Book Read Free


Page 18

by Douglas E Roff

  Misti faux harrumphed “Uncle Enrique had to tell you, didn’t he? Admit it, mama’s boy”

  “Busted. Absolutely and totally busted. And … speechless, Misti Alarcon.” They stood a few feet away from each other, neither wanting to budge an inch. Both were soaking in the sight of the other, examining just how much the other had changed from the “last time”. It had been many years since they were last present in the same room together. Both had changed and grown in every way imaginable from the physical to the mental to the emotional and more. But at that moment Adam was seeing the grown-up version of the skinny little girl he had known and loved as his little cousin since childhood.

  For many years Adam was privy to all the family stories extolling Misti’s academic excellence in elementary, middle school, high school and college, as well as her reputed physical prowess. He had previously conjured up an image of her that was quite buttoned up, conservatively Catholic and bookishly plain. But the Misti he was now experiencing was something quite different; she was the essence of some ancient warrior goddess; fierce, desirable and unapproachably beautiful. Adam stood not five feet away from her, admiring Misti’s incredible physical transformation from gawky awkward teen to amazing and beautiful young woman. For a moment, all he could do was stare.

  “Were you going to say something or are you just going to keep staring and creep me out a little.” Misti didn’t seem all that uncomfortable with his stares; she was used to it coming, as it mostly did, from the male of the species. Misti wanted Adam to stare at her, to notice her, to desire her. She had desired and dreamt of this moment and him since she was eight years old, though desire might be too strong a word for a girl of that tender age. Her infatuation with all things Adam was strong and single minded. And it had only intensified over the intervening years with the stories of his exploits at home and abroad, both academic and otherwise. According to family legend, he was both academically brilliant and physically dangerous. Misti liked dangerous. Brilliant might be fun too.

  Then there was the Promise.

  That too had been originally been made to the skinny little eight-year old girl during the year of those fateful incidents so long ago, and again every year after that. Misti had kept her part of the bargain. Had Edward? Adam was here by himself, single and about to be a guest in her home, as promised. The stillness of the night lay before them.

  “And I’m an idiot. I’m so sorry. That was awfully rude of me. It’s just that I haven’t really seen you up close since high school and I …”

  Misti cut him off, mid-sentence “You saw me at my college graduation a year ago. Forgotten already?” Misti feigned indignation but her exquisite smile betrayed her once again.

  “Forgotten you? I don’t think so. May not even be possible, at least for me. And, yeah, I did technically ‘see’ you then, if that’s what you could call it, but only from long distance up in the nose bleed seats. From where we were in the stadium, you were an ant and your dad wouldn’t share the binocs. Then I had to leave. As I recall, Dad was in his usual hurry for some unknown reason that day.”

  “Poor boy.” She smiled, teasing. “Disappointed?”

  “Not at all. Lucky me. I’m here and so are you.”

  “Well, throw your stuff in the back seat and let’s get a move on then. We have a lot of catching up to do – so much to talk about – and we’re all dying to hear why you broke up with the la rubia.”

  “La rubia? And who’s ‘we’?” Adam knew exactly who Misti was talking about, but he’d learn a lot more gossip if he pretended he didn’t.

  “La rubia, of course – your girlfriend, your ex-girlfriend or whatever that chica is to you now. And the ‘we’ is each and every girl over the age of eighteen in the Eight Families. We get a lot of news from your Mom and el patron, but I need data. Data, data, data. Especially about blondie.”

  Adam smiled, for the first time in a long time, or so it seemed to him. He was happy to be home and delighted with his ‘surprise’.

  He ignored the ‘blondie’ comment and said, “Data? Are you talking dirty to me, girl? Data’s my life, you know. Hannah isn’t. At least I’m not so sure anymore. We’ll see though, as Mom says.”

  “Well aren’t you a sad little puppy.” Misti said. Adam looked at her, not able to discern whether she was truly touched by his emotional pain or simply mocking him in the way he thought beautiful women were inclined to do, just because they could.

