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Page 98

by Douglas E Roff

  Marcus, called MJ by his family and close friends, was an FBI agent in the New Orleans field office who had known Edward and Adam St. James for many years. They had first met in Athens, Greece when he had fortuitously saved the lives of Adam, Rod and Edward, then being pursued by the curator of the Greek National Museum of Antiquities. The curator, Spiros Antiacos, was at the time leveling a .45 caliber Smith & Wesson squarely at Edward when MJ tackled him from behind and held him until the Athens Police arrived on the scene

  MJ’s role in the entire episode had been recounted in detail in Edward’s best seller, the Curse of the Minotaur. MJ had gone on to achieve further notoriety and distinction as a field agent using his advanced knowledge of mathematics to help solve dozens of complex financial fraud cases in unique ways. MJ had been Adam’s friend and a mentor ever since.

  MJ answered the phone in the suite to the sound of Adam’s the familiar voice. “Hey Papa, you finally arrived! Everyone get here safe and sound?”

  “You know we have. I’m sure your spies here at the hotel called as soon as we checked in. I’d don’t know what it is about you and your daddy, but I always feel like I’m being watched. Especially by your daddy.”

  “Could be. The old man likes you, so he likes to keep tabs. When it comes to you and your brood, he can be mighty protective.”

  “He does remember that I work for the FBI, right?”

  “The Lord works in mysterious ways. So, does my Dad.” Deftly changing the subject, Adam continued, “How’re the digs?”

  “Excellent. Can’t get to get the twins to stop giggling. Tawny seems a little less annoyed than usual, and Momma is already complaining about the extravagance. So, it’s all good. When can we get together? Are you in town yet or still in Barrows?”

  “Still in Barrows and I can’t get down until Friday. But that’s why I’m calling you now. I was wondering if you and Tawny would come up to Barrows tomorrow so Dad and I can have a private conversation with our two favorite mathematicians. We have a little project we’re working on and I think you two could really help us with some of our stickier equations.”

  “Nuthin’ illegal, I hope?”

  “Nope. Pure mathematics and right up your alley. I think Tawny will be very excited for a couple of reasons.”

  “Such as?”

  “Such as you have to come up and find out. You’ll be gone for the day, but I promise to get you both back to Seattle in time for dinner. Maybe Athena and the twins would like to go on a tour while you and Tawny are gone. I can have the Concierge make the arrangements.”

  “No need. They already have plans and Tawny was hoping to drop by the U Dub for a visit with Dr. Michaels. I suppose you can rearrange that too?”

  “I’ll have Dad make the call. Please tell Tawny that this is important, and she won’t want to miss it. I know I’m persona non grata with her, but please tell her it would be a big favor for me and Dad. A cashable favor.”

  “That’s the best kind and likely the only kind that would get her in the same room as you. Let me ask.”

  The phone went silent for a moment or two and then MJ’s booming voice was back on the line. “She says OK, but it better not be any nonsense and the cash better be worth it.”

  “Hey, I promise, MJ. What more can a guy do?”

  “Bring more cash. Tawny is a cash and carry mathematician when it comes to anything St. James.”

  “Still hasn’t forgiven me for almost getting you killed?”

  “Nope. Not yet.”

  “I’m still an asshole?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “How can’t you love a woman who knows how and why to hold a legitimate grudge? I mean properly. We woulda had beautiful children. What a shame.”

  MJ laughed at the unseriousness of the comment, knowing that neither Tawny nor her two twin sisters could stand to be in the same room with Adam. Edward was cool, but they had always considered Adam a complete and utter jackass and an unwelcome and unwanted part time addition to the Thierry family. Fortunately, their view wasn’t shared by Athena and Marcus who enjoyed the odd computer geek who was deeply religious and didn’t mind attending Sunday service in their all-black Baptist Church. Some in the congregation may have frowned on having a Catholic in their midst but he was always welcome in the Thierry home.

  “So how do we find our way up to Barrows from here?” MJ asked.

