Guarding Gabriel

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Guarding Gabriel Page 8

by J. A. Wynters

  I followed him in as he reached my oven and pulled it away from the wall.

  “I have been waiting for you all day.” I folded my arms across my chest, he had gotten under my skin when all I wanted was for him to be under my clothes.

  “I know you’re eager darling and I would have been here sooner, but I had a few emergencies.” He finally turned to me and his eyes skimmed my body, the right side of his mouth curled with satisfaction. “I’m going to do this first, because I don’t plan on doing anything else other than you today.”

  He bit his lower lip and I shivered under the heat his eyes radiated. He worked quickly and efficiently, within half an hour the oven was working again and the heat in my kitchen had risen by about 100 degrees.

  He packed away his tools and went to the bathroom to wash up. When he came out his shirt was gone.

  His body was chiselled like a marble statue, each muscle curved and rippled as he stretched and sprawled across the lounge. And just like that his stony exterior had turned into a burning furnace and I knew I was about to get singed around the edges, burned from the inside out. My underwear gave a dying breath as it evaporated of its own volition.

  “Stand up Jane.”

  My traitorous body stood up even as I wanted to protest.

  “Turn around and face the wall.” I turned away from him slowly.

  I didn’t hear him approach. Silent and deadly like the predator he was. I could feel the heat of his body inches from mine. He brushed my arms with his fingers, my skin prickling under his touch as he made his way over my shoulders. He kissed me then, where the neck meets the shoulder, his soft lips hot and tender, his fingers peeling the dress from my shoulders taking with it my bra straps. He pushed the dress down, exposing my breasts to the air.

  His hands came around me tracing the line of my ribs until they found my swollen breasts. With nimble fingers Barry trailed his thumb across my nipples, slow teasing movements. Skimming my neck with his lips, while his fingers were pinching, pulling, teasing. Keeping his body just out of reach of mine. I knew that all I had to do was step back, fall into his strong body, but if he had wanted me there, I would have been there. I groaned at the slow torture; my arousal flamed.

  His hands trailed the length of my torso and landed on my waist. He flipped me over and pushed me against the wall. His eyes widened as he licked his lips. “Yes.” Like a hiss, he peeled the dress from me leaving me only in my G-string.

  “I brought you a little present Jane.” From his pocket he produced a thin, rectangular box. When he opened it, a silver bullet shaped plug with a purple gem stop shone inside. “To help you stretch before I take you.”

  I nodded, excited, petrified, wet and needy.

  “Come.” He took me by the hand and led me to my bedroom. “On all fours, ass in the air.” I obeyed, my heart drumming in my chest, my breath accelerated. Barry slipped a finger under my G-string pulling it away while with the other finger he rubbed lotion, then as before he inserted a single finger into my ass, slowly turning it, pushing in and out, then a second finger, in and out.



  “Are you ready Jane?”

  I must have murmured because I felt the cold vibrator at the entrance of my ass. “Just relax sweet Jane.” Ever so gently he pushed the plug in, slowly, letting my muscles stretch and accommodate to the size. I let out a sharp gasp as the plug settled inside me.

  “How is that Jane?”

  “Good,” I might have said, I might have moaned.

  “Lay on your back.”

  I rolled off my knees and onto my back, the plug filling me. Barry towered above me, then fell onto the bed beside me where his warm soft mouth found my nipple. His tongue flicking and swirling around it, teasing, drawing from me primal grunts and desperate moans. When he had finished, he moved over to the other side.

  I could feel the sweat peppered across my forehead, the tension building in my body, the need to for release, as his delectable mouth, sucked and bit.

  “Barry, please,” I begged, as my back arched, pushing my chest into his face, needing more, needing him.

  “I love that you are always so eager for me Jane.” His breath was warm over my chest as he made his way down to my navel, trailing small kisses down my body. He pushed my legs apart, my ass clenching against the plug, my pussy wet and throbbing. His tongue slid along my clit and he muffled a groan. “Delectable.” His practised tongue ravaged my clit, I grabbed his hair, grinding myself against it, the edge on the horizon, so close.

