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Everyone Deserves a Second Chance: A Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 46

by Tara Brent

  As Joseph closes the doors, everyone soon settles down in the car. The children love it as it's very spacious in the back. Mind you, it helps that it has an LCD TV screen, which the children soon switch on. I don’t often flounce my wealth around Annie, but my family could do with some extravagances to make them all smile again.

  The journey is as smooth as always with Joseph driving. The roads are clear all the way and we're sitting at our dinner table within the hour.

  The meal is superb and even Annie eats plenty, which is unusual for her. Like most children, she’s often very picky with food. Once we finish our desserts, I stand up and clink a spoon on my glass.

  “Hrmph, attention please,” I announce, making a game of it for the children.

  “Papa, you’re not going to sing are you?” Annie asks with a painful look on her little face.

  “My singing is legendary, but no, so don’t look so worried,” I joke.

  “This is an ideal opportunity now that we’re all together, for me to ask a very important question,” I say to them all, as I sit back down in my chair.

  I’m glad to say that all eyes are on me as they wait for me to continue.

  “As the man of the house, along with Lucas, of course, I want to put it to you all that we, as a family, should move. I was thinking of going to my apartment in New York, while we consider where we want to bring up the children.” I pause, looking at each one of them and trying to gauge their reactions. "That's my big announcement. What are everyone’s thoughts?”

  There’s a silence over the table but I soon begin to see smiles appearing on the children’s faces.

  “Where is New York, papa?” Annie asks.

  “I know, I know,” Lucas puts his arm up seeking attention.

  “Can you tell us then, Lucas?” I ask him.

  “It’s where Spiderman lives,” he says with a serious look on his face.

  “This elicits spontaneous laughter from the adults.

  “We’ve never lived in a big city before,” Chrissy says. “But if mom’s up to it, then so am I.”

  “I'm setting up a permanent nurse for you Lisa. You need to be taking it easy,” I tell her. She's about to speak when I put up my hands to stop her. I know she’s going to tell me that I don’t need to go to so much trouble. But, she will do so much better with professional help. “Lisa, before you say anything, it’s no trouble at all. I know Chrissy will feel much better if you have the best of care. She will be a live-in nurse, so you will get to choose whoever you like. You and Rita can do the interviews if you want to.” I then turn my attention to Rita. “Rita, you will love New York. It’s every bit as interesting as Paris. So then, family, are we game?”

  “Yes we are,” Chrissy cries out, and the children clap their hands unsure what’s going on but seeing that mommy is happy.

  Then, I notice that Chrissy's hardly eaten a thing on her plate. A strange thing for a man to observe, I know. I got used to Clara not eating very much throughout her illness. Though I say nothing, this is something I must speak about with her. A feeling of dread hits the pit of my stomach. Am I becoming paranoid? I just couldn't bear it if anything was to happen to Chrissy. The thought of losing her again is not something I wish to contemplate upon.

  Chapter 32

  Can’t Wait to Tell Drew

  Sometimes, I can’t believe how lucky I am to have Drew in my life. He’s taken my whole family under his wing and helped us through a very difficult time. I'm hoping it's because he loves us and not because he feels some kind of obligation to us. When we were kids, we were all kind of like one big family. Is that why he’s taken control in that masterful way of his?

  Once again, he’s come up with a great idea where we can all be together and move on from the unfortunate event with Paul. Not that I want to leave Cowichan Bay because it means leaving behind that little bit of closeness for my dad. But, I have all those memories inside my head and I can carry them anywhere I go.

  I turn and look at the bedside clock and I’m shocked into action. I’m still in my bed and it’s already eleven in the morning. Jumping out of bed a little too quickly, I feel the room start to spin. With a sensation that I’m falling, I sit back on the bed and manage to take control. Putting on my bedroom gown, I head to the living area. There I find the children with Rita, cutting out pictures from magazines.

  “Oh Rita, I’m so sorry,” I tell her. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “No, your body need sleep and we have fun. Yes, children?” She replies in her usual broken English.

  “Rita, you are so wonderful, I don’t know what I would do without you,” I say as I go to the kitchen for coffee. “As soon as I’m dressed I’ll take over. Thank you so much but you should have woken me.”

