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Everyone Deserves a Second Chance: A Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 38

by Tara Brent

  “Yes. I’ve sent him away in a cab. He managed to give the driver instructions even in his intoxicated state."

  “I’m so sorry,” I say to Drew feeling very embarrassed by the turn of events.

  “No need for apologies,” he says. “You should be aware of one thing though. I told him you were my date and it's all over between the two of you?”

  He didn’t wait for a reply before going back to the table.

  That was it. He asked me for no explanation. When we arrive at the table, he speaks in French to Rita.

  “Rita suggests that you come to my apartment with Lucas tonight,” he says over the table with the children now listening. Then he sits next to me to speak quieter in my ear, so the children don’t hear.

  “It’s good of you to offer but we can’t,” I tell him, quietly. “My mom has to have oxygen while she sleeps.

  “Would that guy hurt her?” He asks me.

  “Paul? No! Never,” I reply at the thought of it. Paul’s a pain but he wouldn’t hurt an innocent old lady.

  “Would he hurt you?” He continues to press me.

  I don’t want to tell him that he already has, but I don’t want to lie either. Paul does worry me, I can’t deny it. Should I tell him that I have a restraining order out on him?

  “He was drunk, I’m sure he’ll sober up and forget all about me,” I reply with an unsteady voice.

  “Look, I’m not happy about you being at home alone tonight. I don’t know who that Dick was, Chrissy, but I don’t trust him. He mumbled something about visiting you at home tonight. I get the feeling that there’s a lot more to this story than what you’re telling me. Not that I want to interfere in your love life. If you want to go home, that’s fine. If not, please, spend the night with us and Rita will contact me if he turns up causing trouble.”

  I don’t even get to reply because the children had heard the part they wanted to hear.

  “Pappa, Lucas is coming to my home?” She asks with a beaming smile on her face, only matched by Lucas’s.

  “Looks like the decision is made for me,” I smile, though it’s a false one. “Paul would never hurt my mom, I’m sure of it. But with me, he...” I don’t finish my sentence because it’s not appropriate to explain while the children watch us. “Okay then,” I say, looking at the two excited faces that stare back at me. “Let's have a sleepover."

  Chapter 8


  I’m not sure why I stepped into the situation at the restaurant as I did. When it comes to Chrissy and her family, I get this urge to protect them. Maybe it would be different if Chrissy was already married, but she's not. Though, the last thing I want is to get involved with any woman and her family. Yet, when it comes to Chrissy, she already has a special place in my heart.

  I wasn’t impressed with her choice of men. What the hell was she doing with such a loser like that? Then again, I suppose it’s none of my business.

  We finish up at the restaurant and head over to Chrissy’s place to drop off Lisa and Rita. I'll have to remember to ask what's wrong with Lisa, she clearly has serious health issues. Once they’re settled in, I do a quick tour around the outside of the house. I want to make sure that Dick hasn’t followed through on his threat to come to her home. I’m happy that it's all clear so I head back inside. There, I give explicit instruction to Rita and Lisa to call me, no matter what time, should he show up.

  When we arrive at my apartment, the kids are buzzing. They have no real idea what's going on. It feels good to see Annie so happy and excited. Rita was right, as she always is, it’ll do Annie no end of good to have someone her own age to play with. Even better, she’s speaking English nearly all the time. I've even heard her use English words I didn’t know she had in her vocabulary. I’m hopeful of the teaching arrangements with Chrissy, and bringing her son along will turn out to be a good idea.

  “Are you okay sleeping in your old room with Lucas?” I ask her. “Where you and Lisa used to stay.”

  She follows me as I catch up with Annie who’s showing Lucas the guest bedroom.

  “Wow, it hasn’t changed much, has it?” Chrissy says as Annie flicks the light on in the room.

  “Nobody ever comes in here except to give it an occasional clean,” I tell her. What I omit to mention is that I purposely don’t come in this room. I’ve noticed whenever I do, it stirs old feelings, feelings I would prefer stayed dormant. Now Chrissy’s here, those feelings are getting stronger.

