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Page 81

by Douglas E Roff

  Credentials were never checked, just accepted and that was that. Good citizens almost always defer to the cops in that way. They trust the police and wouldn’t want to interfere in the apprehension of a criminal, even a woman. A minute later and the brief encounter would be forgotten quickly.

  Two men had thought this through and believed they were above the law. It was almost too easy.

  “Leave her alone.” A man’s voice coming from the dark of the alley.

  “Who’s there? Show yourself. This is Detective Williams and I’m Detective Martin. Come out and identify yourself and show some ID. Don’t make us detain you for interfering with this arrest. Show yourself! Now!” he shouted.

  While they focused on Adam, who they hadn’t yet seen, Misti slipped in behind them between the van and Adam, cutting off their only avenue of escape. She slammed the van door shut. The men wheeled around and confronted Misti, looking angry and violent.

  “What’s going on here you little cunt. Bring a friend, did we? No matter.” To his buddy he said, “Go get the witness while I teach the little lady some manners.”

  Adam stepped out from behind his dumpster and said, “That ‘little lady’ is my fiancé and I don’t like the language you’re using around her. You should apologize.”

  The driver laughed. “And who’s goin’ to make me do that? You? I think not. Eddie, fuck him up.”

  Adam responded, “If I were you, Eddie, I would stand right where you are. Apologize and we all walk away from here, no harm done. But if you don’t apologize, then we have an entirely different kettle of fish. Then you’ll make me mad and you don’t want that, I can assure you.”

  “Really?” Eddie said. “Your little whore here told us you were some computer whiz. Doesn’t equal years on the force or our training. You should disappear before we have to teach you a lesson too. Now beat it. Your honey is coming with us.”

  “No, she is not. Now apologize.”

  The driver said, “Forget him Eddie. Let’s just grab the whore and go. He can’t stop us anyway.”

  Adam continued, “Eddie, be smart for once. This isn’t going to plan, and I know you’re feeling like something isn’t right. And you are correct about that feeling; something isn’t right. Now apologize and leave my girl and me alone.”

  Eddie said, “You little freak. Now you’ve pissed me off and I’m going to have to give you a beat down you won’t ever forget. You can put up a fight, Poindexter but it ain’t gonna matter.”

  Adam said, “I’m not here to fight you, Eddie. I do software; I can’t fight. I just wish you’d apologize before it’s too late.”

  Eddie said, “You talk too much, man. Now take off before I fuck you up.”

  “Just remember what you said. I warned you.”

  “If you’re not going to stop us from taking your girlfriend on a little pleasure cruise then who do you have in mind? The cops?”

  The men laughed at Eddie’s glib humor.

  “No, of course not. That would be you anyway, right? No, that isn’t what I meant at all. It’s someone else who can make you beg for mercy as your elbows and kneecaps shatter. Not completely sure about the future status of your ribs and jaw but I know her work and it often includes them as well. So, apologize and walk away.”

  “You asked for it.” Eddie had gone barely a step toward Adam when Misti’s foot found a soft home in the drivers’ abdomen, causing him to double over in pain. Presently disabled, she moved quickly in silence toward the other target; Eddie. Eddie was focused on Adam, who had disappeared and as he turned to see what was behind him, stepped into a high kick that landed square on the side of his head, causing him to go down quickly, stunned and disoriented. She followed with a kick to his kneecap as he tried to get up, causing the big man to drop a second time to the ground hard. Adam moved in quickly and stood over Eddie assuring he wouldn’t move.

  Misti then focused her entire attention on the driver, who must have thought it was time for some gunplay. Misti was so quick and agile that he had almost no time to move from her previous blow and not enough time to get to his gun. As it turned out, Misti had plenty of time to wheel around and place herself between the van, and its guns, and the driver.

  “Fucking bitch. I’m going to …”

  “What, asshole? You’re going to do what exactly? Huh, cat got your tongue?”

