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Page 84

by Douglas E Roff

Hannah’s team of five, plus the mysterious Israeli George Armstrong Oak made six. Once contracts were concluded, they would meet again in London and begin preparations. But for what exactly, Hannah was still not 100% clear.

  Edward had mentioned a lot of potential ‘first assignments’ over the course of the past few months, one after the other. But they couldn’t all be first, so she was clueless. If she was a betting woman, and she wasn’t, her money was on a trip to Rome – there was a mysterious Cardinal Bellinelli that Edward had mentioned several times in passing. Adam had likewise mentioned his name as a Vatican “fixer” and politico working in the shadows of special Church projects.

  Hannah and Vera boarded a small private jet for London and a new chapter in her new life. Edward had promised new news when they got back home, complete with fresh assignments and a pile of new research. Her job would be to disseminate the information among the anthropologists, along with a new assessment of the status of the project, then begin the preparations for field work.

  She hoped she was equal to the job.

  She prayed she would live to see this project through.

  She wished she had never met Edward, Adam or any of the family in Barrows Bay.

  Too late.

  Chapter 29

  Hannah, Vera and Noki were to travel together back to London along with the Bentley boys, boarding a private jet at an executive terminal just outside of Edinburgh at a secluded private airfield. The Bentleys were already on board as the three women exited the small terminal and on to the tarmac, Hannah asked Noki to hang back and for Vera to board the jet and join the lads. Vera had been told by Hannah that work-related conversations would be a frequent distraction from their everyday lives together and that she wouldn’t be allowed to listen in.

  Hannah advised Vera, who had become a little agitated by her exclusion from so many conversations, that she should take no offense. It was just business and if any conversation involved her in any way, Hannah would tell her. If it didn’t, then it didn’t concern her. They had had this conversation before back in Portland. Then Vera was willing to agree to anything. Now it seemed mildly insulting.

  Vera was frustrated by appearing to be Hannah’s eye candy, though this was far from how Hannah felt. Hannah didn’t want Vera involved in anything dangerous, but Vera wanted to fully experience the romance, danger and erotic thrill of her new lover and her work. Vera wasn’t used to being excluded from any conversation and her feelings were singed every time Hannah asked her to disappear.

  Vera protested as she was asked to get on board, “You can trust me, you know. I can keep a confidence just as well as you. There’s no reason for me to be excluded from your work.”

  “Not my rules, Vera. You know that. Now please just board the plane and we’ll be along directly.” Hannah had picked up some rather bad habits from her association with both Adam and Edward. One was the “dismissive goodbye” that signalled a conversation was over and an issue decided. Vera was not pleased but did as she was asked anyway.

  “Noki, I wanted to have a brief private chat with you about one very important issue. And this needs to remain between just you and me. Are we clear?”

  “Of course. What is it?”

  “Who do you work for?”

  “You, as far as I know. Is this a trick question or is something wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong but I need to know right here and now where your loyalties reside.”

  “I don’t understand?”

  “You either work for and report to me exclusively or your loyalties are divided and there’s someone else? Is there anyone else you report to?”

  “You mean Edward, right?”

  “Yes. Edward. If you are his gal here in London on this Project, then you cannot work for me. It can’t work that way.”

  “My contract is with him, even though you’re my boss. It would be awkward if I couldn’t discuss our activities with him. He’s your boss too.”

  “So, you do intend to report to him?”


  Then Noki said, “If he asks, then yes.”

  “I see. Have you discussed this with Edward? Or are you just assuming this is what he expects from you?”

  “Assuming.” Noki lied. Her ‘other’ job was to report all activity undertaken by the crew to Edward as often as it was important enough to report. Noki was to be Edward’s eyes and ears in London and to evaluate how everyone on the crew performed. If anything were to happen to Hannah, Noki was to assume control of the crew and get them to safety first, then contact him immediately. Edward had discussed these arrangements with every other member of Hannah’s crew, who were also given his pecking order and chain of command.

  “You’re sure about that?”

  Noki lied smoothly, “Of course.”

  “You’re fired. I won’t be needing your services any longer. Thanks for coming but you’re not right for the position currently. I asked the limo driver to wait until we are wheels up before returning to Edinburgh. If you go back inside the terminal now, you can still catch a ride to Edinburgh Airport and or anywhere else you want to go. Say hi to Edward for me; I’m sure he’ll find something suitable for you. Sorry it didn’t work out; I would have enjoyed working with you. Goodbye.”

  “I don’t … but I don’t understand. What have I done?”

  “You lied to me Noki. We both know you’re a mole for Edward, a plant, and you just denied it. Seriously, just how stupid do you think I am? Just go. Leave.”

  Noki was gobsmacked by the abrupt turn of events and couldn’t grasp what had just happened. She was completely taken aback by Hannah’s swift and immediate response to a softball question and was left standing alone on the tarmac watching her former boss board the small private jet bound for London. Hannah didn’t even turn around to have a last look; she merely disappeared into the cabin as the door closed behind her.