  “Look, I need a stiff drink, do you want one?” I ask her, leaving the kids to explore and play.

  Chrissy looks on at the children with a smile on her lips. I wonder for a moment if she heard me speak and I'm about to ask again when she responds.

  “Yes, that might help us cope with this noise. Your home is beginning to resemble a madhouse.”

  We ignore the noise and let the kids run off some energy. That way they’ll fall asleep when it's time to settle down. For now, though, it's time for the adults to unwind. I pour us both a vodka martini, a large one. Chrissy takes a seat on one of the large sofas. I decide to brave it and sit next to her, though I leave a small space between us. Now we can talk without shouting over the noise of two four-year-olds.

  “I haven’t seen Annie have so much fun in ages,” I tell her.

  The poor kid's been such a lonely child since she lost her mother, but I don't mention that part, not yet anyway.

  “Well,” Chrissy says, holding up her glass in a toast. “Here’s to my new job. We were out celebrating my new position.”

  “Yes we were too,” I say as I lightly tap my glass on hers, and then take a long drink. "Annie's excited about it all."

  We soon pick up our conversation as if we never left one another all those years ago. Chrissy is one of those people who makes me feel relaxed. I decide to take advantage of the relaxed vibe to try and pry a little and see what she’s been up to in her life.

  “Are you serious about that guy?” I ask, studying her face which takes on a more serious look.

  “Paul? Oh god, no,” she answers as if the thought repulses her. “He’s someone I met about a year ago. He was on Leave from the forces and we enjoyed one another’s company for a few weeks. Then, he went A-wall and caused me no end of trouble. I promised him I’d write so I could get him to leave. After that, I was obliged to honor that promise.”

  “He sounds like trouble,” I reply, disliking the guy even more.

  “Then, one day he turned up out of the blue telling me he was on Leave again. He asked me to marry him and I refused. That night he turned up at my home and, let’s just say that he was drunk and not very pleasant. I had to call the police on him.”

  I nod but say nothing. I’m a little shocked at the trouble this guy has caused her and it makes me angry. Rather than show my anger, I remain quiet and listen.

  “It turned out he didn’t have permission to be on Leave. That got him into even more trouble and they sentenced him. I thought he was still serving out the sentence he got from the army for his behavior. Looks like he’s out again.”

  Poor Chrissy, she looks down at the floor as if she’s ashamed. I'd like to tell her that it wasn't her fault, yet, something holds me back. If I get too involved, I'll regret it.

  “This won’t affect my performance as Annie’s tutor, I promise you,” I hear her say as my mind drifts back again.

  “Let’s have another drink," I suggest. "The children have quietened down so you can relax and you can forget all about him, for tonight anyway.”

  As I go to the bar to pour another martini, I could kick myself. I can see she’s hurting, yet I do nothing to ease away her troubles other than offer her alcohol.

  “I'll put some music on?” I tell her in an attempt to get these thoughts out of my head.

  “That would be lovely, Drew. Choose something happy,” she suggests. “I’ll go check on the children. I don’t like it when they go quiet, it could mean they're up to mischief.”

  When she
returns she tells me they’ve both fallen asleep on what she thinks might be Rita’s bed. I go have a look and sure enough, there they are. Rita has a double bed so I guess they laid down in there exhausted and drifted off. We cover them up and tuck them in the best we can, then sneak out leaving them to sleep and dream.

  Our two martinis turn into three, and four and then we’re up into the early hours of the morning. I’d wanted to stay up late in case Rita called, but all had been quiet. The night was a real success, Chrissy coming back into my life has not only benefited my daughter but me too. We drank and we danced. We laughed and we relaxed as both of us let down our guard with the alcohol helping to lower our inhibitions. As the night went on, our choice of musical pace slowed down, until we were smooching to a love song. That’s when I could no longer resist my urges, and I kiss her once again.

