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54-40 or Fight

Page 16

by Emerson Hough



  Woman is a creature between man and the angels. --_Honore de Balzac_.

  A government agent, it seems, may also in part be little more than aman, after all. In these singular surroundings I found myself not whollytranquil.... At last toward morning, I must have slept. It was some timeafter daybreak when I felt a hand upon my shoulder as I lay still partlyclad. Awakened suddenly, I arose and almost overthrew old Threlka, whostood regarding me with no expression whatever upon her brown andwrinkled countenance. She did no more than point the way to a door,where presently I found a bath-room, and so refreshed myself and madethe best toilet possible under the circumstances.

  My hostess I found awaiting me in the central room of the apartments.She was clad now in a girdled peignoir of rich rose-color, the sleeves,wide and full, falling hack from her round arms. Her dark hair wascoiled and piled high on her head this morning, regardless of currentmode, and confined in a heavy twist by a tall golden comb; so that herwhite neck was left uncovered. She wore no jewelry, and as she stood,simple and free from any trickery of the coquette, I thought that fewwomen ever were more fair. That infinite witchery not given to manywomen was hers, yet dignity as well. She was, I swear, _grande dame_,though young and beautiful as a goddess. Her brow was thoughtful now,her air more demure. Faint blue shadows lay beneath her eyes. A certainhauteur, it seemed to me, was visible in her mien, yet she was the soulof graciousness, and, I must admit, as charming a hostess as everinvited one to usual or unusual repast.

  The little table in the center of the room was already spread. Madamfilled my cup from the steaming urn with not the slightest awkwardness,as she nodded for me to be seated. We looked at each other, and, as Imay swear, we both broke into saving laughter.

  So we sat, easier now, as I admit, and, with small concern for theaffairs of the world outside at the time, discussed the very excellentomelet, which certainly did not allow the reputation of Threlka tosuffer; the delicately grilled bones, the crisp toasted rye bread, thefirm yellow butter, the pungent early cress, which made up a mealsufficiently dainty even for her who presided over it.

  Even that pitiless light of early morning, the merciless cross-light ofopposing windows, was gentle with her. Yes, she was young! Moreover, sheate as a person of breeding, and seemed thoroughbred in all ways, if onemight use a term so hackneyed. Rank and breeding had been hers; sheneeded not to claim them, for they told their own story. I wondered whatextraordinary history of hers remained untold--what history of hers andmine and of others she might yet assist in making!

  "I was saying," she remarked presently, "that I would not have you thinkthat I do not appreciate the suffering in which you were plunged by thehaste you found necessary in the wedding of your _jeune fille_."

  But I was on my guard. "At least, I may thank you for your sympathy,Madam!" I replied.

  "Yet in time," she went on, gone reflective the next instant, "you willsee how very unimportant is all this turmoil of love and marriage."

  "Indeed, there is, as you say, something of a turmoil regarding them inour institutions as they are at present formed."

  "Because the average of humanity thinks so little. Most of us judge lifefrom its emotions. We do not search the depths."

  "If I could oblige Madam by abolishing society and home and humanity, Ishould be very glad--because, of course, that is what Madam means!"

  "At any cost," she mused, "that torture of life must be passed on tocoming generations for their unhappiness, their grief, their misery. Ipresume it was necessary that there should be this plan of the generalblindness and intensity of passion."

  "Yes, if, indeed, it be not the most important thing in the world for usto marry, at least it is important that we should think so. Madam isphilosopher this morning," I said, smiling.

  She hardly heard me. "To continue the crucifixion of the soul, tocontinue the misapprehensions, the debasings of contact with humanlife--yes, I suppose one must pay all that for the sake of the gainingof a purpose. Yet there are those who would endure much for the sake ofprinciple, Monsieur. Some such souls are born, do you not think?"

  "Yes, Sphinx souls, extraordinary, impossible for the average of us tounderstand."

  "That torch of _life_!" she mused. "See! It was only _that_ which youwere so eager to pass on to another generation! That was why you were somad to hasten to the side of that woman. Whereas," she mused still, "itwere so much grander and so much nobler to pass on the torch of a_principle_ as well!"

  "I do not understand."

  "The general business of offspring goes on unceasingly in all thenations," she resumed frankly. "There will be children, whether or notyou and I ever find some one wherewith to mate in the compromise whichfolk call wedlock. But _principles_--ah! my friend, who is to give thoseto others who follow us? What rare and splendid wedlock brings forth_that_ manner of offspring?"