  “Mommy, you are tired,” Annie says, not taking her eyes from her task in hand. “We enjoy our lesson with Rita.”

  “Rita is going to show us how to bake cookies, Mommy” Lucas joins in.

  “That’s a wonderful idea,” I say as I return to my bedroom armed with coffee in hand.

  I’ve no idea how I managed to sleep so late. It must be that wonderful companion known as stress.

  My phone starts ringing and I scrabble around trying to find it, in case it’s Drew. I know he’s out seeing people with regards to our family move. Looking at the screen, it’s a number I don’t recognize, but I answer anyway. I hear my sister’s voice on the other end.

  “Trish? I thought you were in rehab?” I ask, surprised.

  “I haven’t started yet, it’s after the weekend," she replies.

  “Where you been staying? I was told you were recovering. Are you okay?” Panic begins to set in, wondering why she's called me.

  “Oh, it's been cool. I’ve been in this swanky hotel until my place is available at the Inspire rehab center. It must be costing Drew a bloody fortune, I hope I don’t let you all down.”

  “He told me that you were in rehab and you were going to be fine. I took his word for it because he’s never lied to me before. Don’t suppose I thought about when. I assumed you’d gone straight there.”

  “Don’t fret over it, sis, I’ve been fine in this posh hotel. I can have room service whenever I want. Though I seem to have myself some kind of bodyguard, but she’s okay.”

  “What do you mean, a bodyguard? Is that Drew’s doing?” I ask because he never mentioned anything about a hotel or a bodyguard.

  “She’s here to keep me clean, is all. I like her. We get along just fine so I’ve been enjoying myself, lavishing in all this luxury. We’ve been for spas and massages and all sorts of stuff. Oh yeah, did I say I’m in a Health Retreat Hotel? You should ask Drew to bring you here. It’s so cool.”

  “Oh, okay. So long as you’re happy, Trish. That’s all that matters to me.”

  “I wouldn’t say happy is the right word, but I will be when I get out of rehab. That’s what I’m ringing you about, Chrissy,” she says.

  Now I wonder what’s about to come next and hold my phone with apprehension as I go silent.

  “When I come out," she continues. "I want to be in Lucas’s life. Don’t you go fretting, Chrissy. We can pass me as his Auntie Trish. He already thinks of me in that way after what happened. What do you think, Chrissy? I’m gonna try real hard to get through this. I'm sure it’s gonna work too, ‘cos their success rate is real high. What do you say, sis?”

  “I...I...don't know, Trish,” I stutter, a little flummoxed at her question. “We can talk about it after, I suppose.”

  “That’s what I thought,” she says, and I’m sure I can imagine a big grin on her face at the other end. “You were always good at organizing stuff. Make me a plan and I’ll stick to it, Chrissy. I’ll do anythin’ to be a part of Lucas’s life.”

  I hear her swallow hard down the phone. There's a definite quiver in her voice as if she’s holding back tears.

  “Look, I know it's hard, Trish. But we have to consider Lucas first and foremost. He is always the priority. Ther
e was never any intention to keep you out of his life. You chose that way, not us. But, I have to think about how best to do this. He should have you in his life, sissy. I want you in his life, but we must do it the right way. No going at it headfirst, we need to plan a slow introduction. As you said, he already thinks you’re his auntie, so we can play on that role when you come out of rehab. I’ll come and see you in there, once you’ve settled in.”

  “I knew I could count on you, Chrissy. Deep down you’re such a kind-hearted soul. Unlike me. My soul’s already gone to hell and back again. I’d love you to come and see me. That would be real good. It gives me hope, sis. It gives me something to look forward to. And, I’ll be stronger, I promise you. I’m gonna be a much stronger person when I get through this.”

  “I know you are, Trish,” I smile, even though she can’t see me. “You just need to stop picking such trashy men in your life. No more Pauls. You can do better than his type.”

  “Hah! I agree with you there. What a mental case he turned out to be. But hey, you picked him too. Anyway, I gotta go. Jessy’s here to take me to a sauna. Love you, sis.”

