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Everyone Deserves a Second Chance: A Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 23

by Tara Brent

  “Enjoy the rest of your day with mom and Callum, and I’ll come round after work. Right now, I’m underneath a car, Tiffy, fixing a crappy exhaust tailpipe. So, it’s kinda hard to talk. I will see you when you get home.”

  “I love you, Ali,” I tell her. “Pa would be proud of how you hold me up.”

  “Angus would shake your booty and tell you to man up!” She yells and cuts me off.

  She always called pa by his name, because she has her own father. Though I know she’s right. Pa would insist that I get my head around what I want to do and get on with a decision one way or the other. He never minced his words but nor did he interfere with my choices.

  When it's time to return home, Callum is totally exhausted and ready for his bed. Mom drives us home and I sit in the back with him. The peace and quiet gives me a moment to reflect on whether to change mine and Callum's lives around, completely.

  Out of Reach

  “This is most likely illegal,” Mia tells me as she hands over a piece of paper. “I'm not happy breaching someone's privacy and I would do it for no one other than you. I had to lie to that poor nurse to get it.”

  “I know Mia, and I appreciate it.” I am genuinely grateful for Mia's help. “Thanks for getting her address for me, I owe you big time.”

  “You sure do,” Mia is quick to come back and no doubt will rub my nose in this favor for a long time to come. “I don't like telling lies.”

  “I hope you didn't bully her?” I ask, curious at the thought of Mia not having the upper hand. She’s a typical famous chef, moody and bossy. It’s unlikely she would have enjoyed having to ask anyone for a favor. Most of the time she simply demands things, she doesn't ask.

  “Don’t worry, I didn’t bully the poor little nurse. I said something had dropped out of the bag she left behind and I wanted to return it. It seems Tiffany had turned up to work in a bit of a tizzy on one of her shifts. She told her close friends that some guy had approached her outside of work to return a bag she left on a blind date. Which, of course, was you. As it happened it worked in your favor because her friend knew about the bag incident, so she believed me."

  “That’s exactly my case,” I say in my defense. “She told them I was 'some guy.' She didn't tell them I am ‘the guy she met years ago.’ It’s as if she’s keeping our past a secret, not even telling her close friends.”

  “Hmm, I see your point,” Mia agrees, which is a miracle in itself. “I liked Tiffany, that’s why I chose her for our blind date challenge. Though I never expected to see you so lovesick.”

  “You think that’s what’s wrong with me?” I ask in confusion.

  “Oh yeah!” Mia declares. “I’ve never seen you chase a woman, ever. So what gives with this one?”

  “I don’t know,” I tell her. “But I’m going to speak to her and see if she feels the same way, or if I’m wasting my time. Then I can move on.”

  That's exactly why I’m sat in my car outside the darkened home of Tiffany Miller. Now I am a crazy stalker, but I have to speak to her. Something’s not right between us and I can’t work it out. This is so not me. That’s why I must end this one way or another, and get on with my life. I’ve always been in control of my life and emotions. I’m a successful businessman, with more money than I can spend. I have a great social life. I love women and most of the time they love me back too. Yet it doesn't feel like it's enough. Somethings missing and I think Tiffany can fill that empty gap in my life.

  I’m in a state of confusion and uncertainty. One minute it seems like a stupid idea waiting for her, and I’m ready to drive away. The next, I know I have to speak to her. My decision is made up for me when I see her car pulling up the driveway to her home. An elderly woman gets out of the driver’s seat and opens up the back door for someone. And, there she is. Tiffany climbs out, but she’s holding something. In the dark, it takes me a few seconds to realize what it is. When I do, I take a sharp intake of breath. It’s a young child! Is it hers?

  As if I have no control over my actions, I open my car door and step out. She spots me immediately and the shock on her face is plain to see. It's soon replaced with a different emotion, that of anger. She passes the child to the elderly woman, who briefly looks over at me. Is that sympathy I see in her eyes? She enters the house with the sleeping child. Once they’re out of sight Tiffany strides purposely towards me. The anger is even more apparent now that she’s closer. I start to speak to explain myself but she holds up her hand, cutting me off.

