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Everyone Deserves a Second Chance: A Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 29

by Tara Brent

  Standing up I nervously pace the floor. If he wanted he could hire the best lawyers and take my baby away from me.

  “Don’t put what on you, Tiffany? Why should this make any difference?” He asks me.

  “You know it will, Calvin. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have been putting off telling me, would you?”

  Callum comes flying into the room. He jumps on his father and I watch on, nervously. My mom looks at me and she knows something has upset me.

  “Come for dinner again, daddy,” Callum yells out giddily, as his father swings him around. “Will you have dinner with me all the time now?”

  “Come along young man, time for that bed,” mom raises her voice to get over the squealing noises he’s making. “You’ve got kindergarten tomorrow, so save all that energy.”

  I look at her to thank her for taking him away so quickly.

  As soon as he’s out of the room I tell Calvin he should go now.

  “I have to take this in, Calvin. What did you expect I would do with this news? Jump up and down with glee? Do you think your money can buy your son?"

  “Please, Tiffany, let me have my say and then, I promise, I will leave.”

  Dark Cloud Ahead

  “I've matured a lot since we first met, Tiffany. That’s how I managed to achieve all this. I’m not telling you so I can brag about it all; I’m telling you so you know who and what I am,” I plead.

  Why does it feel all wrong? I know this woman so well, yet I’ve been dreading telling her about the real me. For some reason, I knew she’d be uneasy about my wealth. Tiffany is from a family who have struggled to make ends meet all their lives. I was already from a reasonably well off family, in comparison. I’ve never known poverty or hardship.

  “You remember when you used to tease me because I told you I went to a private school in Italy? Well, I can’t be ashamed of that Tiffany. That’s who I am. I want those things for my children too.”

  “Oh, I see!” she says sternly as she turns to face me with her arms crossed. “You suddenly appear in our lives again and think you can make all the decisions for my son?”

  “He’s my son too!” I say equally sternly back at her.

  We’re both cautious of raising our voices because of our little man upstairs, but she's testing my patience.

  “I haven’t done anything wrong here, Tiffany,” I plead again.

  “Back to that, is it!" She hisses at me. “I suppose you’ll hold it against me forever that I kept him from you. Do you wonder why?”

  “That’s hardly fair, I never accused you of anything. This is not going how I planned it to go, but you have to know, who I am” I say in my defense. “Hell, Tiffany, you don’t even have to work, so you could spend your whole time with our son.”

  Oh no, I shouldn’t have said that...

  “What!” Here it comes, she’s not happy with my statement. “How dare you? I’ve worked hard to get where I am. No-one handed me anything on a silver platter. Did it ever occur to you that I like my work?”

  “I meant if you didn’t want to." Christ! This is hard work! "Please Tiffany, don’t hold all this against me. I’m trying very hard to please you, but you put so many obstacles in my way.”

  “My son is not to be bought, and neither am I,” she says in a cruel tone.

  “I don’t want to buy you! All I want is to be a father to my son. That’s it.”

  “You can’t come out of nowhere and expect to make all the decisions about his future, Calvin. That’s my job,” she tells me.

  “Look,” I put up my hands up in surrender. “This discussion isn’t going well, I can see that. I had to tell you but I’ve gone about it all wrong. I wanted you to accept me for what I am. Instead, you treat me as if being wealthy is a bad thing. It’s not, Tiffany. But, I tell you one thing for sure, I am having some say in the future of our son. You can’t keep that from me anymore.”

  I can’t stay in this house one more moment. This woman knows how to infuriate me. I’m considered one of the toughest business negotiators in my industry. People treat me with the respect that I deserve, but this, this is beyond anything I can deal with. I can’t simply end her contract or put sanctions on her, as I would in a business deal. Handling this woman is more than my skills can handle.

  “I will leave, before you throw me out,” I tell her, as I can see she’s seething. “This is not about you or me, Tiffany. It’s about Callum.”

  Her beautiful face looks at me in contorted anger. Even angry I want to take her in my arms and tell her that everything will be okay. Though in reality if I go anywhere near her she’ll most likely attack me like a protective she-wolf.

