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54-40 or Fight

Page 11

by Emerson Hough



  Woman is a miracle of divine contradictions.--_Jules Michelet_.

  On my return to my quarters at Brown's I looked at the top of my bureau.It was empty. My friend Dandridge had proved faithful. The slipper ofthe baroness was gone! So now, hurriedly, I began my toilet for thatoccasion which to any gentleman should be the one most exacting, themost important of his life's events.

  Elisabeth deserved better than this unseemly haste. Her sweetness anddignity, her adherence to the forms of life, her acquaintance with theelegancies, the dignities and conventions of the best of our society,bespoke for her ceremony more suited to her class and mine. Nothingcould excuse these hurly burly ways save only my love, our uncertaintyregarding my future presence, and the imperious quality of my duties.

  I told none about my quarters anything of my plans, but arranged for myportmanteaus to be sent to the railway station for that evening's trainnorth. We had not many outgoing and incoming trains in those days inWashington. I hurried to Bond's jewelry place and secured a ring--tworings, indeed; for, in our haste, betrothal and wedding ring neededtheir first use at the same day and hour. I found a waiting carriagewhich served my purpose, and into it I flung, urging the driver to carryme at top speed into Elmhurst road. Having now time for breath, I satback and consulted my watch. There were a few moments left for me tocompose myself. If all went well, I should be in time.

  As we swung down the road I leaned forward, studying with interest thedust cloud of an approaching carriage. As it came near, I called to mydriver. The two vehicles paused almost wheel to wheel. It was my friendJack Dandridge who sprawled on the rear seat of the carriage! That is tosay, the fleshly portion of Jack Dandridge. His mind, his memory, andall else, were gone.

  I sprang into his carriage and caught him roughly by the arm. I felt inall his pockets, looked on the carriage floor, on the seat, and pulledup the dust rug. At last I found the license.

  "Did you see the baroness?" I asked, then.

  At this he beamed upon me with a wide smile.

  "Did I?" said he, with gravity pulling down his long buff waistcoat."Did I? Mos' admi'ble woman in all the worl'! Of course, Miss 'Lis'bethChurchill also mos' admi'ble woman in the worl'," he added politely,"but I didn't see _her_. Many, many congrash'lations. Mos' admi'ble girlin worl'--whichever girl she is! I want do what's right!"

  The sudden sweat broke out upon my forehead. "Tell me, what have youdone with the slipper!"

  He shook his head sadly. "Mishtaken, my friend! I gave mos' admi'bleslipper in the worl', just ash you said, just as baroness said, to MishElisabeth Churchill--mos' admi'ble woman in the worl'! Proudcongrash'late you both, m' friend!"

  "Did you see her?" I gasped. "Did you see her father--any of herfamily?"

  "God blesh me, no!" rejoined this young statesman. "Feelings delicacyprevented. Realized having had three--four--five--Barn Burners; washn'tin fit condition to approach family mansion. Alwaysh mos' delicate. Feltm'self no condition shtan' up bes' man to mosh admi'ble man and moshadmi'ble girl in worl'. Sent packazh in by servant, from gate--turnedround--drove off--found you. Lo, th' bridegroom cometh! Li'l late!"

  My only answer was to spring from his carriage into my own and to ordermy driver to go on at a run. At last I reached the driveway of Elmhurst,my carriage wheels cutting the gravel as we galloped up to the frontdoor. My approach was noted. Even as I hurried up the steps the tallform of none other than Mr. Daniel Churchill appeared to greet me. Iextended my hand. He did not notice it. I began to speak. He bade mepause.

  "To what may I attribute this visit, Mr. Trist?" he asked me, withdignity.

  "Since you ask me, and seem not to know," I replied, "I may say that Iam here to marry your daughter, Miss Elisabeth! I presume that theminister of the gospel is already here?"

  "The minister is here," he answered. "There lacks one thing--the bride."

  "What do you mean?"

  He put out his arm across the door.

  "I regret that I must bar my door to you. But you must take my word, ascoming from my daughter, that you are not to come here to-night."

  I looked at him, my eyes staring wide. I could not believe what he said.

  "Why," I began; "how utterly monstrous!"

  A step sounded in the hall behind him, and he turned back. We werejoined by the tall clerical figure of the Reverend Doctor Halford, whohad, it seemed, been at least one to keep his appointment as made. Heraised his hand as if to silence me, and held out to me a certainobject. It was the slipper of the Baroness Helena von Ritz--white,delicate, dainty, beribboned. "Miss Elisabeth does not pretend tounderstand why your gift should take this form; but as the slipperevidently has been worn by some one, she suggests you may perhaps be inerror in sending it at all." He spoke in even, icy tones.

  "Let me into this house!" I demanded. "I must see her!"

  There were two tall figures now, who stood side by side in the widefront door.

  "But don't you see, there has been a mistake, a horrible mistake?" Idemanded.

  Doctor Halford, in his grave and quiet way, assisted himself to snuff."Sir," he said, "knowing both families, I agreed to this haste andunceremoniousness, much against my will. Had there been no objectionupon either side, I would have undertaken to go forward with the weddingceremony. But never in my life have I, and never shall I, join two inwedlock when either is not in that state of mind and soul consonant withthat holy hour. This ceremony can not go on. I must carry to you thisyoung lady's wish that you depart. She can not see you."

  There arose in my heart a sort of feeling of horror, as though somethingwas wrong, I could not tell what. All at once I felt a swift revulsion.There came over me the reaction, an icy calm. I felt all ardor leave me.I was cold as stone.

  "Gentlemen," said I slowly, "what you tell me is absolutely impossibleand absurd. But if Miss Elisabeth really doubts me on evidence such asthis, I would be the last man in the world to ask her hand. Some timeyou and she may explain to me about this. It is my right. I shall exactit from you later. I have no time to argue now. Good-by!"

  They looked at me with grave faces, but made no reply. I descended thesteps, the dainty, beribboned slipper still in my hand, got into mycarriage and started back to the city.


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