  Noki dialed Edward right away. “She thinks I report to you. So, she fired me.”

  “You told her?”

  “I told her nothing. She asked about our arrangement, so I lied. Exactly as you instructed. What do you want me to do now?”

  “Go back to London. I’ll have someone pick you up when you arrive at Gatwick and take you to your hotel. Then stand by and I’ll see what I can do. But she doesn’t know what we discussed, correct?”

  “No idea how she could but then I don’t know what you told her. She could just be guessing. A good guess but a guess nonetheless.”

  Edward had to think for a moment, then he chuckled to himself. Hannah was smarter than even he had given her credit for; he was both pleased and dismayed all at the same time. Hannah hadn’t fired Noki; Noki would be back to work the following day or at least sometime soon. But Hannah had demonstrated that she understood Edward in ways he hadn’t considered and wouldn’t allow her authority to be undermined by his meddling from Barrows Bay. This was laying down a marker; peeing out her territory. Had Edward been in the same spot, he would have done the same thing. He might have been wrong about Hannah; she was a fair bit smarter than even he thought and ready to fully exercise all the authority she had been given.

  Hannah, for her part had planned this for some time. And the restructuring was far from over. She would have this chat with the rest of the crew, so they understood once and for all who exactly was in charge and what the consequence of divided loyalty would be. She would have to take Noki back eventually but not before she taught the same lesson to the rest of the class. Hannah believed it was better to determine how many of Edward’s “commitments” to her were real and how many were pure fiction.

  To Hannah, all commitments were real and viable. Letting Edward get away with this now would set a bad precedent and demonstrate her lack of leadership and control. What must he really think of her?

  Vera was seated mid cabin at a small table, reading a book. “Where’s Noki.”

  “On her way home, I expect.”

“What happened?”

  “I had to let her go. I didn’t think she was going to work out.”

  “Why? I thought you liked her?”

  “I do. But I didn’t like her constantly undressing you mentally. I don’t like to share unless we both approve. She just had to go.”

  “Whenever you decide to tell me what did happen, please do. I liked her, and I think it’s sweet that you would make up such an outrageous lie just to make me horny. That is why you lied, isn’t it?”

  “May-be. May-be not. It’s a secret.”

  “Get over here, girl. I know how to make you talk!”

  “Promise? Will there be restraints?”

  “Be-have, Hannah. And just wait ‘til we’re home young lady; then we’ll discuss your inappropriate behavior and an appropriate penance.”

  “Naughty schoolgirl?”

  “Something like that. We have at least two hours before we get home. I’m sure I can think of something … uumm, delicious for later.”

  “Yummy. I can’t wait.”


  Hannah’s phone buzzed several times on the short flight back to Heathrow. It was Edward, but she turned off her cell and decided to make him wait. Hannah realized she needed Noki and her potential replacements would simply never do. But she had also decided that Edward’s SOP was also never going to do, and they had better put all their cards on the table before going any further. If Edward wanted someone else for this job, then fine. But if he wanted her, there would be no spying, no secret agendas and no deception. Either the crew worked for her or they worked for him. They could not work for both.

  An hour later, Hannah dialed Edward’s cell. “You called? What’s up?”

  “I hear you’ve made your first personnel decision. May I ask why you terminated Noki? I thought you were happy with her.”

  “I was. Then I wasn’t. Why are you calling me anyway, Edward? I thought personnel decisions were left to me. That is what you told me isn’t it? Has something changed that I don’t know about?”

  “Nope. Still up to you. Is there anything I can do or say to change your mind? Noki is awfully good, you know.”

  “Yes, she is. But she lied to me and we both know we can’t have that. She should move on. Maybe she’d be happier working for you. Directly. What do you think?”

  “Perhaps, but maybe it isn’t too late. Maybe I can have a little talk with her and set things right for both of you.”

  “Maybe. Are you going to have that discussion with anyone else?”

  “I could,” Edward said cautiously. “If you want me to, I mean.”

  “I do. Please do so before my meeting in two weeks with my full crew. Then we can discuss Noki and her divided loyalties. I intend to have a robust discussion with the new hires. Then we’ll see how many elect to remain.”

  “Sounds good. I’m sure this was just a misunderstanding. I’ll be sure to let everyone know.”

  “Delightful, Edward. I’m looking forward to moving our little Project forward once we get this personnel matter straightened out. Thanks. Bye.”


  Vera looked over at Hannah and knew better than to ask what was up. “We going home? To Portland?”

  “Maybe. How about we think about that tomorrow? Right now, I’m with my best girl and I can’t wait to snuggle.”

  “Sex, sex, sex. Is that all you ever think about?”

  “Nope. Only when I’m around you.”

  “Good answer.”

  Chapter 30

  Two weeks later Hannah’s crew was expected in London where they would all take up residence in the Loft. The historic residential building was a conversion of an old hotel, updated and modernized to meet the needs of an ever-complex digital world. The property was owned by the subsidiary of a major US conglomerate and leased to a small Canadian company in Victoria, BC for ten years at an enormous discount.