  “You have no right to do this to me,” she says in a quivering voice. “This is my home, my family. I’m married, Calvin. Get that into your thick skull and fuck off.”

  With those cruel words, she turns and marches into the house, banging the front door behind her. She’s married! That’s what the problem was all along. Now I understand. Now, I’ll stay away. I’m glad I only sent the flowers to her workplace, the last thing I want to do is hurt her. Shit, she’s married! She’s out of my reach! Fuck!

  Chapter 9

  Online Dating

  “You told him what?” Ali screeches at me as we make hot chocolate in the kitchen.

  “I had to come up with something, and quick. I didn’t want Callum to see him,” I reply, in my defense.

  “Oh girl, you might have ruined it now. How could you tell him you’re married? That’s the biggest fattest lie I ever did hear!”

  “What did you expect I’d do?” I say, wagging my teaspoon at her. “Welcome him into my home?”

  “Don’t you wag that thing at me,” Ali says and we both burst into laughter. “I was hoping this might go a bit slower and you’d give in and meet him again, but you just blew it all, girl.”

  “I don’t know what to do, Ali,” I admit. “It seems he likes me a lot. That's the impression I get by how he’s pursuing me. If we were to date and end up falling out, he might try and take Callum away from me.”

  “I don’t believe that would happen, from what you’ve told me of him, he seems a decent guy,” Ali reminds me. “Besides, at this rate you’re never gonna get a guy, any guy.”

  “That’s not true, Ali. It's only the father of my child I can't have. I’ll still go out with guys who don’t expect to take my son away from me.”

  “I don’t believe you,” Ali says, most indignantly. “In fact, I’m going to put you to the test. Let’s go up to your room, right now. I have a great dating site. We're gonna get you a date, girl. It’s time to have some fun, Tiffy.”

  I follow Ali upstairs with a little trepidation. She's right though, I am reluctant to date guys. Jumping onto my bed, Ali brings up a dating website.

  “Right, I’m gonna register you first and see if there’s any matches,” Ali starts frantically typing on the laptop.

  “Don’t you go committing me without my say so,” I warn her as I watch on.

  Despite my concerns over the whole online dating thing, I’m beginning to think it might be for the best. I have to put this episode with Calvin behind me. I can’t help but feel a little sorry for him though. The look on his face when I told him I was married was of someone most crestfallen. I’m certain I’ve scared him off with my faux husband. A part of me feels very disappointed. In reality, if the circumstances were right, I would love nothing more than be with Calvin. I know him though, he’ll soon tire of me and then where will it leave me and Callum? I’m not risking it. Calvin will crawl back to his own life and put away any thoughts of him and me dating ever again.

  Ali pulls up some images of potential dates. We spend the next hour pulling them apart and in the end, we do nothing but laugh. It’s unlikely I’ll go on any of these online dates, but it’s a giggle while we go through them. To be honest, I soon become tired of it and leave Ali drooling at all the guys on her own. I’m soon fast asleep and feeling so much better with my best friend by my side.

  Family First

  “Yeah, I’m on my way now, I’ve booked the jet on standby, so no worries,” I tell my brother, Nico, over the ph

  We end our conversation and I finish packing. I was wanting to leave San Francisco anyway. Now, I’m called to Texas on a family emergency. My family always come first, so I’m leaving Tiffany Miller behind me. My father's been taken ill and he’ already diagnosed with angina. Luckily, we can afford the best medical care so I’m hoping all will be well. After finding out that Tiffany's married, and it looks like she has a kid, I realize there’s no way we can be together now. Quite frankly, I’m gutted over it. We could be a couple now if I hadn’t left her all those years ago. I’m annoyed at myself that I never realized how much she meant to me. I’ve been pining for her deep down for all these years, and I never knew it.

  I climb in the car while my driver loads my luggage in the trunk. A sudden thought hits, thanks to Mia. Should I have put my own luggage in the back? She’s made me conscious of allowing others to do my bidding. Being the youngest in the family I sort of got used to having everything done for me as a kid. Once we became wealthy, it seemed the most natural thing in the world for me. Now, I’m realizing how much I rely on other people. Mia’s right, I’ve got to grow up. It’s time I took on more responsibility for myself.