  “I have made all the decisions quite well so far, thank you very much. And yes, please do leave or I will throw you out.”

  It was better not to say anything else. It’s clear that she can’t see through my wealth but why should I be ashamed of it? I too have worked hard to be where I am today. I’m too mad with her to continue the conversation anyway.

  “I am in his life to stay,” I add, though I know I shouldn’t have.

  She has to know that I will not give him up because his mother doesn’t approve of my lifestyle.

  We part ways with a terrible dark cloud hanging over us.

  Chapter 21


  “Hi, Ali. I haven’t heard from you in a while so I thought I’d call you seeing as you’re too busy to call me,” I say to my best friend. I’m desperately in need of someone to talk to.

  “I know, Tiffy,” she replies, and I hear a tinge of guilt in her voice. I can also hear the distinctive sound of a hammer on metal in the background, so I know she’s at work. “Nico takes up all my time. I’m telling you, I’m head over heels for that guy. He’s my cowboy, that’s for sure.”

  “I’m glad one of us is happy,” I say, kicking myself for spoiling her moment.

  “I know, I heard all about your little fracas last night. I can pop round tonight if you like?”

  “I can’t believe he told his family about our argument!” I complain.

  “They’re a close-knit family those Italians. You notice how all the men are so fucking handsome, and hot and sexy?”

  “Haha...You always manage to bring sex into a conversation,” and she does as well. “Yes, they are, and bloody infuriating to-boot. Oh wait, I’ve got another call coming in. Speak later. Love you, bye.”

  “Tiffany, it’s Calvin here,” his voice comes over my phone.

  I give a quiet little hi, but I’m not sure how to read him lately, so I’ll let him take the lead.

  “I’d like to take Callum out,” he says, straight to the point.

  “I’m on day shifts so it’s a bit awkward this week. Unless you can wait for next mid-week when I have a few days off,” I say, being all matter-of-fact too.

  In my heart I want to tell him how sorry I am and can we make it up to each other, in bed. But, when it comes to my son I’m unable to play the meek role.

  “No, I meant on my own,” he comes back at me and then gives me a blunt silence.

  “Oh, I never thought of that.” Though why am I surprised? “It’s too soon for that. Callum doesn’t know you well enough yet.”

  “Only because you won’t let me into his life. I don’t want to take it so slow. I’m his father and the sooner I can play that role, the better. Don’t you agree?”

  “No, Calvin. I don’t agree,” I tell him. “We have to take this slow for Callum’s sake.”

  “Don’t force me to do this the legal way, Tiffany. I want to see my son much more often than you're allowing. Plus, we don’t need an escort every time.”

  “Right now, Calvin, I make the decisions. If you don’t like it then tough!” I shout down the phone as anger takes hold of my brain.

  A hospital visitor passes me by on the corridor and looks at me oddly. It's a reminder of where I am, so I turn around and head towards the staff room. Not that I want to continue this conversation. How dare he make
such demands?

  “I’m going to pick up my son from kindergarten today, so I'm letting you know.”

  “You can’t do that, Calvin!” I yell, hyperventilating.

  “Can’t do what? Can’t make up five years of my son’s life. Calm down, Tiffany, I’m not running off with my son. You need to know that you’ll be seeing a lot more of me, so get used to the idea.”

  With that, he cut me off. There I am, standing in the room with steam coming out of my ears like a rabid bull in a cartoon. I know in my heart that what he’s saying is right. He does deserve some time with Callum, and my son needs his father. That’s not the point. This man is making demands and that’s what I don’t like. I’ve always been independent and no one ever pushes me around. My dad taught me that.

  When I finally manage to cool down and my breathing returns to normal, I call mom so she can let the school know. As I'm having a good old moan at her, she agrees with him and takes Calvin’s side! Not only that, he's already called her and they had a long chat about it.

  Am I going nuts? It feels like the whole world is against me. That man has a lot to answer for and I intend on telling him so the next time I see him. Men!