  “No, not sad, not really. A little unsettled maybe and very confused. But I’m working on it,” he said, as triumphantly as he could for a guy who wasn’t feeling all that secure on the ground he walked.

  Adam was very briefly off somewhere else in his mind. He suddenly returned. “And why, oh why, am I talking to you about ancient history, little cousin?”

  “Why indeed,” Misti said. “You’ll have to come home with me tonight, so we can sort this all out. You comin’ or are you sleeping in the driveway? Standing up.”

  Adam tossed his stuff in the back of the convertible and hopped in jumping over the passenger side door in one swift and stealthy motion.

  “Impresses the girls, or so I’m told.” Adam said, as he settled in and buckled up.

  “Nonsense. I think it’s because you just couldn’t wait to get right up next to me,” Misti purred. “I like my boys eager and focused. On me.”

  “Do you now? And do you always get your way?” Adam was sure she did but for him this was both delightful Misti “research” and witty repartee. He thought he was doing both well.

  “Not always,” Misti said. “But then, why waste time on the things that don’t really matter. It’s the future that matters, not the past.” She looked over at him one last time, an in depth up and down appraisal. She was pleased. “Are you buckled up tight? It’s not far but I like to go really fast. Ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be. I’m putting my life in your hands. Be gentle.” Adam fairly radiated a smile that could have lit all of Seattle at midnight.

  “Of course, mi amor. I’ll go as easy on you as I can. I promise.” She smiled. She had no intention of going slow in the car or with Adam. She had waited fifteen years for this moment, and there was no time to lose. She had him all to herself, alone and captive at the beautiful big home she occupied alone.


  Adam felt like he was having two conversations and he wasn’t quite sure what the second one was all about. But his reaction to seeing Misti again, all these years later, and his immediate physical attraction to her seemed, somehow … inappropriate. Adam was confidant to excess in all matters save one: beautiful women, his kryptonite. Now he was sitting in a perfectly restored Mustang, speeding through the streets of Seattle at questionably legal speeds and all he could think about was how he could catch a glimpse of this vision seated next to him.

  “You know, it’s alright to stare a little, Adam. You don’t have to be embarrassed. Besides, while you’re trying hard not to gawk at my tits, I’m trying hard to figure out just exactly what you look like with your shirt off. I’ve heard stories. There. We’re even. Better?”

  Adam laughed out loud and settled comfortably back in his seat smiling inwardly about this woman who could apparently read his mind. She hadn’t of course, he hoped, but she did have a lot of experience with men and their initial reaction to her … physical qualities. Misti wasn’t often troubled by men who stared at her; after all, she felt comfortable staring right back if she was interested. And, she was also totally self-aware that she had transformed from the mythical skinny ugly duckling to a sophisticated, intelligent and elegant swan. It wasn’t conceit to simply recognize the fact that she was beautiful, stacked and curvy, and men will do what men are hard wired to do. Stare. And, if that was the only behavior men outwardly exhibited, life itself would be simpler. But it never is, and women, whether gorgeous or not, seem always to be subjected to the unwanted something from men of a certain mentality. Throw in alcohol and an excess of testoste
rone and very often you have an enormous amount of stupidity floating in the air.

  “Better,” Adam said, as he twisted in his seat to better position himself for a good look at his driver. “Now I can pretend to act normally while I’m checking you out.”

  “Let me know when you’re done,” Misti said confidently.

  Adam chuckled, “Honestly, Misti, this may take a while.”


  “You know where we’re going right now, don’t you?” Misti asked as they drove away from Enrique’s and onward toward the four thousand square foot home overlooking the water that she called home.

  “I assume we’re on our way to your Dad’s place, so I have a place to stay. How is the old man anyway? Still scaring little kids and telling them to get off his lawn?”

  “Nope. After Mom died, Daddy just couldn’t live in the house anymore, so he retired and moved up to Blaine. Lives in some golf resort. If he could, I think he’d move in with your Dad in Barrows Bay.”