  Located in the Kensington district of London, it covered four full floors and counted nineteen residences. The largest of the residences was located on the top floor, along with three smaller, but ample spaces. One of the three smaller apartments had been converted into office space and a technology center and populated with the latest gadgets for communications, security and digital productivity.

  The Tech Centre would only be accessible to the team members present in London, team members and consultants on temporary assignment and those just passing through with clearance. Adam St. James had been instrumental in the design of the space. He proposed the required security measures to be taken, both physical and electronic, and the toys, software and tools that would be necessary to accomplish the tasks assigned. The EncryptoWorld 1.0 system was in a locked and secure area in the Tech Centre that could only be accessed by Hannah.

  Physical security began at the front door, continued to all internal and external building access points and ended with the precautions taken on each floor specifically designed for each resident. The team was physically located on the third and fourth floors, with Hannah and Vera in the big apartment and her number two in the smaller unit adjoining. The balance of her London crew and resident alternates were located on the floor below.

  An entry key card was required to obtain access through the front entrance and was complemented by an additional retina scan to enter. A palm print was required to activate the elevator, which stopped at floors three and four. A separate elevator accessed the second floor, with the ground floor taken up by the small lobby, and rooms for the armed guards and private security. Apartments on the second floor would be used for visitors and other members of the team not in resident full time in London.

  Hannah and Vera had been alone as residents in the building for over a month, along with the cousins Bentley, but moving day was that morning and the first team meeting scheduled for later that afternoon. The Bentley cousins had been temporary guests in one of the smaller top floor apartments not occupied by Hannah and Vera.

  After discussion with Vera, Hannah had asked if the men would like to continue working for her in this new Project. They would have one of the two apartments on the fourth floor and take up duties as personal protection and drivers for both Hannah and Vera. Hannah would guarantee a long-term contract and unmatched fringe benefits.

  The men had been told that the job was short term and they shouldn’t get comfortable; a new crew was coming in with security and a driver and their services would be redundant. Hannah had a different view of the matter. So, did Vera. Regardless of the arrangements and careful planning engineered to suit an absent and indifferent Edward, both Hannah and Vera had grown quite fond of the Brit cousins, finding them non-judgmental, cooperative, funny and discreet. The boys were a delight to be around, and the two odd couples seemed to enjoy each other’s company.

  Card games were frequent, and Vera regularly had the boys over for TV; mostly sports which in the UK that meant football. British football, that is.

  “We would love nothing more than to continue on in your employ, ma’am. If you could see your way clear to make us an offer, we would be disposed to accept and continue in your service. You and Ms. Vera have been most kind to us both and we enjoy working for you a great deal.”

  Hannah made a phone call to Edward, discussed the matter briefly and secured approval for the additional expense. Edward had no idea what the men would do but Hannah obviously had a high level of confidence in the Bentley’s, so he approved them as full time hires without hesitation. Hannah told him she would assign them to her personal detail which included Vera.

  They would report only to Hannah and be accountable only to her and Vera. They would handle all security matters outside the scope of the Project, but both would be included in weekly Project security briefings. They would be armed, as usual, and cooperate with Murden and Ogden on security matters but not be accountable to or take orders from them. Hannah was quite clear that to the extent that Edward held any sway with them, they couldn’t serve him and
Hannah at the same time. They were to work for Hannah alone and keep her private matters private. Any disclosure to any third party of any of the private details or personal habits of Hannah and Vera, not related of necessity to their safety and security, would be grounds for immediate dismissal. As Hannah had never spoken to the men in a serious and sombre tone, they paid immediate and focused attention to her every word.

  The boys had only one request: could they have a photo taken of the four of them together. “Our mates don’t believe we work in heaven. This will prove them wrong, won’t it now?” Vera giggled and said maybe they could double date one evening and go to their local Pub. “Whenever you’re free, it would be our pleasure to escort you, so we can show up the lads. Our pleasure indeed.”

  Hannah knew it would never happen, but she thought Vera had the right instincts. The boys understood well ahead of Vera that it would never happen too, and James quietly mentioned to Hannah that although they were appreciative of the kind offer, it would be highly inappropriate and simply unsafe.

  Contracts were signed, and the boys moved into the nice two-bedroom apartment, which they shared, on the fourth floor.

  The following week the rest of the crew arrived minus Noki who had regained her job but not her position with Hannah yet. That would change after the orientation meeting to be held the following day after the last team member arrived. Hannah asked Raoul and James to attend in order to meet everyone and begin the process of coordinating with Murden and Ogden. The meeting was set for two in the afternoon and began promptly.

  The entire team minus Noki was in attendance plus that odd Israeli chap George Armstrong Oak. Hannah’s first question was to inquire who invited him to the meeting and who credentialed him into the building. Hannah didn’t seem happy and the Bentleys took immediate notice.

  “I asked a question. Is somebody going to answer me?” she demanded. “How did he get in here?”

  Murden replied, “Edward called me and said he was a member of the team. He told me to assign him the wheelchair accessible apartment on three. So, I did. Is there a problem?”


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