  Taking a deep breath I calm myself, open the staff room door and head down the corridor to my next patient.

  A Wink and an Ice Cream

  Watching my son in the school playground fills me with pride. That’s my boy and I want to shout it from the rooftops and let everyone know. First I have to get his mother on my side. When I called her this morning, I omitted to tell her that I’d already spoken with her mom, I felt it best to keep that to myself. We had chatted a while her mom and me. She helped to see that the best thing to do was to put my foot down with Tiffany.

  Her mom was pleased to speak with me. She explained that Tiffany's not been the same since her father passed away a few years ago, and I can relate to that. When I saw her flush red with anger the other night, I knew I had to have a change of tactics. I was doing more harm than good by showing her my soft side. So, from now on I’m going to be firmer with Tiffany. I have my rights too. I didn’t get where I am in the business world by being weak. She's the only person in the entire world who can get to my soft side. Not anymore, Miss Miller.

  “Daddy!” Callum calls out as he runs to me with a tall woman in tow.

  “It’s so lovely to meet Callum’s daddy,” she says, holding out long fingers with painted fingernails.

  Wow! I’m sure my teachers were nowhere near as attractive as this one. She's quite a stunner.

  “I’m pleased to meet Callum’s teacher too,” I say, giving her one of my lopsided smiles to impress.

  I must keep her in mind for future reference, but for now, I’m here as a proud father.

  Picking up my boy I hold him close to me, forgetting all about his seductive teacher. Despite him being in this world for five years without me, our bond is strong. I never wanted children. Actually, that's not quite true, I just never thought about having them. Now, I have a son and it's given my life a whole new meaning. I want to plan his future and be a part of his life. While Tiffany has this fear that I’m going to take him away from her, it seems impossible for any of us to move on.

  “Is mommy at work?” Callum asks as his teacher leaves us to talk to another parent, though not before giving me a wide smile and a little wink.

  What! Since when did teachers wink at parents? Isn't that a bit forward? I quite like that in a woman. I’ll have to get her number sometime. Who am I kidding? I’m in love with a red-head!

  I explain to Callum that his mommy is at work and he gives me a sad face.

  “She’s always at work. I miss my mommy,” he tells me.

  I suppose being a single mum was never going to be easy and I suddenly feel sorry for both of them. It can't have been easy for Tiffany. If only she'd come to me. It could be so much better for everyone if she’d let me into their lives.

  Time to cheer up this little scamp, I want no sad faces on my watch.

  “You know what, little buddy, there’s a great ice cream parlor right around this corner. How about an ice-cream?”

  “Yes! Yes. Yes,” he almost dances in my arms then he puts on another serious face “Does Grandma know where I am? I always have to tell her where I’m going.”

  “She sure does. It was her idea to go for ice cream. She tells me your favorite is peanut butter and chocolate. Yuk!” I pull a face and Callum bursts into laughter.

  “I do, I do and Mommy does too. Can we save her some?”

  “Sure, we’ll take a tub home for her, how about that?”

  “Yay!” He whoops, waving his arms around in excitement over ice cream.

  Oh, to be a kid again!

  Chapter 22

  An Important Question

  “You have to stop meeting me like this!” I say as once again Calvin is waiting for me at the end of my shift. He insists that we go for coffee and promptly orders two Latte’s as we take our seats.

  “Mom phoned me earlier and said Callum returned home quite excited tonight. You impressed me by going to his school. Did you meet Jasmine, his teacher?” I watch for a reaction and I’m not disappointed.

  “Uhmm yeah, I met her,” he replies, coughing as if to clear his throat.

  “Oh, it’s okay, Calvin. Jasmine has that effect on most of the dads. She sure is a looker, but she’s a great person with it,” I inform him. “If she winked at you, don’t worry, she does that to everyone.”

  “Is that the sort of teacher you want for our son?” He asks me.

  At first, I thought he was joking but the serious look in his eye soon put me right.

  “She is an amazing teacher. Fabulous with the children. I’ve never met anyone so open and honest. I wouldn’t want anyone else teaching my son, he's blossomed under her tutorage.”

