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ROBESPIERRE, 25, 30, 32, 34, 35, 44, 48, 507, 520. Rochefort, 545, 550, 551, 574, 654. ROEDERER, 151, 170, 175, 182, 203, 215, 336, 461, 559, 567,
571,573,578,581,595. Roi Soleil, 229, 292, 333, 463. See . also Louis XIV Romagna, 99.
Roman, 7, 19. See also Holy ROMANZOFF, 321, 339.
Rome, 62, 82, 85, 86, 90, 99, 120, 126, 146, 156, 185, 186, 200 201, 204, 214, 227, 228, 230, 248, 287-290, 296, 342-344, 346, 376, 377, 387, 399, 467, 473, 475, 477, 483, 486, 494, 495, 497, 575, 603, 628, 642, 681, 688.
Rossbach, 691.
Rosetta, 131, 149.
Rothiere. See La Rothiere, 465
ROUSSEAU, 8, 11,21,22, 112, 167,232,615.
Royalists. See Napoleon and, 131.
Rubicon, 85, 395.
RUDOLF (of Habsburg), 375.
Rulers by divine Right, 444.
Ruling from afar, 273.
Russia, 127, 132, 184, 212, 242, 244, 246, 247, 254, 261, 262, 269, 270, 272-274, 276, 286, 316, 319, 322, 323, 337, 339, 348, 354-356, 364, 365, 376, 378, 380-382, 384, 385, 387-393, 395-406, 408, 410-412, 414, 417, 418, 421-426, 428 430-432, 437, 439, 440, 442, 446, 448, 450, 453, 467, 469, 479, 488, 502, 518, 531, 532, 538, 544, 559, 562, 563, 570, 580,621,636,674,679.
Russian Omens, 269.
RUSTAM, 137, 271, 292, 345, 402. See also Mameluke
Saale, 453.
Saalfeld, 256.
Saint-Antoine, 220, 537.
St. Bernard, Great, 178, 179
Saint-Cloud, 149, 155-157, 163, 190,222, 223,300,439,514,536,631..
Saint-Denis, 532
Saint-Germain, 220, 474.
St. Helena, 13, 481, 551, 553, 565, 576, 594, 607, 612, 617. 619,623-627, 629, 634, 643, 645, 646, 651, 652,654, 667, 668, 673, 674, 687, 692.
St. John, Church of, in Moscow, 416.
ST. Louis, 510.
ST. MARK, 96.
ST. NAPOLEON, 345, 492.
ST. PETER, 96.
St. Petersburg, 339, 355, 380, 381, 400-402, 407, 410, 411, 415, 416,562.
St. Sophia, 274, 390.
Salamanca, 405, 420.
SALICETI, 26, 27, 31, 35, 38, 64, 65, 80, 95.
Salle Apollo, 157.
Salzburg, 243.
San Domingo, 600, 641.
San Giuliano, 181.
Sanhedrin, 600.
Sans Souci, 260, 262, 575.
Saragossa, 339.
Sardinia, 41,54, 58, 59, 61,64.
King of, 58, 59. Satan, 577. SAVARY, 469, 539. Savona, 375, 662. Saxony, 258, 331, 355, 437, 440, 450, 454, 502,
540, 600. Scala, La, 100, 182 Scarab Pin, 372. Scepticism, 113, 183,610,612. SCHARNHORST, 256, 308, 444. SCHELLING, 457. SCHERER, 137. SCHILLER, 422. SCHLEIERMACHER, 444.
Schonbrunn, 343-346, 351, 359, 437, 495, 556, 582, 587, 598, SCHWARZENBERG, 354, 372, 402, 450, 451, 469, 470, 476, 568,
614. Schweidnitz, 273. Scion of the lesser Nobility, 571. SCIPIO, 63, 190, 680. Scrivia, 181. Scutari, 90.
Sea Legs. See No, 236. Search for an Heir, 203. Second Dream, 684.
Polish War, 392.
Wife, 374. Secret Idyll, 271. SEGUR, 176, 229, 389, 408, 591. Seine, 473, 475, 607, 662, 671.
Self-confidence, 7, 12, 16, 50, 86, 95, 130, 168, 224, 238, 246,
414, 524, 548, 559, 560, 564, 567, 583, 593, 604, 610, 613,
Criticism, 217, 653.
