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Everyone Deserves a Second Chance: A Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 41

by Tara Brent

  The officer sits in the back but on the opposite side. Reclining my chair, she can now see me and I'm thankful to lay down. Thereon, she fires a ton of questions at me and I remind her that the police already know about Paul’s background. It makes no difference as she continues to seemingly interrogate me about the man. Then my rescuer arrives back with a couple of my holdalls, presumably full of our clothing. Finally, the police officer climbs out of the car and starts talking to Drew.

  He puts the luggage in the trunk and walks the officer away from the car as they continue to talk. I can see pure anger in his face and it scares me a little. Again, not for me, but what he might do to Paul if he ever gets the chance. Drew is not a man to show fear of anyone, he never was. I, on the other hand, am starting to panic over what it is that Paul actually wants of me. The last time we spoke he indicated that he wanted to marry me. Then he said something about being Lucas's father. I know he's not so what the hell did he mean? He lives in a fantasy world so it most likely meant nothing.

  As Drew arrives back at the car, I push all thought of Paul from my head. Seeing Drew makes me feel so safe and I know deep down that while I’m with Drew, Paul will not get to me.

  “I’m sorry, did she interrogate you too?” I ask because he was deep in conversation with her for ages.

  “Nah! I was the one doing the interrogating,” he replies. “Now, come on, we have a family pajama party to attend. Let’s not keep those kids waiting any longer.”

  That does the trick. We drive away and I put the vision of my home behind me. Instead, I think about our two happy children that we’re about to spoil to death.

  “Thank you, Drew,” I say.

  He smiles but doesn’t reply. I guess he doesn’t want to talk about it because of the pain it causes me.

  We're greeted back at Drew’s home by a worried-looking Rita. They go off into his office to talk and I wonder why all the privacy? Emptying the carryalls into a huge pile, I shout to the kids to come and help me sort it. They think it’s a great game and soon where all covered in various items of clothing. There's lots of laughter as if we didn’t have a care in the world.

  “Drew, he must go out,” Rita says as she enters the living area. “I help you find places for clothing and we sort out beds.”

  When she starts to take my clothing into Drew’s room, I decide to approach her.

  “Rita, I won’t be sleeping in here,” I say, confused at her actions. “Do you know where Drew’s gone, I thought he was keen to have a fun day with the kids?”

  “He say you stay in his room,” she informs me. “The children in your old room and Lisa in Annie's room.”

  “Where will Drew sleep?” I ask.

  “He say, sofa. It plenty big enough,” she laughs. “I don’t know how long he be but he say we start ice cream without him, for now.”

  The last thing I feel like is ice cream. Then again, I don’t want both of us to disappoint the children. For now, I take a deep breath and force a smile, before returning to the children.

  Chapter 18

  I’ll Be Waiting

  No sooner had we returned home from Chrissy’s, and Rita sought me out to hand me a hand-delivered letter. It has "Crissy" scribbled on the front. My suspicions are heightened. No one knows she was here so that can only mean it's from one person. Whilst I wouldn't ever dream of reading someone's private mail, these are exceptional circumstances.

  I rip open the envelope to find a scruffy piece of paper with barely legible handwriting upon it.

  Meet me, now. I have something to tell you about Lucas, our son. Don’t call the police, for his sake!

  What does he mean, "Our son"? The address of the trailer park he’s staying at is scribbled underneath.

  Bastard! What the fuck's he up to now?

  Call me a control freak, if you must, but in my mind, I’m protecting Chrissy and her family. I decide not to tell her about the letter.

  I won't be involving Chrissy or the police, if I can help it. After instructing Rita to say nothing about the letter, I tell her I have to go out. If anyone asks where I’ve gone, she's to tell them I’ve had to go out on an urgent business matter. I know it'll cause disappointment for the kids and Chrissy, but this needs sorting, now. Rita doesn’t know the contents of the letter, or that the sender is Chrissy’s stalker. Nor do I tell her, because what she doesn’t know she can’t let slip.