  He grabbed my hands and pulled them aside his tongue leaving me, the warmth disappearing, the ache remaining. I groaned, frustrated, desperate, crazed. I needed to cum I needed relief.

  “Shhh, I’ll give you exactly what you need.” He rolled me onto my belly. “Ass up.” I obeyed, my swollen pussy exposed, as he glided his hard cock against it simultaneously pulling out the plug.

  “Mmmmm, are you ready Jane?”

  I would have said yes to anything, and I did. “Yes, I’m ready.” The desperation was oozing from my skin.

  Barry put his cock to my ass and tenderly pushed the head in. It was a gentle movement, one I didn’t know he was capable of. I stretched around him, the plug left me hollow and in need of something to fill the gaping emptiness. Barry slid inside me, pushing himself until I was full. A guttural groan escaped from somewhere deep in his throat. “Fuck.” It was like a prayer.

  Slowly he began to pump into me, thrusting against me, his hips slapping into my ass, his fingers, practised, meticulous, strumming my pussy, bringing me closer. His thrusts got faster, more urgent as he pumped inside me. The pleasure exploded from me, touching every part of my body. Blackness tinted my vision as I screamed my pleasure, hands seizing the sheets, balling them in my empty fists. Breathless, I could feel my ass clench against his cock, milking his orgasm which came with three final rough thrusts. Barry moaned above me, burying himself deep inside me, clutching my hips, his fingers digging into my skin, savouring the lingering sensations.

  When he was done, he pulled out of me and collapsed on my bed. I lay gazing at the ceiling, my body overwhelmed with sensation, unsure whether to weep or laugh. I was stunned, as if I had been tasered, and maybe I was, like a spark of electricity exploded inside of me sending off echoes into the universe.

  “Fuck, Jane,” was all that Barry managed.

  I don’t know how long we lay there, catching our breath, calming our bodies, regaining some semblance of normalcy, it could have been minutes or hours. The bed felt like a tub of yoghurt, soft and sweet, and I sunk into it.

  When Barry got up, I realised three things.

  The first, he had the most perfect ass I had ever seen.

  Second, he has fucked me three times now and hadn’t kissed me once.

  And third and probably most important. I noticed a shadow of a man standing in a corner. Fuzzy around the edges, unclear, but still there. Like a mist or an outline yet to be coloured in. It was just a glimpse before it vanished, but later as I looked back at everything that had happened, I realised that that was the first time I saw Gabriel.

  I kept looking for the shadow but it was gone, instead replaced with Barry’s naked form. He studied my body as I unashamedly drooled at his.

  “You’re a sight Jane, all splayed and naked. How is your ass?”

  “Tender.” I only just realised it as I said it. The euphoria melted away and reality set back in. The aching muscles, my raw pussy, my sensitive ass. They all materialised slowly, like a late morning fog that settles over the road, the one you don’t notice coming in until you are surrounded and there is no turning back, just slow forward movements.

  Barry nodded satisfaction and smugness stretched across his face in the form of a smile.

  “If that wasn’t your first time, I’d take you again, right now.”

  His words lit a small fire in my belly, but my body extinguished the flame in protest. Instead, I stretched on the bed, l
imbs elongating and extending. I could see Barry react, but it was never meant to be an invitation. I found the edge of the blanket and pulled it over me, exhaustion creeping in.

  “Why do you never kiss me?”

  “I’ve kissed you.”

  “You know what I mean.” I looked up at him as he pulled up his jeans. I watched him buttoning his shirt and realised I was disappointed that once again he wasn’t staying.

  “I don’t want to get attached.”

  “So, you think if you kiss a girl, she will automatically become your girlfriend?” my tone was probably more cynical than it needed to be. Barry’s face creased in a frown.

  “Something like that.” He huffed and pulled his t-shirt over his head covering his perfect abs.

  “That’s not how it works you know.”

  “I know.” He sat on the edge of the bed and crept closer. He bent over me his eyes boring into mine. “Good night Jane.” He planted a small peck on my cheek and stood up leaving the room without a backwards glance. I heard the front door close behind him as the apartment fell silent once more.