Crowned Emperor, 229, 287. SELIM, 482.
Semblances of Legality, 156. Semmering, 556. Senate, 61, 72, 90, 170, 187, 200, 203, 212, 216, 251, 301, 302,
359, 430, 452, 475-477, 492, 527, 571, 574. Sense of Destiny, 365. Sensitive Nerves, 558. Serbelloni Palace, 69, 70, 80. Serbia, 380.
Servants. See Faithful, 339, 624. Servile Princes, 322. Sevres, 632. Seydlitz, 691. She lays Siege, 145. Shepherd, Head, 289. Shiraz, 133.
Short Way with the Pope, 342. Shot at Dawn, 209. SHUVALOFF, 488. Sicily, 119, 120,377,436. Siege of Toulon, 31, 32, 116. Sierra de Guadarrama, 336.
SIEVES, 140, 146, 148-151, 153-155, 157, 162, 169, 538 . Signature. See Awaiting, 481. Silesia, 262, 387, 388, 438, 442, 450, 451, 589. Simple Tastes, 223. Simplicity, 109, 148, 259, 268, 354, 438, 488, 491,
545,560-562, 576, 589, 602, 640, 651, 652, 662. Simplon, 662. "Simply Dead," 612. Simulated Wrath, 585. " Sire, your Brother Lucien," 296. Sisters. See Brothers and Slow Murder, 681.
Sluggishness of the human Heart, 496. Smelting Works, 494. Smolensk, 392, 396, 401-403, 417, 418, 509.
Snare. See Dynastic, 306.
SOCRATES, 610, 659.
Soissons, 535.
Sombre Thoughts, 371.
Sons of the People as Generals, 59.
Son's Portrait. See His
Sorrows ofWerther, 121. See also Werther
SOULT, 331,336, 480, 589.
Spain, 117, 172, 184,262,305,311-313,317,334-339,342,
343, 346, 364, 366-368, 373, 380, 384, 387, 388, 396, 398,
405, 419, 426, 428, 432, 434, 440, 444, 451, 454, 459, 476,
500, 569, 598, 600, 605, 643, 653, 687. Spanish America, 643. Spanish Dynasty, 311. Sparta, 9, 10, 22, 62, 69. Spezia, 662. Sphinx, 122. Spirit and Sword, 168. STAEL, 111, 200, 209, 218, 234, 273, 281, 325, 436, 519, 520,
563. Stage. See Politics on the Management, 599. STANISLAS, 425. STAPS, 348, 349, 350. State. See I am, 463. State Prisoner, 421,422. Statesman and Commander, 182. Stein, 261, 339, 399, 412-415, 432, 444, 458, 502, 514. Stein's decisive Influence, 415. Stickler for Morality, 566. Stirrings of Hope, 645. Stock Exchange, 177,273. Stockholm 286. Stork. See King Log, 250. Storming Pace, 222. Storming the Habsburg Fortress, 358. Story of Waterloo, 635. Strasburg, 377, 518, 695. Street. See Burning, 409.
Fighting, , 32, 45. "Strike off my Chains! ",35.
Stroke and Counterstroke, 380. Stroke of Luck, 49, 431, 643.
Strong Man. See Only the , 22.
Struggle against Venality, 84.
Struggles in Vienna, 501.
Strumpet. See Fortune " , 406.
Stupidest Thing in my Life !," 335.
Sturmer, 621.
Styria, 86.
Subordinates. See Treatment, 598.
Successors steal his Property, 483.
Such is my Will, 69 .
Suez, 117, 132, 149.
Sugar. See Coffee , 404.
Surinam, 377.
SUSSEX, 626.
Sweden, 370, 391,436, 437.
Swiftly westward, 426.
Switzerland, 10, 172, 184,249.
Sympathetic, 608.
Syria, 120, 132, 133.
System. See Continental European, 261, 692.
TACITUS, 281, 324-326, 569, 574.
Tagus, 313, 538.
Talking and Questioning, 594, 595.