  “We’ll fly you up by jet helicopter. A car will come to collect you early, so be down in the lobby by six. You should be in Barrows by eight. We’ll meet you on the soccer pitch.”

  “We gonna meet your intended?”

  “She’s dying to meet the man who kept her fiancé alive. No pun intended.”

  “Then we’ll see you tomorrow.”


  Marcus had been a highly recruited linebacker out of Bridgemont High in New Orleans his senior year. The whole city knew his name and coming from an old New Orleans family, it was expected he would sign his NCAA commitment letter to attend LSU. He didn’t, opting to leave his beloved city for the bright lights of LA; UCLA to be exact. Recruiting wasn’t confined simply to football; he had also been heavily recruited as well by the UCLA and LSU Mathematics Departments as a National Merit Scholar. When he blew out his knee in his junior year in the USC game, Marcus was relieved. Football had become a serious impediment to his math studies and he wished to devote more time to his first love. He left football and concentrated on his academics. When his senior year rolled around with a braced and healed knee, he nevertheless elected to walk away from his full ride in football and picked up a full academic scholarship instead.

  Then he met Dr. Linus Weller, a math genius whose father had once worked closely with Alan Turing, the great British mathematician and famous cryptologist. Thus, began MJ’s long love of and interest in cryptology, a passion he passed on to his eldest daughter, Tawny.

  Upon graduation, he was again recruited, this time by the FBI to join one of their special white-collar crime units. He accepted the position conditioned on eventual placement in the New Orleans field office. The FBI agreed to assign him to his home town, following a year of training in Quantico. He carried a weapon but had never unholstered it. Marcus didn’t like guns nor did he like violence. At 6’7” and almost 260 lbs of almost zero body fat, he could make himself appear formidable. He was in his own unique and quiet way; he just didn’t need a gun to achieve that.

  When he arrived back in New Orleans a year later, he met an attractive young woman busking on the streets of New Orleans in the Old District with her best friend to earn money for college. Her name was Athena Williams, an Education major at LSU with a marvelous singling voice and a blossoming musical talent. He asked her to sing an old Negro spiritual he loved and, when she was finished, asked her out on a date. When she initially refused, he pulled out his FBI credentials and “arrested” her for busking without a permit, which he said was a serious infraction, maybe even a felony. But, it might be possible for the two to work something out if she would have dinner with him later that evening.

  They married six months later. Two years after that Tawny was born, and two years later the twins, Cinna and Macey arrived. They joined Bethany Baptist Church where MJ became a deacon in due course.

  Their family trip to Greece that fateful summer was how the St. James family became intimate with the Thierry family. After returning home, Marcus received a call from Adam St, James and their friendship grew as the years rolled by.

  To Adam, the Thierry family was everything his own family was not. And, to Adam, the Thierry family was where he would’ve preferred to be. They were in every respect the example of what family really meant. Marcus and Athena were strict parents who showed their kids all the love they would need to be launched into a world that could sometimes be unkind and even cruel.

  Ten years ago, Edward showed up one Monday morning in MJ’s office in New Orleans with a thick set of folders. He asked Marcus to rea
d the FBI dossiers on him, Adam and the rest of the Barrows family. Marcus read the details and then asked Edward what the point of the exercise had been.

  “My son admires you and adores Athena. I thought it prudent for you to understand who he is. As well as the rest of us. Adam will never be like you, though he desperately wants to be. What we do is sometimes very dangerous, as you well know. Sometimes a friendship with us can also be dangerous. Adam would never want to put you or your family in harm’s way. But it is, unfortunately, part and parcel of our work.”

  “Which is?”

  “Classified. But we can declassify more about what we do if you are interested.”

  “You work for the nation?”

  “Yes, and for the Canadian people too.”

  “National security?”

  “Sometimes. Sometimes other projects that we are asked to undertake. Always legal and always sanctioned.”

  “Is Adam ever in danger? He’s a good kid with a brilliant mind. I’d hate to see him in harm’s way.”