  I’ve accepted Chrissy back into my life. Given that I suspect she feels the same about me as I do for her, then my actions are justified. I can’t have this man harassing her. Who the fuck does he think he is? I’m putting an end to his stalking game and I'm making sure he disappears out of her life, forever!

  Not long after, I'm soon pulling up at the reception of the trailer park. Leaving my car there, I walk to the numbered trailer indicated in the note. The fresh air in my lungs will do me good, it might also cool my temper down a little. This is a fine line I have to take, and not let my temper get the better of me. I’ve never been afraid of confrontation. When pushed, I stand my ground and defend myself. My self-defense skills are well-honed, having spent years as a member of a karate dojo. It’s rare I turn to violence and only ever in self-defense, but if he tries anything out of hand I will put him down.

  All the trailers look alike but I find the one I’m looking for and knock on the door. Sure enough, he answers and looks shocked to see me standing there.

  “You gonna invite me in?” I ask, keeping a straight face and looking him directly in the eyes.

  I see the fear in those eyes. It seems he’s only brave when pushing women about.

  “What do you want?” He asks me, but I think he already knows the answer to that question.

  I shove him inside and follow him through his doorway. My push knocks him to the floor but he’s quick to get up again.

  “What’s this secret you want to tell Chrissy about her son?”

  “It ain’t nothin’ to do with you!” He says in a quivering voice.

  “You’re not his father so Lucas is nothing to do with you either,” I pry further. “Yet, in your note, you say you are. So what's this all about?”

  “No! I’m not the fucking brat's father, but this stuff is between me and Chrissy. I ain’t tellin’ you nothin!”

  I move closer, looking at him with a menacing stare. As it happens, I stand a good six inches taller than him so it has the desired effect. He cowers as he steps away from me.

  “Don’t you dare touch me!” He says but there's little threat to his tone. “I’ll get the police on you if you do.”

  “To be honest, Paul, I’m not interested in anything you have to say, and neither is Chrissy. This game of yours stops now! You hear me? Chrissy isn’t on her own anymore. From here on, to get to her you go through me. Understood?”

  His face goes pale white. He doesn’t respond to my question but it's clear he understands. I feel a need for him to confirm it, so I can complete his humiliation. Grabbing hold of his shirt, I pull him hard towards me. Smiling, I stoop slightly so we’re face to face. His breath stinks of alcohol but I ignore it. I can’t understand what Chrissy ever saw in this pathetic excuse of a man.

  “Do. You. Understand?” I bark at him.

  “Yes...yes...I do. I fucking understand. Now stop it. Don’t fucking hurt me.”

  I let go of his shirt and he crumples to the floor. There's a sour acidy smell and I see a pool of liquid forms between his legs. For fuck sake! The dickhead has pissed himself. Unable to help myself, I decide to push him further

  “Now, tell me what you want to say about Lucas. Then I can relay the news to Chrissy, on your behalf.”

  “I ain’t got nothin’ to say about the kid,” he snivels. “It was just to get her to come see me. That's it. Honest. I didn’t mean no harm. I love her that's all.”

  I can’t help but grin at his statement. I doubt he knows what love is. He's unlikely ever even been loved himself in his entire life. If he feels anything for her, it's more l
ike an obsession and I'm not having that.

  “One last thing,” I crouch down to be at his level. Tears wet his eyes and mucous runs from his nose. “I think it's best for everyone if you leave town. That way, you and I won’t need any more of these little chats, will we? You see, the next time I won't be quite so polite.”

  “I’m leaving anyway, but don’t think this is the end, you bastard!” He seems to have dug up some courage from somewhere. He must think I’m not going to hurt him, but I want to.

  “The difference between you and me, Paul, is that I’m not afraid of you. My words aren’t a threat, they’re a promise. Go away and stay away,” I say, prodding his chest hard with my finger. “If you don’t, I’ll be waiting.”

  With that, I leave him whimpering in his own body fluids. I feel disgusted just at being so close to him. When I get home I'll have to shower the filth away. It feels like I've achieved what I wanted. The man’s a sniveling wreck, and with a bit of luck, that's the last we’ll see of him.