  “You don’t know who you’re messin’ with bitch. I have the law on my side. I’m a cop.”

  “You lyin’ sack of shit, you got nuthin’. You thought you had a drunk and drugged girl you could sexually assault. But instead you got a second-degree black belt in ju-jitsu and an avid disciple of Muat Thai. My best work is in the ring with other belts but occasionally I enjoy slummin’ in the neighborhood with assholes like you.” Misti’s voice became a little playful, although that isn’t what she was feeling or thinking.

  “I’m kinda betting you and Eddie wish they had picked up that bleach blond at the other end of the bar. But hey, you chose me, and I must compliment you on your taste. I am way hotter than her and if I had chosen you for real, you’d be in for the ride of your life. But, alas, I didn’t choose you; you chose me, which is on one hand a sweet compliment and, on the other hand, a huge fucking mistake. Capisce?”

  The driver didn’t “capisce”. In fact, he took it rather badly and bull rushed Misti, thinking to take her down hard and fast then do the same to her friend. He would beat them both to within an inch of their fucking lives then leave them bleeding and in need of some urgent Obamacare. He had barely conceived his revenge when Misti suddenly wasn’t directly in front of him but had glided to his side. She spun quickly and landed her elbow directly onto the front ribcage. As he doubled over in pain, she then shattered his jaw with an upwards shin kick she had learned in Thailand from her Muay Thai instructor, a slight woman with an otherwise normally gentle disposition.

  Misti had fallen in love with the nation of Thailand as well with its obsession, of every age and gender, with the national sport of Muay Thai. Culturally driven, respectful of opponent and sport and impressively brutal and tough, Muay Thai was her first lesson in believing that you don’t have to be big and mean to be a dangerous weapon. A dangerous weapon can be barely 5’1’, all of ninety pounds and still be your worst fucking nightmare.

  In Thailand, she learned that, in Muay Thai, there were eight lethal weapons: feet, knees, elbows and hands. Misti coordinated all those weapons with lightening agility and precision.

  The two men were now laying on the ground, disabled and unable to shield themselves from what happened next. Misti had a little chat with them, took their wallets and reorganized their bonier bits a little more. She took care that there would be only some permanent damage, but she left them in a state that would require some of their own immediate Obamacare. Her goal was to disable the van, then call the cops as they walked off in the opposite direction from their hotel. They would double back a few blocks later and Adam would wrap himself and Misti in identical long grey raincoats and touques and stroll back to the hotel. They would be back at their hotel, naked and showering in their luxurious suite in minutes.

  “Before I leave, let me suggest something to you. Report this or your missing wallets as in any way connected to me, and the video of this entire evening, beginning to end, will be emailed discreetly to your Chief. And to each of your wives, if you’re married, which I’m guessing you are. By Monday morning I will have a complete dossier on each of you, and as a federal agent myself, I can assure you that none of your stench will attach to me. Break any of these rules and I will come to your homes and skin you alive. Now do you capisce? I will not warn you again and if you think I’m exaggerating, then try me. I may send you some emails from time to time to check on your progress, so get to reading them early and often. Otherwise, who knows who might get a hold of them.”

  Misti started to walk away, then stopped.

  “I would also recommend that you become financi
ally supportive of women’s shelters, starting tonight. But if I ever catch you abusing another woman, I’ll find you and kill you myself. Final note. I know you keep trophies, all you guys do. It’s on a computer somewhere either at your precinct or at home behind a password protected file. Could be on your cell. Doesn’t matter, I have them both and we’ll discover your little secrets fast and take appropriate action.

  Adam was now standing next to Misti. “And my boyfriend here, the computer geek that you dismissed as a little pussy, well he can crush your whole world in ways you can’t even imagine. Empty your bank accounts, show your mortgage as unpaid and past due, run up credit card charges for all kinds of naughty stuff and give you heretofore undiscovered out-of-state criminal records. So, don’t fuck with me or ever do this again. If you do, the wrath of Almighty fucking God will rain down on you like the end of times.”