  “You too, sissy,” I say as the line goes silent.

  Wow! That’s a turn of events. It would be good for Lucas to have her in his life and I will encourage it. Then when we tell him the truth when he’s older, he’ll already know her and it won’t be such a shock for him. I can't wait to tell Drew.

  Chapter 33

  Stormy Disagreement

  “Hey, look at you. All dressed up like a beautiful princess,” I say, as my little girl runs into my arms.

  “Where have you been, papa?” Annie asks. She’s never really taken to calling me daddy. Though she does when Lucas is around.

  “Well, I went to see an old friend and we had lunch together,” I tell her.

  “What did you eat?”

  “Oh, erm...pasta, I ate some yummy pasta and we talked about having an adventure all around the world.”

  “Can I come, and Lucas too?”

  “You betcha. Let’s not forget mommy, and Rita, and grandma Lisa,” I laugh, putting her back down again.

  “What about Auntie Trish too?” Anne asks. “I can’t remember her, papa, is she from France?”

  “No, honey, where did you hear about her?" I ask, puzzled that Annie knows of that name.

  "Mommy and Lucas talk about her."

  "Okay. You go play. I need to talk to mommy now,” I say, wondering what the hell she’s doing mentioning that name in this house.

  Lucas comes running at me and I get another big hug and luckily no mention of the dreaded Auntie Trish.

  Finally, Chrissy greets me with a smile and a hug and I take her arm and lead her into my office.

  “What’s this about Trish?” I ask her, hoping it was just a slip of the tongue.

  “What? I’ve no idea what you mean?”

  “Annie asked me who Trish was?”

  “Oh, I see. I was asking Lucas if he remembered her when we were having a lesson on relatives and family. It’s in the curriculum, you know.”

  “I don’t want you to mention that name in the presence of my daughter, Chrissy. This family needs to forget her.”

  “Your daughter? What has it to do with Annie? I’m not sure what you’re implying,” she replies, and I can see she’s puzzled.

  From the look on her face and her tone of voice, she might be a little angry too.

  “Don’t you think it best if we don’t have anything to do with Trish and the past?” I suggest, telling her more than asking. Though I can tell she doesn’t like what I’m saying.

  “What! Trish is my sister and the proper mother to Lucas. I can’t simply push her out of our lives. I thought because you’d paid for her clinic that you were okay with her?”

  Chrissy has misunderstood my intentions.

  “I paid for the clinic so she could move on with her life. Not to become a burden to this family, with all her problems. I don’t want her in the children’s lives, Chrissy. I’m shocked that you do.”

  This is not going well. Am I being a bit forceful? Why doesn't Chrissy see my way of thinking too?

  “I will never push my sister out of my life, Drew. What you’re asking is for the impossible. Is it that you don’t believe she had nothing to do with what happened to Lucas?”

  “Calm your voice, Chrissy,” I ask her because I don’t want the children to hear us fighting in here. “Please, Chrissy, let's leave her to her own life. She doesn’t fit into ours.”

  “What the hell do you mean by that?” She yells back at me.

  This is not going how I meant it to go, at all.

  “I don’t think she’s good for the children. You must agree? When Lucas grows up and you tell him the truth, then he can make the decision to go find her, if that's what he wants to do. Otherwise, I believe that she’s best left alone.”

  “For your information, Drew Gagnon, I have been speaking with my sister today. What’s more, she begged me to let her into Lucas’s life and I, for one, think it’s a good idea. I'm going to visit her in rehab and when she comes out, we’ll meet up and discuss a way for it to happen.”

  “What?” Now it’s my turn to yell. “You can’t do something like that without discussing it with me first, Chrissy. We’re in this together, remember?”

  “I was going to discuss it with you, Drew. But you’ve barged in and practically laid down the law over my sister. I’m sorry Drew, but she’s my family and I refuse to push her out of my life. I love her, Drew, she’s my sister.”

  “I won’t have her in Annie’s life. She’s a drug user and an alcoholic, that doesn’t make for a suitable auntie.”