  "Madam, in the circumstances," said I, "I should be happy to serve youmore omelet."

  She shook her head as though endeavoring to dismiss something from hermind.

  "Do not philosophize with me," I said. "I am already distracted by thepuzzle you offer to me. You are so young and beautiful, so fair in yourjudgment, so kind--"

  "In turn, I ask you not to follow that," she remarked coldly. "Let ustalk of what you call, I think, business."

  "Nothing could please me more. I have slept little, pondering on thisthat I do call business. To begin with, then, you were there at theChateau Ramezay last night. I would have given all I had to have beenthere for an hour."

  "There are certain advantages a woman may have."

  "But you were there? You know what went forward?"


  "Did they know you were present?"

  "Monsieur is somewhat importunate!"

  She looked me now directly in the eye, studying me mercilessly, with ascrutiny whose like I should not care often to undergo.

  "I should be glad if it were possible to answer you," she said at lastenigmatically; "but I have faith to keep with--others--withyou--with--myself."

  Now my own eagerness ran away with me; I became almost rude. "Madam," Iexclaimed, "why beat about the bush? I do not care to deceive you, andyou must not deceive me. Why should we not be friends in every way, andfair ones?"

  "You do not know what you are saying," she said simply.

  "Are you then an enemy of my country?" I demanded. "If I thought youwere here to prove traitress to my country, you should never leave thisroom except with me. You shall not leave it now until you have told mewhat you are, why you are here, what you plan to do!"

  She showed no fear. She only made a pretty little gesture at the dishesbetween us. "At my own table!" she pouted.

  Again our eyes met directly and again hers did not lower. She looked atme calmly. I was no match for her.

  "My dear lady," I began again, "my relation to the affairs of theAmerican Republic is a very humble one. I am no minister of state, and Iknow you deal with ministers direct. How, then, shall I gain yourfriendship for my country? You are dangerous to have for an enemy. Areyou too high-priced to have for a friend--for a friend to our Union--afriend of the principle of democracy? Come now, you enjoy largequestions. Tell me, what does this council mean regarding Oregon? Is ittrue that England plans now to concentrate all her traders, all hertroops, and force them west up the Saskatchewan and into Oregon thiscoming season? Come, now, Madam, is it to be war?"

  Her curved lips broke into a smile that showed again her small whiteteeth.

  "Were you, then, married?" she said.

  I only went on, impatient. "Any moment may mean everything to us. Ishould not ask these questions if I did not know that you were close toMr. Calhoun."

  She looked me square in the eye and nodded her head slowly. "I may saythis much, Monsieur, that it has pleased me to gain a little furtherinformation."

  "You will give my government that in

  "Why should I?"

  "Yet you spoke of others who might come here. What others? Who are they?The representatives of Mexico? Some attache of the British Embassy atWashington? Some minister from England itself, sent here direct?"

  She smiled at me again. "I told you not to go back to your hotel, did Inot?"

  I got no further with her, it seemed.

  "You interest me sometimes," she went on slowly, at last, "yet you seemto have so little brain! Now, in your employment, I should think thatbrain would be somewhat useful at times."

  "I do not deny that suggestion, Madam."

  "But you are unable to analyze. Thus, in the matter of yourself. Isuppose if you were told of it, you would only say that you forgot tolook in the toe of the slipper you had."

  "Thus far, Baroness," I said soberly, "I have asked no specialprivilege, at least. Now, if it affords you any pleasure, I _beg_ you, I_implore_ you, to tell me what you mean!"

  "Did you credit the attache of Mexico with being nothing more than adrunken rowdy, to follow me across town with a little shoe in hiscarriage?"

  "But you said he was in wine."

  "True. But would that be a reason? Continually you show your lack ofbrain in accepting as conclusive results which could not possibly haveoccurred. _Granted_ he was in wine, _granted_ he followed me, _granted_he had my shoe in his possession--what then? Does it follow that at theball at the White House he could have removed that shoe? Does Monsieurthink that I, too, was in wine?"

  "I agree that I have no brain! I can not guess what you mean. I can onlybeg once more that you explain."

  "Now listen. In your most youthful and charming innocence I presume youdo not know much of the capabilities for concealment offered by a lady'sapparel! Now, suppose I had a message--where do you think I could hideit; granted, of course, the conditions obtaining at a ball in the WhiteHouse?"