  “Does she follow the curriculum?” He asks, acting as if he knows what he’s talking about.

  “Of course she does, what a silly question. Look, let me get this out of the way. Jasmine is, or should I say was, a he,” I explain to him.

  “What? My son’s teacher is a...”

  “Yes, that's right Calvin, Jasmine is a transsexual. She’s had the op and I swear I’ve never met such a nice person in all my life.” I defend my son’s teacher because she is that fantastic. “Do you have a problem with that?”

  “I...erm...just wasn’t expecting it, that’s all,” he stutters. I’m being a bit harsh on him because I know the real Calvin won’t be bothered by such a thing, but I’m enjoying seeing him squirm. “So long as he...she’s safe and teaches our son well, then I’m good.”

  “Safe! She’s as safe as any other teacher. Stop squirming,” I laugh. “I’m winding you up.”

  “Do you mean it’s not true?” He asks with a puzzled look, poor man.

  “Oh, yes, that bit's true, but I’m teasing you because you look so shocked,” I tell him.

  “I’m not used to schools and teachers and worrying about my own child,” he attempts to explain himself. “I only want what’s best for Callum.”

  “Oh, then believe me, Jasmine is the best. She’s a natural with kids. There's nothing to worry about, Calvin. Now then, tell me why you’re here? This is getting to be a bit of a habit.”

  He doesn’t reply straight away because our coffee arrives.

  “Do you think we’ll get to finish this one?" I smile at him.

  “I hope so because I want to ask you something to help move things on for us,” he finishes, taking a sip of his coffee.

  This is the same as Ali, saying they have a secret and then holding on to it. I wonder what he’s going to ask me. Do you think it might be THE big question? Should I say yes, or no? What am I thinking!? He’s not going to ask me that, I am sooo stupid! Deep down though, I kinda wish he would. Oh, come on, Calvin, ask me...

  An Important Answer

  “Okay,” I say, feeling nervous at pushing things as far as I’m about to. “I’m aware that you don�
��t want me to rush anything.”

  At this point I pause, so I can check on how she’s reacting. Looking into her eyes I recall how much I enjoyed being with this woman. That’s why I’m trying to take things slower, so I don’t scare her off. Will she agree to my suggestion or not? I’m hoping she does.

  I take hold of her hand because she looks on edge. She’s obviously thinking I’m going to demand something she’s not happy with, so here goes...

  “I’m aware that you’re not keen on my doing things with Callum if you’re not there. So, I want to invite you all on a short vacation with me?”

  I watch her eyes and I'm sure I see a hint of disappointment in them. Am I asking too much too soon?

  “We could go up the coast on the boat. There are some amazing beaches and lots of places where Callum will have a fantastic time. I thought if you and your mom were there, we could all relax from the tensions of the past few weeks. What do you think? Will you say yes?”

  Her eyes drop to the table, so I squeeze her hand.

  “It will give us all time to get to know each other. There are no strings attached, Tiffany. I make no demands, only to be with my son.”

  “It’s okay, Calvin, you don’t need to explain yourself,” she says, smiling, but pulling her hand away from mine.

  “We could certainly do with a vacation. After the tremors, Callum has become a little bit clingy. He doesn’t like me to go to work, and that’s not like him. I have to tell you, Calvin, mom and I have discussed moving out of San Francisco. So yes, you're right, it will be a nice break from all the tensions.”

  “Are you agreeing?” I ask, not sure of her answer, and frankly, I now feel concern at the news she's just divulged to me.

  “I am, Calvin. Thank you for inviting us all. It makes things so much easier and Callum can get to know you better by being a family setting.”

  “We must talk more about these concerns for Callum, and wanting to move,” I add. I'm hoping she might tell me more.

  “We’ve talked about it before because I’ve never been sure I want Callum to have a city upbringing. Since the tremors though, he’s become a little jumpy at loud noises. Nothing too serious but I don’t want him to end up becoming a nervous child. He used to love a good thunderstorm, but he’s suddenly afraid of them, in such a short time.”


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