  “It isn’t Adam who is normally in any danger. It’s the people who annoy him. Adam is a good kid. But he’s troubled and lethal when provoked.”

  “I have no problem with any of this. He remains a welcome guest in my home whenever he’s in town. I’ll mention some of this to Athena, but she loves your boy too. Still trying to get him to sing Gospel.”

  “Any luck?”

  “Has the will but can’t carry a tune. Still he has the spirit of the Lord in him even if he wasn’t blessed with an angelic voice.”

  “Watch over him for me when you can. He trusts and admires you. He wants to do the right thing. Sometimes I’m simply not capable of being the positive role model he needs. Perhaps you are.”

  “Perhaps. And perhaps he just likes math.”


  The jet helicopter landed on the soccer field behind the Admin Building of the Victoria Institute. Edward, Misti and Adam were there to greet the Thierry’s as they deplaned to firm handshakes and lots of hugs. Tawny gave Adam a “Hollywood Hug” and moved away quickly. She spied Misti up and down, wondering what a beautiful young woman like her could possibly see in a fucked-up mess like Adam St. James.

  They moved off the field and headed to Edward’s office for a brief chat, then moved to a secure conference room for a slide show and presentation.

  Edward began, “We are starting a special new unit for a rather large and complex project that will depend heavily on the cryptographic skills of the team we are assembling. If we can interest you in the project, you will be working with my daughter-in-law, Misti, and Dr. Alvin Detwiler and his son Dr. Richard Detwiler. I believe Tawny has already met Richard and is familiar with the Detwiler’s ground breaking work in cryptography. If you’re interested, I will ask you to both fly over to London to meet with the good Doctors and establish a work plan.”

  Marcus said, “Sorry, but not sure how I can help. I already have a job and I don’t think I can accept any position. Tawny is still finishing up her Ph.D. at LSU, so it seems we aren’t a particularly good fit.”

  “Mere details, Marcus. The FBI has given me permission to second you to this project and for you to remain with the FBI. No loss of pay or privilege. Think of this as a favor to us from the FBI. You will be paid separately by the Institute.”

  “And Tawny?”

  “Her work will count toward her Ph.D., which she will be awarded in due course. She will have a new dissertation topic which will be top secret. Tawny’s compensation will begin immediately.”

  “Hello!” said Tawny, who had been watching Edward carry on the conversation with her Dad.

  “Yes, Tawny.”

  “Would you mind not talking about me as if I’m not actually present? I’m sitting right here. If you have something to say to me, then say it to me!”

  “Sorry, just trying to answer your father’s questions. I apologize.”

  “Will I be working with Adam?”

  “Would you mind?”

  “God yes. That’s a non-starter. I would be happy to work with Alvin and Richard, though. Is that possible?”

  “It’s what we’d like too. Richard and his father are key contributors and their work is essential. You’ll report to Alvin of course. Marcus, you will work with that team and with Misti and me. And Adam if you like.”

  “I’d like that. Where?”

  “Tawny will be based in London, with our other Ops team members. We’d like you to be there too working with Tawny and the Detwiler’s. You can relocate with your family if you like or remain in New Orleans and travel. That’ll be up to you, Athena and the girls.”

  “OK, then what’s the project?”

  “First, we have some docs to sign. Then contracts if you want to proceed after our slide show. Shall we get started?”

  “No time like the present.”


  “When do we leave?” asked Marcus after the presentation concluded.

  “Tawny, you in?” asked Edward.

  “I am if Dad is, yes.”

  “Then you will leave in exactly eleven days. You will proceed to London to meet the rest of the local team, then on to Lansdowne Park to get settled with the Detwiler’s. After that, you will have your assignments and coordinate with Misti, who is your nominal team leader. She can fill you in on everything you will need before you return home.”

  Marcus turned to Misti. “Aren’t you getting married? Like Saturday? I’m sure you must not have time for any of this.”