  When I woke a few hours later the place was dark and cold. Echoes of Barry were all over my body. My hips bruised from his clutch, my ass sore from his pounding, my thighs aching with heaviness. I gathered the sheet around me and found my pen. I recorded our night together through Gabriel’s body. Barry’s abs became his, his tongue, his mouth, the ruffle of his wild hair, the smug eyes, the beautiful face. Gabriel absorbed it all and punished Mia in a way that scorched the pages.

  I wrote like a possessed thing. Breathing life to the pages. To Gabriel.

  I was lost in the story, so much so that I didn’t see the creeping sun as it bathed my room in early morning light.

  I rubbed my eyes dropping the pen, a sense of accomplishment filled me. I was so close to finishing. All I needed was the cliff-hanger crescendo, the part where it all fell apart for my characters, the hook that would keep readers coming back for more and more and more.

  It was so much more than just the - will they won't they, - they did. It was heartbreak and tension and revenge and lust and love and agony and pain and every emotion in between tearing and pulling at the heartstrings of my potential readers.

  I spent the rest of my week off cooped up in my bedroom writing. Grish came to check on me twice and brought me food. His smile beamed when he saw me covering the pages of the notebook in scruffy writing and ink blots. Had he known the content of those pages; he may not have been as enthusiastic.

  I wrote whenever I was awake. I also waited. I waited for a knock on the door, waited for Barry to come and possess me once more. But I knew he wouldn’t come. Not unless I called him. Not unless I invited him in, like a vampire. As much as I wanted him, I wanted him to want me more. I let the phone sit silent as I wrote my frustrations into the pages.

  Going back to work was always going to be hard. I didn’t want to see Leon, yet, that was all I wanted to do. I stood in front of my closet and pulled out the dainty lingerie he had bought for me a week ago. I put it on my bed and studied the delicate floral design, and felt the smoothness of the fabric between my fingers.

  Fuck him.

  I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. Instead, I put on a purple number and my tight leather skirt. I wore a striped halter top and covered myself with my leather jacket and headed out to work.

  Sammy came out from behind the bar and gave me a hug. “Jane.” Her smile could light cities. “You’re back, are you feeling better?” she winked at me.

  “Much.” We giggled and started setting up for the night.

  The Hot Bird filled up pretty quickly once night set in. Under darkness, the rich and sometimes famous could sneak in and not be bothered. I caught a short glimpse of Leon. He stared at me from across the room, his face a neutral mask. I mirrored his and gave him nothing. Two can play this game.

  “Janey.” It was Marco one of the regulars. Marco was rumoured to be a leader of a not so secret, secret organised crime family. He had a thick Italian accent and always wore thick gold necklaces around his neck. His sausage fingers dug into my arms as he grabbed me. “I’ve missed you.”

  I tried to wriggle from his grasp but he held on tightly. “I’ve been unwell.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” He pulled me closer to him, as I wavered between - ‘the customer is always right,’ and ‘I will stab you if you don’t release me soon.’

  “I’m fine now.” I gave him a smile and tried for my hand again. His hold was ironclad. I could smell his strong aftershave, it stung my nose, the alcohol too overpowering for the actual smell.

  “I’m glad to hear it.” His accent stretched the tee out. “But now that you are back, how about you show me your tits?”

  Without warning, he grabbed the pitcher of water from his table and poured it all over me. Before I could react, Marco was on the floor. Dave had a knee on his chest, while Lefty wrapped his shoulders around me and pulled me away.

  “Are you OK Jane?” His gentle voice sailed through me.

  “Yes, I think so. Just… wet.” I looked down at my body. I was drenched, my white halter top showing my purple bra beneath, my nipples standing to attention from the frozen water. I have had more than the occasional drink spilt on me, and mostly it was done on purpose, but the pretence and the game were more subtle. This had never happened before.

  “Go change, we will take care of it. Sorry it took us so long to get to you.”

  “It’s OK Lefty. Thank you.” I gave a smile as he released me and I walked through the bar towards the change room, every pair of eyes looking straight down at my tits.

