terrible would happen between Ari and his uncle before I got there. I tried not to let anger and frustration at Ari’s uncle take hold and focused on getting there as quickly and safely as possible. I could only imagine the things that the man had said to him, the humiliation of having that done to him in front of Yin. And poor Yin must’ve been terrified.

  I sighed as I turned onto the road to the house and decided to call Ari again to let him know I was on my way. He answered after one ring.

  “I should be there in a few minutes, Ari.”

  “Merci, Patrice. I’m waiting at the post office that’s down the street from my uncle’s house.” He could barely talk from how hard his teeth were chattering. How could that man do this to him? After everything he’d already gone through.

  “Did you see Yin? I’m scared that he’ll get lost, the snow is so heavy. I can’t see anything.”

  I hesitated then, only realizing now that maybe Ari wouldn’t like Easton being involved in this.

  “Actually, I was at Easton’s place when you called and he’s right behind me in his car trying to look for Yin.”

  “Good.” The sigh of relief on the line was unexpected, but not a surprise once I thought about it. Easton had been in touch with Ari since arranging things with the lawyer. Of course Ari trusted him. It also wasn’t exactly like he didn’t know about us either, not after that big pep talk he’d given me.

  Before Ari could respond I spotted him standing in the snow-filled entrance to the small post office. “Can you see my car, Ari?”

  I saw him end the call and come out to the side of the road. He had his backpack and a fairly large suitcase with him. Which must’ve been hell to drag through the snow. I jumped out to help him get his stuff in the trunk and noticed he was soaked through and I was glad for the towels that Easton had run to get before we headed outside.

  Even though it was a mess with the snow, I had to pull Ari into a hug. As soon as I did I heard a strangled sob escape his throat.

  “We’ll take care of you,” I promised, feeling fiercely protective of him. Needing him to know he was not on his own. “You’re not alone.” He nodded as he sniffled on my shoulder. I pulled back and started moving to the driver’s side door. “Now let’s move, this snow is getting heavier.”

  As soon as we got in the car a call came in from Easton. I turned to Ari, who was looking at the Bluetooth screen like it was about to blow up.

  “Hey.” I heard some rustling before Easton’s came in through the speakers. “I got Yin. He’s a little wet, but doing okay.” I turned to Ari, who looked like he was going to start crying again.

  “Thank you,” I said, relieved they were both fine. “I have Ari here. I’m sure they want to check on each other.”

  I raised an eyebrow in question at Ari who immediately opened his mouth to say something when Yin’s low voice came over the speakers.

  “I’m sorry.” He burst into tears then and my heart broke for how distraught he sounded. Damn Ari’s uncle for doing this shit.

  These were good kids. They did not deserve to be going through this. I was once again so fucking grateful for Easton, who made sure that Yin was at least out of the snow, if more than a little bit distressed.

  “You didn’t do anything, bébé.” Ari’s voice, for the first time, sounded back to normal. Clearly trying to be strong for Yin. “You were kissing me. That’s all. My uncle is the one who did this. You and I didn’t do anything wrong. I have your phone, cher. I will keep it safe for you.”

  “I love you.” Yin’s quiet but unafraid, unashamed words made me feel like an intruder. It made me wonder if I’d ever be that brave, to tell Easton how I felt no matter who was watching. I glanced over at Ari and how hard he was working at keeping himself together, but still fearlessly responded to Yin’s words. “Je t’aime aussi.”

  I cleared my throat, feeling out of sorts from the last few minutes. “Easton, why don’t we all meet at my place?” I looked to Ari, who was now staring out the window, his hand gripping a phone I assumed was Yin’s. “Ari, you okay with that plan?”

  He nodded but didn’t look at me. It seemed almost like now that he’d heard his love was safe, he went into himself. His body there, but his mind had retreated somewhere else. I heard Easton whisper something, and then his clear strong voice came on the phone.

  “We’ll see you there. Ari, did you get a chance to get all your immigration paperwork before you left? If not we can come with you to get them once things are calmer.”

  I hadn’t even thought of that. Ari nodded, pointing as his backpack. “I got them.”

  “Great. I’ll take a look at them when we get to the house, and don’t worry. I texted Jim and he said he’s got everything he needs to formally take your case. We don’t need your uncle for this.”

  Ari’s lip trembled again. “Okay. Thank you, Easton.”

  For the second time in the last hour I felt immensely grateful for Easton Archer. “Thank you,” I said, my own voice quavering with emotion.

  “Of course. I’ll see you at home.”

  I was not going to question the ball of fire that the word “home” from Easton lips set off in my chest. I had things to take care of, and it seemed like I wouldn’t have to do any of it alone.


  “How’s he doing?” I asked Patrice when he walked into my kitchen, looking completely worn out.

  He sighed as he wrapped his arms around my waist, tired eyes flickering shut. When he opened them I could see the toll the last few hours had taken on him. “I don’t know honestly. Yin’s sister agreed that it was better for him to stay here until the storm calmed down. There’s no way she’s getting here from Trumansburg to get him in this weather, anyway. I gave them some space and said I’d be up here if they need anything. If that’s all right with you, of course.”