  Adam said nothing.

  Misti said, “Oh and yes, apology accepted. Thank you.”

  Chapter 24

  They walked back in total silence to the hotel and went directly to their suite. Misti asked Adam to order room service and showed no emotion as she undressed and eased into the shower. Adam said nothing either, as he had seen this Misti this way a time or two before. And whether it was her emotional cool down ritual, or she simply needed her space, Adam knew that ordering room service and keeping his distance was the smart thing to do. He didn’t wish to intrude on her moment and whatever it meant to her; it was out of respect that he didn’t immediately go to her side. When she was ready for him, she would say so. He was cool with that.

  The room service came and went and, an hour or so later, Adam heard the shower turn off. Encased in an overlarge white fluffy terrycloth embroidered robe was the tiny woman he had married some months back in Las Vegas. She looked like the classic photo of Sam Spade in a trench coat, with his collar up against the night elements. Her hair was dishevelled and brushed down over her eyes, making her face obscure and hidden from him. He saw her piercing brown eyes which held his gaze and she walked slowly and silently to him.

  “We can talk about this later. Right now, there’s something else I need.”

  “Tell me what you want and tell me what I need to do. Tell me everything and allow me to give you that gift, however I can. Then I want all the exquisite details; leave nothing out. Tell me what they did from the very beginning and what you felt when you were done. Can you do that?”

  “Of course, husband. But this will take some time. It might get a little noisy and there may be some muttering that upsets you. Pay it no mind and just feel every part of me. Tomorrow you will understand me as you never thought you would. That I can promise.”

  “As you wish.”

  “Let me do the work and I don’t need you to speak. It’s better if you don’t. What I need right now isn’t your love or tenderness; I need a much harder you.”

  “Of course, luv.”

  “Permission to come aboard, then. This voyage will be stormy. I hope you don’t bruise easily.”

  “No worries, I heal fast. Sparring accident.”

  “Good to know. Kill the lights and fire up that candle. Where’s the toolbox?”

  “Your side of the bed, underneath.”

  Misti said something in a language he didn’t understand, like a prayer or a votive, then she dropped her robe.

  They finished their sexual melee sometime around sunrise, then called the front desk to cancel housekeeping for the day.

  Then they slept for a long while, curtains drawn against the daylight. By nightfall they were once again aroused and spent the evening alone in each other’s arms. Marvelous people, the hotel staff, so friendly and accommodating, appeared on command, bringing food and liquid refreshment. After satisfying their need for sustenance, they returned to pleasure. They gave themselves over to total abandon and in the urgency of their wanton needs, found a deep satisfaction that often eluded them in their prior lives. They accepted rather than analyzed the sensations that they felt. Even had they wished it, what they were discovering still bore no name. That it existed was as far as they probed; that is was real required no name or recognition. Only acknowledgement.

  And this they gave willingly.

  On Sunday morning, having now lost the entire weekend, they were ready to talk about Friday night, and the Great Game.


  That he had witnessed the true strength of Misti’s body and mind was as far as Adam had then considered the events of Friday evening or afterward. When she asked him for his reaction, he told her what he knew. The rest, he said, might seep slowly into his consciousness later but that was unlikely.

  “You have done no more than affirm the reasons I love you. If you asked me to answer you more, I couldn’t answer you in any other way. I cannot articulate what I feel because the words required to describe the passion I feel for you are not in the lexicon yet.

  “If it’s possible to love you more today than yesterday, I do. But it isn’t possible. If your question is how this changes anything, I would say it changes everything for me, just not for ‘us’. I’m not sure what it means for the world at large. But I am truly at peace with myself for the first time in my life.”

  Misti asked, “Anything else?”

  “Nothing worth noting.”

  She continued, “Then I want to go home now. Back to our Island, our family and our work. It’s where we belong and who we belong with.”

  “Plus, you’ve got a wedding to attend soon.”