  “This is not about Annie!” Chrissy yells yet again. She stands up from the chair where she had seated herself when we first entered the office. “This is about you dictating rules to me, and I won’t have it, Drew. A healthy relationship means there are two opinions, not just one.”

  “This is nothing to do with you and me, Chrissy, it’s because I don’t want a druggy influencing my daughter.”

  “Oh, I see. There’s no mention of your son in that same sentence,” she bounces back at me.

  “I’m not a dictator and I mean to include Lucas within my wishes for this family. But that woman is Lucas's mother, so I can hardly make the same demands on him as I can on my own daughter.”

  “I can’t believe what I’m hearing, Drew!” Chrissy looks infuriated with me.

  Normally, I like a woman who’s all fired up, but not when they’re so stubborn they don’t see common sense. I don’t get the opportunity to reply because she storms out of the room, leaving the door wide open. I follow her into our bedroom. Not because I want to continue this row, but because I want to hold her after seeing her so upset.

  “Don’t you come near me!” She spits. “Never, ever will I push my sister away. I don’t care what she is to you.”

  I’ve never seen Chrissy like this before. She is so mad with me that I decide to retreat and close the door behind me. I see the table is set and the children are sitting down to dinner with Rita and Lisa, so I join them. It’s a difficult meal because I’m annoyed with Chrissy, but I’m also worried about her. She doesn’t join us at the dinner table, and Rita looks at me disapprovingly. They obviously heard our noisy discussion.

  “I will go get mommy," Annie says with wide eyes. "She will be hungry, daddy.”

  “No!” I say a little too harsh.

  “Is my mommy poorly again?” Lucas asks, with a genuine look of fear on his face.

  No doubt the children heard us arguing but that’s not what’s worrying me. It’s the fact that Chrissy wants that woman in our lives. I don’t want her anywhere near Annie. Such an influence is not how I see my daughter’s future.

  “Yes, but she’s only a little unwell,” Rita replies, knowing that’s a better explanation than the truth.

  The rest of the evening is a quiet one. Rita takes the children into her room to watch TV and Lis
a also joins them. I’m quietly relieved as I don’t want to explain anything to anyone. Instead, I pour myself a bourbon. As it heats my throat, I wonder if I should go in and speak with Chrissy. Looking over at the door, I wish it would open and she walks out of there and runs into my arms.

  What happens though is the complete opposite. I end up falling asleep on the couch with a belly full of bourbon.

  Chapter 34


  I was furious with Drew earlier today when he demanded that I don’t have anything to do with my sister. How dare he dictate that to me? He has no right to tell me who I can and cannot see!

  After I stormed into our shared bedroom, I fell asleep. Nor did I feel like eating when I could smell the food cooking, so I didn’t join my family for dinner. I suppose it’s more to do with that fact that I don't want to face Drew, but I do feel a little queasy.

  Drew has just created a very big problem that will not go away. I know I’m going to have to confront him again to discuss it. Though I have to say, it wasn’t only about his insisting that Trish can’t be a part of this family. It was more about how he said it. When he referred to how Trish might affect “his daughter,” it made me feel as if my family were not good enough for Annie.

  I don’t blame Annie in any way. She is a beautiful little character and much more caring about things than her father. I know that her mother was a kind person too, from conversations with Rita. Drew, however, is being very selfish over this whole thing. How can he expect me to never see my own flesh and blood again? Why is he trying to turn me against my own sister? Besides mom and Lucas, Trish is all I have with regards to direct-family. Sure, we have relatives in the reservation where mom grew up, but I never got that close to any of them when we lived there. They were kind enough to us, but I always felt as if we were outsiders. They're a tight-knit community. Mom felt at home but it wasn't for me, and Trish hated it.

  Come to think of it I don’t have any known relatives from my dad’s side either. He never discussed his family, not even with mom. My direct family unit is very small, which makes me love what I have all the more. Drew has to understand this. Poor Trish is as she is because of a very selfish mother. A mother who’s many boyfriends also helped themselves to abuse Trish too. Trish never talks about it much but that’s why she’s like she is. Such childhood memories remain embedded forever. Drew knows of this because she was his friend when we were younger. How can he brush that friendship aside?


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