  Chapter 9

  Unleash the Beast

  I’m confused! As we dance together I experience old stirrings of desire for Drew. Is he interested in me or not? Sometimes he talks to me as if he has no interest in rekindling our relationship. Then, he kisses me, and no way can I resist. The feel of his warm skin on mine, his firm hands rubbing at my back, and his unique aroma: they're all senses I can never object to.

  It's hard to believe that Drew and I were so close. Sometimes he acts like a complete stranger. But, right now, we are in a passionate embrace. His muscles harden through the sleeve of his crisp cotton shirt. The material has a cool, silky, fresh feel but as the heat of his skin warms it up, all I want to do is rip it from his body.

  My mind can't focus because I’ve consumed a few too many martinis, but I know full well what I’m doing. This is a man that I’d forgotten how much I loved. I’d suppressed all those anguished emotions I experienced when we had to part. All it took was a kiss from those sensuous lips, and it unleashed my deep desires for him.

  As he pulls away from our fervent kiss, he takes me in his arms and picks me up effortlessly. I’m not quite a slim physique but he lifts me clean off my feet as if I weighed next to nothing.

  “Chrissy,” he whispers in my ear as he carries me to the sofa. “Tell me to stop and I will.”

  Lowering me onto the soft cushions, I pull his face towards mine for another passionate kiss. My body burns for him and I need him to quench my fires. Never could I tell him to stop, I want him too much.

  Our kiss comes to an end but not the passions. He almost rips off my blouse, in his haste. Without warning, he pulls on the cups of my bra and my naked breasts are freed. Unable to help myself, I arch my back forcing them up towards his face. Already my nipples tingle with anticipation as his large hands fondle my soft flesh. Drew lowers his head and small sharp tingles of pain erupt all over my bare skin. My lover is nibbling me with tiny bites all over my tits. More, I want more, and I push them into his face. He rewards me with a wet tongue as it slashes around my nipples.

  “Oh, Drew, do it harder,” I hear my voice betraying me.

  Whilst I do want more, I didn’t mean to beg, but I can’t stop myself. When I’m with Drew, we are but one person, not two. I want him to enter me and for us to stay like that forever.

  All my dignity leaves as lust takes over. I pull at his shirt to get to the muscular frame underneath, desperate to taste his skin. My fingers grab at the light coating of hairs on his broad chest and I pull at them, teasing him with pain as he teased me. With my hands stroking at his body, I dig long nails into the skin on his shoulders, raking them down his back, knowing that it must hurt. What do I care? I want to ravage him and I want him to take what is his.

  Intermittently, our lips come together and saliva mixes in abundance in our mouths. Our tongues dance and intertwine as we hunger for one another. My eyes don’t focus or see the reality around us. They stay closed so I can take myself into my dream world of desire and passion. All I know is that I have to give in to this craving sensation of pure lust.

  Then I feel him thrust into me.

  Oh, my love, take me, please take me, I say to myself. Yet I hear a voice wantonly begging, and that voice is mine. “Yes, yes!” I pant out loud.

  His cock fills my inner being as he shoves it in and pulls it out. I have no choice but to go with his rhythm because I am his. I want him inside of me, taking me and owning me.

  “I’m all yours...” I pant again, giving myself to him.

  My hips push upwards as he inserts his full throbbing dick inside of me. Then he pulls it out and my hips pull back down. We repeat our moves and our pace increases. I can smell his sex juices and I want more. Give it to me, it’s mine, I shout out in my mind.

  The world explodes around me as I'm enraptured with sheer delight when my climax erupts. My body takes control of itself, plunging up and down at an unimaginable pace. We rut together like wild animals, unable to separate until we've finished our lustful ritual. Our timing is harmonized as we climax together. My legs wrap around his waist so he can plunge deeper inside of my body. That’s where I want him, inside of me as I give myself to him, gladly.

  And then...we are done...

  Drew collapses on top of me panting like a beast. A brute who just fucked me until we could fuck no more. Not that I’m left wanting, oh no, I have everything I desired and more...but...

  “Oh, god, Chrissy, that wasn’t meant to happen,” he says as he stands up to pull away from me. “We can never do that again, never!”

  What? What does he mean? I thought he wanted me as much as I want him?