  "Then you did have a message? It came to you there, at that time?"

  She nodded. "Certainly. Mr. Van Zandt had almost no other opportunity tomeet me or get word to me."

  "_Van Zandt!_ Madam, are you indeed in the camp of _all_ these differentinterests? So, what Pakenham said was true! Van Zandt is the attache ofTexas. Van Zandt is pleading with Mr. Calhoun that he shall take up thesecretaryship. Van Zandt promises us the friendship of Texas if we willstand out for the annexation of Texas. Van Zandt promises us everyeffort in his power against England. Van Zandt promises us the sternestof fronts against treacherous Mexico. Van Zandt is known to beinterested in this fair Dona Lucrezia, just as Polk is. Now, then, comesVan Zandt with his secret message slipped into the hand of Madam at theAmbassador's ball--Madam, _the friend of England!_ The attache of Mexicois curious--furious--to know what Texas is saying to England! And thatmessage must be concealed! And Madam conceals it in--"

  She smiled at me brilliantly. "You come on," she said. "Should your headbe opened and analyzed, yes, I think a trace of brain might bediscovered by good chemistry."

  I resumed impatiently. "You put his message in your slipper?"

  She nodded. "Yes," she said, "in the toe of it. There was barely chanceto do that. You see, our skirts are full and wide; there are curtains inthe East Room; there was wine by this time; there was music; so Ieffected that much. But when you took the slipper, you took Van Zandt'snote! You had it. It was true, what I told Pakenham before thepresident--I did _not_ then have that note! _You_ had it. At least, I_thought_ you had it, till I found it crumpled on the table the nextday! It must have fallen there from the shoe when we made our littleexchange that night. Ah, you hurried me. I scarce knew whether I wasclad or shod, until the next afternoon--after I left you at the WhiteHouse grounds. So you hastily departed--to your wedding?"

  "So small a shoe could not have held an extended epistle, Madam," Isaid, ignoring her question.

  "No, but the little roll of paper caused me anguish. After I had dancedI was on the point of fainting. I hastened to the cover of the nearestcurtain, where I might not be noticed. Senor Yturrio of Mexico wassomewhat vigilant. He wished to know what Texas planned with England. Hehas long made love to me--by threats, and jewels. As I stood behind thecurtain I saw his face, I fled; but one shoe--the empty one--was notwell fastened, and it fell. I could not walk. I reached down, removedthe other shoe with its note, hid it in my handkerchief--thankProvidence for the fashion of so much lace--and so, not in wine,Monsieur, as you may believe, and somewhat anxious, as you may alsobelieve, expecting to hear at once of an encounter between Van Zandt andthe Mexican minister, Senor Almonte, or his attache Yturrio, or betweenone of them and some one else, I made my adieux--I will warrant the onlywoman in her stocking feet who bowed for Mr. Tyler at the ball thatnight!"

  "Yes, so far as I know, Madam, you are the only lady who ever left theEast Room precisely so clad. And so you got into your owncarriage--alone--after a while? And so, when you were there you put onthe shoe which was left? And so Yturrio of Mexico got the other one--andfound nothing in it! And so, he wanted this one!"

  "You come on," she said. "You have something more than a trace ofbrain."

  "And that other shoe, which _I_ got that night?"

  Without a word she smoothed out a bit of paper which she removed from anear-by desk, and handed it to me. "_This_ was in yours! As I said, inmy confusion I supposed you had it. You said I should go in a sack. Isuppose I did! I suppose I lost my head, somewhere! But certainly Ithought you had found the note and given it to Mr. Calhoun; else Ishould have driven harder terms with him! I would drive harder termswith you, now, were I not in such haste to learn the answer to myquestion! Tell me, _were_ you married?"

  "Is that answer worth more than Van Zandt?" I smiled.

  "Yes," she answered, also smiling.

  I spread the page upon the cloth before me; my eyes raced down thelines. I did not make further reply to her.

  "Madam," went on the communication, "say to your august friend SirRichard that we have reached the end of our endurance of these latedelays. The promises of the United States mean nothing. We can trustneither Whig nor Democrat any longer. There is no one party in power,nor will there be. There are two sections in America and there is nonation, and Texas knows not where to go. We have offered to Mr. Tyler tojoin the Union if the Union will allow us to join. We intend to reserveour own lands and reserve the right to organize later into four or morestates, if our people shall so desire. But as a great state we will jointhe Union if the Union will accept us. That must be seen.