  Chapter 19

  Time for Cocktails

  I'm surprised at how happy I’m feeling over this situation. Despite its modest size, and not being in the best of neighborhoods, I do love my little home. We've had lots of wonderful memories there since we came back. The thing is, I also love being so close to Drew once again so I accept his invitation to stay in his home.

  “Papa’s home!” Annie sings out.

  I’m in the kitchen area sharing out tubs of popcorn as we prepare for our next movie. The announcement that Drew's back makes my heart flutter, and I'm as pleased as Annie is.

  Looking up, I see him standing in the doorway. For some reason, he looks very macho. He’s a big guy anyway, well, he’s much taller than most. I suppose he must still work out to have such a great physique. When we were younger he convinced his parents to install a gym because he always wanted big muscles. Looks like it paid off.

  Swinging his daughter around he smiles over at me. Then he scoops Lucas up in his other arm and dances around the room with both children laughing giddily. Lucas isn’t used to having a man around the house but he seems to have taken to Drew instantly.

  We spend the rest of the day lounging around and eating far too much junk food. But, that’s what we promised the kids we would do. When it gets to their bedtime, they’re both complaining of tummy aches. Then, I remember why I don’t let Lucas have too much sugar. It really isn't good for them. Ah well, too late now.

  “We’ll go out tomorrow to run off all that sugar, shall we?” I suggest as I shepherd them both to their room.

  Mom has already gone to bed in Annie's room as the drama of the day tired her out. Rita also wants to turn in early so that leaves only me and Drew. I feel bad in having his huge king-sized bed all to myself while he sleeps on the sofa, but it won't be for long.

  “Let me make you a cocktail,” he suggests as I return from tucking in the children.

  “I'll only agree if you let me sleep on the sofa and you have your bed back,” I say.

  “Let’s have a drink and then we'll talk about it,” he suggests.

  I accept his compromise and collapse on the huge sofa. For the next few hours, I enjoy his company and sipping on his cocktails. After what I've gone through, the alcohol goes down far too easy and quick. With my inhibitions loosened, I’m beginning to hope for a little more from Drew than his cocktails!

  We end up dancing to a nice slow tune and before I know what’s happening, Drew is kissing my neck, oh so tenderly.

  “Oh, you’re a smooth operator,” I murmur as I enjoy his attentions.

  “I won't do anything you don’t want me to do,” he replies, looking at me so serious that I burst out giggling.

  We dance on. Drew holds me firmly in his arms with his groin occasionally rubbing against mine. Each time it does, I feel electric jolts from between my legs and shooting off to all my erogenous zones.

  “You look tired,” he says as the music stops.

  “Yeah, it’s been a long day” I reply, knowing I need to sleep.

  Without another word, he sweeps me off my feet and into his arms. From there, he carries me to bed. I rest my head on his firm chest and succumb to his actions. He's soon laying me down upon the huge bed.

  “Don’t go,” I say to him as I tug him back before he has a chance to leave me.

  “You sure?" He double checks.

  “This is your bed. I’m the guest here and I want you with me,” I demand.

  He needs no second request and is soon kissing my body wherever bare skin shows itself. In no time at all, that is almost everywhere as he removes my clothes. Pulling up a soft sheet, he covers me with it. I lay there in the semi-darkness and watch as he undresses by the side of the bed. Soon, he too is naked and I can't tear my eyes away from his cock, which hangs heavily between his legs. He switches out the light and I sigh in disappointment. I quite liked what I could see. Climbing into the bed he lays beside me and spoons up against the back of my body. His stiff member presses against my ass.

  His arm reaches around and fondles at my breasts, paying attention to my nipples. He's made them rock hard and I can't help myself as I push them into his hands. I'm letting him know how much I'm loving his attention. Oh god, I love this man.

  His cock is now rock hard and nudging me between my legs. The tip of it probes at my wetness as his fingers open up the folds of my pussy. With one swift thrust, his cock slips all the way inside of me. The warmth of his balls tickle against my butt. I bend my body to give him easy access to my most intimate parts as he begins the rhythm of fucking me.