TALLEYRAND (afterwards Prince of Benevento), 100, 102-104,
109-111, 114, 117, 134, 149-151, 154, 155, 178, 183, 186,
207, 208, 210, 221, 233, 234, 243, 247, 249, 256, 295, 299,
308, 316-323, 328, 337-339, 344, 355, 383, 384, 412, 438,
461, 467, 473-476, 481-483, 503, 519, 566, 569, 570, 580,
584, 585, 596, 599, 610, 653, 672.
and Fouche, 183.
as Internationalist, 320.
indispensable, 318.
is a Traitor, 317.
rules, 475.
smiles, 339. TALLIEN, 39, 48, 71, 75, 566. TALMA, 220, 314, 511, 545, 602. TAMERLANE, 664. Taranto, 236.
TASSO, 465.
Tastes. See Simple, 223.
Tatterdemalion Army, 56.
Taxis. See Thurn ,319.
Tea and Talk, 319.
Teeth. See Four ,400, 401.
Tempo, 580. See also Old
Terminology. See Lutheran, 289.
Terror, 48, 168.
Testament, Napoleon's, 671, 677.
New, 610.
Old, 610. " That is the Advice of a Lion," 416. Theatr
e Francais, 192, 396. The Eternal City, 290. See also Rome Themistocles, 547, 552, 574. " The Mother's Life comes first! ", 360. The People need a Chief, 107. Thinking Things over, 500. Third Messenger, 410. Thirteenth Vendemiaire, 51. Thirty Years' War, 635. This Island, this Province, 95. " This War -will last three Years," 401. Threatens Rome. See He threatens , 288. Three Cheers, 638.
Fundamental Powers, 558, 559. Thrift, 282.
Through the Enemy's Fleet, 138. Thurn and Taxis, 319. TIBERIUS, 575.
Tidings from the Congress, 502. Tiflis, 273, 378. Tilsit, 274, 278, 286, 313, 320, 380, 385, 388-390, 396, 410,
412,443,556,562, 599, 653, 663. " Time is Everything," 32, 59. Time's Revenges, 167, 414. Tippoo Sahib, 128. Tiring Job, 616. Tirol. See Tyrol Titles. See Hereditary , 284. Tobias, the Malay, 640, 641.
" To Destiny ! ", 52.
TOLLY. See Barclay de Tolly
TOLSTOY, 317, 410.
"Too far, Sire," 393.
Too small. See Europe , 301
To Rochefort, 545.
Tortona, 72 .
To the Savants, 97.
Tottering Government, 147.
Toulon, 6, 29-33, 36, 56, 72, 116, 119, 129, 138, 140, 141, 468,
484, 674. Tours, 662. Trafalgar, 243, 255. Tragedies. See No Tragedies 303. Tragedy of Childlessness, 202.
of Fulfilment, 286. Tragical Dilemma, 525. TRAJAN, 575.
Transitional Characteristics, 569. Travelling Carriage, 337, 341, 439.
Treason. See Marie Louise's Treason, also Marmont's Treason Treatment of Subordinates, 598. Treviso, 375. Trianon, 252, 352. Tribunate, 170, 196,216. Triest, 89. Trinity, 123, 648. Triumphal Entry. See First, 67. Triumvirs, 156, 672. TRONCHET, 170, 175, 195. Troubles thicken, 524. Troy, 648. TRUCHSESS, 488. True Aim, 107,304. Tsar Alexander, 275, 317. See also Alexander
breaks away, 340.
in Paris, 474. Tuckets for the Crowd, 106. Tugendbund, 388. TURENNE,283, 583, 667. Turkey, 42, 90, 91, 134, 243, 321, 339, 380. Turkish Empire, 90, 91, 104.
Turn of Fortune's Wheel, 41.
Tuscany, 65, 82, 250, 251, 370, 434, 483, 496, 568.
Two Emperors, 247, 274, 315, 340.
German Women, 259, 260.
Hundred and Fifty Men, 466.
Opinions, 279.
Rebuffs, 47. Tyrol, 41, 75, 339, 348, 587. Udine, 103. Ulm, 242, 509, 675. Unconquerable German, 349. Undermined Marriage, 116. Understanding with Rome, 85 . Understands the Italian Temperament, 62. Under the Stars, 121. Unfailing Memory, 176. Unfeeling, 423, 607. Unflagging Industry, 582. United Europe, 82, 383, 679. United States of America, 100, 396, 540, 543, 605.
of Europe, 248, 364, 383, 387, 505, 5223, 605, 606. Unity of Command, 32, 66, 82. Untrustworthy Relatives, 146. Upper House, 430, 527, 530. Vacillations, 169, 414, 546. Valencay, 317.