  She put her arms around her husband and held him close. Then, she looked up at him and said, “I’ll be better now. And I’ll try not to be difficult again until this wedding thing is all over. And I’m sorry if I was a brat. I have always felt loved with you but now I know what love truly means. And that can never be taken away. Ever.”

  “Amen to that.”

  Chapter 25

  Hannah and Vera arrived in London on a warm spring morning, having taken the British Airways afternoon flight arranged by Edward for them, first class direct from Seattle. They breezed through passport control and were met at baggage claim by a porter engaged to assist the ladies with their mountain of luggage. It was a hike to the limousine waiting outside and there was zero probability that the girls could manage all the luggage by themselves.

  Vera was comfortable with this process and had rarely handled anything herself that could be carried, pushed or pulled by another human being. She was rich, came from a wealthy family and believed, with some degree of sincerity, that it wasn’t laziness on her part but rather job creation for somebody that drove her outlook on the matter. Besides, she argued, why should she shy away from using her wealth to be more comfortable? Isn’t that what it’s for? Did she suffer from some moral defect that cried out for correction or did she just need help in carry her bags from one spot to another? Besides she protested, she always took time to speak to the help and tipped them generously. One day there would be robots to do this kind of work. Then what would all these lovely porters do for a living?

  Hannah rolled her eyes at what she considered a totally specious argument but nonetheless she neither argued with Vera nor paid for the services thus engaged. Vera knew what to do and how to handle the details and instructed the men on what to take, how to place each item and what level of care was required. When the porter explained that he couldn’t do everything she requested, she simply asked him to get another porter. A fifty quid note was handed to him, resulting in the instant appearance of two more porters and some snappy, tip top service. She was friendly and engaging but direct and demanding in the manner Vera had long ago perfected. She was beautiful and knew the effect she had on men and was willing to employ those God given skills to the problems she was able to resolve.

  Again, Hannah rolled her eyes but did nothing to interfere with Vera’s efforts.

  Once in the limo, Hannah started to give the driver instructions but was told he had already been informed of he
r itinerary and her requirements. He further explained that either he or his cousin would be on call 24/7 to assist either lady anywhere they wanted to go at any time of the day or night. They were employed by a firm Edward had personally approved, and both men knew Edward well. The driver, James Nelson Bentley, was ex-SAS and understood the meaning of safety, security and privacy. Wherever the ladies wanted to go would be kept in strict confidence and so, he advised, be yourselves and don’t ever take a taxi or go out alone. Edward had been quite clear with James that the well-being of both ladies was as important to him as his own safety, or that of any of his immediate family.

  Later that day, he would shift change early with his cousin, so Hannah and Vera could meet Raoul Louis Bentley, also ex-SAS, and review any special instructions, needs or requirements about which they hadn’t been previously made aware. If they had any concerns about safety, or in any way grew apprehensive about their personal security, they were to call or contact either man immediately. If the doorman at their building was rude, or out of line, they should be told. If someone catcalled them on the street, they were to be told. If they simply didn’t like the look of some potential miscreant, they were to be told. This, James told them, wasn’t only for their own personal safety and security but for the good of the project, whatever the hell that was.

  James didn’t know what it was either nor did he need to know. His only concern was the safety of Hannah Parker and Vera Capri.

  Both gentlemen were well acquainted with Edward St. James, a most serious individual. Whatever the connection was of these two ladies to Dr. St. James didn’t matter. He was a deadly serious bloke and, therefore, the safety of the ladies was a deadly serious matter. That’s all James and Raoul Bentley needed or wanted to know.

  Vera squealed with delight and couldn’t contain her girlish glee. Hannah saw Edward’s paws all over the place and knew that only part of what James said was true: privacy extended to keeping their confidences, activities and behaviors private from everyone except Edward. She wouldn’t put it past the old devil to have their apartment bugged. No doubt their phones and email would be monitored, as her contract clearly stated and permitted.


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