  “That’d be a sight. Those two are always up to something and I suspect it’s mostly no good. Maybe Dad will move down to Blaine and we’ll be telling “odd couple” stories. I was just wondering about the last time I saw you close up and we spoke. In person, I mean. Must have been …”

  “… my freshman year in High School,” she said.

  “That’s right. Our Lady of Sorrows, Honors grad 2010.” Adam said.

  “How did you …”

  “And, Summa, U-Dub, major in linguistic anthropology and another in organic chemistry. You speak seven languages, including French, Italian, Spanish, German and even a little English, I’m told.” Adam chuckled.

  “Have you been stalking me, Adam St. James?”

  “No, but I wish I had now. I just have a great memory for facts. You know, data.”

  “What other data do you have stored up about me?” Misti mused out loud. Mischief in her smile, she continued, “I’m feeling very … naked right now. You know things about me but what do I really know about you? Anymore, anyway”

  “Plenty, I’m sure.” Adam said. “The I-5 internet is loaded with gossip, and my Mom and Aunt Aurelia still speak every day, don’t they?”

  “Of course. But what makes you think they talk about you? Or that Auntie tells me anything? Maybe all they talk about are recipes.”

  “Because I know my Mom. And because I know that while she doesn’t have favorites, if she did, it would be me.”

  “Favorite mama’s boy, you mean. Your reputation precedes you, chico.” Misti’s smile was wicked and innocent, all at the same time.

  “Well, that’s actually pretty fair. Mom spoils me rotten, Pops pretends not to notice, Rod makes fun of me, Cindy beats the crap outta me and the girls get away with murder around me. And Dad … well Dad’s another scary story entirely. Never sure what’s up with that crazy old relic.”

  “So, what do you think you know about me?” Misti said, eyes fixed firmly on the road, her grip on the wheel tightening ever so slightly.

  “Only what I just said.” Adam was coy. Two could play at this game. He was still uber nerdy but his skills with women had improved somewhat in his time with Hannah.

  “And what else. C’mon, primo. You can tell the truth. But be nice. I’m a good girl and you’ve got to be sweet. That’s the rule.”

  “Really? Not at all what I hear.” He lied.

  “Really? What, that I’m not a girl?”

  “No, not that. I can see you’re a girl. A very grown up girl. Well, you know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, but I’d rather listen to you stammer through your explanation. More fun that way.”

  “You’re really not very nice, are you?”

  “Au contrere, ma Cher. I adore you. Always have. Since I was little when you were my strange and moody older primo. Is it wrong to adore your older cousin?”

  “Maybe if I actually was your real older cousin. But we’re pretty safe on that point, I think. We’re kissin’ cousins at worst.”

  “Really? When exactly do I start collecting those kisses then? Or are you just teasing your little faux prima?”

  Adam leaned over to give Misti a little peck on the cheek as she drove. She leaned in, then quickly kissed him gently and quickly on the lips, keeping her eyes forward and on the road.

  “There. One kiss on account.” she said. “There better be more than that though. You did say ‘kissin’ cousins’, right?”

  “I did.” Adam sat back, startled.

  What just happened? Adam was far from sure, but he certainly wanted to find out.

  “So, Adam, what else have you heard about your little cousin Misti. Tell me everything. Spill.”

  Adam thought for a moment, then said, “Beautiful, smart and a good girl.”

  “Mostly true. Go on.”

  “Driven, as in type A driven. A terror to outsiders, destroyer of male egos and very family oriented.”

  “Mostly true. Go on.”

  “Sometimes difficult to get on with and hard to get to know. Closed off, moody on occasion and highly introspective. Can be a queen …”

  “I got it, I got it. Who said that last thing, by the way?”

  “A boy never reveals his sources, lest his mommy gets mad at him.”

  “So, you are a mommy’s boy after all?”

  “Already admitted it. And I make no apologies for it. She’s the only woman I have ever loved and trusted completely. Cindy gets honorable mention though. She’s amazing.”