Valence, 9, 14, 21, 24, 143, 562, 618. Valladolid, 337, 346, 556. Varennes, 22.
Vatican, 84, 85, 95, 186, 343, 376. Vendee, 31, 36, 42, 190, 195, 207, 600. Vendemiaire, Thirteenth, 51. Venetian Sbirro, 625.
Venice, 72, 82, 89, 90, 100, 118, 242-244, 603, 662, 674, 681. Verona, 73, 243. Versailles, 6, 684. Viceroy of Italy. See Eugene Victory. See Excommunication and, 344. First Victory, Marching to , 242.
Vienna, 41, 86, 88, 96, 104, 119, 134, 181, 243, 290, 322, 340, 342, 354, 355, 357-359, 374, 388, 391, 392, 406, 411, 435, 437, 438, 443, 446, 450, 467, 468, 497, 498, 501-503, 513, 519, 520, 523-525, 548, 556, 568, 599, 680, 688.
Vilette, 580.
Vilna, 392, 396-399, 403, 419, 425.
Vincennes, 208.
VINCENT, 321,335.
VIRGIL, 667.
Visions in Sans Souci, 262.
Visitors, 637.
Vistula, 265, 382, 393, 431, 528
Vitebsk, 401.
Vittoria, 444, 638.
Vive l'Empereur, 420, 476, 485, 508, 509, 534, 537. le Roi, 486.
" Voila un homme ! ", 328.
Volant. See Eagle , 233, 673.
Volcano. See Extinct ,617.
Volga, 396.
VOLTAIRE, 8, 10, 121, 167, 232, 262, 314, 325, 326, 332, 601, 657,667.
Wagram, 344, 346, 386, 469, 509, 530, 576, 597, 640.
Waiting for Death, 667.
WALEWSKA, 265, 268, 271, 293, 344, 345, 348, 355, 359, 424, 465, 484, 495, 644, 689.
Wallachia, 380.
Wallenstein, 422.
Wallenstein'sDeath, 518.
War as an Art, 588.
War of Liberation, 291.
War is an Anachronism, 592.
Warnings, 530.
Warsaw, 262, 263, 380, 381, 424, 425, 428, 446, 556, 585.
Waterloo, 531, 533, 534, 537, 576, 615, 628, 635, 637, 648, 653,662,663,665.
Wavre, 532.
We have to forget, 523.
We must be content, 510.
"We need him in the Army," 36.
Weathercocks, Dictionary of, 649.
Weimar, 258, 259, 323, 325, 331, 336, 428, 456, 502, 564, 613.
Wellington, 367, 373, 405, 444, 532, 534, 543, 544, 576, 637,
674. Wells of Moses, 131,611. Werther, 120, 121,328,329. Weser, 379.
West Indies, 52, 318, 360. Westminster, 13. Westphalia, 255,291. What a Ballad my Life has been, 665.
is Alexander thinking ?, 390.
is Paris saying ?, 280. Where is Ney ?, 480, 509.
is the Enemy ?, 395, 397. Which Princess ?, 355. Whither to go, 544. Why not use Grape-shot ?, 26. WIELAND, 325-328.
Wife. See Josephine, His second, Marie Louise Will. See Last Without a Fatherland, 669. Women. See Two German
are Slaves, 609. Wooing. See also Courtship, Fruitless Words overheard, 421. Working Classes. See In Favour of World Conquest. See Plans Worldwide Schemes, 104. Wrath. See Simulated WURMSER, 59, 73, 75, 78. Wurtemberg, 249, 332. Xerxes, 551. Xerxes' Answer, 551. Yearnings and Calculations, 352. YORCK,431,432.
" You are frightfully young ! ", 293. "You must! ",417. Young France is ready, 480. Your Brother Lucien. See Sire "Your holiness being infallible," 437.
Zante, 90.
Zeus thunders, 338.
Zur Morphologie, 612.