  This night had turned out very different than I had planned, but having Patrice here, coming to me for a little comfort... I wouldn’t change that for anything. I turned around and tightened my arms around his neck, locking us together in the warmth of my kitchen. “Of course it’s fine,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Like you don’t know I’d happily have you here all day every day. Is Ari still eerily quiet?”

  Another tired sigh. “Yeah, he’s in worry overdrive. Worried about what’s going to happen, worried about what Yin’s sisters are going to think, worried about his papers...just worried about everything.”

  “I just talked to May again and they’re just as worried about him, they’re not angry. They see how Ari’s with Yin.” I smiled remembering May’s words. “She said, ‘he treats Yin like a precious snowflake.’ That, if anything, he needs to spoil him less.” That pulled out a small smile from Patrice’s lips. “They know no one is more upset about this than Ari.”

  Patrice gave me that puzzled look he got sometimes and I thought he was going to tease me about OD-ing on my own positivity, but instead he bent down to kiss me. He pressed his lips against mine. It was such a slow and chaste kiss compared to how we usually came together. But the way his fingers dug into my back made the stress of the day start to feel a bit less oppressive. I placed my hand at the nape of his neck and felt the prickle of his locs brushing against the back of my hand.

  I groaned, wanting more, but Patrice wasn’t letting us get revved up. He was giving me this slow, gentle kiss and I was going to have to tak
e it.

  When we pulled apart, he had that same look from earlier, like things were getting too deep too fast and he wasn’t sure if it was good or a bad thing. “How do you know Yin’s sisters?”

  He asked the question like he already knew, or suspected the answer. I turned back around and fussed a bit with what I was doing. I picked up a piece of pumpkin, wondering when Patrice would notice the ingredients that were scattered all over the kitchen counter.

  “I just helped her out when they first came,” I said, peeling another chunk of pumpkin. “I can’t give too many details, but it was a tough situation. I’m glad she was able to walk away from it.” I was not going to disclose about the violent boyfriend who threatened her and her siblings for months.

  He ran a hand over my shoulder and said, “I can respect that.” He sounded curious, but I knew he’d leave it at that.

  After another moment, he gasped and came to stand right next to me. “What are you making?” he asked, as if he could not quite believe what he was seeing.

  I looked up, feeling really awkward now, wondering if the second part of my failed romantic date would also be a bust. I put down the vegetable and lifted my eyes to him.

  “I’m making Soup Joumou?” It wasn’t a question, it was what I was making, but now I felt like an idiot for trying to make his traditional dish as a surprise. He was still saying nothing, his eyes assessing the ingredients scattered all over the counter.

  “I thought it would be nice since it’s—”

  He moved so fast that I had to lift my arms to the sides so I didn’t stain him with my hands. This kiss was one of our kisses. Teeth, tongue and fire. He sucked on my lip as he dug his hands into me. I felt like I was sinking and he kept lifting me up.

  I pulled back, gasping for air, and the way he was looking at me was going to make it very hard for me to get back to soup making. “You’re making Joumou from scratch?”


  He laughed then and held my face in his hands, kissing me hard again. “Stop answering everything like you’re asking a question.”

  I laughed, feeling flustered, but so glad that I’d made him laugh in the middle of all this stress. “I am asking, because I’m pretty sure I’m going to mess it up. I looked for recipes, and it all seemed so straightforward, but now I’m kind of lost and there’s a large amount of pumpkin to peel.” I looked around at all the stuff I needed to get done for this soup and felt my earlier enthusiasm starting to wilt. “I could not find the Scotch Bonnet peppers that go in the soup anywhere and this might end up being more of a breakfast type of thing.”

  He rolled the sleeves of his sweatshirt back and stood next to me, extending his hand. “I’ll peel. I have years of experience, you get the other stuff ready. With the two of us we’ll have it ready before Ari and Yin come downstairs asking for dinner.” His smile faltered a little bit when he mentioned Ari, but he seemed in better spirits.

  I nodded and reached for the limes and oranges I needed to juice for the marinade. “You peel and I cook.”

  When I looked over my shoulder I caught him giving my ass a very thorough assessment.

  “See something you like, professor?” I asked, certain that the response would probably derail our food preparations.

  He leaned down and nibbled my ear, making me run the risk of severing a finger. “I’m gonna rail you tonight, you know that right?”

  I chuckled as I halved limes and tried to talk without sounding completely breathless. “That was the only part of my failed seduction attempt I was pretty sure I could count on.”

  Patrice’s laugh rang all over my kitchen as we worked together and I felt so happy it almost scared me.

  Chapter Seventeen


  It had been the longest week in fucking history, but somehow Nesto had managed to stay on track and OuNYe’s first annual fundraiser for local social services agencies was happening tonight. I was meeting Easton at the courthouse, and we were supposed to walk there together.