  “How so?”

  “Sweet, caring, tough as nails, ass kicking and a great Mom. Smart too. A great wife, partner, confidant and friend to Rodrigo. Especially the friend part. She’s a prize and Rod is a lucky man who knows he’s a lucky man. They belong together and they both know it.”

  “You sound a little jealous?” Misti was a tiny bit curious and more than a little interested in his answer.

  “Of course, I am. Who wouldn’t be? Just not the way you mean. I don’t love Cindy, at least not that way. But I love what they have, how it seems to work so well - and the happiness they seem to enjoy every day. Who wouldn’t want that?”

  Switching subjects and coming to the end of her light interrogation, “So what about blondie? I thought she was the one? So, did everyone in the Eight Families.”

  “And so, did I. But I guess I was wrong. Like I said, we’ll have to wait and see. It’s not over ‘til it’s over in my book.”

  “It’s a weakness but I still love a man who can properly mix his metaphors. We’re here.”


  The beautifully restored old home lay on a hillside in the toney Queen Anne district of Seattle, perched high overlooking the Bay. It looked as though the hillside had been carved out and a lovingly restored and elegant structure had been parked conveniently on that spot. The garage was on the ground floor and the home could be entered through the garage on the inside, or on the outside by walking up a winding cement path to a small lawn outside the second floor. The lawn and grounds were immaculate and tended with care. Flowers were in evident profusion, colorfully lining the path to the big front door.

  The home was stylistically slightly out of character with its neighboring structures, which tended to be more like late nineteenth century sea captain’s residences. But the totality of the effect of updated modernity and old-world ambience, coupled with the sheer beauty of the landscaping, gave the place a warm and welcoming feeling. There were four floors above the small two car garage, each promising a view of the Bay that was simply breathtaking.

  They approached the garage as the door magically began to slowly move up and back. The garage was empty save for a few lawn tools and an old work bench.


  The garage door closed, and Misti informed Adam he had ninety seconds to collect his stuff before the lights went out automatically.

  “C’mon. We take the stairs to the first-floor entrance and more stairs up to the fourth floor livi
ng space. The other two floors are guest rooms.”

  “Where am I going? Two or three?”

  “You’re fake family, so you’re on four with me. Don’t panic, there’s a guest room. Privacy and your own bathroom. En suite.”

  “I wasn’t panicking. Exactly. Just curious about the accommodation. That’s all.”

  “Are we at a resort? Accommodation?”

  “Figure of speech. Just need to know where I’m parking my possessions for the night.”

  They started up the stairs, which were quite steep, with Misti ahead and leading the way.

  “Are you staring at my ass?” Her question caught him off guard, because he was, in fact, staring at her ass. Though wearing her form fitting skinny jeans more suited to a date and night on the town, she also wore a long stylish light wool burgundy sweater that was open and unbuttoned in front but hanging down just below her knees in back. Hence, the delightful view was somewhat obstructed, much to his initial dismay.

  “Yes. I am.” Adam decided on complete honesty with his cousin. She seemed able to guess his thoughts anyway, so there was no point in a polite denial. “Not seeing much from this angle yet though. Maybe later?”

  “May-be. If you’re good. Reeaally, really good.”

  “So, you’re not too upset with my boorish behavior?”

  “Should I be?”

  “No, not really. I was very discreet.”

  “Exactly. Eyes in their sockets, hands to themselves. See, we’re buddies already. And I can already tell that you are a well-mannered gentleman.” Hopefully, if all goes well, Misti thought, that will change a little later. Then I won’t want my polite gentleman. I’ll want someone else entirely.

  “So, you were just about to tell me all about me, according to the I-5 rumors? I’m sure there’s much more good dirt than I’m just a momma’s boy. I think everyone knows that by now.”

  “If you want me to. Just be sure you want me to. Be careful what you ask for, as they say, you might just get it.” Misti’s tone was light, with an undertone of serious.


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