  “Jeeze! What if the kids had walked in? I...I have to go,” he says, and walks out of the room, leaving me shocked.

  I feel dirty and...and utterly miserable. How could he say those things to me after we...after I gave myself to him? What have I unleashed?

  Chapter 10

  Dance to Her Tune

  “Good morning Rita,” I say, unable to hide the surprise in my voice at seeing my housekeeper back so early. I had expected to find Chrissy or the kids but they're nowhere to be seen. “You’re back early, aren’t you?”

  “Mademoiselle rang me to return,” she informs me. “It was still dark, but she insist.”

  “You want to go back to bed?” I ask her, unsure at what time Chrissy had left.

  “No, no, I have brew the coffee, you want?” She asks, pointing to the pot in the open plan kitchen area. She’s an early riser anyway so I doubt it put her out.

  I go to pour myself some of Rita’s delicious French coffee, then take it back to my room to mull over what happened last night. Making love with Chrissy was perfect, but I’m angry at myself for doing it. The last thing I want in my life right now are complications and Chrissy is a complication, a huge one. I feel pangs of guilt for leaving her the way I did after our lovemaking. Then I ignored her for the rest of the night. Even though I don’t want or need a relationship right now, she didn’t deserve to be treated like that.

  Chrissy and I seem to be attracted to one another like two magnets. The old feelings are still there, no matter how much I try and deny them. It seems I have no control over myself when I'm in her company. Therefore, we should keep our relationship purely on a business footing. I have also to think of my daughter. If Annie were to find out, she would be very confused. That’s not what I want for her. She’ll never understand why I'm trying to replace her mother so soon. Whilst I have no desires ever to replace Clara, Annie wouldn’t understand that. Clara was my soul mate and I think I'm just so lost without her.

  Not once whilst married to Clara did I desire other women, nor have I since I lost her. I came home to avoid such problems and relationships. My time belongs to my daughter and my work, not to any passing female who causes my dick to stand on end.

  Bah! I wish I’d known Chrissy was here, and now I’m committed to seeing her in my own home. How can I explain to Annie that she must find another tutor? I can’t, so I must accept the situation and somehow ignore my feelings for Chrissy. If only the woman had married, then it would make the situation so much easier. She is a
weakness in my life as I'm trying to pick up the pieces after losing Clara. The best way to deal with this is to avoid her. I’ll make arrangements to be away during the week when she’s around.

  Then again, will that upset my daughter even more? Damn this isn’t easy!

  “Papa, are you well?” I hear Annie’s voice as she opens my door. “You’re talking to yourself.”

  “Come on in, sweetheart,” I say, embracing her in a hug. “I’m just running through some business things in my mind,” I say, knowing that I’m lying to my little girl.

  “I was happy to play with Lucas,” she tells me. “Where is he, papa?”

  “They went home for breakfast,” I tell her. “Your tutor has other work to do. She is a busy lady.”

  “I like Lucas,” she says, looking a little miserable. “Will he come back?”

  “Of course he will,” I tell her. “We agreed that he will learn by your side so you also have a playmate. Does that sound good to you?”

  Her little face lights up with joy as she runs out yelling. She's relaying the information to Rita, in French, that Lucas will be back. Her silky blonde locks fly-up and brush against my face as she pulls out of my arms. Her soft hair smells perfect, sweet and rosy. It makes me content to see her so cheerful, so I can’t do anything to risk that happiness. I follow her through to the kitchen area so we can eat breakfast together. After that, I’ll organize a routine that will get her used to my being away during the week. She’ll be so busy learning and playing that she won’t even notice I’m gone. Rita will fuss her in the evenings so I’m sure all will turn out fine.

  Should I contact Chrissy and attempt to explain? Nah, it’s best if we leave the topic alone. I'm sure she’ll come to accept that it was a one-off incident. I'll make it clear that I’m not available to have any sort of relationship. In fact, having a casual relationship while I’m gone might take the edge off my stress. Then, when I do see her, my dick won’t dance to her tune so easily.


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