  Things with Ari had calmed down. He was still staying with me, but the plan was to find him a place. Harold Sheridan, Nesto’s business partner, was making noise about helping him with school and Easton had offered him a studio in our building for almost nothing. The lawyer he’d gotten for him was great and Ari seemed to be slowly getting out of the funk he’d been in after that mess with his uncle. The man had made no attempt to get in touch with him in the week since he’d been staying with me, which told me him getting out of there had been the right move.

  I’d seen again and again how people had come out to take care of Ari. The community that Nesto had found here in Ithaca had supported Ari in every way he needed. Despite the issues in town, and there were many, this place had come through in a big way for one of its own. I also felt like I’d been a part of that effort, that I was already part of the tapestry here somehow. Like I could make a place for myself here.

  I should’ve known that the warm and fuzzy feeling wouldn’t last long. While I was trying to get into the courthouse, I stopped in my tracks as the bailiff looked me up and down a few times while I tried not to suck my teeth.

  “Can I help you, sir?”

  “I’m here for the trial.” Polite, calm. I didn’t need to get heated.

  He gave me another thorough once-over as I put my wallet and watch into a little bin on the conveyor belt. I was still not sure what was happening, because the guy was certainly interested in me. I was not looking for a reason to get mad today, so I kept it moving. When I got to the other side, he stared at me like he was going to say something, but at the last minute just waved me through.

  When I started heading for the elevators he pointed to the marble staircase at the center of the courthouse. “Courtroom is on the second floor. I think they’re wrapping up.”

  I thanked him and took the stairs. Once I found the courtroom I quietly walked to the back. It was a huge space with dizzyingly high ceilings, and still the air was crackling with tension.

  As I sat down on of the wooden benches, I tuned into Easton’s booming voice. I didn’t really look up until I’d settled into my seat, but when I zeroed in on him, he seemed to be in complete control of the room. He was in one of his Tom Ford suits, hair, shoes, tie, everything perfectly in place as he addressed the jury. Hands in his pockets, body relaxed and casual, but his words were strident. He was talking about the victim, about what her life had been like before she was assaulted, what her life was like now. The strength it took for her to seek justice. After a breath, his relaxed pose turned more commanding. As if to say, “I’m done taking it easy on you.”

  When he spoke again, every word was an edict. “I ask today that you take the duty this court gives you and deliver the justice Ms. Suarez deserves.”

  With that, he ended his summation and in two long strides was back at his table. Every person in the room seemed to cut off the imaginary strings he’d kept us on as he talked. Easton had completely commanded our attention and now that the moment ended, we could all take a breath.

  That’s when I realized it. This is where it all went. The fierceness, the fury, the intensity, he put it all into this. His work was where Easton unleashed all that passion I got to see, but that he rarely showed elsewhere. I finally realized that, like me, Easton kept his true self tightly under wraps, only a precious few got to ever see who he really was.

  I sat there letting it sink in as the judge gave the jury their instructions for deliberation, before concluding for the day. As people started gathering their things and the twelve tasked with delivering justice were ushered away, I moved up the aisle to go talk to Easton. As I got to him I saw an older black woman, come to give him a hug, which he returned. There were people walking around him but it was like he didn’t even realize they were there, his attention completely on her. They stepped out of the room, talking quietly, not noticing my approach.<
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  By the time I caught up with him, she was giving him another hug and openly crying. He tightened his arm around her, and I could see he was working hard not to cry too. He watched her walk away, his shoulders tense, like the weight of the world was settled right between them.

  I wasn’t sure what I thought Easton did in this building every day. But right then was when it sunk in. People counted on him to right wrongs every single day and he stepped up to that challenge. He somehow handled it all and still managed to be how he was, who he was.

  I touched his arm lightly and he startled at the touch. “Hey.”

  As soon as he saw me his eyes lit up and he almost pushed up for a kiss, but at the last moment just tapped me on the shoulder.

  “You were something in there.” I pointed my chin in the direction I’d seen the woman go. “Was that lady related to Ms. Suarez?”

  He nodded with a sigh as he lifted a hand, indicating we head up the stairs. “That’s her mom.” He spoke so low I had to bend down to hear him. “She’s pretty amazing, put herself through nursing school while taking care of three kids on her own.” His eyes softened as he talked about the woman. “I hope we did what we needed to do in there,” he said, shaking his head.

  As we got to the landing he pointed at a door that read District Attorney’s Office.

  “I just have to grab my stuff. Everyone in the office is headed to Nesto’s thing, so we all agreed that we’ll reconvene some time tomorrow. The jury is not deliberating until Monday morning. It’s a waiting game for a few days.”

  He sounded tired, and I knew he was probably exhausted. I’d slept at his place for the last few nights, and every morning he’d been up and out by 4:30 a.m. He’d go for a quick workout at the gym in the building and would be in his office by 5:30 a.m. I was pretty intense about my gym time, but even I couldn’t keep up with Easton’s hours.


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