  Misti laughed, “Top secret bulletin: Adam and I are already married. This ceremony is just for my family and my aunties have been doing all the work. We will be working on this project right up until Friday. No rest for the wicked.”

  “What now?” Marcus asked.

  Adam said, “We have some reading material for you both. When you’re done, just leave the materials here. Nothing can be taken from this room. I estimate a couple of hours. Then we can have a late lunch and get you on your way back to Seattle.”

  “You’re sure about all this, right Adam? I mean super sure?”

  “I am. I wasn’t for quite a while, but I am now. I was the last to be convinced and get on board with it.”

  “Lordy, Lordy,” was all Marcus said.

  “Amen to that,” was all Tawny said.

  “OK then. Read up; pop quiz in an hour!”

  Chapter 55

  It was Friday morning, and only hours away from the rehearsal dinner scheduled for that evening with family down south. At noon, or thereabouts, Edward, Maria and the rest of the Barrows Bay Clan would board two Sikorski helicopters chartered to whisk them along a few dignitaries from the Institute down to Seattle. They were one day out from the big wedding at the big church, Sacred Heart. Misti was so far behind in her planning and preparation that she had virtually given up and now desperately hoped the tias would come to the rescue. But until Friday night arrived, she had a more pressing engagement with Edward and Adam and some guy named Paulo in Princeton, New Jersey.

  The family members present at dinner on Wednesday night had discussed the call to be made on Friday morning, and Adam used a secure private server to send his email to the leader of the Gens Collective. The family crafted the wording carefully, Misti believing that they couldn’t afford to reveal any clues about themselves or give away any morsel of information before it was absolutely necessary to do so. There was a great deal at stake, but they were still largely ignorant about their seeming adversary.

  Even Adam’s voice would be scrambled, on the assumption that Paulo hadn’t recorded the conversation with Adam in Tucson. Misti wanted no back-door ways for Paulo to find Adam or any of the family in Barrows Bay, as they had used to confirm Paulo’s identity via voice print.

  A reply from BioGen arrived in the morning questioning whether they had contacted the right party but acceding to the request anyway. While the respondent asserted no knowledge of any of the contents
of the email from Adam, he acknowledged the need to resolve any misinformation that may have led to this contact. The response and confirmation of time and day for the call made absolutely no sense absent agreement that there was, in fact, something to discuss. Aside from that fact, the email was curt, to the point and otherwise totally vague.

  In New Jersey, there was both joy and anxiety. Paulo was happy to be in touch with his prey and knew this was the best avenue to commence a dialog leading to a possible resolution of the “human problem.” He would have a chat, trace the call and follow up with this Human in a most unpleasant way.

  Enzo never believed that the incident in Tucson was anything more than an interesting mishap and that their secrets would remain safe and secure. To him, this was an outlier and unwelcome news. As Enzo contemplated the call and the appropriate response, he was already on the phone to his Captains, alerting them to the new human threat that needed their attention right away. He would meet them in New York City the following day to deliberate, assuming there was sufficient actionable intel of the prey’s location identified during the call. If so, teams should be formed and dispatched to track down the prey down and neutralize the threat.

  In Barrows Bay, the entire family would all be in the room, including Maria but excluding Agustin. As the only point of contact allowed, Adam alone would speak. He now had a script to follow and was reminded that “loose lips sink ships”, the old-World War II adage so well-known during those years when ordinary Americans of all persuasions seemed to agree on everything.

  Misti insisted that Adam stick to questioning Paulo and avoiding any substantive discussion that could yield clues as to who they were and where they lived.

  Misti said, “No wedding talk, Adam. No personal information whatsoever. They can track weddings, wedding licenses and personal stuff. That would allow them to narrow the scope of their search for us from hundreds of millions to tens of thousands. Eventually we could be found out. And nothing about what we learned from the New Jersey operation. We need the nanites to remain in place, so we can monitor these fuckers. Stick to the script and what we decided last night. Don’t give anything away and make them work for the scraps. We know who they are; they have no clue who we are. Let’s keep it that way.”


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