  Sure I’m responsible for global business deals, but it’s not quite the same, is it? When I’m away on business, I even have someone put out my clothes and sort out my meals. Come to think of it, what do I do for myself?

  My mind ponders on this question, and then flips to Tiffany, all throughout my journey to Texas. It takes about three hours to get to KJ private airport, in Uvalde County. I’m going in at a private airport not far from “Recinto Del Bestiame,” my brother’s largest ranch. It’s about 300 acres so it’s one of the biggest in Texas, but he has a couple of smaller ones too. I have no idea why Nico chose to become a cowboy but that he did, and he’s a successful one too.

  He’ll be at the airport to meet me in some dusty pickup truck no doubt. I suppose I’m lucky he doesn’t come by horse as that’s his usual mode of transport. That’s why I’m donning jeans and a t-shirt today. I'm in the middle of nowhere whenever I visit Texas, but he’s happy here, so who am I to judge. Personally, I prefer my big cities, the bigger the better.

  As I disembark, Nico is there at the bottom of the airplane steps. His hair is long and he looks the part of a native Indian, even though it’s his Italian genes. He’s a big guy but then again, he lives a tough life. We’re all tall, the Luca brothers, but Nico doesn’t need to work out, his lifestyle muscles him up.

  “Benvenuto a mio fratello!” He greets me in our mother tongue, giving me a bear hug. “I was hoping Ethan would be with you,” he says as we separate our brotherly embrace.

  “He’s not only our brother, Nico, but he’s also a family man now and he has much to pack in his suitcases." I smile remembering how Mia was running around packing up for what seemed like a family of ten. “I left them to it so I could get here quicker. How’s papa doing?”

  “Ah, you know what he’s like, he thinks he will live forever and won’t accept how serious this is. Come on, let’s get driving. Your luggage can follow. Mia madre is keen to see you.”

  “I miss mamma’s cooking, does she still do it?” I ask, realizing how hungry I am.

  “No, she bosses the cooks about in the kitchens though," he tells me. '"Luckily, they’re good friends.”

  There are many well-laid decent roads in Texas, but the one we're traveling down right now is not one of them. We bump and jolt all the way to the huge gates of his ranch. Above the gates is an enormous wooden sign with the words, “Recinto Del Bestiame,” carved on it. Translated it means “Cattle Ranch” in Italian. He wanted to put his Italian mark on his property, much to the puzzlement of his neighbors. That’s typical behavior of my family, we all do our own thing regardless of what others think about us. For me, it doesn’t always work out and that's how I lost Tiffany in the first place. See! I can’t stop thinking about that darn redhead.

  When we arrive at the magnificent ranch house, I'm warmly greeted by my mother. I'm relieved to finally be with her and I can see her worry in her tired eyes. She takes me straight to papa’s bedside. I’m taken aback at how he looks. Even though I knew he was ill, I never expected how weak he would appear. He was always a strong man as I remember, but now he looks a shadow of his former self. There are wires on his chest and they go off into machines by his bedside. Drips and beeping noises surround him. His skin is a pale grey and he’s lost a lot of his thick dark hair. I can’t believe he’s gone downhill so quickly. He looks so fragile laying in his sickbed.

  Taking hold of his trembling hands, I have an overwhelming urge to burst into tears. Of course, I hold it back, but I love my family and my papa was my rock. Now, I must be his.

  “Calvin, my son, you came,” he says with a croaky voice as he attempts to smile. His hand grasps onto mine, but he has no strength.

  My father is dying, and I finally stop thinking about Tiffany.

  Chapter 10


  “It’s a happening girl, so you’d better believe it,” Ali’s voice echoes out of my cell phone.

  “You can’t do this to me, Ali. I thought we were messing around?” I say back to her, a little loud and drawing the attention of a work colleague who frowns at me.

  “Keep your voice down, Tiffany,” my work colleague hisses.

  I give her the thumbs up and make my way towards the staff room to finish my call.