  Feeling a dreamy ecstasy, I moan as his dick slips in and out of my body. He stops to rest it against my labia and it seems like ages before he thrusts it back in again. I can’t help but groan with sheer joy. I have a need to bite my lip and stop myself from screaming out. All I can feel is an unadulterated pleasure as this man fucks me like I’m a bitch in heat.

  He reaches around my front and dips his fingers between my legs. As he searches out my little pleasure nub, he starts to manipulate it. His fingers rub and pinch so hard that it hurts. But! It's a pleasurable pain and I whimper in the hope of more.

  His hand strokes my face and I can smell my own love juices on his damp fingers. Instead of disgusting me, it sends me even deeper into my lustful craze.

  Forcing my face around to meet with his, our kiss is deep and wet. I wish this would never end and that Drew would stay inside of me forever.

  Our bodies are damp and we glisten with sweat in the moonlight as we slip in and out of one another. As our raw passion builds up, I have animalistic urges to ride him hard and fast. I roll over and push him away. Climbing onto his body I feel his thick cock sticking upwards. Before he can protest, I straddle him and sink myself down onto his pole until it's completely enclosed within my wet pussy. Now I’m in control. That thought urges me on as I ride him. He manhandles my breasts like they're soft putty, squeezing and shaking them around. Being on top forces his cock to go even deeper, and it bangs against my inner cervix. I don’t care, all I want is this thick dick inside of me. I bounce. I squeeze. I ride his cock like a madwoman. That is until my entire body is shuddering with an exploding orgasm.

  I can’t help it but I cry out with joy and Drew clamps his hand over my mouth to muffle my screams. My passions are beyond control and I bite hard into his palm. His cock grows even thicker inside of me. It's throbbing so much it could split me in two. As he spurts his warm seed deep inside me, we grind together like two rutting animals. Finally, our passions subside. Rolling off his body I lay on my back next to him. Drew drapes his arm over my breasts and I can hear him panting in my ears from his exertions. I hug him tight and tell him how much I love him.


  Should I have said that?

  I’m so relieved when he says it back to me. Oh. My. God. We still love each other...

  Chapter 20

  A Done Deal

  “You know I put you in this bedroom s
o I could seduce you,” I whisper in her ear after we make love.

  “Please tell me you didn’t plan this?” She says, sitting upright and looking down at me with a knitted brow kind of stare.

  “No,” I reply, but I want to be honest with her. “I didn’t plan it, but I sort of hoped it might happen.”

  She picks up a pillow and takes a swing at my head. As I duck underneath I dive on top of her and pin her to the bed. I can’t resist a chance to play fight with her and we end up in a tangle of covers. Of course, it ends with me on top. What else can I do but kiss her?

  “Chrissy Montgomery, did I tell you that I love you?” I say after we break away from our kiss. “In fact, that leads me to a conversation I would like to have with you.”

  “Do we have to have a conversation when we’re having so much fun?”

  “Yes, we do because I want to ask you if you would like to move in with me?”

  “Stop messing with me, Drew, that’s hurtful,” she replies.

  As she sits up once again, though looking rather bedraggled this time, she pushes me away.

  “I’m not messing you around, Chrissy,” I reply, also sitting up. “We still have this amazing attraction for each other. It's time to take our relationship to the next stage. It makes sense to bring our families together. Annie and Lucas are young enough to make a sibling bond. It’s perfect for all four of us. Rita will be good company for your mum too.”

  “So, you do mean it?” She says, her eyes going wide with delight.

  “Yes, of course, I mean it. If it makes you feel more comfortable you can keep your house going for a few months, that way, you won’t feel trapped here. We can also tell the kids it’s only a temporary arrangement while you're doing your house up. That way, we can see how they take to it.

  “What about Annie, though?” She asks as I stroke a piece of hair from her face. “I know from personal experience that it takes a long time to get over the death of a parent. Also, are you sure you’re not asking me to move in on the rebound? It does happen when someone loses someone they loved.”


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