  "England now beseeches us not to enter the Union, but to stand apart,either for independence or for alliance with Mexico and England. Theproposition has been made to us to divide into two governments, one freeand one slave. England has proposed to us to advance us moneys to payall our debts if we will agree to this. Settled by bold men from ourmother country, the republic, Texas has been averse to this. But now ourown mother repudiates us, not once but many times. We get no decision.This then, dear Madam, is from Texas to England by your hand, and weknow you will carry it safe and secret. We shall accept this proposal ofEngland, and avail ourselves of the richness of her generosity.

  "If within thirty days action is not taken in Washington for theannexation of Texas, Texas will never in the history of the world be oneof the United States. Moreover, if the United States shall lose Texas,also they lose Oregon, and all of Oregon. Carry this news--I ampersuaded that it will be welcome--to that gentleman whose ear I knowyou have; and believe me always, my dear Madam, with respect andadmiration, yours, for the State of Texas, Van Zandt."

  I drew a deep breath as I saw this proof of double play on the part ofthis representative of the republic of the Southwest. "They aretraitors!" I exclaimed. "But there must be action--something must bedone at once. I must not wait; I must go! I must take this, at least, toMr. Calhoun."

  She laughed now, joyously clapping her white hands together. "Good!" shesaid. "You are a man, after all. You may yet grow brain."

  "Have I been fair with you thus far?" she aske
d at length.

  "More than fair. I could not have asked this of you. In an hour I havelearned the news of years. But will you not also tell me what is thenews from Chateau Ramezay? Then, indeed, I could go home feeling I haddone very much for my chief."

  "Monsieur, I can not do so. You will not tell me that other news."

  "Of what?"

  "Of your nuptials!"

  "Madam, I can not do so. But for you, much as I owe you, I would like towring your neck. I would like to take your arms in my hands and crushthem, until--"

  "Until what?" Her face was strange. I saw a hand raised to her throat.

  "Until you told me about Oregon!" said I.

  I saw her arms move--just one instant--her body incline. She gazed at mesteadily, somberly. Then her hands fell.

  "Ah, God! how I hate you both!" she said; "you and her. You _were_married, after all! Yes, it can be, it can be! A woman may love oneman--even though he could give her only a bed of husks! And a man maylove a woman, too--one woman! I had not known."

  I could only gaze at her, now more in perplexity than ever. Alike hercharacter and her moods were beyond me. What she was or had been I couldnot guess; only, whatever she was, she was not ordinary, that was sure,and was to be classified under no ordinary rule. Woman or secret agentshe was, and in one or other identity she could be my friend or mypowerful enemy, could aid my country powerfully if she had the whim; ordamage it irreparably if she had the desire. But--yes--as I studied herthat keen, tense, vital moment, she was woman!

  A deep fire burned in her eyes, that was true; but on her facewas--what? It was not rage, it was not passion, it was not chagrin. No,in truth and justice I swear that what I then saw on her face was thatsame look I had noted once before, an expression of almost childishpathos, of longing, of appeal for something missed or gone, though muchdesired. No vanity could contemplate with pleasure a look like that onthe face of a woman such as Helena von Ritz.

  I fancied her unstrung by excitement, by the strain of her trying labor,by the loneliness of her life, uncertain, misunderstood, perhaps, as itwas. I wondered if she could be more unhappy than I myself, if lifecould offer her less than it did to me. But I dared not prolong ourmasking, lest all should be unmasked.

  "It is nothing!" she said at last, and laughed gaily as ever.

  "Yes, Madam, it is nothing. I admit my defeat. I shall ask no morefavors, expect no further information from you, for I have not earnedit, and I can not pay. I will make no promise that I could not keep."

  "Then we part even!"

  "As enemies or friends?"

  "I do not yet know. I can not think--for a long time. But I, too, amdefeated."

  "I do not understand how Madam can be defeated in anything."

  "Ah, I am defeated only because I have won. I have your secret; you donot have mine. But I laid also another wager, with myself. I have lostit. Ceremony or not--and what does the ceremony value?--you _are_married. I had not known marriage to be possible. I had not knownyou--you savages. No--so much--I had not known."

  "Monsieur, adieu!" she added swiftly.

  I bent and kissed her hand. "Madam, _au revoir!_"

  "No, _adieu!_ Go!"


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