  I shoved the door and walked down the narrow corridor towards the dressing room which was an extension of the corridor itself. A second door with a lock had been built in to allow for privacy. I pushed through the red door; my eyes fell on the stretch of lockers lined up across the wall when the door slammed behind me.

  I turned with a start, my body on edge, my heart suddenly in my throat.

  “Are you OK?” he looked at me with his deep brown eyes which strained to remain on my face.

  “Fuck you gave me a fright,” I shouted at Leon. He hadn’t moved from the door.

  “You didn’t answer me.”

  “It’s just water. He is just really drunk, more than usual.”

  “He will have to apologise for his behaviour.”

  “It’s fine.”

  Leon’s hand moved gracefully, his long fingers turning the small lock on the door. My breathing accelerated and my skin felt flushed with the sudden change. It felt as if someone had turned on the heat, when all that he did was lock us in a room. A small narrow room. Far away from the noise and the rest of the patrons. Was tonight the night that Leon was going to fire me? I had mixed feelings about how I felt about it all.

  His blazing eyes scanned my body, landing on the see-through shirt, my purple bra on show, my nipples erect and hard with the cool water.

  “You’re wet.”

  Was he talking about my shirt? Because suddenly my skirt felt like it might slip off. “You don’t miss a thing, do you?”

  “You better change, you have customers waiting.” He didn’t miss a beat.

  “And what are you doing?” I tried to keep my voice from breaking.

  “I’m here to make sure you get dried up.”

  “How do you plan on doing that?”

  In two steps he closed the distance between us. He kept walking forcing my body backwards until it had nowhere to go but a cold locker. He towered above me, his broad body caging my own against the cold metal. He stood there, his gaze pinning me, his mouth a hair's breadth away. His eyes blazing embers as he slammed his lips to mine.

  The kiss took me by surprise. He kissed me like a starving man, the hunger insatiable. He gathered my hair in his hands and pulled me deeper into the kiss. His soft thick lips against mine as I let myself sink deeper into him, his tongue slipped into my mouth, traces of peppermint and
liquor danced on my tongue. He pushed into me with his hips, and I could feel his erection as it pushed against me. He pulled away untangling himself from me. Wordlessly he brushed his fingers on the exposed skin of my torso then pulled gently on the hem of my shirt. I raised my arms allowing him to peel it from my body.

  He let the soaked shirt fall to the floor in a wet slap.

  “You’re not wearing your present.” His voice was scratched, his forehead creased, as he slipped a finger under my bra strap. Ever so gently he pulled it off my shoulder and let it fall. He did the same on the other side, his knuckles brushing along my skin, goosebumps erupting from his gentle touch.

  He pushed his hips against mine as his mouth sank to the exposed flesh of my shoulder. He trailed small kisses along my skin, his mouth travelling down to my chest as he kissed the swells of my breasts not daring to touch or peek beyond the purple barrier. His hands traced the shape of my arms and fell along the elastic of my skirt. He tugged at the material and slipped it off allowing it to fall in a pool around my boots.

  He stepped back. His chest heaving. His beautiful face twisted with torment, an internal battle raging, vulnerability peeking from beyond the usual barrier of self-control.

  Fists pumping.

  Open closed, open closed, in rhythm.

  He was set, primed, ready.

  All he needed was a small push.

  I knew what he wanted. It’s what I wanted. Needed. Desired.


  I wasn’t about to lose him again. My hands reached to the back of my bra and I unclasped it, releasing my breasts. I let the purple fabric slip away. Leon drew a frayed breath as his eyes roamed my body greedily.

  “Jane.” His voice is raspy and heavy. “What are you doing to me?”

  I saw it in his eyes, the decision. The self-control falling to the floor like my wet clothes.

  I pushed away from the lockers and closed the distance between us. He stood frozen along the wall, his knuckles white, his chest heaving, his face heated.

  I reached for him and placed a hand against his heart, feeling dwarfed by his powerful muscular frame. He didn’t move, his eyes alone wandering along my body, then finding my own.


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