  “Ali, I did not say I would do this,” I tell her in no uncertain terms. “I can’t mess around like this. I'm a mother for goodness sake.”

  “Aww, come on, Tiffy, you know you’re making up excuses.” I can hear clattering noises in the background as she talks. She’s clearly at work too, fixing up some car. You’d never believe it to look at her, but Ali is a first-rate mechanic. It was Ali who restored Dora for me and now I’m inseparable from my bright yellow car.

  “Anyway, I can’t go back on it now. The two guys are marines and they're traveling back from tour. They aren’t reachable until the weekend, and that’s when we meet them.”

  “You chose someone in the forces?” I ask, my ears perking up with interest. How can a girl not like a man in uniform! “Okay, but I’m not making any commitments. You’d better show me pictures of them tonight. I’m only doing this if they’re handsome and fit. Honestly, Ali, you do lead me astray.”

  “Look, there’s no commitment on either part. We’re all only in it for the sex,” she says and then hangs up on me, not giving me a chance to reply.

  I am intrigued though. A fling with a big marine is appealing. I’ll find out more tonight. The little minx never told me she’d set us up for a foursome date. A girl can’t let a soldier down on his short time of leave, can she?

  When I get home I'm in a really good mood for the first time in a while, or at least since my encounter with Calvin. I’m in such a good mood I dance around the kitchen to some music playing on my cell phone.

  “Who’s put a rocket up your...” mom cuts her words short as Callum comes running in to see me.

  “Mommy’s happy, can I dance too?”

  I pick him and swing him around in my arms.

  “Mommy’s always happy when she’s with her favorite little boy in the whole wide world,” I tell him.

  “Is the world big?” He asks.

  “I tell you what, Callum. The universe is even bigger, so I love you as much as the universe, and even beyond,” I say, as we dance around the kitchen.

  He giggles when I have to stop. I’m starting to feel a little dizzy and besides, I don’t want to make my son feel sick.

  “I’m having dinner with you both tonight. I’ve got the weekend off and then I’m back to daytime shifts for a while.”

  Callum’s little arms go high up in the air and he runs off as if he’s flying like a superhero.

  “Off you go, little one,” I tell him. “Go clean-up for dinner.”

  That night, with Ali by my side, I gaze at an image of the guy I�
�m dating this weekend.

  “You know they could be lying,” I say to Ali, feeling a little suspicious at such good looks. “This might not be them at all. They’re sooo hot it's unreal!”

  “What! You think they might be a couple of SOB’s pretending to be hot marines?” She laughs. “I’m damn sure they’re the real deal. It's gonna be a hot date for us girl.”

  I hope she’s right because the last thing I need right now is to be let down by another man.

  As it turns out, they were who they said they were. All thoughts of Calvin soon disappear out of my head as the night progresses. Then Ali hit me with a question in the girl's room.

  “I’m definitely making out with my guy, how about you?” She asks me, as if she's simply ordering a cup of coffee.

  I watch her through the mirror as she presses her lips together after renewing her lipstick.

  “I...I’m...not sure, I don’t know, I like him, a lot. Have you seen his physique? Man, he is hot!”

  “Yeah, you got the big guy but I got the athletic one. We fell real lucky, Tiffy. You having fun?”

  I nod my head in answer to her question. Yes, I was having a wonderful time. My guy is handsome and quite the gentleman. He makes me feel at ease, but do I want sex with him? I’m not sure.

  We leave the ladies room and our guys are standing at the bar. A little quiver of excitement churns in my belly. This guy has a body that is sculptured like a Greek god. But, you know what, Calvin has a good body too. Why am I saying that? I must get Calvin out of my mind.

  He places a protective arm around me and hands me a fresh drink. It has umbrellas and cherries, and all the works. The music is loud and the night is young. Oh boy, I’m going to totally chill with a guy who's built like a gladiator.

  Sadness in Texas

  That was to be the last time I held my father’s hand. Ethan arrived the next day, making it in time before our father passed away. Now we are a family in mourning. Even when you expect to lose someone through illness, it still hits hard. We've always been a close-knit family. Even though our family ties are spread over long distances. This will be sad news for many of our extended family members.


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